Showing posts with label Documentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Documentary. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

2016: Obama's America Movie

2016: Obama's America Backdrop

This 2016: Obama's America movie has Fantasy, and Documentary genres.

at a cost of $2,500,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 made a revenue of $33,400,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.

The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to Americas ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.

2016: Obama's America Movie Backdrop

2016: Obama's America Film Stars:

Barack Obama as Self (archive footage), Dinesh D'Souza as Self, Joe Biden as Self (archive footage), Cait Brasel as Young Democrate, Zackary Steven Graham as Dartmouth College Student, Gene Burris Jr. as Stanford University College Student, Lisa Fox as Professor / Administrator, and Shelby Steele as Self.

Barack Obama Photo Dinesh D'Souza Photo Joe Biden Photo Cait Brasel Photo Lisa Fox Photo Shelby Steele Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the 2016: Obama's America film:

Gerald R. Molen (Producer), John Sullivan (Director), and Dinesh D'Souza (Director).

Gerald R. Molen Photo Dinesh D'Souza Photo

What They Said About 2016: Obama's America Film:

Wow, a LOT of negative reviews here are attacking D'Souza because of his race and some are doing it while suggesting that they are against racism... which is it? Anyways, the majority of the 1 stars are from people that CLEARLY didn't watch the film. So I am giving it 10 to counter balance the BS. It doesn't deserve 1 star, partially because D'Souza made a lot of predictions, especially with the military and killings that came true. But there were others as well, so a part of him had Obama pegged enough to, well, to deserve more than 1 star. However, D'Souza is a propagandist and this has a clear bias that goes well beyond just being conservative, so he doesn't deserve the 10 stars I gave him either. There are parts of this that are incorrect and parts that have gone far too far. HOWEVER, he gets 10 stars anyway, mainly because a LOT of the 1 star reviews here are attacking D'Souza because he's an Indian and, honestly, I don't like racists. And those are pretty racist reviews. So I'm counter balancing it.


Here are some translations about the movie:

2016-та година: Америка на Обама

Филмът отвежда публиката на едно увлекателно пътуване, което се опитва да отговори на въпроса "Ако Барак Обама спечели срещу Мит Ромни, то какво ще бъде състоянието на Съединените щати през 2016-та година?"

Language: Bulgarian

Basado en el libro "The Roots of Obama’s Rage" ("Los orígenes de la rabia de Obama") escrito por el conservador Dinesh D’Souza, quien también codirige la producción. La teoría del libro y el documental ahonda en el pasado del actual presidente y cómo las ideas "anticolonialistas" de su padre han influido en la personalidad y administración del mandatario. La premisa del documental es: “Si Obama sale elegido para un segundo período, ¿dónde estará Estados Unidos de América en el año 2016?”

Language: Spanish

De grote vraag in deze documentaire is: "Als Obama een tweede termijn wint, waar zal Amerika dan zijn in 2016?" Over de de hele wereld en in Amerika hunkerden de mensen in 2008 naar een leider die zich zou verenigen en uit het economische dal en de oorlog zou halen.

Language: Dutch

2016: Os Estados Unidos do Obama.

Language: Portuguese



Language: Mandarin

Sunday, July 7, 2024

ჯამბაზის კალენდარი Movie

ჯამბაზის კალენდარი Poster

The ჯამბაზის კალენდარი film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Georgian.

60-year-old illusionists Oleg and Spiderman Dato travel to distant villages and perform for schoolchildren. The main character, Oleg, wants to pass on his knowledge and experience to the new generation. That's why he decides to find and train an apprentice. Oleg's wife, Anaida, doesn't like this idea. She thinks it's pointless.

ჯამბაზის კალენდარი Film Stars:

Oleg as Oleg, and Spiderman Dato as Dato.

Professional involved in the making of this ჯამბაზის კალენდარი film:

Levan Adamia (Director), Gocha Jorjoliani (Producer), Manana Khidasheli (Screenplay), and Zaza Jgharkava (Screenplay).

Saturday, July 6, 2024

90 Dias em Casa Movie

90 Dias em Casa Poster

The 90 Dias em Casa film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Portuguese.

The 2020 lockdown through the eyes of a child attending literacy grade - 90 Days at Home.

90 Dias em Casa Movie Stars:

and Teo Portella Soares as Ele mesmo.

Professional involved in the making of the 90 Dias em Casa movie:

Daniel Barros (Director), Andreza Portella (Producer), Teo Portella Soares (Writer), and Thomas Celeym (Original Music Composer).

Daniel Barros Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

90 Dias em Casa

A quarentena de 2020 sob o olhar de uma criança em fase de alfabetização.

Language: Portuguese

Biseri iz blata Movie

Biseri iz blata Poster

This Biseri iz blata movie has Documentary, and Music genres.

Biseri iz blata Film was made by VICE Srbija The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Serbian.

What kind of music is most popular today in Serbia? New age brought new phenomena, and music made a shift from radio and TV over to internet. Is it a thing of one generation only or simply overhyped?

Biseri iz blata Movie Stars:

Dragan Ambrozić as Himself, Relja Milanković Rexona as Himself, Slobodan Nešović 'Loka' as Himself, Galeb Nikačević as Himself, Stefan Đurić Rasta as Himself, Slobodan Veljković Coby as Himself, and Đorđe Trbović as Himself.

Peoples involved in the making of the Biseri iz blata movie:

and Galeb Nikačević (Director).

The Speed Cubers Movie

This The Speed Cubers film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is English.

This documentary captures the extraordinary twists and turns in the journeys of Rubik's Cube-solving champions Max Park and Feliks Zemdegs.

The Speed Cubers Film Backdrop

The Speed Cubers Film Stars:

Feliks Zemdegs as Himself, and Max Park as Himself.

Feliks Zemdegs Photo Max Park Photo

Professional involved in the making of this The Speed Cubers film:

Chris Romano (Producer), Kara Rozansky (Production Executive), Evan Krauss (Producer), Ariane Wu (Executive Producer), Ben Blennerhassatt (Cinematography), Sue Kim (Director), Dan Vidmar (Original Music Composer), and Chris Olson (Cinematography).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Kostka na čas

Max Park a Feliks Zemdegs jsou mistři ve skládání Rubikovy kostky a tento dokument sleduje jejich neobyčejné životy plné zvratů.

Language: Czech

Die Speedcuber

Der sogenannte Zauberwürfel, auch Rubik Cube genannt, erfreut sich seit den 1980er allergrößter Beliebtheit. Noch immer finden Wettkämpfe statt, in denen es unter anderem darum geht, das Drehpuzzle so schnell wie möglich zu lösen, also auf jeder Seite des bunten Würfels nur noch eine Farbe zu haben. Diese Dokumentation wirft einen Blick auf diese Wettstreiter, die eine verschworene Gemeinschaft bilden, mit viel Kampfgeist, aber noch mehr Zusammenhalt, immer schneller werden wollen…

Language: German

Speedcubing: Οι Γκουρού του Κύβου

Ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για τις απίστευτες ανατροπές στη διαδρομή των Μαξ Παρκ και Φέλιξ Ζέμντεγκς, πρωταθλητών στον Κύβο του Ρούμπικ.

Language: Greek

Los speedcubers

Los speedcubers

Este documental gira en torno al ‘Speed Cubing’, la competición que consiste en resolver el cubo de Rubik en el menor tiempo posible, y a la especial amistad generada entre dos rivales, Feliks Zemdegs y Max Park. Durante casi una década, Zemdegs era el campeón indiscutible de este deporte hasta que, en 2017, Max consiguió la medalla de oro y fue reconocido mundialmente. Desde entonces, Feliks y Max han ido intercambiando victorias y récords mundiales de forma constante, mientras poco a poco, han creado una tierna amistad bajo su competitiva relación. Ahora, con el comienzo de otro Campeonato Mundial, sólo puede haber un ganador, algo que podría poner en peligro su amistad.

Language: Spanish

Speedcubing : Le duel

Ce documentaire retrace le parcours extraordinaire des amis et rivaux Max Park et Feliks Zemdegs, grands champions du monde de Rubik's Cube.

Language: French



סרט תיעודי שעוקב אחר חייהם יוצאי הדופן של אלופי העולם בפתרון קובייה הונגרית, מקס פארק ופליקס זמדגס.

Language: Hebrew

Speedcubing - A gyorskockázás világa

Dokumentumfilm két Rubik-kocka-bajnok, Max Park és Feliks Zemdegs rendkívüli és meglepő fordulatokban gazdag útjának legnagyszerűbb pillanatairól.

Language: Hungarian

Gli speedcuber

Scopri con questo documentario il legame speciale e lo spirito agonistico unico che caratterizza i campioni del mondo del cubo di Rubik.

Language: Italian


Language: Japanese

스피드 큐브의 천재들

스피드 큐브 세계 신기록에 도전하는 두 천재. 맥스와 펠릭스의 여정을 주목하라. 빛나는 도전 정신, 아름다운 반전. 이 다큐멘터리엔 특별한 챔피언들이 등장한다.

Language: Korean

Deze documentaire legt de buitengewone wendingen vast in de reizen van Rubiks kubusoplossende kampioenen Max Park en Feliks Zemdegs.

Language: Dutch


Dokument opowiadający o niezwykłych życiowych ruchach i zagraniach mistrzów w układaniu kostki Rubika na czas: Maksa Parka i Feliksa Zemdegsa.

Language: Polish

Magos do Cubo

Este documentário captura as voltas e reviravoltas extraordinárias nas viagens dos campeões de resolução de cubos de Rubik, Max Park e Feliks Zemdegs.

Language: Portuguese

Speedcubing: Düello

Bu belgesel, büyük Rubik Küpü şampiyonları Max Park ve Feliks Zemdegs'in arkadaşlarının ve rakiplerinin olağanüstü yolculuğunun izini sürüyor

Language: Turkish



Language: Mandarin

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos Movie

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos Backdrop

This Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018

Psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson has come to fame over the last year. But many of those who found him through his criticisms of political correctness are saying they have discovered one of the world's most significant thinkers.

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos Film Backdrop

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos Film Stars:

Jordan B. Peterson as Himself, and David Fuller as Himself.

Jordan B. Peterson Photo

Those involved in the making of this Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos movie:

and David Fuller (Director).

Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης & Βύρων Θεοδωρόπουλος: Δεν Επιθυμώ Movie

Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης & Βύρων Θεοδωρόπουλος: Δεν Επιθυμώ Poster

The Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης & Βύρων Θεοδωρόπουλος: Δεν Επιθυμώ film has Comedy, and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Greek.

The stand up comedy performance of Vyron Theodoropoulos and Michalis Mathioudakis "I DON'T WISH TO" as filmed in the family butcher's tavern "To Vietnam".

Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης & Βύρων Θεοδωρόπουλος: Δεν Επιθυμώ Film Stars:

Vyron Theodoropoulos as Self, and Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης as Self.

Vyron Theodoropoulos Photo Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης Photo

Those involved in the making of this Μιχάλης Μαθιουδάκης & Βύρων Θεοδωρόπουλος: Δεν Επιθυμώ movie:

Leonidas Konstantarakos (Director), Iasonas Theofanou (Sound Engineer), Giannis Karampatsos (Director of Photography), Iason Arvanitakis (Camera Operator), Ivan Ziovas (Camera Operator), Xenophontas Vardaros (Camera Operator), Alexandros Stigkas (Camera Operator), and Dimitris Kourtis (Assistant Production Coordinator).

Here are some translations about the film:


Η stand up comedy παράσταση του Βύρωνα Θεοδωρόπουλου και του Μιχάλη Μαθιουδάκη «ΔΕΝ ΕΠΙΘΥΜΩ» όπως κινηματογραφήθηκε στην οικογενειακή χασαποταβέρνα «Το Βιετνάμ».

Language: Greek

I Am Vital Film

I Am Vital Poster

The I Am Vital movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020

Water is necessary for the survival of all living things on the Earth's surface. Around our planet, it appears in many forms, liquid, gas or solid. Almost 70% of the freshwater on our planet is held within glaciers and ice-sheets. We take water for granted, even though it is something we all depend on. Our future, amongst other challenges, depends on the capability of preserving the ice. Simply as we cannot live without the air, many species cannot live without ice. This short documentary was filmed in Greenland, Antarctica, Nunavut, Svalbard, Iceland, over 3 years.

Espíritu de libertad Movie

Espíritu de libertad Poster

The Espíritu de libertad film has and Documentary genres.

Espíritu de libertad Movie was made by Producciones Ojo de Pez The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

In the community of San Pablito Pahuatlán or 'Nvité', the mountain awakens every dawn, and with her, also the spirits of nature that with all their magical gifts inspire artisans to create beautiful works of amate paper pieces that will bring salvation.

Here are some translations about the movie:

Hats'i, haxajuä. Bädi nzahki.

En la comunidad de San Pablito Pahuatlán o 'Nvité', la montaña despierta cada mañana, y con ella, también los espíritus de la naturaleza que con todos sus poderes mágicos, inspiran a los artesanos a crear bellas obras de papel amate que traerán la salvación.

Language: Spanish

Hei'er Movie

Hei'er Poster

This Hei'er movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

The filmmaker and a mannequin explore the world through its solar terms.

Tumbling Towards Home Film

Tumbling Towards Home Backdrop

This Tumbling Towards Home movie has Animation, and Documentary genres.

Tumbling Towards Home Movie was made by Faz In Ate Films at a cost of $30,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2020

An Irish immigrant moves to New York in 1989 to study acting. He works through the grief from the loss of his mother's passing and the death of his friend Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Tumbling Towards Home Film Backdrop

Tumbling Towards Home Film Stars:

and Malcolm Adams as .

Peoples involved in the making of the Tumbling Towards Home film:

Malcolm Adams (Story), Joe Foley (Director of Photography), Jodi Gibson (Editor), Imelda O'Reilly (Director), Edmund Carson (Editor), and Damarrius Thompson (Animation).

Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson Movie

Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson Backdrop

This Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson film has and Documentary genres.

Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson Movie was made by Storied Media Group The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English.

The special is in partnership with The Washington Post and staff writer Christian Davenport, whose depth of experience allowed him to gain inside access to key players.

Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson Film Backdrop

Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson Film Stars:

Elon Musk as Self, Richard Branson as Self, Jeff Bezos as Self, and Josh Goodman as Narrator (voice).

Elon Musk Photo Richard Branson Photo Jeff Bezos Photo

Those involved in the making of the Space Titans: Musk, Bezos, Branson movie:

Aaron Fishman (Executive Producer), Jordan Fisher (Director of Photography), Caroline Perez (Executive Producer), Wyatt Channell (Executive Producer), Todd Hoffman (Executive Producer), Kevin Harding (Co-Executive Producer), Peter Reiss (Executive Producer), Christian Davenport (Consulting Producer), Tarin Laghlin (Executive Producer), Jessica Tomke (Post Production Supervisor), Colin Mika (Director of Photography), and Scott Lewers (Executive Producer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

El especial está en asociación con The Washington Post y el escritor Christian Davenport, cuya profundidad de experiencia le permitió obtener acceso interno a jugadores clave.

Language: Spanish

스페이스 타이탄: 머스크, 베이조스, 브랜슨

Language: Korean

Kosmiczni Tytani: Musk, Bezos,Branson

Trzech największych biznesmenów na świecie dokonuje nowej, kosmicznej rewolucji!

Language: Polish

Magnatas do Espaço: Musk, Bezos e Branson

Uma nova era da exploração espacial teve início quando os empresários de maior sucesso do mundo arriscaram bilhões de dólares para lançar uma revolução em viagens espaciais.

Language: Portuguese

Friday, July 5, 2024

L'Animation française, cet autre cinéma Film

L'Animation française, cet autre cinéma Poster

The L'Animation française, cet autre cinéma movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is French.

French Animation has become the 3rd largest animation industry in the world. Inventors of a worldwide recognised technique, French artists have managed to stand out thanks to their perseverance and creativity.

Here are some translations about the film:

Ce documentaire touffu et passionnant, agrémenté d'entretiens avec des personnalité culturelles et d'archives rares, narre l'odyssée française dans le monde du cinéma d'animation. En un demi-siècle, la France s'est hissée au troisième rang mondial.

Language: French

Where My Girls Film

Where My Girls Poster

This Where My Girls movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020

In this short documentary, three queer women reflect on the creativity, community, and hustle required to make it in a culture that has left them to their own devices. “Where My Girls” is an homage to the everyday struggle facing marginalized artists and the scrappy DIY attitude that first gave rise to hip hop.

Vika Movie

Vika Backdrop

The Vika film has and Documentary genres.

Vika Movie was made by CBC The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English, Ukrainian.

A 17 year-old Ukrainian orphan with fiery red hair, bright blue eyes and an everlasting laugh is setting out into the world for the very first time, all alone. In her final year at a rural boarding school in Eastern Ukraine, she fights to maintain the bond with her 10 year-old sister, Arina, who was adopted by a family in Toronto in 2014 during the Ukrainian revolution. Vika hasn't seen Arina since she left Ukraine, but her ultimate goal is to one day reunite with her sister - the only family she has left - and start a life in Canada.

Vika Movie Backdrop

까치발 Movie

까치발 Backdrop

This 까치발 movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is Korean.

When my daughter, Jihoo, was 1 year old, I took her to a doctor and heard something unexpected. "She might have cerebral palsy." Now that she is seven years old, she still walks on her toes. This film is a self-reflection story of a person, as she tries to dig into the waves of honest and sometimes intolerable feelings brought by her daughter´s toe walking.

까치발 Film Backdrop

까치발 Movie Stars:

Kwon Woo-jung as , 정지후 as , 정인섭 as , 신유진 as , and 우진아 as .

Professional involved in the making of this 까치발 film:

Pyo Yong-soo (Sound Supervisor), Kwon Woo-jung (Director), and Kim Hyung-nam (Editor).

Here are some translations about the movie:

"엄마, 까치발이 왜 나빠?"

지후가 한 살 때, 의사에게 충격적인 선언을 들었다. “아이가 뇌성마비일 수 있어요.” 그리고 일곱 살이 된 지금도 지후는 여전히 까치발로 걷는다. 이 영화는 딸아이의 까치발을 계기로 돌아보게 된, 때로는 나 자신도 용납할 수 없는 내 솔직한 감정의 파고를 대면한다. 다큐멘터리 감독이자 엄마이며 여성인 한 인간의 자기 성찰기이다.

Language: Korean

Genderation Movie

Genderation Backdrop

The Genderation film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is German, English.

20 years after Gendernauts, Monika Treut seeks out the pioneers of the transgender movement back then to find out how their lives and their activism have evolved, how they have grown into their identities and how their energy continues to have an impact today.

Genderation Movie Backdrop

Genderation Film Stars:

Annie Sprinkle as Self, Monika Treut as Self, Susan Stryker as Self, Beth Stephens as Self, Max Wolf Valerio as Self, Sandy Stone as Self, and Stafford as Self.

Annie Sprinkle Photo Monika Treut Photo Susan Stryker Photo Max Wolf Valerio Photo Sandy Stone Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Genderation film:

and Monika Treut (Director).

Monika Treut Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

20 Jahre nach Gendernauts sucht Monika Treut die Pionie*innen der Trans-Bewegung von damals auf, um herauszufinden, wie sich ihr Leben und ihr Aktivismus entwickelt haben, wie sie in ihren Identitäten gewachsen sind und wie ihre Energie bis heute nachwirkt.

Language: German

Bydlet proti všem Movie

Bydlet proti všem Backdrop

This Bydlet proti všem film has and Documentary genres.

Bydlet proti všem Movie was made by D1film, and VIRUSfilm The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is Czech.

The availability of housing is a big topic today. It has the strongest impact on those who participate least in the public debate – low-income households, minorities or single women. The film follows a group of activists around Martin Freund, a representative and member of the Live Brno movement, as they try to persuade politicians in the second largest Czech city about their vision of affordable housing.

Bydlet proti všem Film Backdrop

Here are some translations about the film:

Dostupnost bydlení je velkým tématem současnosti. Nejsilněji dopadá na ty, kteří se nejméně účastní veřejné debaty – na nízkopříjmové domácnosti, domácnosti menšin či samoživitelek. Snímek sleduje skupinku aktivistů okolo zastupitele a člena hnutí Žít Brno Martina Freunda při tom, jak se pokoušejí přesvědčit politiky druhého největšího českého města o své vizi bydlení dostupného pro všechny.

Language: Czech

Bývať proti všetkým

Language: Slovak

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Le Pénitencier Film

This Le Pénitencier film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

In 1982, Patrice Berthelot reports on the conditions of his detention in Sion prison through a correspondence with the director Anne Theurillat, who now transforms his words—by turns cheerful or imbued with mellow bitterness—into images, through an inspired cinematic construction. A question remains: is it possible for humanity to exist between four walls?

Le Pénitencier Film Backdrop

Here are some translations about the film:

En 1982, Patrice Berthelot rend compte de ses conditions d’enfermement dans le pénitencier de Sion à travers une correspondance avec la réalisatrice Anne Theurillat. Celle-ci met aujourd’hui ses mots en images en leur donnant une résonance inattendue.

Language: French

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