Saturday, June 22, 2024

Doce Amianto Film

This Doce Amianto film has Fantasy, Drama, and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Portuguese.

Amianto lives isolated in her own fantasy world, inhabited by her delusions and unbridled hope, where her ingenuity and her melancholy coexist hand in hand. After feeling abandoned by her love (The Boy), Amianto finds shelter in the presence of her dead friend, Blanche, that will protect her against her pain - at least as far as she can. Her inner universe collides with the reality of a world that does not accept her, a world to which she doesn't belong and that invariably she comes back with her playful delusions, mixing reality and fantasy. With the help of her Fairy Godmother, Amianto gathers strength to continue living in the hope of being happy someday.

Doce Amianto Film Backdrop

Doce Amianto Film Stars:

Uirá dos Reis as Blanche, Deynne Augusto as Amianto, Rodrigo Fernandes as Herbbie, Rafaela Diógenes as Glória, and Dario Oliveira as Rapaz.

Uirá dos Reis Photo Deynne Augusto Photo Rodrigo Fernandes Photo Rafaela Diógenes Photo Dario Oliveira Photo

Those involved in the making of this Doce Amianto film:

Guto Parente (Writer), Uirá dos Reis (Editor), and Ticiana Augusto Lima (Producer).

Guto Parente Photo Uirá dos Reis Photo Ticiana Augusto Lima Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Doce Amianto

Amianto vive isolada num mundo de fantasia habitado por seus delírios de incontida esperança, onde sua ingenuidade e sua melancolia convivem de mãos dadas. Após sentir-se abandonada por seu amor (O Rapaz), Amianto encontra abrigo na presença de sua amiga morta, Blanche, que a protegerá contra suas dores – ao menos até onde possa. Seu universo interior choca-se com a realidade de um mundo que não a aceita, um mundo ao qual ela não pertence e invariavelmente ela torna a debruçar-se sobre seus delírios jocosos, misturando realidade e fantasia. Com a ajuda de sua Fada Madrinha, Amianto recolhe forças para continuar existindo na esperança de ser feliz algum dia.

Language: Portuguese

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