Friday, June 7, 2024

We Are the Strange Film

This We Are the Strange film has Fantasy, Animation, Drama, Horror, and Science Fiction genres.

We Are the Strange Movie was made by Str8nime The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Two outcasts fight for survival in a sinister fantasy world. Their lives are constantly in jeopardy after they're caught in the middle of a deadly battle between bizarre monsters on their way to the ice cream shop.

We Are the Strange Movie Stars:

M. dot Strange as HIM (voice), Halleh Seddighzadeh as Blue (voice), Stuart Mahoney as Ori - The Pastor (voice), David Choe as Rain (voice), and Chaylon Blancett as The Wooo Monster (voice).

David Choe Photo

Professional involved in the making of the We Are the Strange movie:

and M. dot Strange (Director).

Here are some translations about the film:

Die Handlung dreht sich um eine Mädchen namens Blue, das in einer seltsamen Fantasiewelt alleine durch die Straßen zieht, bis sie auf Emmm trifft, der sich auf der Suche nach einer Eisbude befindet. Sie schließt sich ihm an, doch die beiden müssen feststellen, daß das gesuchte Ziel von finsteren Mächten eingenommen wurde und daß sie von bösen Monstern verfolgt werden. Erst ein Held, der auf den Namen Rain hört und die Quelle des Übels beseitigen will, kann Blue und Emmm retten.

Language: German

We Are the Strange

Blue è una ragazza che gira da sola per le strade di un mondo terrificante e sinistro. Quando conosce Emmm, un'anima persa come lei, lo coinvolge nella ricerca di un gelato. Appena arrivati, scoprono che la gelateria è sotto il controllo di forze oscure e che l'intera città è invasa dal male. Strani mostri circondano Blue ed Emmm fino a quando non interviene Rain.

Language: Italian



Language: Mandarin

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