Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mirages Film

Mirages Backdrop

This Mirages movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Horror genres.

Mirages Film was made by Ali'n Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2011

Five people with contrasting profiles compete for a position within Matsuika, a multinational corporation recently set up in Morocco. Following an interview with the C.E.O., they are advised to undertake a mysterious test in a secret location. It will determine who will hold the position. All five applicants accept and are led into a distressing bus with no windows. After endless driving, an accident occurs with the candidates trapped in the wreck. Thanks to a joint effort, they manage to evacuate the bus only to find themselves lost in the desert with their driver nowhere to be found. They start to wander, questioning the nature of the accident. Is it part of the test? Despite their will to survive and an urge to find clues, mirages of their most intimate fears begin to haunt them.

Mirages Film Backdrop

Mirages Film Stars:

Eric Savin as Alexandre German, Omar Lotfi as Samir, Karim Saidi as Hicham, Mohamed Choubi as L'homme en costume noir, Aïssam Bouali as Saïd, Meryam Raoui as Assia, Mustapha El Houari as Jamal, Chaouki El Ofir as Mustapha, Mohamed Aouragh as Ahmed, and Laila Fadili as Asmaa.

Eric Savin Photo Omar Lotfi Photo Mohamed Choubi Photo Aïssam Bouali Photo

Those involved in the making of this Mirages film:

Talal Selhami (Director), Talal Selhami (Adaptation), Christophe Mordellet (Writer), Mohamed Aouragh (Casting Director), David Scherer (Special Effects), Nikolas Javelle (Sound Editor), Mathieu Farnarier (Assistant Sound Editor), Yov Moor (Special Effects), Taha Marhoum (Sound), Zakaria Badreddine (Camera Operator), Xavier Collet (Compositor), Mohamed Sellam (Director of Photography), Noémie Moreau (Editor), Nadia Bougraine (Props), Mohamed El Meziane (Director of Operations), Stéphane Chaput (Assistant Director), Bouchra Caieneallah (Costumer), Adrien Radicci (Camera Operator), Abderrahim Gharbal (Camera Operator), Clémence Imbert (Script), Azzedine Riyad (Assistant Director), Guillaume Gibout (Assistant Camera), Hassan Faiq (Sound Engineer), Karim Debbache (Special Effects), and Ferdaousse Kandil (Makeup Artist).

Talal Selhami Photo Karim Debbache Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Cinq personnes aux profils très différents se retrouvent en compétition pour décrocher un emploi prestigieux à la Matsuika, une multinationale installée au Maroc. Après un entretien avec le PDG, les candidats se voient proposés une ultime épreuve pour déterminer le gagnant, dans un lieu tenu secret. Ils acceptent et embarquent à bord d'un minibus dépourvu de vitres. Après des heures de route, le véhicule a un accident et les candidats se retrouvent prisonniers de la carcasse de métal. Ils réussissent à en sortir en unissant leurs forces mais découvrent qu'ils sont en plein milieu du désert et que le chauffeur a disparu. Ne sachant pas si l'accident est réel ou si l'épreuve commence, les candidats vont errer dans le désert à la recherche d'indices et seront confrontés à des mirages les renvoyant à leurs peurs les plus profondes...

Language: French


Language: Mandarin

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