The The Crow: Wicked Prayer film has Fantasy, Horror, and Action genres.
The Crow: Wicked Prayer Film was made by Dimension Films, Pressman Film, Image Comics, Jeff Most Productions, and Fubu Films at a cost of $8,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 made a revenue of $3,000,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.
After ex-con Jimmy and his girlfriend are brutally murdered by a biker gang, he is resurrected by the power of The Crow to avenge their deaths and reunite with her in the afterlife.
The Crow: Wicked Prayer Movie Stars:
Edward Furlong as Jimmy Cuervo / The Crow, Tara Reid as Lola Byrne, Dennis Hopper as El Niño, Rena Owen as Mary, Marcus Chong as War, Danny Trejo as Harold, David Boreanaz as Luc Crash / Death / Satan, Yuji Okumoto as Pestilence, Emmanuelle Chriqui as Lilly, Macy Gray as Cara Mia, Tito Ortiz as Famine, Rosemberg Salgado as The Priest, David Lea as Bartender, Daymond John as Proud Foot Joe, Jorge Jimenez as Cortez, Dave Baez as Tanner, Kristina Santoro as Pregnant Bride, Marty Fresca as Tribal Council #2, Ryan Smith as Native Teen, Richard Cumba as Moses, Ashley Christensen as Waitress #2, Gill Medina as Tribal Council #1, Vanessa Sorensen as Cat Girl #1, Liz Katz as Cat Girl #2, Candace Rea as Cat Girl #3, Erin Balentine as Cat Girl #4, and Kelsey Daniels as Waitress #1.
Those involved in the making of this The Crow: Wicked Prayer movie:
Amanda Mackey (Casting), Cathy Sandrich Gelfond (Casting), Sig De Miguel (Casting), Sean Hood (Screenplay), L.M. Kit Carson (Co-Producer), Edward R. Pressman (Producer), Gregory G. Woertz (Executive Producer), Wendy Weidman (Casting), David Bridges (Second Unit Director of Photography), James O'Barr (Comic Book), Jeff Most (Screenplay), Amy Jean Roberts (Costume Supervisor), Beau J. Genot (Associate Producer), Douglas Salkin (Post Production Supervisor), Gary Paul (Stunt Coordinator), Alex Blatt (Assistant Editor), Lance Mungia (Director), Jon Katz (Executive Producer), Norman Partridge (Novel), Daymond John (Executive Producer), Whit Norris (Production Sound Mixer), Fred Andrews (Production Designer), Stephen Belafonte (Co-Producer), Trip Brock (Supervising Sound Editor), John Saviano (Co-Producer), Steven Avila (Sound Designer), Peter D. Lago (Sound Effects Editor), Russell M. Jaeger (Art Direction), Kurt Thum (Sound Effects Editor), Ronald J. Webb (Music Editor), Jamie Christopherson (Original Music Composer), Kurt Brabbee (Director of Photography), Dean Holland (Editor), Mandi Line (Costume Designer), Geordy Sincavage (Sound Effects Editor), Michael J. Fox (ADR Supervisor), Giuliano Fiumani (Special Effects Supervisor), John Goodwill (Production Coordinator), Kresta Lins (Assistant Costume Designer), Cassidy Lunnen (Production Manager), Shantell Guy (Wardrobe Assistant), John M. Valerio (Additional Editing), Amy Fegely (Key Set Costumer), Karrieann Heisner Sillay (Key Makeup Artist), Erin Lyons (Key Hair Stylist), Effney Gardea (Set Decoration), Matthew L. Henderson (Second Unit First Assistant Director), Terry Gaertner (Production Coordinator), Jackie Rodman (Dialogue Editor), Blanca Camacho (Associate Producer), Rey Vincente (First Assistant Director), Horst Steiner (Second Assistant Director), Bruce Bare (Second Second Assistant Director), Ivy Lukas (Assistant Production Coordinator), Suzzane Bingham (Script Supervisor), Jonathan Hallett (Storyboard Artist), Nikki Van Pelt (Assistant Costume Designer), Rebecca Hunt (Wardrobe Assistant), Jodi Greorge (Seamstress), Liz Fairbairn (Seamstress), Ryan Growney (Post Production Assistant), and Jennifer Mullins (Script Supervisor).
What They Said About The Crow: Wicked Prayer Movie:
Sooner rather than later every franchise ends up, by design or accident, a parody of itself; The Crow: Wicked Prayer never stood a chance of avoiding this fate, but then what movie starring Eddie Furlong, David Boreanaz, Tara Reid, and Danny Trejo would? On the other hand, we have Dennis Hopper as a pimp named El Nino who says things like "You stole daddy's car keys, but you can't handle the horsepower," so it's not a total loss. We know that the Crow, like the Dude, must face a gang of nihilists; in this case a multi-ethnic gang whose members each identify with one of the Four Horsemen: Luc 'Death' Crash, War (Marcus Chong), Famine (Tito Ortiz), and Pestilence (Yuji Okumoto). None of them really do anything thematically tied to their noms de guerre, so I guess they just thought they sounded cool. By the way, in a group of characters with thematic names, sometimes one just doesn't fit the pattern (a trope known as Aerith and Bob); in this case that would be Lola (Reid), Luc's girlfriend. Luc is the "leader of a satanic cult" whose "motive" is that his "father [was] killed by an Indian." This doesn't make much sense until we discover that Moses (Richard Cumba), the "Indian" who murdered Luc's father, is a priest of some religious denomination — Catholic in appearance but that allows its priests to marry and have children, and to which also belongs father Harold (Trejo), whose daughter Lilly (Emmanuelle Chriqui) is the girlfriend of Jimmy Cuervo (Furlong), who is on parole after serving a prison sentence for killing a rapist, who happened to be Moses’s son. It’s a small world, indeed. War, Famine, Pestilence, and Lola help Luc escape from prison, and the five proceed to ritualistically murder Jimmy and Lilly; the rest, as they say, is history: Jimmy returns from the afterlife to exact revenge on his killers one by one, reserving for them such cruel and unusual punishments as death-by-bug zapper. Oddly enough, no one besides Jimmy seems interested in pursuing the escaped convict whose gang leaves a trail of blood wherever they go. Then again, this is a movie that uses the word “Aztec” to refer to a Native American tribe. All things considered, I’m tempted to believe that TC: WP's self-parody is intentional; for example, Luc offering his henchmen a banquet consisting of deviled ham, deviled eggs, and devil's cake “al flambeau”. I'm not saying it is to The Crow what Army of Darkness is to The Evil Dead but, incoherent or not, it's the only one apart from the original that’s even close to watchable.
Here are some translations about the movie:
Гарванът: Порочна молитва
Language: Bulgarian
Vrána 4: Pekelný kněz
Čtvrté pokračování série zobrazuje charismatického lídra gangu, kterým je Luc Crash (David Boreanaz). Vede zchátral bandu satanistických motorkáře, známých jako Čtyři Jezdci Apokalypsy. Luc zavraždí Jimmyho Cuervo (Edward Furlong) a jeho přítelkyni jako součást rituálu, aby se mohl stát nesmrtelným démonem. Ale Luc zjistí, že z Jimmy se stal duch pomsty, známý jako Vrana, aby pomstil smrt přítelkyně a zabránil Lucovi stát se pánem zla.
Language: Czech
Jimmy har prøvet det meste - inklusiv fængsel. Men nu hvor han har mødt Lilly, har han fået styr på sit liv. Desværre falder det nyforelskede par i kløerne på Crash og hans sadistiske motorcykelbande. De bliver slagtet. Ofret i et blodigt, satanistisk ritual. Kort tid senere begynder banden at få problemer. En flygtig, truende skikkelse forfølger dem. Jimmy er vendt tilbage fra de døde for at stille dem til regnskab for deres ugerninger...
Language: Danish
Während eines grausamen Rituals tötet Luc Crash, der charismatische und brutale Anführer der satanischen Biker-Bande "Four Horsemen", seinen Freund und ehemaligen Mitgefangenen Jimmy Cuervo und dessen Freundin Lily, um sich dämonische Kräfte anzueignen. Doch mithilfe der Macht der Krähe kehrt Jimmy noch vor Vollendung des apokalyptischen Rituals aus dem Reich der Toten zurück. Er will Rache für den Mord an seiner Geliebten und verhindern, dass Crash das Ritual beendet, denn dann wäre er als "Lord of the Flies" für alle Zeiten unsterblich...
Language: German
Ο Jimmy Cuervo και η κοπέλα του Lily, που είναι shaman, δολοφονούνται βάναυσα από γκρουπάκι σατανιστών, που θέλουν την καρδιά του αγοριού και τα μάτια του κοριτσιού για να βάλουν σε εφαρμογή μια τελετή που θα δώσει στον αρχηγό τους Luc Crash (David Boreanaz) δαιμονικές δυνάμεις.
Language: Greek
El cuervo: La plegaria maldita
Jimmy Cuervo y su novia Lily son asesinados en un ritual por una banda de motociclistas satánicos, con el fin de hacer un demonio inmortal llamado Crash... Perro Jimmy regresa de la muerte para vengar su muerte y la de su novia, y al tiempo impedir el nacimiento de este ser demoniaco.
Language: Spanish
The Crow : Wicked Prayer
Lorsque l'ancien détenu Jimmy et sa petite amie sont brutalement assassinés dans une réserve par un gang local de satanistes, il est ramené par le Crow pour se venger.
Language: French
העורב 4: תפילה מרושעת
"העורב: תפילה מרושעת" הוא הפרק הרביעי בסדרת סרטי הפעולה-אימה הפופולרית. אדוארד פרלונג מגלם את דמותו של ג'ימי קוורבו, אסיר לשעבר המגורש מעיירה דרומית קטנה על ידי תושביה החשדניים. הוא עוזב עם חברתו, לילי, והשניים נקלעים למארב שמציב לו לוק קראש השטני וכנופיית האופנוענים האכזרית שלו. קראש רוצח את לילי ואת ג'ימי כחלק מטקס שאמור להעניק לו כוחות על-טבעיים. אך הוא איננו יודע ש"העורב", רוח הנקמה שעוזרת לאלה שנגרם להם עוול לנקום את נקמתם, השיב את ג'ימי לחיים, וכעת שניהם ניצבים פנים אל פנים בקרב בין הטוב ובין רע.
Language: Hebrew
A holló 4. - Gonosz ima
Jimmy Cuervo volt fegyenc, aki félresiklott életét próbálja helyrehozni új szerelmével, az elbűvölõen szép indián lánnyal, Lillyvel. Ám mielõtt elhagyhatnák a várost, összetűzésbe kerülnek a helyi motoros banda tagjaival, akik kegyetlenül legyilkolják õket. A holló azonban életre kelti Jimmy lelkét, aki bosszúra szomjazva indul szerelme gyilkosai után.
Language: Hungarian
Il corvo - Preghiera maledetta
Passione... vendetta... eternità.
Jimmy Cuervo e la sua ragazza Lily vengono uccisi dalla strega Lola Byrne e dal suo uomo Luc Crash. I due assassini guidano una setta di satanisti che ha bisogno dgli occhi blu di Lily per completare un rituale che permetterà al Diavolo di reincarnarsi in Luc. Ad impedire la realizzazione del piano sarà Jimmy, trasformatosi nel Corvo e tornato dalla tomba per vendicarsi.
Language: Italian
Language: Japanese
크로우: 위키드 프레이어
저주받은 전설이 돌아왔다!
록가수와 그의 여자친구가 결혼식인 할로인 전날 갱들에게 살해당하게 된다. 그러나 1년 뒤 되살아나게 되고 복수를 하는데...
Language: Korean
Luc Crash, de leider van een gewelddadige motorbende, vermoordt de jonge Jimmy Cuervo en diens vriendin Lily, in de hoop in een onsterfelijke demoon te zullen veranderen. Helaas mislukt zijn plan, en het is Cuervo die uit de dood opstaat en in de gedaante van een kraai wraak wil nemen op de moordenaar van zijn vriendin.
Language: Dutch
Kruk 4
Jimmy i jego dziewczyna zostają zamordowani przez satanistyczny gang Jeźdźców Apokalipsy. Mężczyzna odradza się, by pomścić śmierć ukochanej.
Luc Crash, przywódca satanistycznego gangu Jeźdźców Apokalipsy dokonuje rytualnego mordu na parze młodych ludzi. Jimmy Cuervo (Furlong) i jego dziewczyna Lily giną, aby Crash mógł osiągnąć nieśmiertelność. Jednak Jimmy odradza się jako Kruk i rusza w pościg za mordercą, aby zemścić się i powstrzymać łańcuch tragicznych wydarzeń Jedyną szansą na ponowne połączenie z ukochaną i ocalenie okolicznych mieszkańców od zagłady jest wygrany pojedynek z szatanem.
Language: Polish
O Corvo 4 - A Reencarnação
Ele vai voltar dos mortos para se vingar mais uma vez.
Jimmy Cuervo é um jovem menosprezado na sua cidade, que planeia ir-se embora com a sua namorada. Ambos vêem os seus planos interrompidos após serem assassinados pelos Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse, um grupo satânico liderado por Luc Crash e Lola Byrne. Com isso, Jimmy regressa da morte na forma do Corvo e parte em busca de vingança.
Language: Portuguese
Corbul: Răzbunarea
În timpul unui ritual crud, Luc Crash, liderul carismatic și brutal al bandei de motocicliști satanici „Four Horsemen”, își ucide prietenul și fostul coleg Jimmy Cuervo și iubita lui Lily pentru a dobândi puteri demonice. Dar cu ajutorul puterii corbului, Jimmy se întoarce din tărâmul morților înainte ca ritualul apocaliptic să se încheie. El vrea să se răzbune pentru uciderea iubitei sale și să-l împiedice pe Crash să termine ritualul, pentru că atunci va fi nemuritor pentru totdeauna...
Language: Romanian
Ворон: Жестокое причастие
Приказав своим последователям совершить ритуальное убийство Джимми Куэрво и его подруги, вожак банды сатанистов Люк Крэш надеялся обрести бессмертие в обличье демона. Но Джимми восстал из мертвых в образе Ворона — «убийцы убийц» из древних индейских легенд, повелевающего сверхъестественными силами. Его душа пылает жаждой мщения…
Language: Russian
Vrana 4: Pekelný kňaz
Štvrté pokračovanie série zobrazuje charizmatického lídra gangu, ktorým je Luc Crash. Vedie schátranú bandu satanistických motorkárov, známych ako Štyria Jazdci Apokalypsy. Luc zavraždí Jimmyho Cuervu a jeho priateľku ako súčasť rituálu, aby sa mohol stať nesmrteľným démonom. Ale Luc zistí, že z Jimmyho sa stal duch pomsty, známy ako Vrana, aby pomstil smrť priateľky a zabránil Lucovi stať sa pánom zla.
Language: Slovak
Vrana 4: Opaka molitva
Language: Serbian
Karga 4: Kötü Dua
Eski bir suçlu olan Jimmy Cuervo hayatını bir düzene sokmaya çalışırken,kız arkadaşı ile beraber, motorlu dinsizlerden oluşan bir çete tarafından Satanist bir ayinde vahşice öldürülür. Ancak Cuervo, Lily'nin intikamını almak ve öteki dünyada onunla yeniden birleşebilmek için, Crow'un gücü ile ölümden geri döner.
Language: Turkish
Ворон: Жорстоке причастя
Наказавши своїм послідовникам зробити ритуальне вбивство Джіммі Куерво і його подруги, ватажок банди сатанистів Люк Креш сподівався знайти безсмертя у вигляді демона. Але Джіммі повстав з мертвих в образі Ворона - «вбивці вбивць» із стародавніх індіанських легенд, що керує надприродними силами.
Language: Ukrainian
为了使自己成为不朽的恶魔,黑帮头目Luc Crash开始策划他的谋杀行动,目标是Jimmy Cuervo和他的女朋友Lily
Language: Mandarin
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