Saturday, June 1, 2024

Ének a csodaszarvasról Movie

Ének a csodaszarvasról Backdrop

The Ének a csodaszarvasról movie has Fantasy, and Animation genres.

Ének a csodaszarvasról Film was made by Pannónia Filmstúdió The film was successfully completed and released in 2002 The spoken language used in the film is Hungarian.

Divided into four sections, "Song" is inspired by the Siberian and Finno-Ugric legends about Creation, in which the world begins with characters who are only half-human, one being half-bird, the other half-bear. The narrator delves into the origins of Hungarian culture, the Iranian and Turkish influences that impacted the society, and finally the story of Stephen, the emperor who brought Christianity to the country and shifted the capital west in an attempt to link with Europe.

Ének a csodaszarvasról Movie Backdrop

Ének a csodaszarvasról Film Stars:

László Áron as Voice, Imre Csuja as Voice, Roland Selmeczi as Voice, Ákos Kőszegi as Voice, Iván Dengyel as Voice, Ági Szirtes as Voice, Géza Tordy as Voice, Antal Cserna as Voice, Rajhona Ádám as Voice, Balázs Galkó as Voice, Kálmán Somody as Voice, Róbert Bolla as Voice, Soma Zámbori as Voice, Tibor Kenderesi as Voice, Ferenc Borbiczki as Voice, Angéla Császár as Voice, Lajos Csuha as Voice, György Vizi as Voice, Gyula Buss as Voice, Anna Orosz as Voice, László Széles as Voice, László Joó as Voice, János Holl as Voice, Árpád Besenczi as Voice, Ildikó Bokor as Voice, Gergõ Bódi as Voice, János Csabai as Voice, József Györffy as Voice, Ilona Harmath as Voice, László Horányi as Voice, Gábor Hován as Voice, Károly Kassai as Voice, István Koncz as Voice, Gábor Maróti as Voice, József Matoricz as Voice, Szabolcs Mogyorósi as Voice, Ottó Móni as Voice, Mihály Rusz as Voice, Kati Rácz as Voice, Nándor Rékai as Voice, and Károly Varga as Voice.

László Áron Photo Imre Csuja Photo Roland Selmeczi Photo Ákos Kőszegi Photo Iván Dengyel Photo Ági Szirtes Photo Géza Tordy Photo Antal Cserna Photo Rajhona Ádám Photo Balázs Galkó Photo Kálmán Somody Photo Ferenc Borbiczki Photo Angéla Császár Photo Gyula Buss Photo László Széles Photo

Those involved in the making of the Ének a csodaszarvasról movie:

Erzsébet Nemes (Painter), György Varga (Cinematography), Magda Hap (Editor), Edit Kõ (Production Manager), András Nyerges (Sound Engineer), Marcell Jankovics (Director), Levente Szörényi (Music), Mária Zsilli (Animation), Zoltán Bacsó (Cinematography), András Klausz (Cinematography), András Bederna (Color Timer), Ferenc Dékány (Animation), Zoltan Juhasz (Musician), Gábor Szügyi (Background Designer), Erika Varga (Animation), Nóra Javorniczky (Animation), Zorka Tomasevics (Sound Director), Gábor Széll (Cinematography), József Erdei (Art Direction), Beatrix Nemes (Assistant Director), Péter Korniss (Still Photographer), Mihály Kútvölgyi (Still Photographer), Béla Nemes (Painter), Andrea Nagy (Painter), Gabriella Körmöci (Painter), Borbála Bíró (Painter), Kálmán Sáringer (Musician), György Rakovszky (Musician), Zoltán Németh (Conductor), Mária Maczkó (Musician), Alexander Horsch (Musician), András Berecz (Musician), Olga Bederna (Negative Cutter), István Varga (Animation), Piroska Martsa (Animation), Zoltán Lázár (Animation), and Károly Lugosi (Animation).

Marcell Jankovics Photo Levente Szörényi Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Ének a csodaszarvasról

A címben jelzett, nép- és honalapítást “megéneklő” monda rajzfilmes feldolgozása. A történet alapjául a csodaszarvas-mondák különböző változatai szolgálnak, kibővítve a rokonnépek mítoszainak ideillő elemeivel, őstörténetünk és korai történelmünk kapcsolódó eseményeivel. A film kísérőszövegei, párbeszédei, de dalszövegei is egykorú források, krónikák, fennmaradt mítoszok és énekek idézetei, vagy azok szövegein alapulnak. Nyelvezete a történet előrehaladásának sorrendjében a magyar nyelv változását, gazdagodását követi.

Language: Hungarian

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