The Jack the Giant Killer film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Action genres.
Jack the Giant Killer Movie was made by The Asylum at a cost of $50,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English.
A giant beanstalk brings Jack to a land in the clouds filled with snarling, evil beasts. When the creatures make their way to the ground, Jack must figure out how to get back down before they destroy earth and everyone in it.

Jack the Giant Killer Film Stars:
Jane March as Sirena, Ben Cross as Agent Hinton, Julian Boote as Nigel Mason, Dylan Jones as Agent Jones, Jamie Atkins as Jack Krutchens, Jon Campling as Jess Walters, Vicki Glover as Lisa Russell, Tanya Winsor as Sharon Mason, Harry Dyer as Newald Krutchens, Steve McTigue as General O'Shauncey, Robert Boyle as Staff Sergeant Sam Jones, and Gemma Lawman as Hero Woman.
Professional involved in the making of this Jack the Giant Killer film:
David Michael Latt (Producer), Paul Bales (Co-Producer), Mark Atkins (Writer), Chris Ridenhour (Music), David Rimawi (Executive Producer), Helen Pritchard (Casting), Karl Armstrong (Editor), Carl Waters (Art Direction), and Kim Tizard-Lee (Costume Design).
What Peoples Said About Jack the Giant Killer Film:
Jack the Giant Killer, an Asylum movie from 2013. Already gotta be better than Jack the Giant Slayer bc it's has a fucking mech thing!! Holy shit!!! Asylum movies are like the marvel movies of B Movies like tons come out every year and very consistent. First off why Jack's guardians so fucking rude, this old guy just wants to fulfill a old promise jeez. Also I know it's his red hair but why it feel like Harry Potter with the bad parents and all that and some old bearded guy coming and shit. Why am I getting into this. Like the mystery and intrigue of it, and the acting of the father is kinda good. Sirena is an interesting character and nice acting job too, probably top 3 of the whole movie. The battle part is cool. Overall the movie is pretty average but in terms of what you are expecting it exceeds expectations.
***Low-budget knockoff of “Jack the Giant Slayer” is original enough to stand on its own*** The Asylum’s “Jack the Giant Killer” (2013) isn’t a remake of the 1962 film, but rather a mockbuster for which the company is known. These kinds of movies are produced with the intention of exploiting the mass publicity machine of a blockbuster with a similar title or subject, in this case “Jack the Giant Slayer,” which was released to theaters around the same time. While both films feature a main character named Jack and massive beanstalks that lead up to an amazing realm above the clouds, they’re otherwise totally different. This one doesn’t even have giants, although they’re mentioned. The “giants” here are prehistoric-like beasts that look like a cross between ankylosaurus, triceratops and an elephant, albeit the size of brontosaurs. Also, the story takes place in the present rather than some fantasy medieval period. These Asylum flicks only cost between $1 million and $2 million, so I was surprised how well done some of the CGI is, like the flying castle and Serena’s palace. Believe it or not, the “realm above the clouds” is actually superior to the one in the blockbuster “Jack the Giant Slayer” because this film uses actual locations rather than cartoonish CGI; and the locations are magnificent. Both Jamie Atkins (Jack) and Harry Dyer (Newald) work well as the son/father protagonists. Ben Cross is also on hand. On the female front, Vicki Glover stands out as Lisa, but not enough is done with her. Jane March plays Serena (the evil queen or whatever) and she still looks good at almost 40 during shooting. The first half of the movie is surprisingly good, but I was let down a bit by the conventional last act where the colossal beasts attack earth with too many reaction shots of the main characters. I would’ve preferred the script focusing on the people and the interesting dynamics thereof. Yes, some Asylum movies suck, like "30,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "Mega Piranha.” But some don't, e.g. "The Land That Time Forgot" (2009), "6 Guns" and "Grimm's Snow White.” This one may not make the latter list, but it could have if they spent a little more money to draw out the plot’s potential. Nevertheless, it’s not bad for fans of Grade B fantasy adventure flicks. The film runs 1 hour, 27 minutes and was shot in England (Lancashire & Merseyside) and Wales, UK. GRADE: C+/B-
Here are some translations about the film:
Джак, убиецът на великани
Крехкото примирие между хора и гиганти е нарушено след като младият и наивен помощник във ферма Джак без да иска отваря портал между нашия свят и този на страховита орда гиганти. Попаднали на Земята за първи път от столетия, безчинстващите гиганти отвличат млада принцеса.
Language: Bulgarian
Jack – Zabiják obrů
Obří stonek fazole přenáší Jacka do země v oblacích, kde přežívá prastaré Zlo v podobě dravých pravěkých tvorů. Krvelačná zvířata se navíc rozhodnou napadnout Zemi a bude na Jackovi a jeho zabijáckých schopnostech, aby tyto potvory poslal tam, kam patří.
Language: Czech
Den unge Jack finder ved et uheld vejen til kæmpernes rige i skyerne. Nu må han finde en måde at forhindre dem i at finde til jorden og ødelægge menneskeheden. “The Giant Killer” er en storslået og actionspækket nyversion af det klassiske eventyr “Jack og Bønnestagen”
Language: Danish
An seinem 18. Geburtstag klopft ein seltsamer Fremder an die Tür von Jack (Jamie Atkins) und seinen wenig begeisterten Eltern. Schnell stellt sich heraus, dass dieser Mann von Jacks lange verschollenem leiblichem Vater geschickt wurde. Der Bote überreicht dem jungen Erwachsenen einen Beutel mit eigenartig wirkenden Bohnensamen. Jack wird neugierig und pflanzt sie direkt im Garten. Es entsteht eine riesige Bohnenstange, die bis in den Himmel rankt und ihn in ein Land über den Wolken bringt, das von riesigen Monstern bewohnt wird, die in einem großen, geheimnisvollen und fliegenden Schloss hausen. Als die Riesen herausfinden, wie sie auf die Erde gelangen können, muss Jack sofort reagieren und vor den Feinden wieder unten sein, um die Zerstörung seiner Heimat und des gesamten Planeten zu verhindern.
Language: German
Jack el cazagigantes
Un tallo de frijol gigante lleva a Jack a una tierra en las nubes llena de gruñidos y bestias malvadas. Cuando las criaturas consiguen hacer un camino para llegar a la tierra, Jack deberá encontrar la manera de volver a bajar antes de que destruyan el planeta y a todos sus habitantes. Adaptación moderna de Jack y las judías mágicas.
Language: Spanish
G-War - La guerre des Géants
Lorsque Jack découvre par inadvertance une porte menant vers un autre monde, il n’hésite pas à y entrer. Loin d’imaginer le danger de ce nouvel univers, il se ravit de sa découverte. Il ne faudra pas longtemps avant qu’il comprenne que ce monde est habité par de féroces créatures qui n’ont qu’un objectif : détruire la Terre.
Language: French
ジャック・ザ・ジャイアントキラー 空飛ぶ城と天空の王国
Language: Japanese
잭과 자이언트 킬러 2014
지상 세계의 운명을 건 잭의 최후의 반격! 초대형 판타지 어드벤처가 펼쳐진다!
열여덟 번째 생일을 맞이한 잭은 선물로 태어나기도 전에 사라진 아빠가 남긴 콩을 받게 된다. 별 뜻 없이 대성당 뜰에 던져버린 콩은 하루 만에 굵고 커다란 나무로 자라 하늘위로 높게 치솟는다. 잭은 나무줄기에 엮여 하늘로 올라가게 되고, ‘구름 위의 나라’라고 불리는 낯선 곳에 떨어지게 된다. 잭은 그곳에서 18년 전 사라진 아빠를 만나게 되고, 함께 돌아갈 방법을 모색하던 중 여왕 세레나를 만나게 된다. 하지만 지구에 불만이 있던 그녀의 복수 계획을 알고 도망친다. 집으로 돌아가기 위한, 악으로부터 지상 세계를 지켜내기 위한 그들의 방어전투가 시작되는데...
Language: Korean
Estamos no início do século 20. Jack (the Giant Killer) tem de aniversário e recebe um saco de feijões mágicos. Mal no mundo dos pequenos grãos são os brotos extremamente altas no céu a pé de feijão gigante. Arrastado pela videira desperta Jack em um mundo novo e estranho. Mas os habitantes deste mundo não são animado sobre a sua chegada.
Language: Portuguese
Джек – победитель великанов
Чтобы остановить ужасных чудовищ, угрожающих людям, смельчаку Джеку придётся вступить с ними в неравный бой…
Language: Russian
En gigantisk bönstjälk tar med Jack till ett land bland molnen där onda odjur lever. När varelserna tar sig ner till marken, måste Jack räkna ut hur han kommer tillbaka innan de förstör jorden...
Language: Swedish
ต้นถั่ววิเศษได้พาแจ็คขึ้นไปยังเมฆานครที่เป็นที่อยู่ของบรรดาอสูรยักษ์พันธุ์ดุ จนเมื่ออสูรร้ายเหล่านี้เตรียมยกพลลงมายังแผ่นดินมนุษย์ แจ็คต้องหาทางกลับลงมาให้ทัน และทำลายต้นถั่วยักษ์ก่อนที่พวกมันจะลงมาสร้างหายนะให้กับทุกสรรพสิ่งบนผืนโลก
Language: Thai
本片是专拍恶搞片的The Global Asylum出品,并不是尼古拉斯·霍尔特主演的《巨人捕手杰克 Jack the Giant Slayer》。
Language: Mandarin
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