Sunday, June 23, 2024

Потвора Film

Потвора Poster

This Потвора film has and Drama genres.

Потвора Film was made by VAVILON The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Ukrainian.

Under no circumstances will a person become a monster except voluntarily. The example of a boy whose life is seemingly crippled by the external circumstances will prove that kindness and sympathy are much more natural for people then hatred and evil.

Потвора Film Stars:

Ostap Stupka as , Oksana Batko-Nyschiuk as , Matvii Bereziuk as , Oksana Kniazeva as , Iryna Kochanska as , Olexandr Pipa as , Ihor Sahaidak as , and Oleksandr Todorov as .

Ostap Stupka Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Потвора movie:

Yuliia Cherniavska (Writer), and Viktor Skuratovskyi (Director).

Yuliia Cherniavska Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Ніякі обставини не змусять людину стати потворою. Окрім самої людини. Ми у змозі власноруч обирати, якою людиною ми хочемо стати. І на прикладі маленького хлопчика, доля якого, начебто спотворена обставинами у яких він живе, можна зрозуміти, що людяність закладено у кожну людину, а доброта та співчуття для людини більш природні аніж ненависть та зло.

Language: Ukrainian

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