Thursday, June 13, 2024

心想事成 Movie

心想事成 Poster

This 心想事成 film has Fantasy, Comedy, and Romance genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is Cantonese.

Thunder (Ronald Cheng) is a God who likes to boast about his intelligence and business mind. One day, he was reminded by his girlfriend, the Saint of Nine Heavens (Qing Yan), that he had pledged his guardianship to a fat boy that he had saved thirty years ago. The boy will face the end of his life on New Year's Eve and it is now the time for Thunder to fulfill his pledge to resolve the boy's trouble.

心想事成 Film Stars:

Tony Leung Ka-fai as , Miki Yeung as , Francis Ng as , Vincent Kok as , Teresa Mo as , Ken Lo as , Kelly Chen as , Ronald Cheng as Thunder, Edmond Leung as , Kate Yeung as , Cheung Tat-Ming as , Mia Yam as , Kenny Bee as , Lam Tze-chung as , Alex Fong Lik-Sun as , Chan Fai-hung as , Alex Lam Chi-Sin as Toy Dept's staff, Terence Tsui as , Tenky Tin Kai-Man as , Danny Chan Kwok-kwan as , Baat Leung-Gam as , Louisa So Yuk-Wah as , Patrick Dunn as , Chiu Kwok-Choi as , Amanda Strang as , and Kwok Wai-Kwok as .

Tony Leung Ka-fai Photo Miki Yeung Photo Francis Ng Photo Vincent Kok Photo Teresa Mo Photo Ken Lo Photo Kelly Chen Photo Ronald Cheng Photo Edmond Leung Photo Kate Yeung Photo Cheung Tat-Ming Photo Kenny Bee Photo Lam Tze-chung Photo Alex Fong Lik-Sun Photo Chan Fai-hung Photo Alex Lam Chi-Sin Photo Tenky Tin Kai-Man Photo Danny Chan Kwok-kwan Photo Baat Leung-Gam Photo Louisa So Yuk-Wah Photo Patrick Dunn Photo Amanda Strang Photo

Those involved in the making of the 心想事成 film:

Ronald Cheng (Director), and Patrick Kong (Screenplay).

Ronald Cheng Photo Patrick Kong Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Thunder (Ronald Cheng) is een God die graag opschept over zijn intelligentie en zakelijke geest. Op een dag werd hij er door zijn vriendin, de Heilige van de Negen Hemelen (Qing Yan), aan herinnerd dat hij zijn voogdijschap had toegezegd aan een dikke jongen die hij dertig jaar geleden had gered. De jongen zal op oudejaarsavond het einde van zijn leven tegemoet zien en het is nu tijd voor Thunder om zijn belofte na te komen om de problemen van de jongen op te lossen.

Language: Dutch


玉皇大帝为了推动天庭经济发展,决定将南天门以北一块洞天福地拨出来,让众仙开发利用。玉帝此令一出,观音、雷震子等人反应热烈。 在天庭专责叫醒群仙起床的大声神雷震子去向玉帝申请福地途中,被女友九天玄女截住,原来雷震子三十年前一次游历凡间时,见流氓欺负一小胖子丁当,雷出手相助并告诉丁当将来有什么危难雷都会现身帮其解决。现丁当已经三十多岁,家有娇妻郑菜及小舅子郑和。丁当是一家百货公司主任,常被上司毕秀钢欺负,而小舅子郑和也因为喜欢上好赌女而欠下大笔高利贷。九天玄女还从生死宝典得知大除夕丁当会有一个生关死劫,毕秀钢雇佣杀手来杀丁当,雷震子下凡救丁当,并决定给丁当三天法术护身,但丁当最后因为不懂抑制地施展仙法,却酿成大乱,笑话连篇。

Language: Mandarin

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