Sunday, June 16, 2024

Фортеця Хаджибей Movie

The Фортеця Хаджибей movie has Adventure, and History genres.

Фортеця Хаджибей Movie was made by Dovzhenko Film Studios, Odesa Film Studio, InsightMedia Producing Center, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Ternopil Film Commission, Ukrainian State Film Agency, Georgia International Films, and AISI film at a cost of $990,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Turkish, Ukrainian.

Son Kale Hacibey is a historical action film that tells the story of a battle between the Turkish Ottoman Empire and the Ukrainian Hetmanate Empire on the one hand, and the Russian Empire on the other hand. The forces are fighting to gain control of the Hacibey Castle, an impenetrable fortress located on the Black Sea coast in the heart of Ukrainian Hetmanate Empire. And just when the Russians thought they were winning the battle against Ukrainians and Turks, a mysterious hero - a brave Ukrainian cossack warrior Andriy - arrives in Istambul to deliver a secret message from from Ukrainian Hetmanate Empire's leadership. A message that can forever change the course of this battle.

Фортеця Хаджибей Movie Backdrop

Фортеця Хаджибей Movie Stars:

Georgiy Deliev as , Yurdaer Okur as Ahmet Pasa, Oleksandr Polovets as general Morozov, Oleh Symonenko as , Oleksandr Sokolov as Andrii, Dmytro Rybalevskyi as , Deren Talu as Fatima, Iraklii Maruashvili as Yoram, Kateryna Shevchenko as , and Denys Faliuta as .

Georgiy Deliev Photo Yurdaer Okur Photo Oleksandr Polovets Photo Oleh Symonenko Photo Oleksandr Sokolov Photo Dmytro Rybalevskyi Photo Iraklii Maruashvili Photo Denys Faliuta Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Фортеця Хаджибей movie:

Kostiantyn Konovalov (Director), Mirza Davitaia (Producer), Zaza Urushadze (Creative Producer), and Andrii Osipov (Producer).

Kostiantyn Konovalov Photo Zaza Urushadze Photo Andrii Osipov Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

오스만 제국 전쟁

마지막 요새를 지키기 위한 단 한 번의 기회!

영토 확장을 위해 무자비하게 전쟁을 벌이는 러시아 제국, 막강한 군사들을 내세워 오스만 제국까지 넘본다. 러시아 제국의 승리가 거의 확정된 무렵, 오스만 제국 전설의 용사 ‘안드레이’는 전쟁의 판도를 완전히 뒤집을 전략을 찾아낸다. 마지막 요새 ‘카자비’를 지키기 위해 ‘안드레이’는 자신의 군대를 이끌고 최후의 결전에 나서는데…

Language: Korean

Son Kale: Hacıbey

18. yüzyıl sonlarında yaşanan Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı sırasında geçen filmde, Hacıbey Kalesi'ne yapılan kuşatmaya odaklanılıyor. Filmde, kuşatma sırasında esir alınan Ahmet Paşa ve kız Fatma'nın kurtulmak için verdiği mücadele konu ediliyor.

Language: Turkish

Козак Андрій має передати важливу інформацію у Стамбул. Для цього йому треба визволити з темниці батька своєї коханої – турецької красуні Фатіми. Молоді люди відважуються на ризиковану операцію.

Language: Ukrainian

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