This Paul, Apostle of Christ film has and Drama genres.
Paul, Apostle of Christ Movie was made by Affirm Films, Outside Da Box, and ODB Films at a cost of $5,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 made a revenue of $22,500,000. The spoken language used in the film is English, Spanish.
Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the church.

Paul, Apostle of Christ Film Stars:
Noah Huntley as Publius, Jim Caviezel as Luke, James Faulkner as Paul, Joanne Whalley as Priscilla, Olivier Martinez as Mauritius, Antonia Campbell-Hughes as Irenica, John Lynch as Aquila, Christopher Dingli as Roman Doctor, Alessandro Sperduti as Cassius, Manuel Cauchi as Ananias, Mario Opinato as Balbus, Yorgos Karamihos as Saul of Tarsus, André Agius as Stephen, Husam Chadat as Gamaliel, Joe Azzopardi as Roman Thug, Alexandra Vino as Octavia, Anthony Edridge as Severus, Graham Charles as Roman Soldier, Erica Muscat as Woman 2, John-Paul Pace as Christian Man 2, Kenneth Spiteri as Eubulus, Jacob Daniel Groth as Young Man, Sarah Michelle Attard as Beaten Woman, Daryl Vassallo as Tarquin, Nora Jolie Eckermann as Caelia, and Daryl Luke Vassallo as Tarquin.
Those involved in the making of this Paul, Apostle of Christ movie:
Patricia Kerrigan DiCerto (Casting), Jan A. P. Kaczmarek (Orchestrator), David Zelon (Producer), Andrew Hyatt (Director), Edward Said (Casting), Dave Arrowsmith (Production Design), Gerardo Madrazo (Cinematography), Ino Bonello (Art Direction), Terence Berden (Producer), Eric Groth (Executive Producer), Rick Jackson (Executive Producer), Harrison Powell (Executive Producer), and Simon Sansone (Line Producer).
What Peoples Said About Paul, Apostle of Christ Film:
**An excessively preachy film, aimed at more devout audiences.** It really costs being a historian when we feel like watching a film based on historical facts. We never manage to take off our academic attire and enjoy it, we see errors and inaccuracies where no one sees anything special. And this is tiring. When the film has a biblical theme, things tend to get worse. And what we have here is one of the weakest biblical films I've seen in a long time. Based on solid material extracted from Paul's letters and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, the film seeks to show us a little of Paul's life as a preacher and Christian leader, focusing on the events that followed to the burning of Rome in 64 AD, and showing the rest through episodic flashbacks. The film starts from the correct presumption that the majority of its public is aware of the events and knows who was Paul. And in fact it is difficult to imagine any well-informed Christian who do not recognize the decisive action of this leader: initially, he was a pagan and helped the Jews to persecute the Christians, whom they considered a schismatic sect of their faith. Later, he became one of the defining figures of the early period of the Christianity, and was fundamental in bringing it to other races and peoples, definitively separating Christians from Jews. Tradition tells us that he was killed in Rome shortly after the fire, which Emperor Nero attributed to the fanatical actions of the city's Christians. The film is not bad, but it could have made a better effort to capture Paul's preaching and action among other leaders: there is no mention, for example, of his participation in the first ecumenical council. Nero does not appear, but we see Roman repression in vibrant and exaggerated colors: although Roman chroniclers provided colorful descriptions of the massacres of Christians, it is known that such reports were exaggerated and archeology has never confirmed such ferocity. It was also difficult for me to see how the Mamertine Prison was transformed into a modern penal colony, with strong walls, guards and gates. Anyone who barely knows Rome, and has visited what remains of this place, knows that it was a small prison, used in temporary situations, and that Romans were not in the habit of having large prisons, preferring to send criminals to galleys, quarries and other forced labor: much more practical than feeding lots of prisoners who do nothing all day, the Romans would say. The film also places Luke with Paul in Rome, which doesn't make sense: we know they knew each other and cooperated, but it seems unlikely that Luke would stay calmly in Rome, and in full view of the authorities, after Peter and Paul's arrest. The general atmosphere of the film is somewhat preachy, and resembles a long Easter sermon, which will greatly displease audiences who are less devout or practice their faith. I didn't have any major problems with it, but I also preferred a different approach that was more likely to please a generalist audience. I don't know if the film was financed by a church or something, but that could very well have been the case. James Faulkner is effective in the role of Paul, Olivier Martinez does what he can in a role in which he has to be unpleasant and Jim Caviezel is clumsy and not very interesting in this effort, the second in his career in which he addresses biblical themes.
Can you be said to lead by example when the example is spurious? Paul, Apostle of Christ is the early Christianity 'success story' of the conversion of Mauritius Gallas (Olivier Martinez), Commander of the Third Legion of Rome, and Prefect of the Mamertine Prison. Actually, I’m not even sure Mauritius officially converted; he certainly formed a better opinion of Christians after Saint Luke cured his daughter of an indeterminate disease. I guess the filmmakers deserve some credit for not presenting this as a miracle (Luke saves the little girl’s life through his medical knowledge), but it really makes no difference anyway because there was no sick child, no Mauritius Gallas, no Third Legion, no nothing. This is a kind of artistic license that goes well beyond the fact that everyone in Nero’s Rome speaks fluent English (with a French accent, in Martinez’s case). Mauritius’s conversion (if indeed he converted) doesn’t carry as much weight as, say, that of Constantine, and not because the latter was an Emperor and the former a humble prefect; the problem is that Mauritius’s change of heart doesn’t appears to take place, not as a sign of personal growth, but simply because it’s in the script. I mean, if you’re just going to make shit up, why stop at one conversion? Why not go ahead and make it so that the entire Third Legion accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts as their Lord and Savior? Luke is only slightly less fictional than Mauritius, and equally problematic. A "Luke," to whom tradition assigns authorship of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, was mentioned by Paul in three of his epistles. The movie depicts Luke (Jim Caviezel) visiting Paul (James Faulkner) in the rather well-lit "darkness" of his cell, where the two commit the Acts to paper. Why? According to Paul, "[Luke] believes people should know the certainties of my life." This turns out to be quite an unwittingly ironical statement, considering that a) though the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are attributed to the same author, the true identity of this author remains unknown, and b) there are many contradictions between the Acts and the authentic Pauline letters; thus, in the odd chance Luke did in fact pen these books, it’d be safe to say that he and Paul weren’t as simpatico as this movie would have us believe (the aforementioned irony, by the way, is completely lost on the filmmakers, according to whom "Paul’s life was well documented by Luke").
Here are some translations about the movie:
Павел, апостол Христов
Павел, апостол Христов, е историята на двама мъже. Лука, като приятел и лекар, рискува живота си всеки път, когато се втурва в Рим, за да посети Павел, който е задържан в най-мрачната затворническа клетка на Нерон. Преди смъртната присъда на Павел да бъде приета, Лука решава да напише друга книга, която описва началото на "Пътя" и раждането на това, което ще стане известно като църквата. Но Нерон е решен да освободи Рим от християни и не се стресва да го изпълнява по възможно най-грозния начин. Окован във вериги, борбата на Павел е вътрешна. Той е оцелял толкова много - атаки, корабокрушение, , камъни, глад и жажда, студ и излагане - въпреки че чака за срещата му със смъртта, той е преследван от сенките на миналите му злодеяния. Сам в тъмното, той се чуди дали е бил забравен ... и ако има силата да свърши добре. Двама мъже се борят срещу определен император и слабостите на човешкия дух, за да дадат на света Евангелието на Исус Христос.
Language: Bulgarian
Apoštol Pavel
Pavel (James Faulkner), který si prošel dlouhou cestu od nechvalně proslulého pronásledovatele křesťanů až mezi nejvýznamnější Kristovy apoštoly, tráví poslední dny života v temném chladném vězení, kde čeká na svou popravu nařízenou císařem Neronem. Mezitím se s nasazením vlastního života vydává do Říma Lukáš (Jim Caviezel), Pavlův přítel a lékař, aby ho navštívil. Ve vězení Pavla střeží Mauritius (Olivier Martinez), který nedokáže pochopit, jak může starý zlomený muž představovat takovou hrozbu. Dřív než je Pavlův trest vykonán, Lukáš začíná sepisovat další knihu, která vylíčí zrození a počátky toho, co bude jednou známé pod pojmem křesťanství. Jejich víra otřásla impériem. Ale jejich slova změnila svět.
Language: Czech
Paulus, der Apostel Christi
Paulus (James Faulkner) der vom berüchtigten Christenverfolger zum einflussreichsten Apostel Christi wird, verbringt seine letzten Tage, um auf seine Hinrichtung in Rom zu warten. Paulus steht unter dem wachsamen Auge von Mauritius (Oliver Martinez), dem ehrgeizigen Präfekten des Mamertine Gefängnis, der verstehen will, wie dieser gebrechliche, alte Mann eine solche Bedrohung darstellen kann. Während Paulus‘ Tage im Gefängnis gezählt sind, arbeitet er fieberhaft, um das Evangelium Jesu Christi zu schreiben und ermutigt seine Anhänger, in ihrem Glauben stark gegen die Verfolgung durch die Römer zu sein.
Language: German
Πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο θα έχει ο γνωστός Έλληνας ηθοποιός Γιώργος Καραμίχος, στην ταινία του Άντριου Χάιατ, όπου περιγράφεται η ζωή του Απόστολου Παύλου όταν ήταν ακόμη ο Σαούλ από την Ταρσό. Τον Παύλο σε μεγαλύτερη ηλικία υποδύεται ο Βρετανός Τζέιμς Φόκνερ.
Language: Greek
Pablo, el apóstol de Cristo
Donde el pecado abunda ... la gracia abunda más
Pablo sufre en soledad en una prisión romana, a la espera de su ejecución por orden del emperador Nerón. A Mauricio, el ambicioso prefecto de la prisión, le cuesta imaginar qué clase de peligro podría suponer este hombre destrozado. En otro tiempo, fue Saulo de Tarso, un brutal asesino de cristianos de alto rango. Ahora, su fe inquieta a Roma. Corriendo un gran riesgo, Lucas, el galeno, visita al anciano Pablo para confortarlo y atenderlo... así como para preguntarle, transcribir y sacar clandestinamente las cartas de Pablo a la creciente comunidad de creyentes. Pese a la inhumana persecución a la que los somete Nerón, estos hombres y mujeres difundirán el Evangelio de Jesucristo y cambiarán el mundo.
Language: Spanish
Rooman valtakunnan vajotessa synkkyyteen Paavali ja Luukas uhmaavat henkensä uhalla armotonta keisaria levittääkseen Jeesuksen Kristuksen sanomaa.
Language: Finnish
Paul, Apôtre du Christ
Leur foi a défié un empire.
Alors que l’empereur Néron règne d’une poigne de fer sur Rome, Paul endure de terribles souffrances, seul dans sa prison avant son exécution. Mauritius, son ambitieux geôlier, a du mal à comprendre quel danger peut bien représenter son prisonnier. Cet homme âgé et brisé fut autrefois Paul de Tarse, l’impitoyable bourreau des Chrétiens, cependant désormais ce n’est plus sa brutalité qui effraie, mais sa foi qui ébranle Rome tout entière. Malgré l’énorme risque que cela représente, Luc l’Évangéliste vient lui rendre visite pour le réconforter – mais aussi pour l’interroger, transcrire ses paroles et faire sortir clandestinement ses lettres adressées à la communauté chrétienne, de plus en plus nombreuse. Sous le joug de Néron et en dépit de la menace de persécutions inhumaines, ces hommes et ces femmes vont répandre l’Évangile de Jésus-Christ, et changer le monde.
Language: French
פול, השליח של ישו
פול, הידוע גם כפאולוס מתרסוס וגם כשאול התרסי ובעיקר בתור אחד מ-12 השליחים של ישוע, בכלל התחיל את דרכו הדתית כשונא אדוק של הנוצרים ומשיחם, אבל בדרך לדמשק נגלה אליו חזיון אלוהי שלימים יהפוך אותו לאחת הדמויות החשובות בברית החדשה ומפיץ הבשורה הראשי.
Language: Hebrew
Paul, Kristov apostol
Language: Croatian
Pál, Krisztus apostola
Pál a keresztények hírhedten kegyetlen üldözőjéből vált Krisztus egyik legnagyobb hatású apostolává. Utolsó napjait egy rideg és sötét börtöncellában töltötte, arra várva, hogy végrehajtsák a Nero császár által elrendelt kivégzését. Barátja és orvosa, Lukács meglátogatja az ítélet végrehajtása előtt, pedig Rómába utazásával az életét kockáztatja. Mauritius, a börtön prefektusa ugyanis minden lépését árgus szemmel figyeli... Lukácsnak sikerül lejegyeznie az idős tanító bölcsességeit, amely nyomán aztán létrejöhetett a katolikus egyház, a ma ismert formájában. Hitük kihívást jelentett egy egész birodalom számára. Szavaik megváltoztatták az egész világot.
Language: Hungarian
Paolo, apostolo di Cristo
Dove il peccato abbonda ... la grazia abbonda di più
La storia dell'ultimo periodo di vita di Paolo di Tarso, un uomo che è passato dal perseguitare i Cristiani all'essere l'apostolo più influente di Cristo dopo la conversione lungo la strada da Gerusalemme a Damasco. Rischiando la vita, Luca si avventura a Roma per visitare Paolo, l'apostolo che è legato in catene e tenuto prigioniero nella cella più buia e desolata della prigione di Nerone. Perseguitato dalle ombre dei suoi misfatti passati, Paolo si chiede se sia stato dimenticato mentre attende la sua macabra esecuzione. Prima della morte di Paolo, Luca decide di scrivere un altro libro che descriva in dettaglio la nascita di quella che verrà chiamata la chiesa.
Language: Italian
パウロ 愛と赦しの物語
Language: Japanese
성경 역사상 가장 뜨거운 마지막 여정이 시작된다!
그리스도가 부활한 지 약 30년 후인 AD 67년, 로마제국의 황제 ‘네로’는 자신의 광기로 일어난 대화재의 원인으로 신흥종교인 기독교에 그 책임을 돌린다. 짐승들의 먹이가 되거나 불태워지며 극심한 박해를 받는 크리스천들. 그리고 그들의 리더인 ‘바울’은 ‘네로’의 명령에 의해 감옥에 갇혀 사형될 날만을 기다리고 있다. 죽음의 문턱, 두려움 속에 점점 희망을 잃어가는 크리스천들. 이러한 상황 속에서 바울의 동역자인 ‘누가’는 감옥에 있는 ‘바울’에게 얻은 지혜를 ‘사도행전’으로 기록하여 교인들을 위로하고자 그가 있는 감옥 속으로 숨어드는데….
Language: Korean
Paulius, Kristaus apaštalas
Rizikuodamas savo gyvybe Lukas išsiruošia į Romą aplankyti Pauliaus - grandinėmis sukaustyto bei tamsiausioje ir atšiauriausioje imperatoriaus Nerono kalėjimo celėje laikomo apaštalo. Persekiojamas savo nuodėmių šešėlių Paulius mano, kad yra visų pamirštas ir ruošiasi šiurpiai egzekucijai. Prieš Pauliaus mirtį Lukas nusprendžia parašyti knygą, kurioje papasakos tai, kas vėliau taps žinoma kaip evangelija pagal Luką.
Language: Lithuanian
Pāvils, Kristus apustulis
Language: Latvian
Vertelt het verhaal van Paulus, later ook bekend als Saul van Tarsus. Wanneer hij wordt vastgehouden door Nero in Rome wordt hij bezocht door Lucas die hiermee zijn leven riskeert. Nero is echter van plan de christenen te executeren. Terwijl Paulus op zijn executie wacht schrijft Lucas een boek over de zogenaamde weg en de geboorte van wat later de kerk zal worden.
Language: Dutch
Paul, Apostle of Christ
Language: Norwegian
Paweł, apostoł Chrystusa
Barwna opowieść o św. Pawle to historia jednego z najzagorzalszych przeciwników Chrystusa, nawróconego faryzeusza, który dzięki swej wierze i oddaniu stał się najważniejszym, najbardziej wpływowym apostołem. Życie Pawła to tak naprawdę sensacyjny scenariusz, na który składają się dziesiątki podróży po niemal całym świecie, niebezpieczne misje chrystianizacyjne, spiski, wielkie ucieczki, prześladowanie oraz wielokrotne uwięzienie za poglądy, a w końcu męczeńska śmierć przez ścięcie... Ale życie Pawła to także wielka nauka dla całej ludzkości, dzieje, które zmieniły ludzkość.
Language: Polish
Paulo, Apóstolo de Cristo
Onde aumentou o pecado, transbordou a Graça.
Paulo (James Faulkner) era conhecido como um dos perseguidores de cristãos mais cruel de seu tempo. Mas tudo muda quando ele tem um encontro com o próprio Jesus. A partir desse momento, esse jovem se torna um dos apóstolos mais influentes do Cristianismo.
Language: Portuguese
Pavel, apostolul lui Hristos
Este povestea epică a lui Pavel, omul care dintr-un persecutor al bisericii, a devenit cel mai puternic și important promotor al acesteia. Luca, ca prieten și medic, își riscă viața de fiecare dată când se aventurează în orașul Roma pentru a-l vizita pe Pavel, care este ținut captiv în cea mai întunecată celulă din închisoarea lui Nero. Înainte ca Pavel să fie condamnat la moarte, Luca se hotărăște să scrie o altă carte, care detaliază nașterea a ceea ce va deveni cunoscut drept biserică. Dar Nero este hotărât să scape Roma de creștini și nu se eschivează să-i execute în cele mai stricte moduri posibile. Legat în lanțuri, lupta lui Pavel este internă. El a supraviețuit atâtor bătăi, naufragii, foamete, frig și expuneri, și totuși, în timp ce așteaptă condamnarea la moarte, este bântuit de umbrele rătăcirilor sale din trecut. Doi oameni se luptă împotriva unui împărat neclintit și a fragilităților spiritului uman pentru a lăsa moștenire lumii Evanghelia lui Hristos.
Language: Romanian
Павел, апостол Христа
История жизни и смерти апостола Павла, который прошёл путь от беспощадного гонителя христиан до одного из основателей христианской церкви. Его последнее миссионерское путешествие заканчивается в тюрьме, куда он был заточён по приказу римского императора Нерона. Пока плененный Павел ждёт казни и размышляет о своей посмертной участи, его последователь Лука пишет новое Евангелие.
Language: Russian
Apoštol Pavol
Ich viere vzdorovala celej ríší
Počas prenasledovania kresťanov na začiatku nášho letopočtu je Pavol uväznený rímskym cisárom Nerom. V tmavej, chladnej cele bojuje s hladom, samotou, no tiež s výčitkami svedomia z vlastnej farizejskej minulosti. Jeho jediným verným spoločníkom ostal Lukáš, ktorý počas svojich návštev v Pavlovej cele spisuje zážitky a učenie muža, ktorý sa stal neskôr známym ako Apoštol národov.
Language: Slovak
Lukas riskerar sitt liv varje gång han beger sig till Rom för att besöka sin vän Paulus, som sitter fången i Neros mörkaste fängelsecell. Innan Paulus dödsdom blir verklighet bestämmer sig Lukas för att skriva ytterligare en bok, men Nero är fast besluten om att rensa staden från kristna.
Language: Swedish
ขณะรอรับโทษประหาร สาวกพอลได้เผยแพร่พระวัจนะของพระคริสต์ โดยลุคผู้เป็นสหายเป็นผู้บันทึกลงในหนังสือที่นำไปสู่จุดกำเนิดของคริสตจักร
Language: Thai
Elçi Pavlus'un hikayesini anlatan filmde Pavlus'u James Faulkner ve Luka'yı Jim Caviezel canlandırmıştır. Aziz Pavlus ya da Tarsuslu Pavlus, Pavlik Kiliselerin kurucusu Hristiyan misyoner. Miladi birinci asırda yaşamış Roma vatandaşı Farisi Yahudilerindendir. Asıl adı Saul’dur. Luka'nın kaleme aldığı İncil'de önemli bir yere sahiptir. Film Hz İsa'nın elçisi olan Pavlus'un hayatını anlatıyor Film zor ve zaman zaman boğduğu anlarla dolu.Kesinlikle herkesin izleyebileceği bir film değil ama filmin konusu ilginizi çekiyorsa ve merak ediyorsanız belki izlenebilir. Birde şunu eklemek isterim o dönemleri çok iyi yansıtmışlar...
Language: Turkish
Павло, Апостол Христа
Фільм розповідає про той час, коли Павло страждав на самоті в римській в'язниці, очікуючи страти за часів імператора Нерона.
Language: Ukrainian
Paul, Sứ Đồ Của Chúa Kito
Trước lúc bị xử tử, tông đồ Paul đã rao giảng lời của Chúa còn bạn ông, Luke, đã viết một cuốn sách có tính cách mạng dẫn đến sự ra đời của giáo hội.
Language: Vietnamese
保罗独自在罗马监狱里受折磨,等待着罗马皇帝尼禄的处决。雄心勃勃的监狱长Mauritius无法看透到底是什么对这位潦倒破碎的男人构成威胁。他曾是Saul of Tarsus,基督教徒中高级又野蛮的杀手,他的信仰给罗马人带来了恐惧。医师Luke冒着极大风险前去探望保罗,安慰、照料他,将保罗的信件转录、偷偷带出去,交与日益增长的信徒们。在尼禄惨无人道的迫害下,这些人们将极力传播基督教福音,改变世界。
Language: Mandarin
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