Sunday, July 7, 2024

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant Film

The Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Action, and Thriller genres.

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant Film was made by Universal Pictures, Relativity Media, and Depth of Field at a cost of $40,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 made a revenue of $28,169,671. The spoken language used in the film is English.

Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant Film Backdrop

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant Movie Stars:

Salma Hayek Pinault as Madame Truska, Ken Watanabe as Mr. Tall, John C. Reilly as Larten Crepsley, Willem Dafoe as Gavner Purl, Patrick Fugit as Evra the Snake Boy, Colleen Camp as Mrs. Shan, Jane Krakowski as Corma Limbs, Frankie Faison as Rhamus Twobellies, Patrick Breen as Mr. Kersey, Orlando Jones as Alexander Ribs, Josh Hutcherson as Steve, Michael Cerveris as Mr. Tiny, Ray Stevenson as Murlaugh, Brandon Molale as Vampaneze (uncredited), Don McManus as Mr. Shan, Chris Massoglia as Darren Shan, Jessica Carlson as Rebecca, Morgan Saylor as Annie, Kristen Schaal as Gertha Teeth, Tom Woodruff Jr. as Wolfman, Drew Rin Varick as Loaf Head, Trey Burvant as Singing Dad, Cody Klop as Voice, Beau Holden as Trucker, Sam Medina as Madame Truska's Man (uncredited), Lo Graham as Student in Hallway and Classroom, Daniel Newman as Pete, and Gino Galento as Madame Truska's Man (uncredited).

Salma Hayek Pinault Photo Ken Watanabe Photo John C. Reilly Photo Willem Dafoe Photo Patrick Fugit Photo Colleen Camp Photo Jane Krakowski Photo Frankie Faison Photo Patrick Breen Photo Orlando Jones Photo Josh Hutcherson Photo Michael Cerveris Photo Ray Stevenson Photo Brandon Molale Photo Don McManus Photo Chris Massoglia Photo Jessica Carlson Photo Morgan Saylor Photo Kristen Schaal Photo Tom Woodruff Jr. Photo Drew Rin Varick Photo Trey Burvant Photo Cody Klop Photo Beau Holden Photo Sam Medina Photo Lo Graham Photo Daniel Newman Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant film:

Paul Weitz (Director), Brian Helgeland (Screenplay), Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer), Rodney Liber (Executive Producer), Judianna Makovsky (Costume Design), Dan Kolsrud (Executive Producer), Sarah Radclyffe (Executive Producer), J. Michael Muro (Director of Photography), Stephen Trask (Original Music Composer), William Arnold (Production Design), Andrew Miano (Producer), Leslie Jones (Editor), Kerry Kohansky-Roberts (Executive Producer), Ewan Leslie (Producer), Darren Shan (Original Story), John Swallow (Co-Producer), Courtney Pledger (Executive Producer), Randall D. Wilkins (Set Designer), Jerad Marantz (Character Designer), David Wallace Allen (Visual Effects Supervisor), Sachin Bangera (Technical Supervisor), Julie D'Antoni (Visual Effects), and Rick Newsome (Storyboard Designer).

Paul Weitz Photo Brian Helgeland Photo Lauren Shuler Donner Photo Judianna Makovsky Photo Stephen Trask Photo Kerry Kohansky-Roberts Photo

What They Said About Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant Film:

I found this movie pretty much by accident when flicking through the Netflix catalogue. I thought what the heck and started to watch it. My hopes were really not that high. Actually I am not sure I had any hopes at all since I just stumbled on the movie and started to watch it on a whim. What I found was a rather okay and fun movie actually. The movie is apparently based on popular book series Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan. Unfortunately, in their usual arrogant manner, the Hollywood moguls decided to rip the books appart and mash together book one and two in this movie. It appears the general consensus is, not surprisingly, that the books are better than the movie. Nevertheless, the movie was good enough that I most probably will have a go at reading at least one of the books in the series. The movie itself then? Actually I liked it more than I expected. It took a little while before it got started but once it got going it was a good teenage magical fantasy adventure. I am actually a bit saddened that it appears there was never any sequels using the other books in the series. The name Cirque du Freak is well chosen. This is not the usual bunch of people with magical abilities or fangs or some of the other attributes you usually see in magic or supernatural movies. The members of the Cirque are freaks in every sense of the word. I do not think I have seen such a bunch of weird and bisarre creatures before. Heck, the vampire that takes Darrel as his assistant is probably the most normal of the bunch. The story is quite okay and the acting acceptable. The vampire, Creepsly, felt a bit underwhelming at first but he grew on me. So did Mr. Tiny who I definitely didn’t like at first but found doing quite a good job of playing the evil mastermind towards the end. His sleaziness was downright creepy. I am sure a lot of the story and character development from the books were left out because there is so much more that could have been done with the story. Darrel befriending the snake man, the brewing romance, Darrels relation with Creapsley and all the other interactions and characters that took place. If the producer had wanted to do a good job he could easily have added another 40 minutes to the movie. A shame he did not. Bottom line, watching this movie was a pleasant experience. It is perhaps not a blockbuster but a nice little adventure, magic, supernatural and fantasy gem.

(Per Gunnar Jonsson)

A teen joins a freak circus where he encounters a war between vampires RELEASED IN 2009 and directed by Marco Brambilla, "Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant" is a fantasy/horror/comedy about a teen (Chris Massoglia) who is compelled to join a circus of freaks where he becomes (you guessed it) the assistant of a vampire (John C. Reilly) and learns of a war between two classes of vampires. Josh Hutcherson is on hand as his best friend while Michael Cerveris plays the mysterious Mr. Tiny. Ray Stevenson is formidable as a vampiric heavy. After the mega-hit of “Twilight” (2008), producers naturally thought that another young adult book series involving vampires might be profitable. As such, this movie is based on the opening trilogy of the 12-book series “Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan” by Darren Shan (pen name of Darren O'Shaughnessy). It mostly focuses on the first book with uber-fans of the books complaining about deviations. In any case, the film wasn’t a hit at the box office (costing $40 million and making back $39 million worldwide with $14 million of that made in North America). Regardless, I much prefer it to “Twilight.” For some reason I always enjoy stories that center around life in circuses and carnivals. The excellent “Water for Elephants” (2011) is a good example. While that movie was decidedly realistic, “The Vampire’s Assistant” is obviously rooted in fantasy. The first act is a low-key introduction to the two teen friends, their situation in life, and their intriguing visit to the Cirque Du Freak, which in English means The Freak Circus. The film improves in the second act with the excellent character of Larten Crepsley moving to the spotlight. Reilly is commanding and fascinating in the role. The third act is also really good, centering on the war between the vampires and the vampanese. The plot is involved enough without being too complex and the movie is impressively imaginative on practically every front. Salma Hayek stands out in the female department as one of the performers with a lame talent. But the creators don’t really take advantage of her presence. In other words, don’t expect anything like Salma’s mind-blowing sequence in “From Dusk till Dawn” (1996). The striking Jane Krakowski is on hand, but her role is very small. Winsome Jessica Carlson plays Rebecca, a potential babe for the protagonist, I guess; she was only 15 during shooting and looks it. THE FILM RUNS 1 hour, 49 minutes and was shot in Louisiana (New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Folsom) and Los Angeles with studio work done in Universal City. GRADE: B


From watching John C. Reilly over the years, in everything from 'Hoffa' and 'Dolores Claiborne' when he was developing his craft, to 'Step Brothers' and 'Carnage', in which he was one of the leading actors that the film was centered on, I really wanted this film to work for me, though I feel in this recent glut of cinema spawned from Hollywood's post-'Twilight' obsession with vampires, that someone really needs to give this trend a coffin rest, at least for a while so creative fires can have a chance to rekindle--it seems to have been done to death. I'm sure this wasn't what Bram Stoker had in mind with his original 'Dracula'. There's nothing in these recent CGI-bloated messes meaty enough to sink one's teeth into. I'm sure Dr. Alucard himself is cursing the day he was granted immortality, if only to avoid his local multiplex, for this very reason. Like another recent film I tried to get into, but basically flew off the rails in an enormous video game-like tidal wave of effects I neither wanted nor needed to see ('Your Highness' by David Gordon Green), the filmmakers ill-advisedly thought that the audience had to be captivated by fights and chases galore, but it's like seeing yet another explosion in a Michael Bay movie: Just give me: a) Great presence in an actor, for once, like the Sir Christopher Lees, Sir Peter Cushings, Vincent Prices, Boris Karloffs and Bela Lugosis of yesteryear; b) A story worth telling; and c) A director who knows a thing or two about storytelling--otherwise, I'd rather boycott drinking blood, and simply switch, at least for contemporary film, to a different cup of tea. I'm not surprised whatsoever that this didn't do well at the box office, and that filmmakers decided not to continue with the franchise. Even for vampires, sometimes enough is enough for a lifetime.


Here are some translations about the film:

قابل دارين. إنه في السادسة عشرة من عمره خالد. دارين شان طفل مراهق عادي. يكتشف هو وصديقه ستيف عرضا غريبا قادما إلى المدينة ويعملان بجد في محاولة للعثور على تذاكر. يفعلون ذلك ، ويذهبون معا إلى "سيرك دو فريك" حيث يرون العديد من الأعمال الغريبة بما في ذلك رجل ذئب وسيدة ملتحية

Language: Arabic

Циркът на кошмарите: Чиракът на вампира

Запознайте се с Дарън. Той е на 16. Завинаги.

Историята проследява съдбата на тийнейджър, който неволно нарушава 200-годишно примирие между два вампирски клана. Захвърлен сред фантастичния свят на пиршества, изроди и гротескни нощни създания, момчето ще изостави безопасното си и отегчително съществуване, за да изпълни съдбата си насред едно място, пропито от кошмари.

Language: Bulgarian

Upírův pomocník

Čtrnáctiletý Darren byl stejný jako většina dětí z jeho sousedství. Potloukal se se svým nejlepším kamarádem, ze školy nosil dobré známky a většinou se držel od problémů v bezpečné vzdálenosti. Jednoho dne však se svým kamarádem narazí na podivnou kočovnou šou a od té chvíle se chlapec začne měnit. Vše se stane přesně v okamžiku, kdy ho upír Larten Crepsley promění v bytost, která žízní po krvi. Darren se stane neživým a připojí se ke kočovníkům a jejich atrakcím plným monstrózních kreatur, včetně hadího chlapce, vlkodlaka a vousaté dámy. Darren se sžívá se svou nově získanou silou ve světě plném temnoty a stane se cenným pěšákem mezi upíry a jejich smrtelnými protějšky. Podaří se jim z něj vysát zbytek jeho lidskosti?

Language: Czech

Et hæsblæsende eventyr, der bygger på Darren Shans bestsellere. Da den 16-årige Darren besøger et omrejsende freak show, bliver han bidt af en vampyr (John C. Reilly). Som nyudklækket udød slutter han sig til Cirque Du Freak og føres ned i en fantastisk verden, der vrimler af vidunderlige vandskabninger – spillet af blandt andre Salma Hayek og Willem Dafoe. Vampyrerne er på randen af krig mod deres grusomme fjender, og menneskehedens skæbne afhænger af en enkelt drengs mod.

Language: Danish

Mitternachtszirkus - Willkommen in der Welt der Vampire

Darren ist zwar erst sechzehn... Doch blad wird er unsterblich sein.

Darren und Steve sind nicht zuletzt deswegen Freunde, weil sie beide die Vorliebe für Horrorgeschichten aller Art eint. So kommt der düstere itternachtszirkus „Cirque du Freak“ wie gerufen. Die beiden schleichen sich eine Mitternachtsvorstellung, wo sie die seltsamsten und absonderlichsten Künstler sehen. Den Spinnenbeschwörer jedoch, der durch den Abend führt, identifiziert Steve als Larten Crepsley - und als Vampir. Begeistert bewirbt sich Steve als Assistent bei Crepsley, doch der wählt Darren, der sich nach kurzer Bedenkzeit tatsächlich zum Halbvampir machen läßt. Doch damit fängt nicht nur der Spaß an, denn Steve ist mehr als erbost über die Zurückweisung und Darren erfährt von einem Konflikt zwischen zwei Arten von Vampiren, denen die ihre Opfer töten und diejenigen, die nur von ihnen trinken. Und er spielt eine Rolle in diesem Konflikt...

Language: German

Στη φρικιαστική παράσταση ενός πλανόδιου θιάσου, ο Ντάρεν συναντά ένα μυστηριώδη άνδρα, που τελικά είναι βρικόλακας. Μετά το δάγκωμα του, ο νεαρός μετατρέπεται σε βαμπίρ και αναγκάζεται να ακολουθήσει το περιπλανώμενο Τσίρκο των Τεράτων. Σε έναν κόσμο διαφορετικό, γεμάτο ανατριχιαστικά όντα με υπερφυσικές δυνάμεις, ο νεαρός εγκλωβίζεται σε μια διαμάχη αιώνων ανάμεσα στις φατρίες των βρικολάκων. Ενώ ο πόλεμος μαίνεται γύρω του, θα καταφέρει να διατηρήσει όποια ψήγματα ανθρωπιάς του έχουν απομείνει...

Language: Greek

El circo de los extraños

Conoce a Darren. Tiene dieciséis años y se está volviendo inmortal.

El joven Darren Shan se parece a la mayoría de los chicos de su barrio residencial. Pasa mucho tiempo con su mejor amigo, Steve, saca buenas notas y no suele meterse en líos. Pero el destino quiere que un circo ambulante se cruce en el camino de Darren y de su amigo, y algo empieza a cambiar en su interior. A partir de ese momento, un vampiro llamado Larten Crepsley (John C. Reilly), ofrece convertirse en su mentor uniéndose al Circo de los Extraños, un espectáculo con criaturas monstruosas como el Chico Serpiente, un Hombre Lobo, la mujer barbuda Madame Truska y un gigantesco presentador llamado Mr. Tall (Sr. Alto). Darren empieza a hacer sus pinitos en este nuevo y oscuro universo, pero no tarda en convertirse en una codiciada presa entre los vampiros y sus letales enemigos, los "vampenezes". En su lucha por la supervivencia, intentará desesperadamente impedir que la inminente guerra acabe por devorar la poca humanidad que le queda

Language: Spanish

سیرک عجایب : دستیار خون آشام

درن شان، پسر نوجوانی است که برخلاف میلش و برای نجات جان دوستش مجبور به انجام کاری می شود که زندگی اش را به کلی تغییر می دهد. و آن کار چیزی نیست جز، تبدیل شدن به یک خون آشام!

Language: Persian

Friikkisirkus: Vampyyrin oppipoika

Sirkuksen pimeään ja arvaamattomaan maailmaan viehättynyt 16- vuotias Darren joutuu kovan päätöksen eteen ja päättää vaihtaa tavallisen elämänsä tullakseen kuolemattomaksi vampyyriksi. Tutustuessaan hurjiin uusiin voimiinsa ja kohdatessaan vaarallisia vihollisia hän ymmärtää vampyyrina olemisen suuret haasteet ja jatkuvasti vaanivat uhkat. Onko hän kuitenkaan valmis kohtaamaan häntä uhkaavista vihollisista vaarallisimman?

Language: Finnish

L'Assistant du vampire

Darren est un adolescent de 14 ans comme tous les autres. Il traîne avec ses copains, travaille pas trop mal à l'école et évite les embrouilles. Mais quand il tombe un beau jour sur un cirque de monstres ambulant, les choses commencent soudain à changer, et ce exactement au moment où le vampire Larten Crepsley le change en une créature...assoiffée de sang.

Language: French

שוליית הערפד

הסרט עוקב אחר דארן, אשר מחליט יחד עם חברו הטוב ביותר, להכנס לתוך תוכנית טלוויזיה הזויה. על מנת להציל את חייו של חברו, נאלץ דארן להיות שולייתו של ערפד ולהתנתק מחייו ומשפחתו לנצח. דארן מצטרף לשאר יצורי התוכנית ומוצא עצמו מסתובב עם ערפדים ואויבים אחרים.

Language: Hebrew

Rémségek cirkusza

A tizennégy éves Darren semmiben sem különbözik a kertvárosi kölyköktől. Ám mindez megváltozik, miután a barátjával találkoznak egy utazó cirkusszal. A kamaszt megigézi a Rémségek cirkuszának és szörnyeinek világa. Nem csoda, hogy igent mond a Larten Crepsley nevű vámpírnak, amikor az felajánlja neki, hogy őt is vérszomjassá változtatja. Az újdonsült vérszívó csatlakozik a cirkusz förtelmes társulatához, és ezzel együtt belecsöppen a vámpírok és a még náluk is veszedelmesebb ellenfeleik, a vérszipolyok között folyó ádáz küzdelembe.

Language: Hungarian

Aiuto vampiro

Il sedicenne Darren si reca a un misterioso circo itinerante insieme al migliore amico Steve. Qui i due si imbattono nel vampiro Larten Crepsley che decide di mordere Darren trasformandolo in un succhiasangue. Il ragazzo è così costretto a unirsi al Cirque Du Freak, spettacolo nomade dove si esibiscono mostruose creature quali l'uomo serpente, il lupo mannaro, la donna barbuta e il gigante forzuto. Mentre Darren impara pian piano a conoscere e controllare i suoi nuovi poteri, finisce nel bel mezzo di una guerra tra vampiri. Il ragazzo si troverà così a dover lottare per salvaguardare la propria incolumità preservando l'ultimo briciolo di umanità rimastogli.

Language: Italian


Language: Japanese

ერთი ვამპირის ისტორია

დარენ შენი – ჩვეულებრივი სკოლის მოსწავლე იყო მანამ, სანამ არ წავიდა ცირკში ფრიკების წარმოდგენაზე. სანამ არ შეხვდა მადამ ოკტუს… და სანამ პირისპირ არ გადაეყარა ღამის მოჩვენებას.

Language: Georgian

틴에이지 뱀파이어

14살의 대런 (Chris Massoglia) 은 다른사람과 다르지 않았다. 그러던 그가 공부는 못하지만 문제아는 아닌 친구 스티브(Josh Hudson)와 함께 어떤 서커스에 구경을 가게 된다. 스티브는 이 떠돌이 서커스단에서 자신이 아는 뱀파이어를 만나게되고, 라텐 크렙슬리 에게 그의 제자가 되고 싶다고 말하지만, 거절당한다. 몇일후, 스티브는 죽을 위기에 처하고, 대런은 라텐을 찾아가 스티브를 살려달라고 하는 대신에 자신이 반 뱀파이어가 되어 조수가 되어 서크 뒤 프리크에 들어가게 된다. 대런은 자신이 죽은척 위장을 하여 자신이 살던곳을 떠나게된다. 다른 뱀파이어와 자신이 처한 상황은 점점 안좋아지고, 대런은 고난을 헤치며 살아남으려고 한다. 이 영화는 대런 오쇼그네시의 작품을 원작으로 한 뱀파이어 영화이다. $80,000,000 가 들었으며 John Marshall High School와 Lusher Charter School 그리고, 루이지아나가 촬영지로 쓰였다.

Language: Korean

ဒီဇာတ်ကားမှာ ဒယ်ရန်နဲ့စတိဗ်တို့ဟာ ငယ်သူငယ်ချင်းတွေဖြစ်ကြပါတယ်။ဒယ်ရန်ဟာ မိဘစကားနားထောင်တဲ့သူတစ်ယောက်ဖြစ်ပြီးကျောင်းစာမှာလည်း ထူးချွန်တဲ့သူပါ။ စတိဗ်ကတော့ မိဘမေတ္တာငတ်နေတဲ့ ကောင်လေးဖြစ်ပြီး ခပ်ဆိုးဆိုးနေတတ်တဲ့သူတစ်ယောက်ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ ဒယ်ရန်ဟာ ပင့်ကူတွေကို စွဲလမ်းနေတဲ့သူတစ်ယောက်ဖြစ်ပြီးစတိဗ်ကတော့ ဗန်ပိုင်းယားတွေကို အင်မတန်စိတ်၀င်စားတဲ့သူတစ်ယောက်ပါ။တစ်နေ့မှာ သူတို့မြို့ကို နှစ် ၅၀၀ သက်တမ်းရှိတဲ့ လူထူးဆန်းတွေရဲ့ ဆပ်ကပ်အဖွဲ့ ရောက်လာတဲ့အခါ သူတို့နှစ်ယောက်လည်း စိတ်၀င်တစားသွားကြည့်ကြပါတယ်။ ဒါပေမယ့် အဲဒီအဖွဲ့မှာ ဗန်ပါးယားတစ်ယောက်ပါနေပြီး ဗန်ပါးယားရဲ့ပင့်ကူလေးကို ဒယ်ရန်တစ်ယောက် မျက်စိကျသွားတဲ့အချိန်မှာ ဘာတွေများ ဆက်ဖြစ်မလဲဆိုတာကိုတော့

Language: Burmese

Darren Shan is een gewone schooljongen, tot hij de Grote Freakshow bezoekt. Daar komt hij terecht in een bizarre wereld van vampiers, weerwolven, monsters en bebaarde vrouwen. Maar zal Darren het terrein weer kunnen verlaten of moet hij zich bij het gezelschap voegen...

Language: Dutch

Asystent wampira

Młody chłopiec imieniem Darren spotyka na pokazie "dziwaków" tajemniczego mężczyznę, który okazuje się być wampirem. Po serii pewnych wydarzeń, Darren musi porzucić swoje dotychczasowe życie i ruszyć w dalszą drogę z Cirque du Freak i stać się wampirem.

Language: Polish

Circo dos Horrores: O Assistente do Vampiro

Inspirado na série popular dos livros de Darren Shan, o filme conta a história de um adolescente que inconscientemente quebra o pacto de trégua de 200 anos entre duas facções de vampiros. Levado para uma vida fantástica de espetáculos incompreendidos e cheio de criaturas grotesca da noite, o adolescente perde a segurança de uma existência entediante e vai seguir o seudestino em um lugar misterioso. Darren, 16 anos, é como os outros garotos de sua vizinhança. Sai com os amigos, tira notas boas na escola e não se envolve em confusão. Mas quando ele e seu amigo descobrem um Circo dos Horrores, as coisas começam a mudar para Darren. É nesse momento que um Vampiro chamado Larten Crepsley o transforma em alguma coisa...bem...sedenta de sangue.

Language: Portuguese

История одного вампира

Даррен Шэн был обычным школьником. Пока однажды не отправился на представление в цирк уродов… Пока не встретил мадам Окту… Пока не столкнулся лицом к лицу с призраком ночи.. Вскоре Даррен и его друг Стив оказываются в смертельной ловушке. Даррен заключает сделку с существом, которое одно только и может спасти Стива. Правда сделка эта замешана на крови…

Language: Russian

Upírov učeň

Šestnásťročný Darren žije svoj nudný, predmestský život a túla sa ulicami. To sa však zmení v deň, keď sa ako divák dostaví na groteskné predstavenie čudných a nepredstaviteľných stvorení. Darren je očarovaný svetom tak odlišným od toho, v ktorom vyrástol. Dochádza k rozhodnutiu a necháva sa zasvätiť ako učeník upíra Lartena Crepsleyho. S jeho novo nadobudnutými schopnosťami sa však stáva stredobodom súboja medzi dvoma znepriatelenými klanmi nemŕtvych. Je iba na Darrenovi, aby sa v prostredí plnom zvaru stretol ešte so svojou temnú podstatou.

Language: Slovak

Циркус наказа: Вампиров помоћник

Ово је прича о тинејџеру који случајно прекида 200 година старо примирје између две супарничке групе вампира. Увучен у фантазијски живот несхваћених фрикова и гротескних ноћних бића, један тинејџер ће напустити безбедност досадног постојања и испунити своју судбину на месту које врви од ноћних мора.

Language: Serbian

The Vampire's Assistant

En ung pojke vid namn Darren Shan träffar en mystisk man på en "freak show", en man som verkar vara en vampyr. Efter en serie av händelser måste Darren lämna sitt vanliga liv och ge sig av på vägarna med Cirque Du Freak och bli en vampyr.

Language: Swedish

เซิร์ก ดู ฟรีก ผจญโลกแวมไพร์มรณะ

เมื่อดาร์เรน แชนไปดูละครสัตว์ที่เต็มไปด้วยโชว์แปลกประหลาด เขาได้พบกับแวมไพร์และโดนกัดเข้าที่คอซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนชีวิตเขาไปตลอดกาล

Language: Thai

Ucubeler Sirki: Vampirin Çırağı

Darren'la tanışın. On altı yaşında ve ölümsüz.

Birbiriyle savaş halinde olan 2 vampir grubu arasındaki 200 yıllık ateşkesi farkında olmadan bozan bir gencin korkunç hikayesi anlatılıyor.Gecenin grotesk canlıları ve yanlış anlaşılan ucubelerin fantastik hayatı içine çekilen bir genç, sıkıcı bir hayatın güvenli ortamından uzaklaşacak ve kâbuslardan fırlamış gibi görünen bir yerde kaderini yaşayacak.

Language: Turkish

Асистент вампіра

Даррен Шен був звичайним школярем. Поки одного разу не вирушив на показ в цирк фриків... Поки не зустрів мадам Окту... Поки не зіткнувся віч-на-віч з привидом ночі... Незабаром Дарен і його друг Стів опиняються у смертельній пастці. Дарен укладає угоду з істотою, яка тільки і може врятувати Стіва. Правда угода ця замішана на крові...

Language: Ukrainian

Gánh Xiếc Quái Dị: Đệ Tử Ma Cà Rồng

Gặp Darren. Kẻ bất tử 16 tuổi.

Chớp cơ hội thoát khỏi sự nhàm chán ở vùng ngoại ô của Los Angeles, một thiếu niên 16 tuổi hòa vào cuộc sống trong rạp xiếc cùng cộng đồng gồm những người có sức hút bị ruồng bỏ.

Language: Vietnamese


Darren Shan是一个普通的十几岁的孩子。他和他的朋友史提夫发现了一个怪异的演出来到城里,努力寻找票。他们这样做,然后一起去“怪圈怪圈”,在那里他们看到许多奇怪的行为,包括一个狼男人和一个胡子女人。

Language: Mandarin

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