This 憑神 film has Fantasy, and Comedy genres.
The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.
A lowly but academically diligent warrior named Bessho Hikoshiro finds himself unable to move up in the world due to the stifling caste system of the Bakumatsu era. After being expelled from the household into which he was adopted through marriage and separated from his wife and son, he moves in with his disapproving elder brother and his wife. He meets his old class rival Enomoto Takeaki, now a commander of a naval ship, and is later told by a kindly noodle shop owner that Enomoto's rise in social status came about after he prayed at a shrine in Mukojima. Stumbling home drunk one night, Hikoshiro falls down a riverbank and comes across a small run-down shrine which he is convinced is affiliated to the one in Mukojima. Pressing his hands together in prayer, he unwittingly invites the unwanted attentions of the gods of poverty, pestilence and death..
憑神 Film Stars:
Teruyuki Kagawa as , Satoshi Tsumabuki as Bessho Hikoshiro, Hidekazu Akai as , and Yûko Fueki as Yae.
Professional involved in the making of this 憑神 film:
and Yasuo Furuhata (Director).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Обсебен самурай
Япония, Едо, 1868 год. Краят на Шогуната. Вторият син в западнал самурайски дом, Хитоширо е рядко неудачлив. Въпреки таланта си, той не може да получи достойна длъжност и да се изяви. Семейството му едва свързва края. Знаещи хора го съветват да се помоли в чудодейния храм "Трите Кръга". Тамошният Лисичи Бог като никой друг помагал на нещастните. Хитоширо не вярва особено в такива неща, но веднъж, връщайки се у дома от забава, открива светилище в дивите храсти...
Language: Bulgarian
The Haunted Samurai
Issu d’une famille de samouraï sur le déclin, Bessho Hikoshiro, pourtant adroit au katana, est sans travail et, étant seulement le second fils, son statut est presque insignifiant. Aujourd’hui, Hikoshiro doit vivre malgré lui chez son frère aîné un brin irresponsable, sa belle-soeur et sa mère.En croisant par hasard un vieux camarade, il se rend compte que, contrairement à lui, il a plutôt bien réussi sa vie. Des commerçants lui parlent des rumeurs qui courent autour de lui, que ce serait grâce à sa visite du temple de Mimi Guri Inari et à ses prières que sa vie a pris un tournant aussi brillant et ils lui conseillent de faire de même. Puis, en rentrant ivre chez lui, il arrive devant un petit sanctuaire qui semble dédié au dieu dont on lui avait parlé. Voulant s’attirer à son tour la fortune, il fait une prière mais malheureusement pour lui ce sont d’autres dieux moins attirant qui vont venir à lui !
Language: French
神様いったい、 何様のつもりですか?
Language: Japanese
幕末时期,世代担任将军替身的武士家族别所家开始走向没落,别所彦四郎(妻夫木聪 饰)空有一身才学,却无用武之地。上门充当养老女婿遭遇离婚,回到家中又受到嫂子的冷嘲热讽。希求转运的彦四郎在朋友和荞麦面老板(香川照之 饰)的建议下朝拜五谷神许愿,醉眼朦胧没留神竟拜了穷神(西田敏行 饰),惹来厄运随身。正所谓祸不单行,彦四郎好不容易送走穷神,然瘟神(赤井英和 饰)和死神(森迫永依 饰)随后而至,他的厄运似乎永无止境……
Language: Mandarin
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