Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Imagination Film

Imagination Poster

The Imagination movie has Fantasy, Drama, and Science Fiction genres.

Imagination Movie was made by Albino Fawn Productions at a cost of $110,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Dr. Reineger, a famous neuro-psychologist, has become convinced that a twin girl named Anna has a rare form of Autism called Asperger's Syndrome, rendering her unable to cope with reality. As for her blind sister, Sarah, the doctor cannot say for sure why her imaginary visions map so close to Anna's. At home, unable to face reality, their father leaves the family. To escape the pain, the girls sink deeper and deeper into their imagination. When a major earthquake takes their mother's life, Reineger gets more involved with helping the now-orphaned twins, while struggling with his realization that the girls seem to be capable of prophetic visions. The girls escape the doctor's institution and a subsequent search finds no trace of them. Have they transcended the physical realm? A mixture of live action, stop motion animation and other techniques makes this film a fantastic journey into the realm of imagination.

Imagination Film Stars:

Eric Leiser as self, Jeffrey Leiser as institution employee, Ed Gildersleeve as Dr. Reineger, Nikki Haddad as Anna Woodruff, Jessi Haddad as Sarah Woodruff, Courtney Sanford as Janice Woodruff, Travis Poelle as Roland Woodruff, Anthony Caraday as Young Doctor Reineger, and Laura Leiser as Reception Nurse.

Eric Leiser Photo Jeffrey Leiser Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Imagination movie:

Eric Leiser (Director), and Jeffrey Leiser (Music).

Eric Leiser Photo Jeffrey Leiser Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


El Dr. Reineger, un famoso neurosicólogo, se ha convencido de que una gemela llamada Anna tiene una forma rara de autismo llamada Síndrome de Asperger, que la hace incapaz de hacer frente a la realidad. En cuanto a su hermana ciega, Sarah, el médico no puede decir con seguridad por qué sus visiones imaginarias se acercan tanto a las de Anna. En casa, incapaces de enfrentar la realidad, su padre abandona la familia. Para escapar del dolor, las chicas se hunden cada vez más en su imaginación. Cuando un gran terremoto toma la vida de su madre, Reineger se involucra más con la ayuda de los gemelos ahora huérfanos, mientras lucha para darse cuenta de que las chicas parecen ser capaces de visiones proféticas. Las chicas escapan de la institución del médico y una búsqueda posterior no encuentra rastro de ellas. ¿Han trascendido el reino físico? Una mezcla de acción en vivo,

Language: Spanish



Language: Mandarin

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