Monday, June 3, 2024

Senario Lagi Film

The Senario Lagi film has Adventure, and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Malay.

The story starts with Azlee trading his cute Kancil for a Proton Wira through a salesman named Borhan. Azlee plans to take his wife Zati and their son Zizi to Cherating. After Azlee left, Borhan meets a bouncer named Mazlan who is on the look out for the same Proton Wira with the hope of repossessing it. Mazlan, who is determined to get the car back, was told that Azlee has it. Meanwhile, Azlee and his family were stopped by an Indonesian named Yassin along the Karak highway. Yassin wants a lift to Kuantan but he is refused by Azlee. A few metres away, a beautiful girl Linda stops Azlee because her car broke down. Azlee gives Linda a ride to town and this angers Zati. A quarrel ensues and Azlee accidentally knocks down Saiful on a motorcycle....

Senario Lagi Movie Backdrop

Senario Lagi Film Stars:

Jalaluddin Hassan as , Aziz M. Osman as , Saiful Apek as Saiful, Azhar Sulaiman as , Umie Aida as Linda, Ahmad Idham as , Yassin Senario as Yassin, Mazlan Pet Pet as Mazlan, Amy Mastura as , Mustapha Kamal as , Wahid Senario as Wahid, Azlee Senario as Azlee, Syanie Hisyam as Zaty, Nina Juren as , and Effa Ismail as .

Jalaluddin Hassan Photo Aziz M. Osman Photo Saiful Apek Photo Azhar Sulaiman Photo Umie Aida Photo Yassin Senario Photo Mazlan Pet Pet Photo Amy Mastura Photo Mustapha Kamal Photo Wahid Senario Photo Azlee Senario Photo Nina Juren Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Senario Lagi film:

and Aziz M. Osman (Director).

Aziz M. Osman Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Kisahnya bermula dengan Azlee memperdagangkan Kancil comelnya dengan sebuah Proton Wira melalui jurujual bernama Borhan. Azlee bercadang untuk membawa isterinya Zati dan anak mereka Zizi ke Cherating. Selepas Azlee pergi, Borhan bertemu dengan bouncer bernama Mazlan yang sedang mencari Proton Wira yang sama dengan harapan untuk mendapatkannya semula. Mazlan yang nekad untuk mendapatkan semula kereta itu diberitahu Azlee memilikinya. Sementara itu, Azlee dan keluarganya dihalang oleh seorang warga Indonesia bernama Yassin di sepanjang lebuh raya Karak. Yassin mahu menaiki lif ke Kuantan tetapi ditolak oleh Azlee. Beberapa meter jauhnya, seorang gadis cantik Linda menahan Azlee kerana keretanya rosak. Azlee memberi Linda tumpangan ke bandar dan ini menimbulkan kemarahan Zati. Pertengkaran berlaku dan Azlee secara tidak sengaja merempuh Saiful menaiki motosikal....

Language: Malay

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