Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure Movie

This The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure film has Adventure, Drama, Action, Family, and TV Movie genres.

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure Film was made by Lucasfilm Ltd., Amblin Television, and Paramount Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is English, Polish, Russian.

In the first film in the series, in May 1908, famed Professor Henry Jones Sr. is invited to give lectures all over the world. He takes along his wife and son, and invites his former tutor Miss Helen Seymour to teach Henry Jr. during the trip. Their first stop is Cairo, Egypt. When Junior, who prefers to be called 'Indy' and Miss Seymour visit the pyramids, they are invited by T.E. Lawrence (another former student of hers) to join an archaeological dig. When the mummy disappears and a priceless headpiece is stolen, young Indy gets his first taste of adventure. On their next stop in Tangiers, the family stays with Professor Jones' former class mate Walter Harris. Indy befriends a young slave named Omar who belongs to Emily Keen. The two of them get into trouble when they Indy insists on visiting the market place to see a salted head displayed on a pole. Caught by slave traders, they are end up at an auction from which only Harris can attempt to rescue them.

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure Film Backdrop

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure Movie Stars:

Margaret Tyzack as Miss Helen Seymour, Vic Tablian as Demetrios / Claw, Kevin McNally as Walter Harris (archive footage), Oliver Ford Davies as Ship's Captain (archive footage), Pip Torrens as Howard Carter (archive footage), Joseph Bennett as Lawrence, Ashley Walters as Omar (archive footage), Keith Marsh as Bishop (archive footage), Tony Robinson as Pierre Duclos (archive footage), Corey Carrier as Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr., Lloyd Owen as Professor Henry Jones, Sr., Tariq Alibai as Rasheed Sallam (archive footage), Rowena Cooper as Emily Keene (archive footage), Leon Lissek as Sheik Es-Salih, Tony Alleff as Bassam Ghaly (archive footage), Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones, Abderrahim El Aadili as Rude Passerby, Abderrahim Ben Zbiri as Abdul, Abdelkader Alaoui Taleb as One-Eyed Brigand, Mustapha Fathi as Haji-Harris Servant, Abdellatif Chegra as Man in Yellow Turban, Omar Djiba as Sidi-Sharifa Slave, Abdelilah Khoudraji as Harris Servant #1, Souini Bouchaib as Flute Player, Mohamed Chetouane as Basket Seller, Mokhtar Mellali as Rug Seller, Abdillah Tigouna as Fat Brigand, Elkhayat Abdeljabar as Head Tribesman, My Driss Elmaarrouf as Auctioneer, Abdelkader Channan as Tall Buyer, Mustapha Hamadi as Buyer, Neil Boulane as Baby Indy, Mary Lynn Minouma as US Midwife, Boutalat as Toddler Indy, Khaltane Karim as Jones' Cook, and Maryam Thompson as Jones' Maid.

Margaret Tyzack Photo Vic Tablian Photo Kevin McNally Photo Oliver Ford Davies Photo Pip Torrens Photo Ashley Walters Photo Keith Marsh Photo Tony Robinson Photo Lloyd Owen Photo Tariq Alibai Photo Rowena Cooper Photo Leon Lissek Photo Ruth de Sosa Photo

Those involved in the making of the The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure movie:

George Lucas (Story), Janet Hirshenson (Casting), Roger Mussenden (Casting), Roger Christian (Second Unit Director), David Tattersall (Director of Photography), Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator), Maggie Gray (Set Decoration), Keith Pain (Art Direction), Karen Lindsay-Stewart (Casting), Peter Walpole (Set Decoration), Vic Armstrong (Second Unit Director), Ashley Rowe (Director of Photography), Rick McCallum (Producer), Jonathan Hales (Screenplay), Phil Harvey (Art Direction), Gavin Bocquet (Production Design), Paul Martin Smith (Editor), Edgar Burcksen (Editor), Laurence Rosenthal (Original Music Composer), Louise Page (Costume Design), Ricky Eyres (Production Design), Jule Selbo (Screenplay), Michael Schultz (Director), Terry Pritchard (Art Direction), Jim O'Brien (Director), Belinda Parish (Makeup Artist), Fae Hammond (Makeup Artist), Pat Hay (Makeup Artist), Bob Gilles (Steadicam Operator), Menouer Samiri (Art Direction), and Charlotte Holdich (Costume Design).

George Lucas Photo Janet Hirshenson Photo Roger Christian Photo David Tattersall Photo Nick Gillard Photo Karen Lindsay-Stewart Photo Vic Armstrong Photo Rick McCallum Photo Laurence Rosenthal Photo Louise Page Photo Jule Selbo Photo Michael Schultz Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Mladý Indiana Jones: První dobrodružství

1908 - devítiletý Henry Jones jr. se vydává spolu s pragmatickým otcem, milovanou mámou a přísnou učitelkou slečnou Seymorovou na cestu po světě, pozná množství kultur, naučí se nové jazyky a pochopí, jaká životní pouť ho čeká. První zastávkou je Egypt, kde pozná T.E. Lawrence, známějšího jako Lawrence z Arábie, a pomůže odhalit zloděje starověkého artefaktu z nově objevené hrobky. Po přesunu do Maroka pochopí, co znamená být otrokem a poprvé využije svůj důvtip na záchranu nejen svého života, ale i kamaráda otroka.

Language: Czech

Indy besøger en udgravning i Ægypten. Her findes både en gammel mumie og et helt friskt lig. Med hjælp fra T.E. Lawrence - selveste Lawrence of Arabia - må Indy opklarede dette mystiske mord. Efterfølgende bliver Indy kidnappet og solgt til en slavehandler!

Language: Danish

Die Abenteuer des jungen Indiana Jones: Mein erstes Abenteuer

Bei einer archäologischen Ausgrabung im Tal der Könige entdeckt Indy eine alte Mumie und eine neue Leiche. Mit der Hilfe von T.E. Lawrence, dem legendären Lawrence von Arabien, löst Indy eine spannende Kriminalgeschichte, doch dann droht ihm neue Gefahr, als er von Sklavenjägern gefangen wird. Eine erschreckende Reise durch den heißen Sand Nordafrikas zu den Sklavenmärkten von Marrakesch lehrt Indy, sich auf seinen Mut und Verstand zu verlassen, um die schrecklichen Qualen durchzustehen.

Language: German

Noore Indiana Jonesi seiklused: minu esimene seiklus

Language: Estonian

Az ifjú Indiana Jones: 01. Az első kaland

Egyiptom (1908. május) / Tanger (1908)

A tízéves Henry elkíséri szüleit a Királyok völgyébe, az egyiptomi piramisokhoz egy ásatásra. Az unalmasnak ígérkező helyszínen azonban megmagyarázhatatlan balesetek történnek, melyek rettegésben tartják a helyi munkásokat. A fiú nyomozásba kezd a rejtélyes ügyben, miközben megismerkedik a legendás Arábiai Lawrence-szel...

Language: Hungarian

Tijdens een archeologische opgraving in Egypte ontdekt een jonge Indiana Jones in een tombe een oude mummie en een redelijk vers lijk. Met hulp van T.E. Lawrence probeert hij het moordmysterie op te lossen.

Language: Dutch

Przygody młodego Indiany Jonesa: Moja pierwsza przygoda

Language: Polish

Приключение молодого Индианы Джонса: Моё первое приключение

Language: Russian

Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure

Året är 1908 och den unge pojken Henry Jones Jr. beger sig ut på sitt första äventyr, när han följer med sina föräldrar och sin privatlärare på en resa jorden runt. Första stopp på denna världsturné är London, Tangier och Egypten, där de ska marknadsföra pappas senaste bok om ridderlighet.

Language: Swedish

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