Sunday, June 30, 2024

Better Late Than Never Movie

Better Late Than Never Poster

This Better Late Than Never movie has and Drama genres.

Better Late Than Never Film was made by Shermer Studios The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

In a dream-like world caught between time and seasons the "Man in Many Suits" is late for his important business meeting

Better Late Than Never Movie Stars:

and Samuel Letnik as The Man in Many Suits.

Samuel Letnik Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Better Late Than Never film:

Niko Mihajlovic (Director), and Samuel Letnik (Writer).

Niko Mihajlovic Photo Samuel Letnik Photo

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Black Night in June Film

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Black Night in June Poster

The Tiananmen Square Massacre - Black Night in June film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English, Mandarin.

This documentary short film by Arthur Kent recounts the June 4, 1989 assault by the People's Liberation Army on pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

The Rolling Stones: From the Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99 Film

The Rolling Stones: From the Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99 Backdrop

The The Rolling Stones: From the Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99 film has and Music genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Filmed at the San Jose Arena on The Rolling Stones' No Security tour, this concert captures the band in top form playing a set that spans from mid-sixties hit singles up to the then current Bridges To Babylon album.

The Rolling Stones: From the Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99 Film Backdrop

The Rolling Stones: From the Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99 Film Stars:

Mick Jagger as Self, Charlie Watts as Self, Keith Richards as Self, and Ron Wood as Self.

Mick Jagger Photo Charlie Watts Photo Keith Richards Photo Ron Wood Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

The Rolling Stones: From The Vault - No Security. San Jose ’99

Die Stones live 1999

Im April 1999 spielen die Stones während ihrer "No Security"-Tour in San Diego, Kalifornien. Im Mittelpunkt der Tour durch die USA, Europa und Kanada stehen Songs des gleichnamigen Albums. Nach der gigantischen "Bridges to Babylon"-Tour mit Konzerten vor über 100 000 Menschen will die Band kleinere Auftritte und weniger Spezialeffekte, um die Musik wieder mehr ins Zentrum zu rücken. Nach zwölf Tagen Probe starten sie am 25. Januar 1999 in Oakland. Diese bisher unveröffentlichte Konzertaufzeichnung wird 2018 im Rahmen der "From the Vault"-Reihe aus dem Stones-Archiv geholt und restauriert. Die siebte Veröffentlichung dieser Art nach den Tourneen von 1971, 1975, 1981, 1982, 1990 und 2015 ist wieder ein Fest für alle Stones-Fans: Das Konzert bietet alles, was sich ein Stones-Fan wünscht.

Language: German

En abril de 1999, los Stones tocaron en San Diego, California, durante su gira "No Security". El foco de la gira por Estados Unidos, Europa y Canadá son las canciones del álbum del mismo nombre. Después de la gigantesca gira "Bridges to Babylon" con conciertos frente a más de 100.000 personas, la banda quiere conciertos más pequeños y menos efectos especiales para volver a poner la música más en el centro. Luego de doce días de ensayos, comienzan el 25 de enero de 1999 en Oakland. Esta grabación de concierto inédita se sacará del archivo de los Stones y se restaurará en 2018 como parte de la serie "From the Vault". El séptimo lanzamiento de este tipo después de las giras de 1971, 1975, 1981, 1982, 1990 y 2015 vuelve a ser una celebración para todos los fans de los Stones: el concierto ofrece todo lo que un fan de los Stones podría desear.

Language: Spanish

The Rolling Stones : From The Vault - No Security San Jose '99

« No Security - San Jose » est un concert exceptionnel des Rolling Stones filmé sur la dernière étape de leur tournée américaine en 1999 à San Jose (Californie). Célébrant leur retour dans la ville qui les avait initialement accueillis en 1965, les Stones jouent devant 33 000 personnes en deux soirs - un public presque intime comparé aux standards du groupe. Avec leur indéniable camaraderie sur scène et leur jeu affuté, ils offrent un concert de rock légendaire qui enflamme tous les fans. Proposant au public une expérience intime et personnelle sur la scène B, Mick Jagger prend des photos de la foule ou salue les fans avec des high-five ! Avant-dernier concert de la tournée, c’est une soirée spéciale à la fois pour les Stones et pour le public…

Language: French


Language: Mandarin

Followers. Odpalaj lajwa Movie

Followers. Odpalaj lajwa Backdrop

This Followers. Odpalaj lajwa film has and Drama genres.

Followers. Odpalaj lajwa Movie was made by Studio Munka The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Polish.

The school year begins at the European Social Secondary School. It will be special because the Nobel Prize winner, Olga Tokarczuk, is to come. It will be special, because high school student Adam and his friend from the Internet have a special plan for online broadcasting.

Followers. Odpalaj lajwa Film Backdrop

Followers. Odpalaj lajwa Movie Stars:

Katarzyna Herman as , Sławomir Grzymkowski as , Ignacy Liss as , Wiktoria Kruszczyńska as , Adam Borysowicz as , Jan Mela as , and Aleksandra Sierpień as crying girl.

Katarzyna Herman Photo Sławomir Grzymkowski Photo Ignacy Liss Photo Wiktoria Kruszczyńska Photo Aleksandra Sierpień Photo

Those involved in the making of the Followers. Odpalaj lajwa movie:

Ewa Jastrzębska (Producer), Konrad Bugaj (Casting Director), Jerzy Kapuściński (Producer), Edyta Bełza (Production Manager), Jakub Radej (Director), Wiola Uliasz (Costume Design), Anna Stadniczeńko (Sound), Natalia Łodygowska (Executive Producer), Mateusz Golis (Cinematography), Alicja Kokosińska (Production Design), Katarzyna Berć (Makeup Artist), Filip Charitonow (Sound), Alex Banaszkiewicz (Sound), Paweł Łukaszewski (Editor), and Rafał Pawłowski (Public Relations).

Konrad Bugaj Photo Jerzy Kapuściński Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

W Europejskim Liceum Społecznym rozpoczyna się rok szkolny. Będzie wyjątkowo, ponieważ ma przyjechać noblistka Olga Tokarczuk. Będzie wyjątkowo, bo licealista Adam i jego kolega z internetu mają szczególny plan na transmisję on-line.

Language: Polish

Errante, la conquista del hogar Movie

Errante, la conquista del hogar Backdrop

The Errante, la conquista del hogar film has and Documentary genres.

Errante, la conquista del hogar Movie was made by Santander Fundación, Punctum Sales, Cine Argentino, MaravillaCine, INCAA, Mecenazgo Cultural, and Lita Stantic Producciones The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

Between January 2019 and May 2020, Adriana Lestido undertook a journey, without company or assistance, through the Arctic Circle and the Svalbard Islands, a frigid and inhospitable region shared by Norway and Iceland. During those months, Argentine photography recorded, in all its splendor, a still unknown ecosystem.

Errante, la conquista del hogar Film Backdrop

Here are some translations about the movie:

Un viaje en soledad alrededor del Círculo Polar

Entre enero de 2019 y mayo de 2020, Adriana Lestido emprendió un viaje, sin compañía ni asistencia alguna, por el círculo polar ártico y por las islas Svalbard, una gélida e inhóspita región que comparten Noruega e Islandia. Durante esos meses la fotógrafa argentina registró, en todo su esplendor, un ecosistema todavía desconocido.

Language: Spanish

Мардикор Film

The Мардикор movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Tajik.

The story of three women who live in a small town in the south of Tajikistan and every day go to the handyman market, where they offer their services: for only $ 3, they are ready to take on any hard, even male, work, just to return to their children in the evening not empty-handed...

Here are some translations about the film:


История трех женщин, которые живут в маленьком городке на юге Таджикистана и каждый день выходят на рынок разнорабочих, где предлагают свои услуги: всего за $3 они готовы взяться за любую тяжелую, даже мужскую, работу, лишь бы вечером вернуться к детям не с пустыми руками.

Language: Russian

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Film

The ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- film has Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Action, and Science Fiction genres.

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Film was made by Square Enix, and Madhouse The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

In the events of Last Order, taking place five years before the beginning of Final Fantasy VII itself, Sephiroth was ordered to inspect the Mako Reactor outside the town of Nibelheim with a small entourage, consisting of one other member of SOLDIER and a few Shin-Ra MPs. Among this group was SOLDIER 1st Class member Zack and his buddy, a 16-year-old Shin-Ra trooper named Cloud Strife.

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Movie Backdrop

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Movie Stars:

Takahiro Sakurai as Cloud Strife (voice), Toshiyuki Morikawa as Sephiroth (voice), Ayumi Ito as Tifa Lockhart (voice), Keiji Fujiwara as Reno (voice), Megumi Toyoguchi as The Turks - Gun (voice), Taiten Kusunoki as Rude (voice), Junichi Suwabe as Tseng/Zeng (voice), Kenichi Suzumura as Zack (voice), Daisuke Namikawa as The Turks - Rod (voice), Nachi Nozawa as Hojo (voice), Hiroshi Fujioka as Zangan (voice), Keijin Okuda as Shinra Army - A (voice), Hochu Otsuka as The Turks - Martial Arts (voice), Katsuhisa Houki as Old Man (voice), Atsushi Imaruoka as Shinra Army - B (voice), Daisuke Kirii as Shinra Army - C (voice), Ginpei Sato as The Turks - Two Guns (voice), Yohei Tadano as Villager (voice), Mayuko Aoki as The Turks - Shotgun (voice), and Ryuji Mizuno as Commander (voice).

Takahiro Sakurai Photo Toshiyuki Morikawa Photo Ayumi Ito Photo Keiji Fujiwara Photo Megumi Toyoguchi Photo Taiten Kusunoki Photo Junichi Suwabe Photo Kenichi Suzumura Photo Daisuke Namikawa Photo Nachi Nozawa Photo Hiroshi Fujioka Photo Keijin Okuda Photo Hochu Otsuka Photo Katsuhisa Houki Photo Atsushi Imaruoka Photo Daisuke Kirii Photo Ginpei Sato Photo Yohei Tadano Photo Mayuko Aoki Photo Ryuji Mizuno Photo

Professional involved in the making of this ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- film:

Tetsuya Nomura (Director), Yoshinori Kitase (Executive Producer), Kazushige Nojima (Writer), Jungo Maruta (Producer), Masao Maruyama (Producer), Yuichiro Saito (Producer), Shizuo Kurahashi (Sound Effects), Morio Asaka (Director), Takeharu Ishimoto (Original Music Composer), Kazuhiko Inukai (Writer), Hisashi Abe (Character Designer), Akio Ofuji (Producer), Yoji Shimizu (Sound Director), Kashiko Kimura (Editor), Hidetoshi Kaneko (Art Direction), Kunio Katsuki (Animation Director), Makoto Awano (Production Manager), Hiroyuki Tanaka (Assistant Director), Fumie Muroi (Animation Director), Satoshi Tasaki (Supervising Animation Director), Shin Inoie (Special Effects), Takatoshi Abe (Special Effects), Yuriko Kadomoto (Color Designer), Katsuya Yamada (Animation Director), Ayumi Arahata (Special Effects), Yumi Jinguji (Assistant Editor), Masayuki Tanaka (Production Manager), Yukihiro Masumoto (Director of Photography), Shinji Hashimoto (Executive Producer), Yoichi Wada (Executive Producer), and Kanami Mitani (Sound Mixer).

Tetsuya Nomura Photo Masao Maruyama Photo Yuichiro Saito Photo Shizuo Kurahashi Photo Yoji Shimizu Photo Hiroyuki Tanaka Photo Fumie Muroi Photo Shinji Hashimoto Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Krátký film popisuje část příběhu videohry Final Fantasy VII a zároveň funguje jako prequel k filmu Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Snímek zpracovává jeden z flashbacků Clouda, který se odehrává před vlastním příběhem Final Fantasy VII v Nibelheimu, kde figurují i Zack, Tifa a Sepiroth.

Language: Czech

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Nach der Zerstörung von Nibelheim durch Sephiroth sind Zack und Cloud auf der Flucht vor Shinra Inc. Auf dem Weg zurück nach Midgar erinnern sie sich an die schrecklichen Ereignisse in Nibelheim und kämpfen gegen Shinra ums Überleben.

Language: German

Final Fantasy VII: Last Order

El OVA "Last Order" narra los eventos que, ocurren aproximadamente 4 años antes de "Final Fantasy VII", cuando dos Soldados de ShinRa, Zack Fair y Cloud Strife, escapan de los laboratorios investigación de la compañía. Al mismo tiempo, los distintos personajes van recordando cómo se relacionan estos eventos con un desastre ocurrido 3 años antes (7 años antes de Final Fantasy VII) en Nibelheim.

Language: Spanish

Final Fantasy VII : Last Order

Suite au massacre de Nibelheim par Sephiroth, Zack et Cloud tentent de fuir les forces de la Shinra et les Turks afin de rentrer à Midgar. Leur fuite est entrecoupée de flash-backs autour des événements ayant eu lieu à Nibelheim.

Language: French

Final Fantasy VII: Last Order

Last Order narra gli eventi antecedenti alla trama di Final Fantasy VII e si basa su due flashback. Il primo ruota attorno agli eventi di Nibelheim cinque anni prima Final Fantasy VII e si concentra su Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart e Sephiroth. L'altro vede invece Zack e Cloud fuggire dalla ShinRa. I due flashback sono collegati fra loro attraverso i pensieri di Tseng, comandante dei Turks. Last Order crea anche le basi per il gioco per PSP Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, e serve ad introdurre il gioco per cellulare Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII.

Language: Italian

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII-


Language: Japanese

파이널 판타지 VII - 라스트 오더

니블헤임은 세피로스의 침공을 받아 불바다가 되어버린다. 티파는 스승의 만류에도 불구하고 아버지를 구하기 위해 세피로스가 기다리고 있는 불속으로 뛰어들고, 그 모습을 본 솔져 랭크 퍼스트인 잭스도 세피로스에게 덤벼든다. 하지만 세피로스의 강함에는 대적하지 못하는데...

Language: Korean

Final Fantasy VII - Last Order

Twee jaar na de gebeurtenissen in de game Final Fantasy VII, wordt ex-militair Cloud Strife geconfronteerd met een nieuw gevaar, genaamd het Star-Scar Syndrome. Ook Sephiroth lijkt opnieuw zijn opwachting te maken.

Language: Dutch

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

No filme Final Fantasy – VII The Last Order, Last Order enreda dois momentos anteriores à acção em Final Fantasy VII. Um desses momentos centra-se em Nibelheim e nas personagens Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth e Tifa Lockhart. O outro centra-se na fuga de Zack e Cloud das forças da Shinra. A anime sofre várias analepses e prolepses trocando o dois principais momentos da acção como se fossem recordações e reflexões do comandante dos Turks, Tseng, sobre os eventos de Nibelheim.

Language: Portuguese

Последняя фантазия VII: Последний приказ

В прошлом великий герой Сефирот уничтожил деревню, в которую он пришёл вместе с Заком и Клаудом в поисках своей матери, после чего направился в горы к реактору Мако, где находится его мать — Женова. Беспокоясь о своём отце, туда побежала девушка Тифа Локхарт, а потом солдаты Зак и Клауд.

Language: Russian


本故事是同名电视游戏《最终幻想Ⅶ》的外传式动画,是2005年时,随《最终幻想Ⅶ:圣子降临》电影DVD的豪华版附带的一段特典动画。 本故事分为两大部分,一部分是以曾的视觉来讲述故事,另一部分则是以扎克斯的视觉来讲述故事。曾的视觉是以5年前的尼布尔海姆事件为基础,讲述萨菲罗斯屠杀尼布尔海姆村民,扎克斯与其对战不敌被打倒,而克劳德则在萨菲罗斯不备时偷袭从而将其打伤,不过最后被萨菲罗斯打成重伤,不过遭到克劳德反击的萨菲罗斯最终逃走。而扎克斯的视觉是以尼布尔海姆事件5年后,扎克斯逃亡开始讲述,扎克斯将严重魔光中毒的克劳德带走。

Language: Mandarin

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