Monday, June 24, 2024

The Other Side of Fear Movie

This The Other Side of Fear movie has and Documentary genres.

at a cost of $2,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Arabic, English, Estonian.

The Other Side of Fear signifies the actions which incite religious violence and broaden the divide of cultural and moral beliefs in society. The film shadows two clashing perspectives both of which are searching for safety in their own communities and these perspectives blend testimonies of trauma and manifestos of power. By using poetic documentation, the director acknowledges that there are more than two sides to every story and intertwines these sentiments, embodiments and experiences into one journey to understand what is happening behind the doors of communities the other hasn’t experienced.

The Other Side of Fear Movie Backdrop

Here are some translations about the film:

El otro lado del miedo se refiere a las acciones que incitan a la violencia religiosa y amplían la división de creencias culturales y morales en la sociedad. La película sombrea dos perspectivas enfrentadas que buscan seguridad en sus propias comunidades y estas perspectivas combinan testimonios de trauma y manifiestos de poder. Mediante el uso de documentación poética, el director reconoce que hay más de dos lados en cada historia y entrelaza estos sentimientos, encarnaciones y experiencias en un viaje para comprender lo que sucede detrás de las puertas de las comunidades que el otro no ha experimentado.

Language: Spanish

The Other Side of Fear ou, em tradução não oficial, o Outro Lado do Medo, é uma exploração poética sobre as divisões sociais culturais e religiosas que grassam no mundo e que poderiam ser ultrapassadas se as pessoas perdessem o preconceito e a desconfiança e passassem para o lado que a todos humaniza. Uma curta do jovem realizador egípcio, Ahmed Fouad Ragab, que completou os seus estudos cinematográficos na Estónia.

Language: Portuguese

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