Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Changing Climates, Changing Times Film

Changing Climates, Changing Times Poster

This Changing Climates, Changing Times movie has Fantasy, Drama, and TV Movie genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is German, English, French.

Year 2060. Climate predictions made at the beginning of the 21st century have turned out to be dramatically true: global warming of the Earth's atmosphere now has serious consequences on the every day lives of our grandchildren.

Changing Climates, Changing Times Film Stars:

Vernon Dobtcheff as Lucas, Tantoo Cardinal as Grace Lajoie, Nancy Tate as Julia Peyrefitte, and David La Haye as Niels Meister.

Vernon Dobtcheff Photo Tantoo Cardinal Photo Nancy Tate Photo David La Haye Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Changing Climates, Changing Times film:

Marion Milne (Director), Philippe Dussau (Writer), and François Baranger (Concept Artist).

François Baranger Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

2075 - Verbrannte Erde

Wie wird die Erde aussehen, die wir unseren Kindern hinterlassen? Die Dokufiction "2075 - Verbrannte Erde" entwirft ein Szenario in der Zukunft, in dem die Erwärmung des Klimas weltweit zu dramatischen Veränderungen geführt hat.

Language: German

2075: La crisis del clima

Language: Spanish

Les Temps changent

Nous sommes en 2075. Rien n'a été fait pour contrer le réchauffement climatique. La planète est ravagée par des catastrophes : invasion de grillons, sécheresse, chaleur... Aux quatre coins de la planète, quatre histoires se croisent et se répondent...

Language: French

2075: Il clima che verrà

Language: Italian

2075 세계멸망

세계는 이렇게 멸망해간다!

서기 2075년, 전 세계 동시 멸망!! ‘인디아나 존스’ ‘300’의 VFX 스텝이 만든 충격의 재앙 패닉 드라마!! 노벨상을 수상한 유엔 협의체 ‘정부간 기후변화 위원회’의 미래 예측 데이터를 기본으로 지구멸망의 시나리오를 리얼하게 묘사!

Language: Korean

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