Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

Vampire Diary Film

Vampire Diary Poster

This Vampire Diary film has Fantasy, Drama, and Horror genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 made a revenue of $2,000,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.

Whilst making a documentary, filmmaker Holly meets the highly enigmatic and beautiful Vicki who claims she is a real-life vampire.

Vampire Diary Movie Stars:

Richard Stanley as Spanish Rapist, Jamie Thomas King as Adam, Anna Walton as Vicki, Morven Macbeth as Holly, and Kate Sissons as Haze.

Richard Stanley Photo Jamie Thomas King Photo Anna Walton Photo Kate Sissons Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Vampire Diary movie:

Phil O'Shea (Director), and Mark James (Director).

Here are some translations about the film:

Holly dreht einen Dokumentarfilm über die Neo-Vampirszene Londons. Umgeben von aufgestylten Wochenendvampiren begegnet sie der geheimnisvollen Vicky, die behauptet ein realer Vampir zu sein. Die mysteriösen Todesumstände eines Szenen-DJs beseitigen bald Hollys anfängliche Zweifel, doch längst hat sie ihr Herz an die unbekannte Blutsaugerin verloren. Zwischen den beiden Frauen nimmt eine erotische Affäre ihren Lauf – überschattet von der Tatsache, dass eine Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Vampir zum Scheitern verurteilt ist. Für eine Weile scheinen die Liebenden jedoch das Unschaffbare zu bewältigen, aber in Vicky wächst ein neuer Vampir heran, der ihren Blutdurst bald ins Unermessliche steigern wird.

Language: German

뱀파이어 다이어리

Language: Korean


Language: Mandarin

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mirages Film

Mirages Backdrop

This Mirages movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Horror genres.

Mirages Film was made by Ali'n Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2011

Five people with contrasting profiles compete for a position within Matsuika, a multinational corporation recently set up in Morocco. Following an interview with the C.E.O., they are advised to undertake a mysterious test in a secret location. It will determine who will hold the position. All five applicants accept and are led into a distressing bus with no windows. After endless driving, an accident occurs with the candidates trapped in the wreck. Thanks to a joint effort, they manage to evacuate the bus only to find themselves lost in the desert with their driver nowhere to be found. They start to wander, questioning the nature of the accident. Is it part of the test? Despite their will to survive and an urge to find clues, mirages of their most intimate fears begin to haunt them.

Mirages Film Backdrop

Mirages Film Stars:

Eric Savin as Alexandre German, Omar Lotfi as Samir, Karim Saidi as Hicham, Mohamed Choubi as L'homme en costume noir, Aïssam Bouali as Saïd, Meryam Raoui as Assia, Mustapha El Houari as Jamal, Chaouki El Ofir as Mustapha, Mohamed Aouragh as Ahmed, and Laila Fadili as Asmaa.

Eric Savin Photo Omar Lotfi Photo Mohamed Choubi Photo Aïssam Bouali Photo

Those involved in the making of this Mirages film:

Talal Selhami (Director), Talal Selhami (Adaptation), Christophe Mordellet (Writer), Mohamed Aouragh (Casting Director), David Scherer (Special Effects), Nikolas Javelle (Sound Editor), Mathieu Farnarier (Assistant Sound Editor), Yov Moor (Special Effects), Taha Marhoum (Sound), Zakaria Badreddine (Camera Operator), Xavier Collet (Compositor), Mohamed Sellam (Director of Photography), Noémie Moreau (Editor), Nadia Bougraine (Props), Mohamed El Meziane (Director of Operations), Stéphane Chaput (Assistant Director), Bouchra Caieneallah (Costumer), Adrien Radicci (Camera Operator), Abderrahim Gharbal (Camera Operator), Clémence Imbert (Script), Azzedine Riyad (Assistant Director), Guillaume Gibout (Assistant Camera), Hassan Faiq (Sound Engineer), Karim Debbache (Special Effects), and Ferdaousse Kandil (Makeup Artist).

Talal Selhami Photo Karim Debbache Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Cinq personnes aux profils très différents se retrouvent en compétition pour décrocher un emploi prestigieux à la Matsuika, une multinationale installée au Maroc. Après un entretien avec le PDG, les candidats se voient proposés une ultime épreuve pour déterminer le gagnant, dans un lieu tenu secret. Ils acceptent et embarquent à bord d'un minibus dépourvu de vitres. Après des heures de route, le véhicule a un accident et les candidats se retrouvent prisonniers de la carcasse de métal. Ils réussissent à en sortir en unissant leurs forces mais découvrent qu'ils sont en plein milieu du désert et que le chauffeur a disparu. Ne sachant pas si l'accident est réel ou si l'épreuve commence, les candidats vont errer dans le désert à la recherche d'indices et seront confrontés à des mirages les renvoyant à leurs peurs les plus profondes...

Language: French


Language: Mandarin

Tasmanian Devils Movie

The Tasmanian Devils movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Action, Science Fiction, and TV Movie genres.

Tasmanian Devils Film was made by Vesuvius Productions, and Original Pictures BC The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Tasmanian Devil Synopsis: Danica McKellar (“The Wonder Years,” “The West Wing”) and Olympic speed skating champion Apolo Ohno take on a deadly mythical beast in the new Syfy Saturday Original Movie “Tasmanian Devil.”

Tasmanian Devils Movie Backdrop

Tasmanian Devils Film Stars:

Terry Chen as Walsh, Roger Cross as Simon, Kenneth Mitchell as Jayne, Rekha Sharma as Lisbon, Mike Dopud as Anderson, Danica McKellar as Alex, Scott McNeil as Whitfield, Joseph Allan Sutherland as Danz, Julia Sarah Stone as Kid, and Apolo Ohno as Stone.

Terry Chen Photo Roger Cross Photo Kenneth Mitchell Photo Rekha Sharma Photo Mike Dopud Photo Danica McKellar Photo Scott McNeil Photo Joseph Allan Sutherland Photo Julia Sarah Stone Photo Apolo Ohno Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Tasmanian Devils movie:

Candice Elzinga (Casting), Garry M.B. Smith (Editor), Angela Mancuso (Executive Producer), Brook Durham (Writer), Byron Brisco (Stunt Double), Aieisha Li (Costume Design), Norm Li (Director of Photography), Zach Lipovsky (Director), Crystal Mudry (Stunt Double), Kim Todd (Executive Producer), Kari Anderson (Makeup Artist), Josh Plaw (Production Design), Jeff Tymoschuk (Music), Simon Burnett (Stunt Double), Lisa Rerrie (Script Supervisor), Lindsay Moffat (Producer), Dan Pelchat (Stunt Double), Dan Redford (Stunt Double), Maja Aro (Stunt Double), Jodi Stecyk (Stunt Coordinator), Betty Dubney (Costume Supervisor), and Nicholas Hirst (Executive Producer).

Angela Mancuso Photo Aieisha Li Photo Crystal Mudry Photo Simon Burnett Photo Dan Pelchat Photo Dan Redford Photo Maja Aro Photo Jodi Stecyk Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Tasmánští čerti

Partička mladých lidí, co vyznávají extrémní sporty, převážně pak BASE jump, Stone je nováček a čeká ho první seskok mezi skálami, po chvilce váhání, skáče ze skály jako první, jeho skok, se mu nepovede a Stone spadne do jakési jeskyně, kde se nabodne na stalagmit, jeho krev však probudí krvelačné příšery, co spí spousty let. Ostatní se vydávají za nešťastníkem, bohužel, mu není pomoci, při odchodu je potká hlídka parku, ve kterém se nacházejí, tu vede policistka Alex, se starším kolegou, vyslechnou si příběh vystrašené partičky, po prohledání místa odváží celou skupinu na stanici, kde je hodlají vyslechnout, bohužel je napadne po cestě nevídaná příšera, starší policista je mrtev a všichni jsou v hustém lese, kde na ně číhá krvelačná příšera.

Language: Czech

En gruppe basejumpere rejser til et forbudt område for at hoppe ud over Devils peak, hvilket ved et uheld forstyrrer en gammel ondskab, der beskytter landene.

Language: Danish

Tasmanian Devils

Die Jagd hat begonnen!

Eine Gruppe von amerikanischen Extremsportlern reist nach Australien, um dort auf der vor dem Kontinent liegenden Insel Tasmanien einen besonders spektakulären Basejump zu machen. Sie ahnen nicht, dass in den tasmanischen Wäldern vor kurzem etwas passiert ist, das zur Freisetzung einer bisher unbekannten Untergattung des Tasmanischen Teufels geführt hat. Diese Tiere gehören zu einer besonders fleischhungrigen Gattung und sorgen schon bald unter den Amerikanern für gehörigen Aufruhr. Eine Gruppe von Naturpark-Rangern muss den Adrenalinjunkies zur Hilfe kommen. Unter der Führung des furchtlosen Helikopterpiloten Anderson und Rangerin Alex versucht sich die Gruppe einen Weg aus der Todesfalle zu bahnen. Doch die kleinen Teufel haben extreme Fähigkeiten entwickelt und lassen so schnell nicht locker...

Language: German

Demonios de Tasmania

En un remoto parque nacional de Tasmania, los protagonistas son perseguidos por unos Diablos de Tasmania del tamaño de un oso - criaturas míticas creadas para proteger la tierra de los intrusos.

Language: Spanish

Quelques adeptes de sport extrême partent en pleine nature et sont soudain pourchassés par des diables de Tasmanie génétiquement modifiés : en effet, ces petites créatures font maintenant la taille d'un ours après que des chercheurs leur ont fait subir des expériences. Et une fois que ces animaux ont goûté au sang humain, ils en veulent encore plus...

Language: French

Tasmán ördögök

Egy távoli tazmán nemzeti park látogatóit halálos lények támadnak meg, akiknek az a szerepük, hogy megvédjék a földet a betolakodóktól.

Language: Hungarian

Diabeł tasmański

Grupa szukających wrażeń skoczków, wybiera się w tasmańską dzicz by skoczyć z jednego z tamtejszych klifów. Jednemu z nich skok się nie udaje, a co gorsza jego krew budzi uśpione dotąd monstra.

Language: Polish

Demônios da Tasmânia

Uma produção Syfy, Tasmanian Devils mostra um grupo de base-jumpers em um parque nacional da Tasmânia que acaba sendo perseguido por imensos Diabos da Tasmânia – criaturas lendárias criadas para proteger o local de intrusos.

Language: Portuguese

Тасманские дьяволы

Шестеро друзей-парашютистов нарушают правила во время прыжков с парашютом, в результате чего оказываются в неизвестной области острова Тасмания, где сталкиваются с мутировавшими тасманскими дьяволами.

Language: Russian

Ett gäng bashoppare letar efter nya kickar när de plötsligt råkar väcka en förhistorisk legend.

Language: Swedish

Ölüm Tepesi

Altı paraşütçü Tazmanya’daki Kanlı Dağ’dan atlar. Fakat aralarından bir tanesi antik bir mağaraya düşer ve yabancıları öldürmekte kararlı doğaüstü yaratıkları uyandırır. Park bekçisi Alex de paraşütçülere katılarak hayatta kalmak için savaş vermeye başlar.

Language: Turkish



Language: Mandarin

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Great Ghost Rescue Movie

The Great Ghost Rescue Backdrop

This The Great Ghost Rescue film has Fantasy, Horror, and Family genres.

The Great Ghost Rescue Movie was made by CTV International The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Young Humphrey is a ghost with a big problem. He and his family, the Craggyfords, have been ousted from their home and left without a place to haunt. As they search for new haunting grounds they soon discover that they are not alone. Ghosts from all over the world have been exorcised from their dwellings, with dark castles and ancient buildings being destroyed by the living, and turned into shopping centers. With time running out, Humphrey digs deep inside, and decides to help save his family and the rest of the haunting community by scaring his way to victory.

The Great Ghost Rescue Film Backdrop

The Great Ghost Rescue Movie Stars:

Steven Mackintosh as Brad / Barnabus, Akbar Kurtha as Doctor, Kevin McKidd as Hamish, Jason Isaacs as Narrator (voice), Emma Fielding as Mabel, Anthony Stewart Head as Prime Minister, Georgia Groome as Winifred, Rosemary Leach as The Queen, David Schaal as Builder, Bob Goody as Master Wraith, Stephen Churchett as The Head Master, San Shella as Young Ghost Remover, Christian Contreras as Antonius, Toby Hall as Humphrey, Otto Farrant as Barnabus, Ben Forster as Mr Burnley, Ross McCormack as Dan Burnley, Niamh Webb as Carol Burnley, Daren Elliott Holmes as Complaining Father, Bill Ward as Lord Alfred Seymour, Tracy-Ann Oberman as Mrs Burnley, Sidney Cole as Wild Eyed Ghost, and Paul Bailey as Steve Burnley.

Steven Mackintosh Photo Akbar Kurtha Photo Kevin McKidd Photo Jason Isaacs Photo Emma Fielding Photo Anthony Stewart Head Photo Georgia Groome Photo Rosemary Leach Photo David Schaal Photo Stephen Churchett Photo San Shella Photo Christian Contreras Photo Toby Hall Photo Otto Farrant Photo Ben Forster Photo Ross McCormack Photo Daren Elliott Holmes Photo Bill Ward Photo Tracy-Ann Oberman Photo Sidney Cole Photo Paul Bailey Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this The Great Ghost Rescue film:

Carmel Jackson (Makeup Artist), Liz Griffiths (Set Decoration), John Frankish (Production Design), Michael Roban (Executive Producer), Yann Samuell (Director), Antoine Roch (Director of Photography), Martin Katz (Producer), David Rogers (Executive Producer), Peter Hampden (Executive Producer), Norman Merry (Producer), Jon Diamond (Executive Producer), David Solomon (Scenario Writer), Mark Sayfritz (Original Music Composer), Adam Betteridge (Executive Producer), Györgyi Szakács (Costume Design), Claudia Bluemhuber (Executive Producer), Eva Ibbotson (Novel), Paul Cotterell (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Simon Chase (Dialogue Editor), Maralyn Sherman (Makeup Designer), Krisztina Fehér (Hairstylist), Marc Pilcher (Hairdresser), Brian O'Shea (Executive Producer), Miriam Segal (Producer), Nóra Kapás (Makeup Artist), Zsófia Kende (Co-Producer), Márta Antal (Makeup Artist), Emma Mash (Makeup Artist), Valcz Gábor (Art Direction), Ian Hutchinson (Executive Producer), and Danny Mandel (Executive Producer).

Liz Griffiths Photo Yann Samuell Photo Antoine Roch Photo Martin Katz Photo Claudia Bluemhuber Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Младият Хъмфри е призрак с голям проблем. Заедно със семейството си е загубил къщата, която обитават и сега трябва да си намерят ново подходящо място за живеене. Докато си търсят убежище откриват, че където и да отидат никъде не са сами. Оказва се, че всички призраци са в тяхното положение, защото замъците, в които са живеели са превърнати в търговски центрове. Но Хъмфри е твърдо решен да намери нов дом за своето семейство.

Language: Bulgarian

Das Geheimnis der Geister von Craggyford

Nachdem der kleine Humphrey (Toby Hall) beim Spielen mit seinem Freund vom Dach der großen Familienvilla stürzt, wird er zum Geist und muss erkennen, dass Geist zu sein nicht so einfach ist, wie man zunächst erwarten würde. Als seine Spuk-Familie dann auch noch aus dem großen Anwesen, in dem sie seit Jahren rumspuken, vertrieben wird, hat der junge Humphrey viel zu tun. Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Ort zum Niederlassen treffen die Familien auf viele andere Gespenster, die das gleiche Schicksal teilen. Sie alle wurden aus ihren alten Anwesen, Schlössern und Villen vertrieben, dort wird Platz für Shoppingcenter und Eigentumswohnungen gemacht. Um die eigene Familie und seine Geisterkumpanen vor dem drohenden Aus zu retten, muss Humphrey lernen, wie man andere Leute so richtig zum Gruseln bringt und nimmt es mit einem Geisterjäger auf, der ihn und seine Lieben verfolgt.

Language: German

El joven Humphrey es un fantasma con un gran problema. Él y su familia, los Craggyfords, han sido expulsados de su casa. Mientras buscas nuevos territorios en los que asustar, descubren que no son los únicos: fantasmas de todo el mundo han sido exorcizados de casas y castillos cuando los vivos los derrumban para construir centros comerciales. Humphrey decide salvar a su familia y a toda la comunidad fantasma.

Language: Spanish

Fantômes et Cie

Chassés de leur demeure, les Craggyfords se retrouvent sans aucun endroit à hanter. Humphrey prend alors la décision de sauver sa famille et se met à effrayer les humains pour que les fantômes regagnent leurs droits...

Language: French

고스트 패밀리: 구출 대작전

위험에 빠진 전 세계의 고스트! 유령 가족의 구출 대작전이 시작된다!

1919년, 크래기 포드 고아원 옥상에서 장난을 치다 떨어져 죽은 험프리. 그는 유령이 되어 고아원 지하에서 살던 유령들과 한 가족이 된다. 옛 스코틀랜드 전투에서 다리를 잃은 아빠 해미쉬, 자매들과 함께 참수당한 엄마 메이블, 마녀로 몰려 익사한 누나 위니프리드, 인간 탄환으로 목숨을 잃은 형 조지와 함께. 92년 뒤 어느 날, 총리의 재선을 위한 재건 프로젝트로 험프리네 가족뿐만 아니라 전국에 퍼져있던 전 세계 유령들이 한 순간에 집을 잃고 쫓겨난다. 최악의 위기 속에서 험프리와 그의 가족은 앞장서서 런던 의회로 쳐들어 가는데…

Language: Korean

Wielka ucieczka duchów

Humphrey to młody duch z wielkim problemem. On i jego opiekunowie, rodzina Craggyfordsów (trzygłowa wiedźma, jednonogi szkocki wojownik oraz płonąca czaszka) musieli opuścić swój dom i teraz nie mają gdzie straszyć. Poszukiwanie nowego siedliska okazuje się niezmiernie trudne. Brakuje wolnych miejsc, wszędzie natykają się na tłumy swoich bezcielesnych pobratymców. Okazuje się, że duchy z całego świata mają ten sam problem - ludzie masowo burzą stare budynki i zamczyska, a na ich miejscu stawiają centra handlowe. Humphrey postanawia zrobić coś, co uratuje przed bezdomnością całą społeczność z zaświatów. Wkrótce zjednoczone duchy maszerują ulicami Londynu, a ich celem jest siedziba rządu. Będzie rozróba... Ale kto powiedział, że skoro jesteś martwy, to nie możesz sobie trochę pożyć??!!

Language: Polish

Uma Família de Fantasmas

Os fantasmas estão assustados porque sobraram poucos lugares para um fantasma de respeito assombrar. Os castelos ganharam aquecimento central, os pântanos foram drenados para dar lugar a estradas, florestas sinistras, transformadas em estacionamentos. A mãe de Humphrey, o caçula de uma família de fantasmas, está preocupada, mas Humphrey é corajoso o suficiente para ficar amigo de Rick Henderson, que quer defender a causa dos fantasmas, levando o problema até mesmo para o primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido.

Language: Portuguese

Hayalet Kurtarma Operasyonu

Genç hayalet Humphrey’in büyük bir sorunu vardır; ailesiyle birlikte yaşadıkları evden zorla çıkartılınca, ne kalacak bir yerleri, ne de korkutabilecekleri birileri kalmıştır. Kendilerine yeni bir mekan aramaya başladıklarında, yalnız olmadıklarını, insanların yeni alışveriş merkezleri kurabilmek için dünyadaki çoğu hayaleti zorla evlerinden, şatolarından ya da malikanelerinden kovduğunu keşfederler. Ailesini ve diğer evsiz hayaletleri kurtarabilmek için Humphrey’in gerçek bir korku şölenine ihtiyacı vardır.

Language: Turkish

Великий примарний порятунок

Привид Хамфрі і його родина були вигнані зі свого будинку. У пошуках нового житла вони виявляють, що не самотні. Привиди з усього світу вигнані зі своїх будинків, темних замків, древніх будівель, а на їх місці з'являються торгові центри. Хамфрі намагається знайти шлях до порятунку ...

Language: Ukrainian


Language: Mandarin

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