Friday, May 31, 2024

Le roman de Renart Film

Le roman de Renart Backdrop

This Le roman de Renart film has Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, and Family genres.

Le roman de Renart Film was made by Oniria Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is German, English, French.

Renart is a sly fox who can always chit-chat his way out of sticky situations. In his quest for an elusive treasure, Renart has ample opportunity to demonstrate how a quick mind can triumph over brute strength.

Le roman de Renart Movie Backdrop

Le roman de Renart Film Stars:

Frédéric Diefenthal as Renart (voice), Patrick Préjean as Chanteclair (voice), Lorànt Deutsch as Rufus (voice), Henri Poirier as King Nobel (voice), Rob Rackstraw as Rufus (voice), Gérard Surugue as Brun (voice), Hervé Jolly as Chancellor Bernard (voice), Marc Bretonnière as Ysengrin (voice), Catherine Privat as Nicolette (voice), Denise Metmer as Hersent (voice), Antoine Nouel as Tibert (voice), Elisabeth Fargeot as Queen Fiere (voice), and Corinne Bouche as Theo (voice).

Frédéric Diefenthal Photo Patrick Préjean Photo Lorànt Deutsch Photo Henri Poirier Photo Gérard Surugue Photo Hervé Jolly Photo

Those involved in the making of this Le roman de Renart movie:

Thierry Schiel (Director), Johan Klingler (Storyboard), Alain Mouysset (Original Music Composer), Erika Strobel (Development Producer), and Mathieu Morfin (Editor).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Лисицата Ренар

Лисицата Ренар е ловък и неуловим крадец с голямо сърце, който ограбва богатите, за да осигури прехрана на семейството си. Заедно с верния си приятел, плъхът Руфъс, нашият герой се впуска от едно приключение в друго и винаги успява да изиграе заклетия си враг - вълкът Исенгрин. Скоро обаче двамата приятели са изправени пред сериозна заплаха. Те случайно разбират за пъклен план, който цели да бъде свален краля от пестола му. Дали ще успеят Ренар и Руфъс да осуетят коварния план и да се измъкнат невредими?

Language: Bulgarian

Lišák Renart

Tato humorná pohádka z dílny lucemburských animátorů je dobrodužným příběhem mazaného lišáka Renarta. Renart je vyděděnec. Nepolepšitelný snílek, který se nedokáže smířit s příliš upjatými a nudnými pravidly společnosti zvířat. Není dne, kdy by si nevymyslel nějakou bláznivou hloupost, která se téměř nikdy nesetká s pochopením okolí. Jednoduše je příliš veselá povaha. Je bystrý a ví, že by si svou situaci dokázal zjednodušit, kdyby se začal chovat jako ostatní. To je však pro něj nudné řešení a navíc je mu to doslova proti srsti. Renart se raději rozhodne z komunity odejít a vydat se za pokladem, o kterém je přesvědčený, že určitě existuje a samozřejmě čeká jen na něj. To, co na cestě zažije se nepoštěstí jen tak někomu. Podivný šilhavý ptáček a bláznivý vlk, kteří jsou na chvíli jeho společníky, jsou pouze malým příkladem, co všechno ho ještě čeká.

Language: Czech

Ræven Renart

Den listige ræv Renart stjæler fra de rige og giver til børnene. Sammen med sin bande af uduelige dyr, er Renart på jagt efter en stor skat, men det er andre og mindre ædelmodige væsner også, så der bliver kamp til stregen.

Language: Danish

Die neuen Abenteuer von Reineke Fuchs

Reineke Fuchs ist der Robin Hood unter den Tieren. Der listige Outlaw nimmt's von den Reichen, gibt's den hungrigen Mäulern daheim - und verhindert nebenbei ein Komplott des Wolfs Isegrim gegen den König der Tiere…

Language: German

Το "Renart the Fox" αφηγείται τις διασκεδαστικές αλλά και συγκινητικές περιπέτειες του Ρενάρ, της άτακτης αλεπουδίτσας, που συναντά συνέχεια εμπόδια στην προσπάθειά του να αποκτήσει όλο και περισσότερα πλούτη. Ωστόσο, τα κίνητρα σε αυτή την αναζήτηση είναι αγνά, αφού οτιδήποτε κάνει ο Ρενάρ το κάνει για να καλυτερέψει τη ζωή των κοντινών του ατόμων. Στο δρόμο του θα συναντήσει έναν χοντρούλη αρουραίο που ονομάζεται Ρούφους και μαζί θα ξεκινήσουν ένα συναρπαστικό ταξίδι συλλέγοντας πολλές εμπειρίες, πολύ πιο σημαντικές από όλα τα πλούτη του κόσμου...

Language: Greek

Renart es un ladron con un gran corazón, solo comete sus fechorías para proporcionar comida a su familia. Es un zorro muy aventurero, audaz y por supuesto muy listo; siempre sale airoso de sus lios aunque en esta ocasión hay un peligro inminente que pretende destronar al rey y a la reina que por cierto, es una gran defensora de Renart.Se está gestando una trama malvada llevada a cabo por el Canciller del rey ayudado por el capitán de la guardia y enemigo múmero uno de Renart, el malísimo Ysengrin. Comenzamos una nueva aventura con Renart y su nuevo amigo Rufus en busca de la misteriosa cueva de las maldiciones y el secreto de la vida eterna.

Language: Spanish

Le roman de Renart

Ces compères font la paire !

Hors-la-loi invétéré, fourbe et plein de malice, Renart attire pourtant la sympathie des petits et des grands car ses nombreux méfaits n'ont qu'un seul but : la survie et le bonheur des siens. Affublé de Rufus le rat, son complice d'infortune maladroit et attachant, Renart ira d'aventure en aventure, bravant les obstacles et les dangers pour atteindre son but.

Language: French

Renart, a róka

A Renart, a ravasz róka törvényen kívüli dörzsölt fickó, aki bárhogy is próbálja, nem bír megbarátkozni az erdő merev szabályaival. Renartnak egyetlen célja van, a gazdagoktól elvenni, és azt a szegényeknek adni. A jobb élet, és egy feltételezett kincs után kutatva találkozik egy csúnya büdös patkánnyal, Rufusszal, aki barátja és társa lesz a kalandokban, melyek során hőseink rájönnek, hogy a gazdagság nem minden, annál vannak sokkal fontosabb dolgok is az életben. A kincskeresés közben Renart megmutatja nekünk, hogy a józanész, gyakran legyőzheti a nyers erőt, annak ellenére, hogy társai született ügyetlenségükkel gyakran hátráltatják hősünket...

Language: Hungarian

Przygody Lisa Urwisa

Bajka opowiada o sprytnym lisie Renarcie, który będąc wyjętym spod prawa, ciągle walczący z feudalizmem. Renart wyrusza w poszukiwaniu skarbu i w czasie swojej podróży często udawadnia, że inteligencja potrafi zatriumfować nad brutalną siłą.

Language: Polish

O Salta-Pocinhas

Reinaldo é um famoso fora-da-lei, uma raposa de espírito vivo cuja única maldade é roubar aos ricos para alimentar a família. O seu maior inimigo é Lupino, um terrível lobo que procura a todo o custo prender Reinaldo para sempre, o que se revela difícil e embaraçoso devido à astúcia da raposa. Certa noite, ao fugir das garras do malvado Lupino, Reinaldo acaba por levar para casa, acidentalmente, um mapa. E a aventura começa. Sabendo que o mapa o leva até um tesouro de incalculável valor, Reinaldo parte, na companhia do seu inseparável amigo Rufino - um rato nervoso e comilão -, na esperança de assim poderem vir a concretizar os seus sonhos. Conseguirão os nossos heróis encontrar o lendário e cobiçado tesouro?

Language: Portuguese

Лис Ренар

«У вас есть чем пожиться? Лис Ренар наведается к вам!»

Когда рядом лис Ренар и его непредсказуемый приятель Руфус, богатеям и жадинам не спится в теплых перинах, в особенности — алчному и глупому волку Изенгрину и его властной женушке с тяжелой лапой и острыми клыками. Ходят слухи, что лис Ренар и его друзья опять задумали пошарить в чьих-то сундуках. Сумеет ли благородный воришка ускользнуть из коварных ловушек своих заклятых врагов? Ведь на сей раз они вознамерились во что бы то ни стало схватить рыжего пройдоху!

Language: Russian

Lišiak Renart

Renart je vydedenec a nepolepšiteľný rojko, ktorý sa nedokáže zmieriť s príliš upätými a nudnými pravidlami spoločnosti zvierat. Nie je dňa, kedy nevymyslí nejakú bláznivú hlúposť. Jedného dňa sa rozhodne odísť a vydať sa za pokladom, o ktorom je presvedčený, že určite existuje a samozrejme čaká len na neho. To, čo na ceste zažije sa nepošťastí len tak niekomu. Podivný škuľavý vtáčik a bláznivý vlk, ktorí sú na chvíľu jeho spoločníkmi, sú iba malým príkladom toho, čo ho ešte čaká.

Language: Slovak

幽靈人間 Movie

This 幽靈人間 movie has Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, and Romance genres.

幽靈人間 Film was made by Media Asia Films, and Class Limited The film was successfully completed and released in 2001 made a revenue of $1,138,807. The spoken language used in the film is Cantonese.

A man develops a relationship with a woman who has mysterious supernatural abilities.

幽靈人間 Film Backdrop

幽靈人間 Film Stars:

Shu Qi as June / Wong Siu Kam, James Wong as Lo Kit, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang as Wong-Lin, Sam Lee as Simon, Kara Wai Ying-Hung as Mother of June / Little Chung, Eason Chan as Peter Lo Wong Chai, Jo Kuk Cho-Lam as Girl in Subway, Cheung Tat-Ming as Taxi Driver, Fung Lee as Miss Wong, Yiu-Cheung Lai as Lo Wan Tat, Tiffany Lee as Carmen, Tony Liu as Master Tsang, Perry Chan as Dickie, Fili Ho as Fatso, Yau Man-Shing as Ah Kow, Chia-Li Mo as Little June, Ding Chu-Wai as Tat's Wife, Fok Lin as Aunt San, Terry Lee Ji-Ming as Snakehead, Lau Ho-Ngai as Jake's Girlfriend, Rashma Maheubani as Sue, Chung Yiu-Shing as Little Chung, Lo Yan-Yan as Cher, and Cheung Tsz-Yu as Singing Woman.

Shu Qi Photo James Wong Photo Anthony Wong Chau-Sang Photo Sam Lee Photo Kara Wai Ying-Hung Photo Eason Chan Photo Jo Kuk Cho-Lam Photo Cheung Tat-Ming Photo Fung Lee Photo Yiu-Cheung Lai Photo Tiffany Lee Photo Tony Liu Photo Yau Man-Shing Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the 幽靈人間 film:

Arthur Wong Ngok-Tai (Director of Photography), Tommy Wai (Original Music Composer), Ann Hui (Director), Abe Kwong (Writer), Jimmy Wong (Camera Operator), and Petrina Ho (Production Manager).

Arthur Wong Ngok-Tai Photo Ann Hui Photo Jimmy Wong Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:


남자는 신비로운 초자연적 능력을 가진 여자와 관계를 맺는다.

Language: Korean

สัมผัสสยอง หลอนมรณะ


Language: Thai


15年前的一桩交通事故,令一个男人(黄秋生 饰)死于车底。他的头被卡在车身地下,身体却走了一段路后才倒下。这个恐怖的场面,被一个小女孩看到了,吓得目瞪口呆。

Language: Mandarin

ヴァーサス Movie

The ヴァーサス movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Action, and Thriller genres.

ヴァーサス Film was made by KSS, napalm FiLMS, WEVCO Produce Company, and Suplex Inc. at a cost of $400,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

A group of ruthless gangsters, an unknown woman and an escaped convict have met, in The Forest of Resurrection, the 444th portal to the other side. Their troubles start when those once killed and buried in the forest come back from the dead.

ヴァーサス Movie Backdrop

ヴァーサス Movie Stars:

Tak Sakaguchi as Prisoner KSC2-303, Hideo Sakaki as The Man, Chieko Misaka as The Girl, Minoru Matsumoto as Crazy Yakuza with Amulet, Reika Kirishima as (uncredited), Takehiro Katayama as Red-haired Assassin, Kazuhito Ohba as Yakuza with Glasses, Shoichiro Masumoto as One-handed Cop, Kenji Matsuda as Yakuza Leader with Butterfly Knife, Yuichiro Arai as Motorcycle-riding Yakuza with Revolver, Ayumi Yoshihara as Long-haired Female Assassin, Toshiro Kamiaka as Samurai Warrior, Yukihito Tanikado as Cop with Barrett, Hoshimi Asai as Short-haired Female Assassin, Ryosuke Watabe as Yakuza Zombie in Alligator-skin Coat, Motonari Komiya as Prisoner, and Hideo Kojima as .

Tak Sakaguchi Photo Hideo Sakaki Photo Chieko Misaka Photo Minoru Matsumoto Photo Reika Kirishima Photo Shoichiro Masumoto Photo Kenji Matsuda Photo Ryosuke Watabe Photo Hideo Kojima Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this ヴァーサス film:

Shuichi Kakesu (Editor), Ryûhei Kitamura (Director), Yudai Yamaguchi (Screenplay), Nobuhiko Morino (Music), Takumi Furuya (Cinematography), Hideo Nishimura (Executive Producer), and Keishiro Shin (Producer).

Shuichi Kakesu Photo Ryûhei Kitamura Photo Yudai Yamaguchi Photo

What They Said About ヴァーサス Film:

Mad-as-a-bag-of-badgers Japanese Yakuza/zombie/Highlander hybrid (I think), made on a micro-budget by Ryûhei Kitamura, the guy who would go on to direct enjoyable gore-fest The Midnight Meat Train. Honestly, if they spent more than two hundred quid on this thing, then I can't see where the money went. I kind-of liked it though, in a bizarre way. So what's it all about then? Hm. Fecked if I know, to be truthful. We're informed early on that there are apparently 666 portals to "the other side" on Earth, all hidden from man. Our story takes place in the "Forest of Resurrection" in Japan, the 444th portal. We open with a medieval Japanese warrior, in said forest, surrounded by what appears to be similar Japanese warriors, but undead ones. Anyway, no sooner has our man cut down these ghoulies with a swish and a slash, than he himself is cut in half by what appears to be some sorcerer/warrior fellow, who in turn is already (I think) facing off against some other mean-looking samurai-type. Then, title card, then, um, a pair of modern-day escaped prisoners running through what I suppose must be the same forest, en route to a rendezvous with a bunch of Yakuza hoodlums sent to... what? help them? Not sure, since the meeting degenerates quickly into a stand-off between the Yakuza and the prisoners (along with a girl the Yakuza had captive in their car), which turns into a chase through the woods, but not before a prisoner and a Yakuza are killed and reanimated as zombies. Off go the girl and the other prisoner (finding our prisoner fellow some sexy leather duds on some previously-slaughtered poor sod; the place is choc-full of dead/UNdead Japanese criminals, by the looks of things) and off go the remaining Yakuza in hot pursuit, needing to recapture them before "He" shows up. "He"? Who? Erm, the Yakuza bossman I think, Except that as soon as "He" shows up, his gang (along with a few more members who were just hiding in the trees) mutiny, and shoot him to pieces. Except he stands straight back up and attacks them. And he ISN'T a zombie. He's... what? Immortal? Hang on, isn't he that sorcerer-y fellow from the first scene? Oh, he's just bitten someone's neck. So, he's a vampire? And who are these cop types who've shown up and keep bickering? Um... Oh, sod it. Here are the tweets I took to posting when I probably should've been paying attention: -Currently watching a Japanese film called Versus. Looks like it was made out in the woods for a tenner. And it is utterly demented. -I went for a poo for ten minutes near the start of it and I can't pick up the thread of what's going on. It's just mad craziness. -It's just a rabid succession of people who may or may not be alive, immortal, dead or undead, fighting, in a forest. I think. -NOW what's happening?!? Why's everyone suddenly dressed like feudal Samurai? Are they different people to the other people? Where am I? -Unh? WTF? Where did those power rangers go? Everyone's dressed modern again. Why's that woman tied to a tree? -Why's that bellend screaming about "gates" and "power"? Isn't he that Samurai guy? No? Yes? Is that a zombie up that tree there? -Why's that zombie doing a lizard/jaguar impression? He looks like a ****... who are these, now? Where's that bloke's hand gone? -Is it a comedy? A screwball comedy? Oh, he's just blown up that zombie doing the lizard face and scratchy hands. Good. Knob, he was. -It's a big sword-off now between the two leather-jackety guys. Were they the main good/bad guys all the way through, then? -Oh, his head's off. That other fella's off on his motorbike. So, where were those samurai types then? What was that all about? -"99 years later"? Eh? Who are those baldies? Isn't that yer man who's head fell off? What's that silly bitch moaning about? -Oh, it's finished. Ha! I definitely need to watch that again, I've never been so lost. Made Eraserhead look like Gavin & Stacey. So there you have it. If two hours of ceaseless kicky-slashy fighting between alive/dead/undead/immortal Japanese types, in a forest, set to an arcade game-standard techno-rock soundtrack appeals, then this is the film for you. I can't rate it very highly at this point - I'm just too overwhelmed, really - but I'm tempted to look at it again. As I said, I kind-of liked it, for all its mentalness. 6/10.


Here are some translations about the film:


Nachdem Gefangener KSC2-303 aus dem Polizeiarrest fliehen konnte, verschlägt es ihn in den Wald der Wiederauferstehung. Hier trifft er auf eine Bande übler Yakuza, die ein Mädchen entführt haben. KSC2-303 gelingt es, das Mädchen aus den Fängen der Gangster zu befreien, die jedoch sofort die Verfolgung aufnehmen. Als wäre das nicht schon genug ärger, wimmelt es im ganzen Wald auch noch von Zombies, die dem Flüchtling an den Kragen wollen...

Language: German


Sea testigo de una batalla que nadie ha visto nunca

Un convicto escapa al bosque con la ayuda de unos gángsters de la yakuza japonesa. Con ellos también va un chica que han secuestrado, y a la que el convicto se ve obligado a proteger. Ambos huyen hacia lo profundo del bosque perseguidos por los gángsters, pues los dos son requeridos por el cliente de los mercenarios. Lo que éstos no saben es que están en el "bosque de la resurrección", donde los muertos vuelven a la vida como zombies...

Language: Spanish

Versus, l'ultime guerrier

Au Japon, deux prisonniers en fuite, matricule KSC2-303 et un voisin de cellule, courent dans une forêt mystérieuse où ils ont donné rendez-vous à leurs complices. À leur arrivée, une voiture approche. Cinq yakusas en sortent. Les deux fugitifs sont pressés de partir, mais on leur donne l'ordre d'attendre le chef du gang. Les yakusas font descendre une jeune femme qu'ils commencent à frapper. KSC2-303 lui porte secours, s'empare d'un pistolet et abat un gangster. On le croyait mort, mais tel un zombie, il se relève et saute sur l'un de ses acolytes. Abasourdis par ce qu'ils voient, les tueurs criblent de balles le mort-vivant qui finit par s'écrouler. Profitant de la panique, KSC2-303 s'enfuit avec la demoiselle dans la forêt.

Language: French


אקשן מטורף המשלב אלימות, הומור ואסתטיקה יפנית לכדי יצירה ייחודית, נדירה בעוצמתה. האסיר קיי.אס.סי 2- 303 נמלט מהכלא לתוך מעבה היער, על מנת להיפגש עם חבורת יאקוזה שממתינה לו. רק שאין זה יער רגיל וכדי לשרוד עליו להיאבק במתים-חיים ובמכשף אכזר שאוחז בסוד גדול.

Language: Hebrew


A Feltámadás erdejében örök csatáját vívja a jó és a rossz. Ebbe a küzdelembe csöppen bele a KSC2-303-as rab, aki egy szigorúan őrzött börtönből szökött az erdőbe. A térben és időben folyó, mindent felforgató csata hevében a szökevény már azt sem tudja, melyik oldalon áll. Ráadásul a győzelemre még a halálos kimenetelű csapás sem garancia, hisz az ellenfelek visszatérnek holtukból. Megoldást egyedül csak egy gyönyörű nő jelenthet, aki viszont jó mélyen elrejtőzött az erdőben.

Language: Hungarian


Language: Italian



Language: Japanese


500년을 기다린 결투가 시작되었다!

사카구치 타쿠는 동료들과 함께 자신을 데려가기로 한 사람이 기다리고 있는 장소로 가지만, 이들을 기다리고 있던 남자들은 보스가 오기를 기다려야 한다고만 말한다. 초조해하던 그들의 앞에 미사카 치에코라는 여자가 나타난다. 타쿠는 치에코를 본 순간 어디선가 그녀를 본듯한 느낌에 사로잡히고, 다른 남자가 그녀를 함부로 대하는 것을 보고 분노하여 그들에게 달려든다. 그러나 총을 가지고 있던 상대방에게 밀린 타쿠는 치에코와 함께 숲 속으로 도망가고, 그 곳에서 신비한 경험을 하게 된다.

Language: Korean

Portal da Ressurreição

Há 666 portais que conectam este mundo com o outro lado. Eles estão escondidos dentro dos seres humanos. Em algum lugar no Japão existe o portal de número 444. Quem o atravessar voltará da morte. Um grupo de homens se encontra na Floresta da Ressurreição para resgatar um perigoso prisioneiro que acaba de fugir da cadeia. Ele já matou mais de 40 pessoas. Inicia-se uma luta muito curiosa. Aqueles que são atingidos fatalmente caem, mas logo voltam ao combate. O Prisioneiro sobrevive ao chumbo grosso das pistolas e terá que duelar com O Homem, que está sedento pelo sangue da Garota, o único líquido capaz de abrir o portal. Será um festival de porradas, golpes de artes marciais fantásticos e de sangue. Apenas um sobreviverá.

Language: Portuguese


666 порталов, скрытых от людей, соединяют наш мир с иными мирами. 444-ый портал открывает путь в Лес Воскрешения, где с начала времен идет война между добром и злом. И когда заключенный KSC2-303 совершает побег из тюрьмы, он отправляется в Лес, считая, что там будет в безопасности. Вопреки ожиданиям он становится заложником в бесконечном сражении, происходящем в постоянно меняющейся реальности. Его противник — необычен. Оба они преследуют прекрасную женщину, которая может даровать вечную жизнь. Это цена сражения. Сражения между добром и злом. Но KSC2-303 не может вспомнить о своем предназначении — является ли он представителем добра или служит злу.

Language: Russian


  地球上通往另一个世界有666道门,其中444道在日本的复活森林里,这里是人类世界和幽冥黄泉的连接点。   囚徒KSC2-303(坂口拓 饰)和狱友越狱逃跑,在通往复活森林的路上遭遇一伙黑帮分子。他们和一名神秘女子发生争吵,失手杀死一名黑帮分子。他们将尸体埋在森林里,但尸体获得幽冥之气后复活化为僵尸,疯狂攻击众人。黑帮的老板在500年前与KSC2-303是一对兄弟,他曾渴望打开森林的封印获得邪恶强大的力量,但被弟弟阻止。500年后老板决定再次开启封印,而封印的关键正是那名神秘女子。她掌握了释放邪恶力量的钥匙……

Language: Mandarin

春梦 Movie

The 春梦 film has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

春梦 Film was made by Sodium Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

Linking several genres in a surprising and successful way, Yang Lin’s fiction feature debut is an Asian ghost story in which documentary scenes show how incongruous today's reality can look in China. Protagonist Fang Lei lives in material wealth and only has to care for her daughter. One night, a young mysterious lover appears and makes passionate love to her.

春梦 Film Backdrop

春梦 Film Stars:

Jia Fu as Husband, Zhao Siyuan as Fang Lei, Dej Pongpazroj as Man in the Dreams, and Xue Hong as Hong.

Zhao Siyuan Photo

Those involved in the making of the 春梦 film:

Liao Ching-Sung (Editor), Yang Hongyu (Editor), Yoshihiro Hanno (Original Music Composer), Yang Lina (Director), Zhang Yang (Sound Designer), Vivian Qu (Producer), Matthieu Laclau (Editor), Shaoying Peng (Art Direction), and Wang Min (Director of Photography).

Liao Ching-Sung Photo Yang Lina Photo Vivian Qu Photo Shaoying Peng Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:



Language: Mandarin

El corazón del guerrero Movie

This El corazón del guerrero movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Comedy genres.

El corazón del guerrero Film was made by TVE, Tornasol Films, and Cartel The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

Beldar and Sonja, a pair of thieves, steal a precious gem from the crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, a daring act that will lead to unforeseen consequences.

El corazón del guerrero Film Backdrop

El corazón del guerrero Film Stars:

Antonio de la Torre as Police Officer Pellizer, Adolfo Fernández as Police Commissioner Balbuena, Joserra Cadiñanos as Male Teacher, Santiago Segura as Netheril / Carlos José, Iván Aledo as Order Hitman, Luis Tosar as Police Detective #1, Joel Joan as Beldar, Ricardo Amador as Gypsy Man, Fernando Ramallo as Ramón, Neus Asensi as Sonia / Sonja, Adrià Collado as Adolfo del Prado, Empar Ferrer as Javi's Mother, Jimmy Barnatán as Javi, Ramiro Alonso as Police Officer #1, Rubén Ochandiano as Raúl, Félix Cubero as Head #2, Javier Aller as The Acolyte, Josu Ormaetxe as Congress Police Officer, Silvia Casanova as Female Teacher, Rebecca Cobos as Blonde Woman, Elio González as Nacho, Antonio Barroso as Posh Man, Enrique Arce as Enrique Karuel, Enrique Martínez as Hotel Security Agent #2, Juan Díaz as Víctor, Javier Jurdao as Homeless Man, Arturo Valls as Music Concert Male Reporter, José María Sacristán as Wallpaper Installer, Biaffra as Octagon Sinister Man, Juan Fernández as Thug #1, Gabriel Moreno as Country House Client, Fernando Sansegundo as Octagon Elegant Man, Fanny Condado as Police Detective #2, María Díaz as «La Jauría Humana» Hostess #2, Alfonso Lara as Editor, Antonio Gómez as Policeman #2, Montse Guallar as Pilar, Alfredo Díaz as Policeman #1, Lola González as Bus Old Lady, Niko Lizeaga as Ishtar, Domingo Chinchilla as Slinker, Leandro Bredariol as School Mummy, José Carlos Rivas as Crypt Mummy, Fernando López Puig as Head #1, Franky Huesca as Congress Usher, José María Sagone as Physician, Marta Reyero as Female Reporter, Hilario Pino as Canal 8 Anchorman, Mayte Nogales as «La Jauría Humana» Hostess #1, Eduardo de Vicente as «La Jauría Humana» Floor Runner, Salvador Melgares as Canal 8 Statue, María Peñafiel as Spot Girl, Miguel Ángel Torres as TV Camera Operator, Carlos Maroto as Policeman #3, Sixto Cid as Hotel Security Agent #1, Ramón Churruca as Hotel Security Agent #3, Urban Deutschman as German Man, Anna Pastor as Hooker, and Tonino Guitián as Canal 8 «La Jauría Humana» Host.

Antonio de la Torre Photo Adolfo Fernández Photo Santiago Segura Photo Luis Tosar Photo Joel Joan Photo Fernando Ramallo Photo Neus Asensi Photo Adrià Collado Photo Empar Ferrer Photo Jimmy Barnatán Photo Rubén Ochandiano Photo Félix Cubero Photo Javier Aller Photo Josu Ormaetxe Photo Silvia Casanova Photo Rebecca Cobos Photo Elio González Photo Antonio Barroso Photo Enrique Arce Photo Enrique Martínez Photo Juan Díaz Photo Arturo Valls Photo José María Sacristán Photo Juan Fernández Photo Fernando Sansegundo Photo Alfonso Lara Photo Montse Guallar Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the El corazón del guerrero film:

José Antonio Bermúdez (Sound Mixer), Diego Garrido (Sound Mixer), Manuel Corrales (Foley Artist), Sara Bilbatúa (Casting), Santiago Segura (Thanks), Roque Baños (Original Music Composer), Iván Aledo (Editor), Carles Gusi (Director of Photography), Polo Aledo (Sound Editor), Gerardo Herrero (Producer), Álex de la Iglesia (Thanks), Daniel Monzón (Director), María Rodríguez (Property Master), Eduardo Campoy (Producer), José Luis Arrizabalaga (Art Direction), Biaffra (Art Direction), José Quetglás (Makeup Artist), Javier López Blanco (Producer), Raúl Romanillos (Special Effects Supervisor), Félix Bergés (Digital Effects Supervisor), Javier Artiñano (Costume Designer), Mercedes Guillot (Hairstylist), Falele Ygueravide (Second Assistant Director), Sergio Francisco (Assistant Director), Yolanda Cáceres (Color Grading), Juan Vicente Riuve (Script Supervisor), Tino Pont (Production Director), Nuria Santos (Production Manager), Matías Nieto (Still Photographer), Felisa Catalinas (Negative Cutter), Ramón Muñoz Bravo (Key Grip), Carlos Garrido (Sound Mixer), Jorge Ruiz (Sound Recordist), Jesús Villafáñez (Gaffer), Marco de Aguilar (Storyboard Artist), Rubén Cidoncha (Graphic Designer), and Álvaro Aguirre (Boom Operator).

Santiago Segura Photo Roque Baños Photo Carles Gusi Photo Gerardo Herrero Photo Álex de la Iglesia Photo Daniel Monzón Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

The Heart of the Warrior

Realität ist nur eine Illusion…

Beldar und Sonja, ein Diebespaar, stehlen einen wertvollen Edelstein aus der Krypta des Ordens der Tausend Augen, eine waghalsige Tat, die unvorhergesehene Folgen haben wird.

Language: German

La realidad es mentira

Beldar y Sonja, una pareja de ladrones, roban una gema preciosa de la cripta de la Orden de los Mil Ojos, un acto audaz que tendrá consecuencias imprevistas.

Language: Spanish

Le Cœur du guerrier

Beldar et Sonja, deux voleurs, dérobent une pierre précieuse dans la crypte de l'Ordre des Mille Yeux, un acte audacieux qui aura des conséquences imprévues.

Language: French

A harcos szíve

A világok láncolata végtelen. Annyi világ, ahány ember.

Beldar és Sonja, egy tolvajpár, ellop egy értékes drágakövet az Ezer Szem Rendjének kriptájából, ez a merész tett beláthatatlan következményekkel jár.

Language: Hungarian

The Heart of the Warrior

Beldar en Sonja, een stel dieven, stelen een kostbare edelsteen uit de crypte van de Orde van de Duizend Ogen, een gewaagde daad die tot onvoorziene gevolgen zal leiden.

Language: Dutch

O Feitiço dos Magos

Uma pedra amaldiçoada e roubada e um poderoso feitiço é lançado

Beldar e Sonja, uma dupla de ladrões, roubam uma joia preciosa da cripta da Ordem dos Mil Olhos, um ato ousado que levará a consequências imprevistas.

Language: Portuguese


Language: Mandarin

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