Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life in the Dead Zone Movie

Life in the Dead Zone Poster

The Life in the Dead Zone movie has Horror, and Comedy genres.

Life in the Dead Zone Movie was made by Imagination Films Unlimited The film was successfully completed and released in 2018

A comedy-drama-mockumentary about Council workers, in a zombie infested city, dealing with office politics, government regulations and the ravenous undead. When the Zombie apocalypse hit, it devastated society for years. Now, with humanity rebuilding, the virus contained and hope for a cure in the air, only a few of the most desperate and cunning zombies remain to be rounded up, by people like Stanley.

Life in the Dead Zone Movie Stars:

Des Morgan as Stanley George, Peter Tonks as , Gabe Page as , Jake Hurrell as , Chester Dextar as , and Alex Chamberlain as .

Des Morgan Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Life in the Dead Zone movie:

Tim Capper (Visual Effects), Des Morgan (Story), Peter Tonks (Director), Gabe Page (Story), Matt Percy (Executive Producer), Matt Sharp (Story), Jake Hurrell (Story), Chester Dextar (Story), Nick McGowen (Sound Designer), and Luka Turjak (Music).

Des Morgan Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Een komedie-drama-mockumentary over gemeentewerkers, in een door zombies geteisterde stad, die te maken krijgen met kantoorpolitiek, overheidsregels en de vraatzuchtige ondoden. Toen de Zombie-apocalyps toesloeg, verwoestte dit de samenleving jarenlang. Nu de mensheid zich weer opbouwt, het virus onder controle is en de hoop op genezing in de lucht hangt, zijn er nog maar een paar van de meest wanhopige en sluwe zombies over die door mensen als Stanley moeten worden opgepakt.

Language: Dutch

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