This Forbidden Warrior movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Science Fiction genres.
The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is German, English, Spanish.
The Gaia Za is a sacred tome that holds many ancient and powerful spells to be unlocked by a so-called Chosen One expected to be born to one of two leading families: the Khans or the Marajis. Unwilling to leave the clan's fate to the gods, Che Khan decides to take matters into his own hands by plotting the murder of a new Maraji baby, who may be the child in question. In doing so, he sets off a furious clash.
Forbidden Warrior Film Stars:
Musetta Vander as Reza, Kristina Wayborn as Sorceress, Karl Yune as Locust, James Hong as Muraji, The Warlord, Chris Coppola as Jibberish, Tony Amendola as Ajis-Aka, Bruce Locke as Miyamoto, Andrew Divoff as Ujis-Aka, Maximo Morrone as The Warrior, Marie Matiko as Seki, Sung Kang as Doran, Homie Doroodian as Mouse, Vladimir Cuk as Tall Tall, Kay E. Kuter as Yawn, Ron Yuan as Lank, Al Leong as Yang Sze, Woon Young Park as Che-Kahn, Minglie Chen as Hana, Christine Chow as Seki, Age 10, Richard Lee-Sung as Old Wizard, and Dawna Lee Heising as Village Sorceress.
Professional involved in the making of the Forbidden Warrior film:
Joy Todd (Casting), Scott Conrad (Editor), Jimmy Nickerson (Director), Rika Nakanishi (Set Decoration), Henry Kingi (Stunts), Craig Campobasso (Casting), Joe Duchinsky (Producer), Glen Hartford (Executive Producer), Jady Herrmann (Producer), Paul Baker (Producer), Farshad Moftakhar (Producer), Scott Reed (Producer), Mike Verta (Original Music Composer), Vikram Zutshi (Producer), Daniel Toll (Producer), George Mooradian (Director of Photography), Margaret M. Miles (Production Design), Pamela Nadeau (Costume Design), Julie Davis (Costume Design), Joseph Michael Roth (Producer), Michiko Nishiwaki (Stunt Double), Dawna Lee Heising (Stunts), Jeff Pruitt (Stunts), and Leigh Hennessy (Stunts).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Тайнственият войн
Митичната азиатска героиня, красивата и млада Секи, открива, че е единствения човек на земята, владеещ силата да контролира Гайа За - всемогъща книга със заклинания. Враговете й се опитват да откраднат книгата и Секи разбира, че единственият начин да ги спре е като се научи да използва дарбата си. Не само съдбата на книгата, но и съдбата на света зависят от Секи...
Language: Bulgarian
Forbidden Warrior
In einem nicht näher definierten antiken Reich bekriegen sich die Fürstenhäuser Khan und Muraji mit allen erlaubten, unerlaubten und magischen Mitteln. Als dem einen Unhold zu Ohren kommt, dass im Hause des anderen die Geburt eines möglicherweise auserwählten Trohnfolger bevorsteht, entsendet er seine Mordbuben. Doch das Kind überlebt in der Obhut eines weisen alten Mannes und reift zu einer flotten Kriegerin heran, um die sich Jahre später Khans Söhne in romantischer Absicht prügeln werden.
Language: German
Un poderoso brujo, Ujis-Aka, salva al bebé Seki al nacer muriendo su madre. Envía a Seki a otro poderoso brujo llamado Ajis-Aka. Seki ya ha alcanzado la mayoría de edad y ha sido entrenada para ser una guerrera. Che-Khan sabe de la existencia de Seki y envía a sus hijos para capturarla y obtener el poder de Gaia Za. Seki ahora debe luchar para restablecer la paz al continente.
Language: Spanish
Selon la légende il existerait un grimoire, le "Gaitza", qui permettrait de gouverner le monde. Mais le seul à pouvoir le déchiffrer serait l'élu, le fils d'un légendaire guerrier. Mais en réalité, le légendaire guerrier est père d'une fille...
Language: French
הלוחם האסור
הרבה לפני שההיסטוריה נרשמה, שבט סודי של קוסמים שהגנו על ספר של הקסם הכי חזק בעולם, הגאיה זא. הם חיכו לנבחר שיגיע ויוכל לתרגם את הספר ולהשתמש בקסם בשביל שלום והרמוניה. אדון הקסמים של שני הסרטים ששלטו בעולם גילה שילד שהולך להיוולד בקרוב לאחד המשפחות יהיה הנבחר והוא יוכל להשתמש בקסם לטובת השבט שלו. צ'אי קאן, המושל של שבט הקאן, מצווה לרצוח את הילדה שנולדה. קוסמת גדולה, אוג'יס-אקא, מצילה את התינוקת, סקי, אבל לא מצליחה להציל את האמא ולכן היא שולחת את הילדה לקוסמת אחרת, אג'יס-אקא. שסקי מגיעה לבגרות, היא כבר אומנה להיות קוסמת לוחמת. צ'אי קאן לומדת על הקיום שלה ושולחת את הבנים שלה לתפוס את סקי ולהשיג את הכוח של הכישוף. סקי חייבת להילחם ולהחזיר את השלום למדינה.
Language: Hebrew
Il Gaia Za è un tomo sacro che contiene molti incantesimi antichi e potenti che devono essere sbloccati da un cosiddetto Prescelto che dovrebbe nascere da una delle due famiglie principali: i Khan o i Maraji. Non volendo lasciare il destino del clan agli dei, Che Khan decide di prendere in mano la situazione complottando l'omicidio di un nuovo bambino Maraji, che potrebbe essere il bambino in questione. Così facendo, scatena un furioso scontro.
Language: Italian
AVENTURA. ACÇÃO. FANTASIA.NA ALMA DE UMA MULHERBATE O CORAÇÃO DE UMA HEROÍNA.Este filme de acção, baseado numa mítica heroína asiática, conta a história da jovem e bela Seki, a única pessoa viva com o poder para controlar o Gaia Za, um poderoso livro de feiticos. Seki terá que aprender a utilizar os dons que possui para poder salvar o mundo dos seus sanguinários rivais.
Language: Portuguese
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