Friday, June 28, 2024

The Eyes of Orson Welles Movie

The The Eyes of Orson Welles film has and Documentary genres.

The Eyes of Orson Welles Movie was made by BBC, BofA Productions, and FilmStruck The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A poetic journey into the visual world of the legendary filmmaker and actor Orson Welles (1915-85) that reveals a new portrait of a unique genius, both of his life and of his monumental work: through his own eyes, drawn by his own hand, painted with his own brush.

The Eyes of Orson Welles Movie Backdrop

The Eyes of Orson Welles Film Stars:

Orson Welles as Self - Filmmaker / Various Roles (archive footage), Jack Klaff as Voice of Orson Welles (voice), Mark Cousins as Self - Filmmaker / Narrator (voice), Beatrice Welles as Self - Orson's 3rd Daughter, and Bernard Levin as Self - TV Host (archive footage).

Orson Welles Photo Jack Klaff Photo Mark Cousins Photo Beatrice Welles Photo

Those involved in the making of this The Eyes of Orson Welles film:

Michael Moore (Executive Producer), Oja Kodar (Thanks), Mark Cousins (Director of Photography), Timo Langer (Editor), Mark Bell (Executive Producer), Ali Murray (Sound Mixer), Mary Bell (Producer), Adam Dawtrey (Producer), Mark Thomas (Executive Producer), Beatrice Welles (Script Consultant), Stephen C. Horne (Dialogue Editor), Charles Tabesh (Thanks), Matt Regan (Original Music Composer), Seán Burke (Location Manager), Danny Carr (Animation Director), Iain McKinna (Sound Recordist), Diego Almazán de Pablo (Location Manager), Vincent Longo (Location Manager), and Glen Shepherd (Researcher).

Michael Moore Photo Oja Kodar Photo Mark Cousins Photo Mark Bell Photo Beatrice Welles Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Το βλέμμα του Όρσον Γουέλς

Όταν η Μπεατρίς, κόρη του Όρσον Γουέλς, αποφασίζει να φέρει για πρώτη φορά στο φως τα αρχεία του πατέρα της, ένας από τους πιο ενδιαφέροντες σύγχρονους σκηνοθέτες δέχεται την πρόσκληση. Ένας από τους πιο Ενδιαφέροντες συγχρόνους ντοκιμαντεριστες δέχεται την πρόκληση να προσεγγίσει τον δημιουργό μέσα από πτυχές που μας ήταν άγνωστες μέχρι πρότινος. Στην πορεία καταλήγει σε λατρευτικό φόρο τιμής που εισχωρεί στο μυαλό μιας ιδιοφυίας και καταφέρνει να μας πείσει να τον αντικρίσουμε με αλλά μάτια

Language: Greek

La mirada de Orson Welles

Un viaje poético al mundo visual del legendario cineasta y actor Orson Welles (1915-85) que revela un nuevo retrato de un genio único, tanto de su vida como de su monumental obra: a través de sus propios ojos, dibujado por su propia mano, pintado con su propio pincel.

Language: Spanish

Un voyage poétique dans l'univers visuel du légendaire cinéaste et acteur Orson Welles (1915-85) qui révèle un nouveau portrait d'un génie unique, tant de sa vie que de son œuvre monumentale : à travers ses propres yeux, dessiné par sa propre main, peint avec son propre pinceau.

Language: French

Lo sguardo di Orson Welles

Un viaggio poetico nel mondo visivo del leggendario regista e attore Orson Welles (1915-85) che rivela un nuovo ritratto di un genio unico, sia della sua vita che della sua monumentale opera: attraverso i suoi stessi occhi, disegnato dalla sua stessa mano, dipinto con il suo stesso pennello.

Language: Italian

오손 웰즈의 눈으로

오손 웰즈가 남긴 사적인 그림들을 직접 볼 수 있게 된 감독 마크 커즌스는 이 전설적인 감독이자 배우가 그린 시각적 세계로 깊이 들어가 오손 웰즈가 그의 눈을 통해 직접 보고 그의 손으로 직접 그리고 칠한 초상화를 공개한다. 영화는 이 20세기 쇼맨의 열정과 정치, 천재성의 힘을 생생히 살려내며 오손 웰즈라는 천재가 어떻게 그의 사후 30년이 넘은 현재까지 영향력을 끼치고 있는지를 탐구한다.

Language: Korean

Os Olhos de Orson Welles

Uma viagem poética ao mundo visual do lendário cineasta e ator Orson Welles (1915-85) que revela um novo retrato de um gênio único, tanto de sua vida quanto de sua monumental obra: através de seus próprios olhos, desenhados por sua própria mão, pintados com seu próprio pincel.

Language: Portuguese

Mark Cousins följer upp sina framgångsrika filmhistoriska exposéer med en djupdykning i historiens allra främsta filmregissör: Orson Welles. Med exklusiv tillgång till hundratals av Welles egna målningar förtäljs ett unikt porträtt av den legendariska filmskaparen - genom hans egna ögon, skissat med hans egen hand, målat med hans egen pensel.

Language: Swedish


拥有欣赏奥逊·威尔斯上百幅私人画作的独家权限,导演Mark Cousins深入研究了这位传奇演员,导演奥逊威尔斯的视觉世界,来展现他不为人知的作为艺术家的一面—通过他的双眼,用他的手来素描,用他的笔刷来绘画。由Micheal Moore监制,《奥逊威尔斯的眼》形象生动地展现了这位20世纪才华横溢的表演者的激情、政治观念和力量,同时也探索了,在威尔斯逝世三十多年后的今天,他的精神如何在Trump时代仍能引起共鸣。

Language: Mandarin

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