This Lovestory film has and Drama genres.
The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is English.
A gay fairy tale that defies the supposedly dark perception of male sexuality. A dreamy fetish romance that includes shame, love at first sight, confrontation with authority and plenty of colourful socks.

Lovestory Movie Stars:
Gabriel Constantin as , and James Parris as .
Peoples involved in the making of this Lovestory movie:
and John Fitzpatrick (Director).
Here are some translations about the film:
Le sirene di una macchina della polizia, un ladro scappa lasciando dietro di sé una scarpa. Un incontro inaspettato e sospeso verso nuovi pensieri e desideri tra un moderno cenerentolo e il suo principe poliziotto.
Language: Italian
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