The Retush movie has and Drama genres.
Retush Movie was made by Iranian Youth Cinema Society (IYCS), Darvash Film, and London Flair PR The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is Persian.
Maryam is faced with an important decision in this black comedy from Iran.

Retush Movie Stars:
Sonia Sanjari as Maryam, Siamak Farsi as Editor of Newspaper, Hanieh Mofleh as Negin, Azadeh Abaadpoor as Azadeh, Mohammad Hossein Ziksari as Siyavash, Forough Azizi as Forough, Hana Fooladifard as Hana, and Ali Janebollahi as Neighbor.
Those involved in the making of the Retush film:
Mohammad Reza Jahanpanah (Cinematography), Daniele Bertinelli (Sound Effects Editor), Kaveh Mazaheri (Director), Pooyan Sholehvar (Editor), Hossein Ghoorcian (Sound), Hadi Manavipour (Sound), Mohsen Kheirabadi (Visual Effects Supervisor), Hamed Nejabat (Assistant Director), Ali Janebollahi (Production Assistant), Hosna Khanmohammadi (Makeup Artist), and Adele Cheraghi (Production Design).
Here are some translations about the film:
La journée ordinaire d’une femme qui vient de commettre l’irréparable.
Language: French
Dabartinis Iranas. Vieną dieną Marijam vyras sportuodamas namuose užsimeta štangą. Užuot jam padėjusi, žmona stebi, kaip jis merdėja jos akyse.
Language: Lithuanian
Maryams echtgenoot doet thuis aan gewichtheffen. Wanneer het gewicht plotseling op hem valt en hem dreigt te verstikken, probeert Maryam hem te redden. Maar dan aarzelt ze...
Language: Dutch
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