Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Голова Film

Голова Poster

The Голова film has Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, and Crime genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is Russian.

The Soviet Russia of old is an immobile head without a body that appears in various locations, clashing with the morals and sentiments of a modern rich man. This man seeks advise from the head but finds that it is annoyingly unresponsive or unhelpful as it sends him on various missions and tests. At times he uses violence or oral rape to get what he wants until he grows too exasperated. Most of the movie consists of improvised dialogue or rants, and meandering scenes in a weapons shop, a railway, and a meeting where the man performs a bizarre magic performance with chickens, eggs and a cardboard box..

Голова Film Stars:

Aleksandr Maslaev as голова, Anatoly Osmolovsky as зритель, Sergey Pakhomov as новый русский, Rustam Mosafir as , Dmitrij Pimenov as , and Leonid Mashinskiy as .

Aleksandr Maslaev Photo Sergey Pakhomov Photo Rustam Mosafir Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Голова film:

Svetlana Baskova (Director), and Sergey Pakhomov (Writer).

Svetlana Baskova Photo Sergey Pakhomov Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Новому русскому достается в наследство голова. Вопреки ожиданиям отсутствие тела не мешает голове нормально существовать и даже давать новому русскому мудрые советы. Новый русский следует ее советам беспрекословно.

Language: Russian

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