Friday, June 21, 2024

Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu Film

The Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu film has and Animation genres.

Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu Film was made by Siyahmartı Animation Studios, and CJ Entertainment The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Turkish.

When two treasure hunters who sneak into the tree house accidentally go to the past, Nasreddin Hoca and the children go after them to bring them back, when the treasure hunters go to prison there, they come back with the thought that everything is done, but when they come back, t... Read all

Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu Film Backdrop

Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu Film Stars:

Ender Yigit as , Fatih Özkul as , Ufuk Yüksel as , Öykü Kiliçaslan as , Ezel Kalkan as , Ekinsu Karaata as , and Deniz Salman as .

Professional involved in the making of this Nasreddin Hoca Zaman Yolcusu movie:

and Nurullah Yenihan (Director).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Als zwei Schatzsucher, die sich versehentlich in ein Baumhaus schleichen, in die Vergangenheit reisen, machen sich Nasreddin Hodja und die Kinder auf den Weg, um sie zurückzubringen. Die Welt hat sich komplett verändert, als die Schatzsucher zurückkehren. Sie müssen in die Vergangenheit zurückkehren, um ihr Leben wieder so zu machen, wie es war.

Language: German

Ходжа Насреддин путешественник во времени

Когда два кладоискателя, пробравшись в дом на дереве, случайно уходят в прошлое, Ходжа Насреддин и дети идут за ними, чтобы вернуть их, когда кладоискатели попадают туда в тюрьму, они возвращаются с мыслью, что все сделано, но когда они возвращаются, мир полностью меняется, им приходится вернуться в прошлое, чтобы восстановить свою жизнь.

Language: Russian

Gizlice ağaç eve giren iki hazine avcısı, yanlışlıkla geçmişe gidince Nasreddin Hoca ve çocuklar onları geri getirmek üzere peşlerinden giderler, hazine avcıları orada hapse girince her şey halloldu düşüncesiyle geri dönerler fakat geri geldiklerinde dünya tamamen değişmiştir, hayatlarını eski haline döndürmek için tekrar geçmişe gitmek zorundadırlar.

Language: Turkish

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