Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Return to the Moon: Seconds to Arrival Film

Return to the Moon: Seconds to Arrival Poster

The Return to the Moon: Seconds to Arrival film has and Documentary genres.

Return to the Moon: Seconds to Arrival Movie was made by Science Channel The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Engineers count down the final moments in the world's first ever privately-funded moon mission. In what could be one of the greatest milestones in the history of private space travel, or a spectacular failure, it comes down to sticking the landing.

Here are some translations about the movie:

Insinöörit ja tutkijat käyvät läpi asioita jotka pitää viimeistellä ennen maailman ensimmäistä yksityisesti rahoitettua kuulentoa. Onnistuuko laskeutuminen?

Language: Finnish

Technici tellen de laatste momenten af ​​van 's werelds eerste particulier gefinancierde maanmissie ooit. In wat een van de grootste mijlpalen in de geschiedenis van de particuliere ruimtevaart zou kunnen zijn, of een spectaculaire mislukking, komt het neer op het uitstellen van de landing.

Language: Dutch

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