Monday, June 24, 2024

Unfriended: Off-Line Movie

Unfriended: Off-Line Backdrop

The Unfriended: Off-Line film has Horror, and Thriller genres.

Unfriended: Off-Line Film was made by Supercine Films at a cost of $3,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is French.

During a promising evening, an unknown user joins Elliot and Rayan's call, two friends chatting on Skype.

Unfriended: Off-Line Film Backdrop

Unfriended: Off-Line Film Stars:

Louis F. as Louis, Rayan Bellaha as Rayan, Ethssy Tour N' Da as Ethssy, Melchior Mabayog as Melchior, and Frolliot as Elliot.

Peoples involved in the making of the Unfriended: Off-Line film:

Frolliot (Director), Louis F. (Writers' Assistant), Frolliot (Writer), Sophie Herbreteau (Producer), and Eric Higos (Executive Producer).

Here are some translations about the film:

La terreur se cache derrière votre écran

Lors d'une soirée s'annonçant banale, un utilisateur inconnu va se joindre à l'appel d'Elliot et Rayan, deux amis discutant sur Skype. Cet étrange inconnu va se montrer particulièrement menaçant, et va prouver que ses limites ne s'arrêtent pas à un simple écran. La soirée va tourner au massacre lorsque de sanglants événements vont commencer à se produire dans la vie réelle...

Language: French

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