This 命運化妝師 film has Fantasy, Drama, and Mystery genres.
The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.
Being a mortuary cosmetologist, Min-Hsiu is used to seeing dead bodies until she accidentally spots a female corpse – her high school teacher Miss Chen Ting. Nie Cheng-Fu, Chen Ting’s husband, loves his wife profoundly and tries to find more memories of her with Min-Hsiu’s help. At that point, a detective, Kuo Yung-Ming, senses that the truth behind this case may not be as simple as it seems. Death is not the end of life, but another beginning of it...

命運化妝師 Film Stars:
Kate Yeung as , Ray Chang as Kuo Yung-Ming, Pu Hseuh-liang as Chou, Sonia Sui as Chen Ting, Nikki Hsieh as Min-Hsiu, Matt Wu as Nie Cheng-Fu, Shao-Huai Chang as Chih-jen, Josephine Chang as , Tzu-Chiang Wang as , and Zooey Tseng as Ching.
Those involved in the making of this 命運化妝師 movie:
Lien Yi-chi (Director), Jeffrey Cheng (Music), and Randy Che (Cinematography).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Language: Japanese
Минь работает ритуальным визажистом. Однажды на её столе оказывается Чэнь, её учительница школьных лет. Это воскрешает в памяти Минь историю их отношений. Тем временем проводится расследование смерти Чэнь, в убийстве подозревается её муж.
Language: Russian
作为人体化妆师的敏秀(谢欣颖 饰)早已见过无数的人体,为死者化妆,送他们最后一程,让死者的家属得到心灵的慰藉,是敏秀工作的意义。但这次横在敏秀面前的是她的高中老师陈庭(隋棠 饰)。自己身边的人以一个冰冷的姿态出现让敏秀的内心出现波动,过去的记忆也伴随着而来。而陈庭的未婚夫,作为精神科医生的聂城夫(吴中天 饰)对于陈庭的死抱着深深的痛苦,希望借由敏秀来了解他所不知道的陈庭的过去。参与这趟回忆之旅的还有刑警郭咏明(张睿家 饰),他认为陈庭的死不是认定的那么简单。随着三人接触的加深,三人间的关系发生了微妙的变化,原来所有的故事才刚刚开始…… 本片获得第十三届台北电影节最佳女演员(谢新颖)。
Language: Mandarin
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