The Eami film has and Drama genres.
Eami Movie was made by Barraca Producciones, Revolver Amsterdam, Sabaté Films, Louverture Films, Eaux-Vives Productions, Piano, Grupo LVT, MPM Film, Gaman Cine, ARTE, Black Forest Films, Sagax Entertainement, Estudios Splendor Omnia, Silencio Cine, and Fortuna Films S.L. The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.
Eami means ‘forest’ in Ayoreo. It also means ‘world’. The story happens in the Paraguayan Chaco, the territory with the highest deforestation rate in the world. 25,000 hectares of forest are being deforested a month in this territory which would mean an average of 841 hectares a day or 35 hectares per hour. The forest barely lives and this only due to a reserve that the Totobiegosode people achieved in a legal manner. They call Chaidi this place which means ancestral land or the place where we always lived and it is part of the "Ayoreo Totobiegosode Natural and Cultural Heritage". Before this, they had to live through the traumatic situation of leaving the territory behind and surviving a war. It is the story of the Ayoreo Totobiegosode people, told from the point of view of Asoja, a bird-god with the ability to bring an omniscient- temporal gaze, who becomes the narrator of this story developed in a crossing between documentary and fiction.

Eami Movie Stars:
Aníbal Ortíz as Paraguayan Men, Anel Picanerai as , Curia Chiquejno Etacoro as , Ducubaide Chiquenoi as , Basui Picanerai Etacore as , Lucas Etacori as , Guesa Picanerai as , and Lazaro Dosapei Cutamijo as .
Those involved in the making of this Eami movie:
Carlos Reygadas (Producer), Christoph Hahnheiser (Producer), Fernando Velázquez (Original Music Composer), Emiliano Torres (Producer), Joslyn Barnes (Producer), Paz Encina (Director), Nicolás Gil Lavedra (Producer), Julio Chavezmontes (Producer), Jordana Berg (Editor), Ilse Hughan (Producer), Susan Rockefeller (Producer), Xénia Maingot (Producer), Raymond van der Kaaij (Producer), Guillermo Saposnik (Director of Photography), Marie-Pierre Macia (Producer), Gabriela Sabaté (Producer), Lorena Villarreal (Producer), Javier Umpierrez (Sound Designer), Luc Hardy (Producer), Denisse Chapa (Producer), Darian De La Fuente (Producer), Claire Gadéa (Producer), Kirsi Saivosalmi (Producer), Joraine Picanerai (Original Music Composer), and Josune Hahnheiser (Producer).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Eami, der Geist des Waldes
Reise in den paraguayischen Amazonas-Regenwald, den Gran Chaco, aus dem das indigene Volk der Ayoreo aufgrund intensiver Rodung vertrieben wurde. Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt die Exilerfahrung des einst hier beheimateten Volkes, das nun anderswo leben muss. Filmemacherin Paz Encina erzählt die auf mündlichen Ayoreo-Berichten beruhende Geschichte des Jungen Eami. Der Gran Chaco hat die weltweit höchste Rodungsquote. In diesem Gebiet werden zurzeit 25.000 Hektar Wald monatlich gerodet, das heißt durchschnittlich 841 Hektar Wald pro Tag und 35 Hektar pro Stunde. Nur dank eines Schutzgebietes, das der Gemeinschaft der Totobiegosode offiziell zugesprochen wurde, ist überhaupt etwas vom Wald übriggeblieben. Die Ureinwohner nennen diese Ansiedlung „Chaidí“: „Ort der Ahnen“ oder „Ort, an dem wir immer gelebt haben“. Heute ist er Teil des Natur- und Kulturerbes der Ayoreo-Totobiegosode .
Language: German
La tierra natal de Eami es invadida por los colonos. Encarnando a Asojá, la mujer – dios de los pájaros, la niña cae en un trance en el que camina lentamente y aturdida por su amado bosque mientras se prepara para abandonarlo para siempre.
Language: Spanish
Recueil de mémoire en recourant avec brio au réalisme magique latino-américain
Eami, 5 ans, est membre de la communauté Ayoreo Totobiegosode, dont la terre natale est envahie par des mercenaires blancs qui veulent brutalement rassembler les Ayoreo et les chasser de leurs terres ancestrales.
Language: French
파라과이의 원주민, 아요레오 토토비에고소데 부족. 지난 수세기 동안 외부와의 접촉 없이 나무와 동물들에 둘러싸여 살던 이들이 급속한 산림 파괴로 생활 터전을 빼앗기고 있다. 파즈 엔시나 감독은 아요레오족의 신화와 역사, 현실을 엮어, 파괴된 마을과 공동체를 뒤로하고 황폐한 평원을 배회하는 소녀의 이야기를 창조한다. 에아미, 아요에로 원주민들의 말로 숲과 세계를 뜻하는 이름을 가진 소녀의 이야기다.
Language: Korean
A terra natal de Eami é invadida por colonos. Incorporando Asojá, a deusa-pássaro-mulher, ela entra em transe em que caminha lenta e atordoada por sua amada floresta enquanto se prepara para deixá-la para sempre.
Language: Portuguese
Землю народа эами захватывают чужеземцы-колонизаторы. Не в силах противостоять им, Асоха впадает в транс и отправляется в последнее прощальное путешествие по родной земле.
Language: Russian
Language: Mandarin
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