Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Concrete Valley Film

The Concrete Valley film has and Drama genres.

Concrete Valley Film was made by Markhor Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Arabic, English.

This sensitive and Bressonian sophomore feature from Antoine Bourges (Fail to Appear) is a complex portrait of care set in an immigrant community in Toronto’s Thorncliffe Park.

Concrete Valley Movie Backdrop

Concrete Valley Movie Stars:

Amani Ibrahim as Farah, Raj Parmar as Raj Parmar, Aliya Kanani as Saba, Hussam Douhna as Rashid, Abdullah Nadaf as Ammar, Lynn Nanume as Yanah / Neighbour, Limar Aswad as Marwa, Orwa Aswad as Picnic Dad, Safouwan Bdawi as Hockey Dad, Joanne Green as Picnic Sponsor, Suliman Hafed as Suliman, Gab Laurence as Aquastat Lady, Dina Levin as Yanah's Roomate, Oksana Masiuk as Oksana, Huda Mourad as Sarah, Mahmoud Musto as Ward, Nick Saraf as English Teacher, Fatima Waqar as Young Volunteer, and Hanan Zeineldin as Manar.

Professional involved in the making of the Concrete Valley movie:

Deragh Campbell (Script Consultant), Antoine Bourges (Director), Shehrezade Mian (Producer), and Teyama Alkamli (Screenplay).

Deragh Campbell Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Dieser sensible und bressonsche zweite Film von Antoine Bourges (Fail to Appear) ist ein komplexes Porträt der Fürsorge, das in einer Einwanderergemeinschaft im Thorncliffe Park von Toronto spielt.

Language: German

콘크리트 계곡

시리아 출신 의사 라시드는 아내, 어린 자녀와 함께 토론토의 새로운 삶에 적응하기 위해 애쓴 지 5년이다. 그는 무면허 의사로 일하며 자신의 정체성을 지키려 한다. 하지만 켜켜이 쌓여 온 결혼 생활의 갈등이 표면화되기 시작한다.

Language: Korean

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