Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comedy. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2024

憑神 Film

憑神 Poster

This 憑神 film has Fantasy, and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

A lowly but academically diligent warrior named Bessho Hikoshiro finds himself unable to move up in the world due to the stifling caste system of the Bakumatsu era. After being expelled from the household into which he was adopted through marriage and separated from his wife and son, he moves in with his disapproving elder brother and his wife. He meets his old class rival Enomoto Takeaki, now a commander of a naval ship, and is later told by a kindly noodle shop owner that Enomoto's rise in social status came about after he prayed at a shrine in Mukojima. Stumbling home drunk one night, Hikoshiro falls down a riverbank and comes across a small run-down shrine which he is convinced is affiliated to the one in Mukojima. Pressing his hands together in prayer, he unwittingly invites the unwanted attentions of the gods of poverty, pestilence and death..

憑神 Film Stars:

Teruyuki Kagawa as , Satoshi Tsumabuki as Bessho Hikoshiro, Hidekazu Akai as , and Yûko Fueki as Yae.

Teruyuki Kagawa Photo Satoshi Tsumabuki Photo Hidekazu Akai Photo Yûko Fueki Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 憑神 film:

and Yasuo Furuhata (Director).

Yasuo Furuhata Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Обсебен самурай

Япония, Едо, 1868 год. Краят на Шогуната. Вторият син в западнал самурайски дом, Хитоширо е рядко неудачлив. Въпреки таланта си, той не може да получи достойна длъжност и да се изяви. Семейството му едва свързва края. Знаещи хора го съветват да се помоли в чудодейния храм "Трите Кръга". Тамошният Лисичи Бог като никой друг помагал на нещастните. Хитоширо не вярва особено в такива неща, но веднъж, връщайки се у дома от забава, открива светилище в дивите храсти...

Language: Bulgarian

The Haunted Samurai

Issu d’une famille de samouraï sur le déclin, Bessho Hikoshiro, pourtant adroit au katana, est sans travail et, étant seulement le second fils, son statut est presque insignifiant. Aujourd’hui, Hikoshiro doit vivre malgré lui chez son frère aîné un brin irresponsable, sa belle-soeur et sa mère.En croisant par hasard un vieux camarade, il se rend compte que, contrairement à lui, il a plutôt bien réussi sa vie. Des commerçants lui parlent des rumeurs qui courent autour de lui, que ce serait grâce à sa visite du temple de Mimi Guri Inari et à ses prières que sa vie a pris un tournant aussi brillant et ils lui conseillent de faire de même. Puis, en rentrant ivre chez lui, il arrive devant un petit sanctuaire qui semble dédié au dieu dont on lui avait parlé. Voulant s’attirer à son tour la fortune, il fait une prière mais malheureusement pour lui ce sont d’autres dieux moins attirant qui vont venir à lui !

Language: French


神様いったい、 何様のつもりですか?

Language: Japanese


幕末时期,世代担任将军替身的武士家族别所家开始走向没落,别所彦四郎(妻夫木聪 饰)空有一身才学,却无用武之地。上门充当养老女婿遭遇离婚,回到家中又受到嫂子的冷嘲热讽。希求转运的彦四郎在朋友和荞麦面老板(香川照之 饰)的建议下朝拜五谷神许愿,醉眼朦胧没留神竟拜了穷神(西田敏行 饰),惹来厄运随身。正所谓祸不单行,彦四郎好不容易送走穷神,然瘟神(赤井英和 饰)和死神(森迫永依 饰)随后而至,他的厄运似乎永无止境……

Language: Mandarin

Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me Film

Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me Backdrop

The Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me film has Fantasy, and Comedy genres.

Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me Movie was made by BBC The film was successfully completed and released in 2004

Tracy Beaker's 13th birthday and as a suprise Cam wants to foster Tracy again. Tracy is delighted. An unexpected visitor turns up at the Dumping Ground, Tracy's real mum.

Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me Film Backdrop

Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me Movie Stars:

Ruth Gemmell as Carly Beaker, Nicola Reynolds as Shelley, Lisa Coleman as Cam, Abby Rakic-Platt as Jackie, Nisha Nayar as Elaine, Clive Rowe as Duke, Dani Harmer as Tracy Beaker, Darragh Mortell as Crash, Montanna Thompson as Justine Littlewood, Cara Readle as Layla, Jack Edwards as Marco, Ben Hanson as Bouncer, and Kirstal Lau as Hayley.

Ruth Gemmell Photo Nicola Reynolds Photo Lisa Coleman Photo Abby Rakic-Platt Photo Nisha Nayar Photo Clive Rowe Photo Dani Harmer Photo Darragh Mortell Photo Montanna Thompson Photo Cara Readle Photo Ben Hanson Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me movie:

Jacqueline Wilson (Characters), Joss Agnew (Director), Mary Morris (Writer), and Tony Yates (Director of Photography).

Jacqueline Wilson Photo

Idiots and Angels Film

The Idiots and Angels film has Fantasy, Animation, Drama, and Comedy genres.

Idiots and Angels Film was made by Wild Bunch, Plymptoons, and Bill Plymton Studios The film was successfully completed and released in 2008 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Angel, a selfish rotter is hanging around in a local bar, groping the wife of the barman and dealing with weapons. One morning he wakes up finding a pair of wings growing at his back. These wings do good deeds against his nature. But suddenly he finds himself fighting those who want these wings for their own dark plans.

Idiots and Angels Film Backdrop

Idiots and Angels Movie Stars:

Marc Diraison as Bart (voice), Carrie Keranen as Blonde (voice), Greg Sextro as Doctor (voice), Mike Juarez as Angel (voice), and Arielle Doneson as Fatty (voice).

Carrie Keranen Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Idiots and Angels film:

Bill Plympton (Writer), and Greg Sextro (Music).

Bill Plympton Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Ein Arschloch mit Flügeln steht im Mittelpunkt des neuen Werks vom Enfant Terrible des Animationsfilms, Bill Plympton. Der Protagonist ist ein wirklich übler Zeitgenosse, ein gewalttätiger, rücksichtsloser Waffenhändler, der die meiste Zeit in einer verrauchten Kneipe vor einem Whiskyglas abhängt – Charles Bukowski hätte seine Freude an ihm gehabt. Ausgerechnet diesem egoistischen Dreckskerl wachsen eines Tages Engelsflügel auf dem Rücken. Seine blutigen Versuche, die störenden Dinger mit der Kettensäge abzusäbeln, scheitern – hartnäckig wachsen sie wieder nach. Und beginnen bald, ein Eigenleben zu entwickeln, das im krassen Gegensatz zu seinem Wesen steht

Language: German

Des idiots et des anges

Angel est un homme égoïste et sans principes qui s'éveille un matin avec des ailes dans le dos. Il s'efforce de les dissimuler mais les autres clients du bar où il a ses habitudes vont finir par percer son secret...

Language: French

Idióták és angyalok

Angel, nem túlzás, egy igazi erkölcsi nulla: önző, trágárkodó alak, aki a helyi kocsmában tölti semmittevéssel az idejét. Egy reggel azonban arra ébred, hogy két szárny nőtt a hátán, amik arra késztetik, hogy természete ellenére jót cselekedjen. Mindhiába próbál megszabadulni a szárnyaktól, végül rádöbben, hogy valójában azok ellen kell felvennie a kesztyűt, akik szárnyaiból próbálnak meg hírnevet és pénzt csinálni.

Language: Hungarian

Angel è un egoista che bazzica il bar sotto casa per redarguirne gli avventori. Un giorno, Angel si sveglia con un paio di ali che gli spuntano dalla schiena. Le ali lo portano a compiere delle buone azioni, contrarie alla sua natura. Lui cerca disperatamente di liberarsi delle ali benefiche, ma alla si ritrova a lottare contro coloro che considerano le ali come il proprio biglietto per la fortuna e la celebrità.

Language: Italian

바보와 천사

탐욕스럽고 이기적이며 천박한 삶을 살아가고 있는 한 샐러리맨의 일상에서 이야기는 시작된다. 그는 어느 날 자신의 등에서 천사의 날개가 자라고 있음을 발견하고 경악을 금치 못한다. 더구나 그 날개는 짜증과 분노로 점철된 그의 이기적이고 탐욕스러운 삶에 반하여 자꾸만 선행을 하려고 해서 그와 사사건건 충돌한다. 그러던 그는 하늘을 날 수 있다는 사실까지 알게 되고 자신의 탐욕을 채우는 나쁜 의도로 날개를 활용하려 계획을 세우지만 날개는 자신의 뜻대로 움직여 주지 않는다. 결국, 남자는 날개를 떼어내기로 결심하는데...

Language: Korean

Идиоты и ангелы

Мрачная комедия о борьбе человека за свою душу. Ангел, эгоистичный и нравственно опустошенный человек, просыпается однажды утром и обнаруживает за спиной крылья. Он пытается спрятать их, но в конце концов все в баре Барта, где герой коротает время, узнают об их существовании и начинают потешаться над смешными отростками.

Language: Russian



Language: Mandarin

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Seventeen Again Film

The Seventeen Again film has Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Family, and TV Movie genres.

Seventeen Again Film was made by Showtime Networks The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Cat and Gene have been divorced for several years. They are both visiting their son and their grandchildren, Sydney and Willie. Willie's a genius who develops a formula that makes who uses it young again, it inadvertently spills into some soap that Willie places in his grandparents room. When each of them uses it they finds themselves 17 again. Willie had to find a way to reverse the process but will his grandparents want to be old again?

Seventeen Again Movie Backdrop

Seventeen Again Film Stars:

Hope Clarke as Grandma Cat Donovan, Phillip Jarrett as Barry, Maia Campbell as Ashley, Merwin Mondesir as Todd, Tia Mowry as Sydney Donovan, Tamera Mowry-Housley as Young Cat Donovan, Robert Hooks as Grandpa Gene Donovan, Tahj Mowry as Willie Donovan, and Mark Taylor as Young Gene Donovan.

Hope Clarke Photo Phillip Jarrett Photo Maia Campbell Photo Merwin Mondesir Photo Tia Mowry Photo Tamera Mowry-Housley Photo Robert Hooks Photo Tahj Mowry Photo Mark Taylor Photo

Those involved in the making of the Seventeen Again movie:

Jeffrey W. Byrd (Director), Stewart St. John (Writer), John P. Tarver (Director of Photography), and Alison Reid (Stunt Coordinator).

Jeffrey W. Byrd Photo Alison Reid Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Sladkých sedmnáct

Tak dlouho si hrál Willie s mladým chemikem, až nevědomky vynalezl omlazovací látku. Jedno použití jeho supermýdla pak stačilo k tomu, aby se z babičky a dědečka stali přes noc sedmnáctlitetí středoškoláci...

Language: Czech

Sweet 16 - Liebe altert nicht

Language: German

De vuelta a los 17

Cuando los abuelos de Willie se lavan con un jabón que ha elaborado en su clase de ciencias, rejuvenecen tanto que se convierten de nuevo en unos adolecentes de 17 años. (FILMAFFINITY)

Language: Spanish

Ritorno al liceo

Cat e Gene hanno divorziato da diversi anni. Entrambi visitano il figlio e i nipoti, Sydney e Willie. Willie è un genio che sviluppa una formula che rende chi lo usa di nuovo giovane, inavvertitamente si riversa nel sapone che Willie mette nella sua stanza dei nonni. Quando ognuno di loro lo usa si ritrova 17. Willie doveva trovare un modo per invertire il processo, ma i suoi nonni vorranno essere di nuovo vecchi?

Language: Italian

17 Outra Vez

Cat e Gene se divorciaram por vários anos. Ambos estão visitando seu filho e seus netos, Sydney e Willie. Willie é um gênio que desenvolve uma fórmula que faz com que quem a use fique jovem novamente, inadvertidamente, Willie coloca um pouco desse sabão no quarto de seus avós. Quando cada um deles usa, eles se encontram com 17 novamente. Willie terá que encontrar uma maneira de reverter o processo, mas seus avós querem ser velhos novamente?

Language: Portuguese

Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster Film

This Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, Mystery, and Family genres.

Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster Movie was made by Hanna-Barbera Productions, and Warner Bros. Animation The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is English.

While the gang travel to Scotland to visit Daphne's cousin and witness the annual Highland Games, they find themselves terrorized by the legendary Loch Ness Monster.

Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster Film Backdrop

Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster Film Stars:

Grey DeLisle as Daphne Blake / Shannon Blake (voice), Frank Welker as Scooby-Doo / Fred Jones / Lachlan Haggart (voice), Casey Kasem as Shaggy Rogers (voice), Michael Bell as Duncan MacGubbin / Mcintyre (voice), John DiMaggio as Colin Haggart / Volunteer #1 (voice), Phil LaMarr as Angus Haggart / Volunteer #2 (voice), Jeff Bennett as Del Chillman / Sir Ian Locksley / Harpoon Gunner (voice), Mindy Cohn as Velma Dinkley (voice), and Sheena Easton as Professor Fiona Pembrooke (voice).

Grey DeLisle Photo Frank Welker Photo Casey Kasem Photo Michael Bell Photo John DiMaggio Photo Phil LaMarr Photo Jeff Bennett Photo Mindy Cohn Photo Sheena Easton Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster movie:

Margaret Hou (Editor), Marilyn Graf (Foley Mixer), Joseph Barbera (Executive Producer), Kathi Castillo (Character Designer), Tony Tedford (Online Editor), Azariah Owens (Visual Effects), Mark Turosz (Writer), Kelly Ann Foley (Dialogue Editor), Phyllis Ginter (Foley Artist), Paca Thomas (Sound Designer), Scott Jeralds (Director), Joe Sichta (Director), George Doty IV (Writer), Ed Scharlach (Writer), Margaret M. Dean (Producer), Sander Schwartz (Executive Producer), Collette Sunderman (Casting), Thomas Chase (Original Music Composer), Tristin Cole (Background Designer), Bonnie Buckner (Post Production Supervisor), Christopher Keenan (Other), Kathryn Page (Line Producer), Howard Schwartz (Production Supervisor), Mark Keefer (Dialogue Editor), Ray Leonard (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Michael Beiriger (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Andy Lewis (Production Manager), Mark A. Keatts (Supervising Dialogue Editor), Kerry Iverson (Dialogue Editor), and Liz Carroll (Administration).

Joseph Barbera Photo Joe Sichta Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

L'Scooby-Doo i el monstre del llac Ness

L'Scooby-Doo i companyia han anat al castell dels Blake a visitar els avantpassats escocesos de la Daphne, i a col·laborar en la preparació dels jocs de les Highlands del llac Ness. Aviat coneixeran la Fiona Pembroke, una científica que continua provant de demostrar l'existència del llegendari monstre del llac, un misteri que no ha pogut resoldre ningú en 1.500 anys! A més, hi ha qui diu que els jocs de les Highlands podrien destorbar la pau i la tranquil·litat del monstre! Sigui com sigui, el misteri està servit, i el detectiu caní més poruc de tots els temps és allà per resoldre'l!

Language: Catalan

Scooby-Doo! a Lochnesská příšera

Animovaný / Komedie / Rodinný

Scooby-Doo, Shaggy a parta ze Záhad s.r.o. cestuje do Skotska na prázdniny a neočekávaně se ocitne tváří v tvář největší záhadě všech dob - Lochnesské nestvůře! Existuje opravdu? Počáteční důkaz naznačuje strašidelné "ano", když se za oknem rodinného zámku předků Daphne objeví cosi obrovského. Dokáže Scooby-Doo a jeho parta vyřešit jednu z nejdéle trvajících záhad historie?

Language: Czech

Scooby-Doo og Loch Ness Uhyret

Løjer og langkål! Scooby-Doo, Shaggy og Mystery Inc. holdet tager på ferie i Skotland, og pludselig og uventet står de over for deres største udfordring nogensinde... Loch Ness-uhyret, findes det i virkeligheden? De første beviser tyder på et uhyggeligt "JA", da noget kæmpestort kommer til syne ved Dapnes gamle familieslot. Vil det lykkes Scooby-Doo og vennerne at opklare et af de ældste mysterier i historien?

Language: Danish

Scooby-Doo! und das Ungeheuer von Loch Ness

Schock! Panik! Scooby-Doo, Shaggy und die anderen Spürnasen der Mystery Inc. verbringen ihren Urlaub in Schottland, wo sie es unversehens mit dem größten aller Monster zu tun bekommen: dem Ungeheuer von Loch Ness. Gibt es das wirklich? Erste Indizien sprechen für ein zähneklapperndes „Ja“, als etwas Riesenhaftes am Fenster jener Burg auftaucht, in der einst Daphnes Vorfahren lebten.

Language: German

Ο Σκούμπι-Ντου και το Τέρας του Λοχ-Νες

Ο τρόμος αρχίζει στη Χαβάι, όπου ο Scooby-Doo και ο Σάγκι ξεψαχνίζουν το μενού μέχρι που ένα τεράστιο ερπετό προσπαθεί να τους καταπιεί πιο γρήγορά από ότι να πεις Το Τέρας της Θάλασσας Επιτίθεται. Στο Ο Σκούμπι Ντου στο Νότιο Πόλο, ένας φιλικός πιγκουίνος προσκαλεί την παρέα της Μυστήριο Α.Ε. να επισκεφθεί το πολικό του σπίτι, του τυχαίνει να είναι στοιχειωμένο από ένα φάντασμα των πάγων! Μετά, η παρέα συναντάει το μουσικό συγκρότημα Smash Mouth ενώ επισκέπτονται την Αυστραλία για να δουν το Σάγκι και το Scooby να διαγωνίζονται στο χτίσιμο κάστρων στην άμμο στο Κάστρα Στην Άμμο! Και ενώ είναι πλέον σίγουροι ότι είναι ασφαλές μπουν στο νερό βρίσκουν το μπελά του!

Language: Greek

Scooby-Doo y el monstruo del lago Ness

Scooby-Doo, Shaggy y la pandilla de El Misterio, S.A. viajan a Escocia de vacaciones y se encuentran de pronto haciendo frente a la mayor monstruosidad que se podrían esperar: el monstruo del Lago Ness. ¿Pero existe de verdad? Las primeras evidencias apuntan a un sí.

Language: Spanish

Scooby-Doo ! et le monstre du Loch Ness

Scooby-Doo et le gang débarquent en Écosse pour élucider le plus grand mystère qui soit : celui du monstre du Loch Ness...

Language: French

סקובי-דו והמפלצת מלוך נס

סקובי-דו, שאגי וחבורת מסתורין בע"מ נוסעים לסקוטלנד לחופשה ומוצאים את עצמם מול היצור המפלצתי ביותר שפגשו אי פעם: המפלצת מלוך נס. האם היא באמת קיימת? ראיות ראשוניות מרמזות שכן, כאשר יצור ענק מופיע מחוץ לחלון של הטירה המשפחתית של דפנה. האם סקובי-דו וחבריו יצליחו לפתור את אחת מהתעלומות העתיקות בהיסטוריה?

Language: Hebrew

Scooby Doo i čudovište iz Loch Nessa

Language: Croatian

Scooby-Doo és a Loch Ness-i szörny

Scooby-Doo, Shaggy és a Rejtély Rt. váratlanul a leghatalmasabb szörnnyel találja magát szemben, méghozzá a Loch Ness-i szörnnyel! Valóban létezne a szörny? Amikor Daphne ősi családi kastélyának ablakában felbukkan egy hatalmas lény, minden jel arra utal, hogy igen. Vajon meg tudja fejteni Scooby-Doo és csapata a történelem legősibb legendáját? Szorítsd ökölbe a kezed, mert Scooby-Doo skót hegyi kalandja rendkívül izgalmas üldözéseket és rémisztő szörnyeket tartogat a számodra!

Language: Hungarian

Scooby-Doo! e il mostro di Loch-Ness

Scooby e i suoi amici raggiungono la cugina di Daphne in Scozia, in occasione dei giochi delle Highlands. Purtroppo, si scopre che un'antica leggenda si sta dimostrando realtà. La gang scopre infatti che la barca della cugina di Daphne è stata speronata da un grosso serpente marino dagli occhi rossi. Il famoso mostro esiste, allora. Toccherà alla Mistery inc. scoprirlo.

Language: Italian

Scooby Doo i potwór z Loch Ness

Scooby i reszta muszą pokonać potwora, zakłócającego zawody, organizowane przez Shannon, kuzynkę Daphne, nad Loch Ness w Szkocji.

Language: Polish

Scooby-Doo e o Monstro do Lago Ness

Scooby-Doo, Salsicha e a turma da Mystery, Inc. viajam para a Escócia em férias e se descobrem tentando solucionar a maior monstruosidade de todos os tempos: o Monstro do Lago Ness. Ele realmente existe?

Language: Portuguese

Scooby-Doo! și Monstrul din Loch Ness

Language: Romanian

Скуби Ду и Лох-несское чудовище

Ничего себе! На этот раз Скуби-Ду и его веселой команде из «Корпорации Тайн» предстоит путешествие к берегам Шотландии, где их поджидает встреча со знаменитым монстром из озера Лох-Несс! Существует ли подводное чудище в действительности? Казалось бы, после того, как что-то гигантское и жуткое появилось перед окном родового замка Дафны, все сомнения в реальности длинношеего страшилы рассеялись… Сможет ли Скуби-Ду и наш любимый отряд паранормальных детективов разгадать один из самых знаменитых секретов в истории человечества и пролить свет на древнюю шотландскую тайну? Об этом Вы узнаете, посмотрев новые захватывающие анимационные приключения забавного Скуби-Ду и его весёлых друзей!

Language: Russian

Scooby-Doo a Lochnesská príšera

Scooby-Doo a partia Záhad s.r.o. cestuje do Škótska na prázdniny a neočakávane sa ocitne tvárou v tvár najväčšej záhade všetkých čias s Lochnesskou príšerou! Naozaj existuje? Početné dôkazy naznačujú, že áno! Dokáže Scooby a jeho partia vyriešiť jednu z najväčších záhad histórie?

Language: Slovak

Scooby-Doo och Loch Ness Monstret

Scooby Doo, Shaggy och de andra reser till Skottland på semester och hamnar oväntat i sin största monsterutmaning någonsin? att tackla Loch Ness monstret. Finns odjuret verkligen? Tidiga bevis tyder på ett skrämmande? Ja, när något gigantiskt uppenbarar sig utanför Daphnes fönster. Kommer Scooby Doo och gänget lösa en av historiens mest långlivade mysterier?

Language: Swedish

สคูบี้-ดู! กับอสูรกายใต้บาดาล

Language: Thai

Scooby-Doo! ve Loch Ness Canavarı

Scooby-Doo ve Sırlar Şirketi, son zamanlarda Daphne'nin kuzeni Fiona'nın peşinde olan efsanevi yaratığın evi Loch Ness'ın kenarındaki Blake Castle'daki akrabalarını ziyaret amacıyla İskoçya'ya giderler. Ekip birkaç yıl önce yaratığı görmesinden sonra İskoçya Doğa Tarihi Müzesi'ndeki işini bu ünlü canavarı yakalamak için bırakan bilim insanı Penelope Miller ile birlik olur. Bu arada Scooby-Doo ve Shaggy bilmeden atletik bir başarı sergilerler ve sıra dışı bir İskoçya spor olayı olan Highland Oyunları'na katılmaya ikna edilirler. Bu yıl oyunlar Blake Castle'da düzenlenecektir tabii, Nessy müdahale edip oyunları mahvetmezse!

Language: Turkish

Скубі-Ду та Лох-Несське чудовисько

Language: Ukrainian


Language: Mandarin

Strange Invaders Film

Strange Invaders Poster

This Strange Invaders movie has Fantasy, Animation, Action, Comedy, and Science Fiction genres.

Strange Invaders Film was made by ONF | NFB The film was successfully completed and released in 2001 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Roger and Doris are a childless couple who get more than they bargained for when a strange child appears at their door one day.

Strange Invaders Film Stars:

Cordell Barker as Roger, Jennifer Torrance as Doris, and Jackson Barker as It.

Cordell Barker Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Strange Invaders movie:

Cordell Barker (Director), and Ches Yetman (Executive Producer).

Cordell Barker Photo

What They Said About Strange Invaders Movie:

There's something a little of the "Tom Thumb" story here as "Doris" and "Roger" watch, somewhat sarcastically, their neighbours successfully have children whilst they remain a childless couple. That's not for the want of trying, but it takes some divine intervention and a crashing sound for them to find a new arrival wedged into their living room carpet. The dog's ejected from the house and the pair now embark on some heavily photographed parenting of a child who'd sooner eat the crockery than his peas (no bad thing?) and who likes to swim in the toilet bowl. It's clear that this kid is in the wrong place, and his ensuing antics make his "parents" wish they'd never met him in the first place. Luckily, he's working on his own repatriation plans... I liked the increasingly chaotic and colourfully vibrant animation and the whole "be careful what you wish for" theme that results in a denouement that terrifies poor old "Roger". It's good fun, this, and well worth eight minutes.


Here are some translations about the film:

Ο Ρότζερ και η Ντόρις παρακολουθούν με το τηλεσκόπιο τα παιδιά των γειτόνων, καθώς οι ίδιοι είναι άτεκνοι. Ώσπου "υιοθετούν" έναν μικρό εξωγήινο που προσγειώθηκε στο σπίτι τους. Ο εξωγήινος αποδεικνύεται ιδιαίτερα καταστροφικός και θέτει σε δοκιμασία το γάμο τους.

Language: Greek

Roger y Doris son una pareja sin hijos. Un día, se encuentran cara a cara con un niño extraño que aparece en su puerta sin avisar. (FILMAFFINITY)

Language: Spanish

Странные пришельцы

Семейная пара Роджера и Дорис ведут тихую и спокойную жизнь. Они наблюдают за звездами и любуются друг другом. Но однажды ночью в их гостиную прямо с неба падает младенец — необычный малыш из космоса. Пара в восторге, который не разделяет их пес, относясь с подозрением к ребенку из ниоткуда. Между тем поведение ребенка становится все более опасным. Малыш приносит своим новым родителям одни несчастья. Впрочем, скоро Роджер понимает истинную природу вещей. «Странные пришельцы» — номинант на «Оскар».

Language: Russian

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