This Oz the Great and Powerful movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Family genres.
Oz the Great and Powerful Film was made by Walt Disney Pictures, and Roth Films at a cost of $200,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 made a revenue of $491,868,548. The spoken language used in the film is English.
Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus illusionist and con-artist, is whisked from Kansas to the Land of Oz where the inhabitants assume he's the great wizard of prophecy, there to save Oz from the clutches of evil.

Oz the Great and Powerful Movie Stars:
Michelle Williams as Annie / Glinda, Rachel Weisz as Evanora, Martin Klebba as Munchkin Rebel, Zach Braff as Frank / Finley, Bill Cobbs as Master Tinker, Bruce Campbell as Winkie Gate Keeper, Ellen Sandweiss as Quadling Woman, Betsy Baker as Quadling Woman, Theresa Tilly as Quadling Seamstress, Dan Hicks as Emerald City Citizen, Timothy Patrick Quill as Emerald City Man, Ted Raimi as Skeptic in Audience, James Franco as Oz, Mila Kunis as Theodora / Wicked Witch of the West, John Paxton as Elder Tinker, Tony Cox as Knuck, Mike Estes as Mayor of Emerald City (uncredited), William Dick as Front Gate Barker, Kevin Thompson as Munchkin (uncredited), Mia Serafino as Emerald City Citizen, Toni Wynne as Strong Man's Wife, Abigail Spencer as May, Joey King as Girl in Wheelchair / China Girl, Gene Richards as Quadling Man (uncredited), Ron Causey as Tinker (uncredited), Tim Holmes as Strongman, Steve Forbes as Quadling Farmer, Suzanne Keilly as Concessioneer, Stephen R. Hart as Winkie General, Doug Kolbicz as Emerald City Resident (uncredited), T.J. Jagodowski as Quadling Mayor, Russell Bobbitt as Mr. Baum, John Manfredi as Disgruntled Kansas Man, Robert Stromberg as Disgruntled Kansas Man, Cameron Barnett as Mayor's Assistant (uncredited), John C. Epperson as Winkie (uncredited), Rob Crites as Firebreather, Bernie Allemon as Dancing Munchkin, Bart McCarthy as Emerald City Man, Neil Ellice as Theodora's Guard (uncredited), Gene Jones as Wild West Barker, Jessee Foudray as Quadling Woman (uncredited), Robert Buck as Emerald City Citizen, Dennis Kleinsmith as Tinker (uncredited), Eric Potts as Dancing Munchkin, Kef Lee as Roustabout / Quadling Chimney Sweeper (uncredited), John Lord Booth III as Oz's Tent Barker, Victoria Lurz as Quadling Child, Chidi Ajufo as Winkie Guard (uncredited), Wendy Cutler as Emerald City Citizen, Apollo Bacala as Emerald City Man (uncredited), Deborah Puette as Quadling Baker, Derrick Gilliam as Winkie (uncredited), Mikayla Bouchard as Emerald City Citizen, Emma Raimi as Emerald City Citizen, Shannon Murray as Girl in Wheelchair's Mother, Ashley Siloac as Quadling Townsperson #2 (uncredited), Nellie Ann Prestine-Lowery as Emerald City Citizen, Talia Akiva as Kansas Girl (uncredited), Ron Heisler as Kansas Man (uncredited), Robert T. Barrett as Quadling #10 (uncredited), Bob Jay Mills as Baker (uncredited), Ralph Lister as Girl in Wheelchair's Father, Matt Weinglass as Winkie (uncredited), Michael Clossin as Tinker (uncredited), Jessica Nichole as Quadling Woman (uncredited), Colin Bryant as Winkie (uncredited), Filip Watermann as Guard #1 (uncredited), Bella Shepard as Quadling Child, Kelly Bacon as Emerald City Woman (uncredited), Logan Fry as Tinker (uncredited), Davy J. Marr as Emerald City Citizen (uncredited), Ari Rufino as Fisherman (uncredited), Amy Sutherland as Quadling Angry Townswoman (uncredited), Channing Pierce as Coochie Girl, Brian Searle as Clown, Julie Gershenson as Quadling Greeter, Dan Nelson as Quadling Man with Flowers, Melissa Exelberth as Quadling Woman with Broom, Arnold Agee as Quadling Blacksmith, Julius Kline III as Quadling Scarecrow Maker, Sasha Kida Reynolds as Quadling Child, Ja'Vonne Cousins as Quadling Child, Dashiell Raimi as Quadling Bugle Boy, Oliver Raimi as Quadling Drummer Boy, Brandon Hamilton as Singing & Dancing Munchkin, Stevie Lee as Munchkin Carriage Driver, Danielle Ragland as Female Munchkin Rebel, Nicholas Lindsay-Abaire as Emerald City Boy, Bill E. Rogers as Emerald City Citizen, Lanika Wise as Emerald City Citizen, Jayne Violassi as Emerald City Citizen, Jay Schwalm as Emerald City Citizen, James Bird as Emerald City Citizen, Kenneth D. Ciszewski as Emerald City Citizen, Chester F. Guilmet as Emerald City Citizen, Jim Moll as Emerald City Citizen, Grady Chambless as Quadling Man (uncredited), Lee Christian as Emerald City Citizen (uncredited), Nesti Gee as Emerald City Citizen (uncredited), Ryan Groves as Quadling Man (uncredited), Brice Harris as Winkie (uncredited), Niki Haze as Quadling Woman (uncredited), Julia Metas as Quadling Child (uncredited), Reza Mir as Quadling (uncredited), Jor él Quinn as Quadling (uncredited), Keith Schloemp as Tinker (uncredited), David Schwager as Tinker (uncredited), Eric Adam Swenson as Emerald City Resident (uncredited), David Waldman as Tinker (uncredited), Otis Winston as Winkie (uncredited), Jon Overgaauw as Dancing Munchkin, Christophe Zajac-Denek as Dancing Munchkin, Phillip Huber as China Girl Marionette, Dan Cota as Dancing Munchkin, Dale Drew as Dancing Munchkin, Spencer Frost as Dancing Munchkin, Eduardo Piedra as Dancing Munchkin, Jordan Rafael as Dancing Munchkin, Adam Romano as Dancing Munchkin, David Spradlin as Dancing Munchkin, Mani Love as Dancing Munchkin, and Michael Witous as Dancing Munchkin.
Professional involved in the making of the Oz the Great and Powerful movie:
Danny Elfman (Original Music Composer), Nancy Haigh (Set Decoration), John Papsidera (Casting), Philip Steuer (Executive Producer), Sam Raimi (Director), Grant Curtis (Executive Producer), Bob Murawski (Editor), L. Frank Baum (Author), Peter Deming (Director of Photography), Keith Campbell (Stunts), Joe Roth (Producer), Mitchell Kapner (Screenplay), David Lindsay-Abaire (Screenplay), Domenic Silvestri (Art Direction), Andy Cheng (Stunts), Joshua Donen (Executive Producer), Keith Woulard (Utility Stunts), Meghan C. Rogers (Art Direction), Gary Jones (Costume Design), Palak Patel (Executive Producer), Stefan Dechant (Art Direction), Todd Cherniawsky (Art Direction), Russell Bobbitt (Property Master), Robert Stromberg (Production Design), John Lord Booth III (Art Direction), Andrew L. Jones (Art Direction), Chris O'Hara (Stunts), Daniele Zannone (Animation), Mike Dharney (Animation), Kevin Webb (Animation), Joo-Hwan Park (Compositors), Daniel Erickson (Layout), Elizabeth McClurg (Compositors), Iain McFadyen (Art Direction), VFx Star (Visual Effects), Jatinder Singh Manhas (Visual Effects), Nancy Thurston (Stunts), Tad Griffith (Utility Stunts), Hiroshi Mori (Visual Effects), and Craig Clarke (Compositing Artist).
What They Said About Oz the Great and Powerful Movie:
I thought this would be a dumb movie, but I was wrong. Pretty good movie and very funny. He's a magician who the people of Oz thinks he's powerful. He trys to con them all into thinking he has special powers.
Overdone movie for children, with tiring tricks thought for 3D but a poor animation that becomes boring for its colorfulness. If you are a kid, you may enjoy, if you are an adult, better pass ...
If it were just down to the last twenty minutes or so, this might have been quite good. Sadly, though, we must watch the first hundred to get there, and they are not so good. "Diggs" (James Franco) is a jobbing, pretty unpleasant, magician doing the provincial shows when he and his balloon get caught up in a storm and next thing, he is in an unknown land where pretty soon he befriends a winged ape, a porcelain doll and is on the path to great riches in the "Emerald City". Upon arrival, acclaiming himself this great wizard, he meets three sisters who are a darned sight better with their wands - and he is soon a pawn in their game for control over "Oz". Can he thwart their machinations and save the city from their scheme? There is a narrative here - it's about "Diggs" discovering his inner decency, but it all just takes an age to get anywhere. Franco is adequate, but no better, and there three witches - Rachel Weisz, Mila Kunis and the nice one we recall from the original film "Glinda" (Michelle Williams) are oddly sterile with their efforts. Too much greenscreen, perhaps? Nobody seems to be at the races here. The dialogue is bland and barring a few fun expressions and observations from his put-upon sidekick "Frank" (Zach Braff) it just doesn't ever seem to catch fire. It does look good, the monochrome to colour effects work quite well, but otherwise I was rather underwhelmed by most of this.
I think I have never seen a movie with such (over)saturated and vibrant colors. Well, that is apart from the first few minutes which are in black and white as some tribute to the “original” Wizard of Oz movie. Surprisingly enough it works quite well. The sceneries and landscapes are beautiful to watch in just the right fairy-tale style that you would expect from the land of Oz. The story is pretty much a prequel to the original Wizard of Oz story. Something which does not really intrude too much for most part of the movie but becomes painfully obvious in the last couple of scenes. As for the general story it is pretty much okay. It pleased the kids for sure and I would say that is the main goal of this movie. For adults well, as I said it is okay but not really much more. The lead character can be infuriating at times with his “dubious ethics” as the blurb words it. Unfortunately he never really manages to convey that likable rascal attitude that one would have hoped for. He somehow just stays a rather bland character with “dubious ethics”. I think this goes for most of the other main characters as well. Except for the dubious ethics of course which for the other characters are either plain good or totally and without a doubt bad ones. On the whole I would say that the movie was okay but never really reached any higher than that. For a kid it was probably somewhat better than okay. I did enjoy the movie although this was mostly for the unusual and vibrant colorization and the lovely scenery.
Here are some translations about the movie:
أوز العظيم والقوي
في أوز ، لا شيء كما يبدو. يتم نقل أوسكار ديجز ، وهو ساحر سيرك صغير وفنان محتال ، من كانساس إلى أرض أوز حيث يفترض السكان أنه ساحر النبوءة العظيم ، هناك لإنقاذ أوز من براثن الشر.
Language: Arabic
Оз: Великият и могъщият
В Оз нищо не е такова, каквото изглежда.
Когато Оскар Дигс, незначителен цирков фокусник със съмнителен морал е запратен от прашния Канзас във вълнуващата страна Оз, той си мисли, че е ударил джакпота, и че славата и богатството вече са му в джоба. Това е преди да срещне трите вещици - Теодора, Еванора и Глинда, които не са убедени, че той е великият магьосник, когото всички са очаквали.Въвлечен по неволя в епичните проблеми, пред които са изправени страната Оз и обитателите й, Оскар трябва да установи кой е добър и кой лош преди да е станало късно.
Language: Bulgarian
Mocný vládce Oz
V Oz není nic, co se zdá
Když se Oscar Diggs, druhořadý cirkusový kouzelník s pochybnou morálkou, dostane z prašného Kansasu do životem pulsující Země Oz, myslí si, že vyhrál v loterii. Sláva a bohatství jsou jeho, dokud nepotká tři čarodějky: Theodoru, Evanoru a Glindu. Oscar se nechtěně zaplete do velikých problémů, kterým čelí země Oz a její obyvatelé, a musí se naučit odlišovat dobré lidi od zlých dřív, než bude příliš pozdě. Kouzelník postupně využívá své magické umění a vynalézavost, aby se proměnil ve věhlasného a mocného čaroděje a především v lepšího člověka.
Language: Czech
Oz: The Great and Powerful
Før Dorothy fra Kansas bliver samlet op af en skypumpe og hvirvlet ind i det magiske land Oz, får den lurvede magiker Oscar Diggs samme tur. Ved ankomsten til Oz møder Oscar de tre feer Theodora, Evanora og Glinda. Spådommen siger, at en mægtig troldmand vil redde landet ud af dets problemer - men hverken feerne eller Oscar selv er overbevist om, at hans småfesne cirkustricks rækker til formålet.
Language: Danish
Die fantastische Welt von Oz
In Oz ist nichts wie es scheint
Oscar Diggs ist ein kleiner Zirkus-Magier mit zweifelhafter Moral, eben ein Scharlatan, der plötzlich aus dem verschlafenen Kansas ins schillernde Land von Oz geschleudert wird. Zunächst ist Oscar begeistert, denn die Bewohner glauben, er sei der große Zauberer von Oz. Ihn erwarten Ruhm und Reichtum - zumindest bis er auf drei Hexen trifft: Theodora, Evanora und Glinda kaufen dem verschlagenen Magier seine große Kunst nicht ab. Bald gerät Diggs in eine schwierige Lage, denn der junge Mann wird zunehmend mit den Problemen des Landes und seiner Einwohner konfrontiert und soll diese lösen.
Language: German
Οζ: Μέγας Και Παντοδύναμος
Η χώρα που γνωρίζεις. Η ιστορία που δεν γνωρίζεις.
Ο Όσκαρ Ντιγκς, ένας αμφίβολης αξίας και ηθικής μάγος σε τσίρκο, εκτοξεύεται από το Κάνσας στη μαγική Χώρα του Οζ. Εκεί πιστεύει ότι χτύπησε τζακ-ποτ, μέχρι που συναντά τρεις μάγισσες. Η Θεοδώρα, η Εβανόρα και η Γκλίντα έχουν τις αμφιβολίες τους πως αυτός είναι ο μεγάλος μάγος που περίμεναν όλοι. Μαζί με τα προβλήματα που απασχολούν τους κάτοικους του Οζ, ο Όσκαρ πρέπει να ανακαλύψει το τι είναι καλό και το τι κακό εκεί, πριν να είναι πολύ αργά.
Language: Greek
Oz, un mundo de fantasía
En Oz, nada es lo que parece
Recrea los orígenes del Mago de Oz. Oscar Diggs (James Franco), un mago de circo de poca monta y de dudosa reputación, tiene que abandonar la polvorienta Kansas y trasladarse al brillante País de Oz. Está convencido de que a partir de ahora la fama y la fortuna le sonreirán. Pero, cuando las brujas Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) y Glinda (Michelle Williams) empiezan a dudar de su categoria como mago, entonces todo serán problemas para él. Si quiere triunfar, tendrá que averiguar cuanto antes quiénes son buenos y quiénes son malos.
Language: Spanish
از بزرگ و قدرتمند
Language: Persian
Mahtava Oz
Disneyn suuri seikkailu “Mahtava Oz”, jonka ohjauksesta vastaa Sam Raimi, kertoo siitä, miten Ozin velho - tuo L. Frank Baumin rakastettu hahmo - oikein päätyikään Ihmemaahan. Kun arveluttavan moraalin omaava sirkuksen tusinataikuri Oscar Diggs (James Franco) tempautuu tomuisesta Kansasista värikkääseen Ozin ihmemaahan, hän ajattelee jättipotin osuneen kohdalleen - maine ja mammona vain odottavat ottajaansa - kunnes hän tapaa kolme noitaa nimeltä Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) ja Glinda (Michelle Williams), jotka eivät ole aivan vakuuttuneita siitä, että Oscar on se mahtava velho, jota kaikki ovat odottaneet. Oscar joutuu vastahakoisesti oikomaan Ozia ja sen asukkaita piinaavia ongelmia sekä selvittämään, kuka on oikeasti hyvä ja kuka paha, ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Oscar laittaa peliin parhaat temppunsa käyttäen hyväkseen illuusiota, älyä ja jopa hieman oikeaa magiaa - ja taikoo itsestään paitsi suuren ja mahtavan Ozin velhon, myös pikkuisen paremman ihmisen.
Language: Finnish
Le Monde fantastique d’Oz
À Oz, rien n'est comme on l'imagine
Lorsque Oscar Diggs, un petit magicien de cirque sans envergure à la moralité douteuse, est emporté à bord de sa montgolfière depuis le Kansas poussiéreux jusqu’à l’extravagant Pays d’Oz, il y voit la chance de sa vie. Tout semble tellement possible dans cet endroit stupéfiant composé de paysages luxuriants, de peuples étonnants et de créatures singulières ! Même la fortune et la gloire ! Celles-ci semblent d’autant plus simples à acquérir qu’il peut facilement se faire passer pour le grand magicien dont tout le monde espère la venue. Seules trois sorcières, Theodora, Evanora et Glinda semblent réellement douter de ses compétences… Grâce à ses talents d’illusionniste, à son ingéniosité et à une touche de sorcellerie, Oscar va très vite se retrouver impliqué malgré lui dans les problèmes qu’affrontent Oz et ses habitants. Qui sait désormais si un destin hors du commun ne l’attend pas au bout de la route ?
Language: French
ארץ אוז
בארץ אוז, דבר אינו דבר...
אוסקר דיגז הוא קוסם לא ידוע עם מוסר מפוקפק שעובד בקרקס נידח. הוא נזרק מקנזס המאובקת לארץ אוז שוקקת החיים ובעקבות כך הוא מאמין שזכה בכל הקופה: ההון והתהילה עליהם חלם. אבל אז הוא פוגש בשלוש מכשפות, תאודורה, אווהנורה וגלינדה, שאינן משוכנעות שהוא הקוסם הגדול שכולם מצפים לו. בניגוד לרצונו הוא נשאב למערבולת של בעיות ואתגרים עם ארץ עוץ ותושביה. אוסקר חייב לגלות מי טוב ומי רע לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי. הוא משתמש בכישורי הקוסמות שלו כדי ליצור אשליה, ובזכות הפקחות שלו וקצת מעשי כשפים הופך עצמו לא רק למכשף הגדול של אוז, אלא גם לאיש טוב יותר.
Language: Hebrew
Óz, a hatalmas
Amikor Oscar Diggs, az igencsak gyanús, piti kis cirkuszi bűvész sietve távozik a porlepte, unalmas Kansas-ből az izgalmas Óz birodalmába, úgy tűnik, megütötte a főnyereményt: hírnév és gazdagság vár reá. Egészen addig gondolja így, amíg nem találkozik a három -Theodora, Evanora és Glinda- boszorkánnyal, hiszen ők hárman nem egészen biztosak abban, hogy ő lenne a várva várt nagy varázsló.
Language: Hungarian
Il grande e potente Oz
Quando Oscar Diggs (James Franco), illusionista di un piccolo circo, dalla discutibile etica, viene trasportato dal polveroso Kansas nel fantastico Regno di Oz, pensa di aver vinto alla lotteria: fama e fortuna a sua completa disposizione. Questo finché non incontra tre streghe, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) e Glinda (Michelle Williams), non convinte che lui sia il grande mago che tutti credono. Coinvolto suo malgrado nei conflitti del Regno di Oz e dei suoi abitanti, Oscar deve capire chi è buono e chi è cattivo prima che sia troppo tardi. Grazie alle sue arti magiche e con un po’ di illusione, ingenuità e perfino stregoneria, Oscar si trasforma non solo nel grande e potente Mago di Oz ma anche in un uomo migliore.
Language: Italian
オズ はじまりの戦い
Language: Japanese
오즈: 그레이트 앤드 파워풀
아무도 몰랐던 위대한 마법사 ‘오즈’의 비밀이 밝혀진다!
하찮은 서커스 마술사인 오스카는 어느날 회오리 바람에 휩쓸려 신비한 세계 오즈에 도착하고, 오즈의 사람들은 그가 오랫동안 기다려 온 위대한 마법사라고 믿는다. 하지만, 오즈의 세 마녀 글린다, 테오도라, 에바노라는 그의 정체를 의심하고, 오스카 또한 세 마녀 중 누가 나쁜 마녀인지를 가려내야만 하는데...
Language: Korean
Ozas: didingas ir galingas
Skrisdamas oro balionu šlovės ir turtų trokštantis cirko magas Oskaras Digsas patenka į uragano verpetą. Skriedamas beprotišku greičiu Oskaras netikėtai patenka į stebuklingą Ozo šalį, kurios gyventojai naiviai laukia legendose minimo didžiojo burtininko pasirodymo.
Language: Lithuanian
Varenais no Oza zemes
Language: Latvian
Oscar Diggs, een eigenaardige circusartiest die zich bezighoudt met tovenarij, wordt uit het stoffige stadje Kansas gegooid en besluit het in te ruilen voor het magistrale Land van Oz. Eenmaal aangekomen blijkt roem en fortuin voor het rapen te liggen, totdat hij drie heksen ontmoet: Theodora, Evanora en Glinda.
Language: Dutch
Oz: Wielki i Potężny
W Oz nic nie jest tym, czym się wydaje.
Gdy Oscar Diggs (James Franco), drugorzędny magik cyrkowy o nieco wątpliwej moralności, zostaje przeniesiony z zakurzonego Kansas do tętniącej życiem Krainy Oz – cudownego świata pełnego barwnych postaci i niesamowitych krajobrazów – wydaje mu się, że wygrał los na loterii. Sława i bogactwo zdają się leżeć u jego stóp do chwili, w której spotyka trzy piękne i tajemnicze czarownice... Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) i Gliwia (Michelle Williams) nie wierzą, że to właśnie Oscar jest potężnym czarnoksiężnikiem, którego wszyscy w Oz oczekują. Oscar z wielką niechęcią musi zmierzyć się z potężnymi problemami krainy i jej mieszkańców. Korzystając ze swego uroku osobistego, pomysłowości, a nawet odrobiny magii, nie tylko przemienia się w Wielkiego i Potężnego Oza, ale przede wszystkim staje się lepszym człowiekiem.
Language: Polish
Oz: O Grande e Poderoso
Em Oz, nada é o que parece.
Oscar Diggs, ou Oz, trabalha como mágico num circo mas o seu envolvimento com mulheres acaba por o forçar a fugir num balão de ar quente. Por acaso, acaba por aterrar numa terra mágica que tem o seu nome: Oz. Ali conhece as irmãs bruxas Theodora e Evanora, que lhe oferecem o trono real se ele derrotar a irmã maléfica delas, a bruxa Glinda, que aterrorizava o país. Contudo, quando finalmente a conhece, Oz apercebe-se de que nada era o que ele pensava ser.
Language: Portuguese
Grozavul și puternicul Oz
În Oz, nimic nu e ceea ce pare.
Language: Romanian
Оз: Великий и ужасный
Когда ураган забрасывает циркового фокусника Оскара Диггса из пыльного Канзаса в волшебную страну Оз, склонный к мошенничеству циркач полагает, что он поймал удачу за хвост - ведь с помощью своих трюков он с легкостью может добыть в новых землях и славу и богатство. Однако его ждёт встреча с тремя чародейками, Теодорой, Эванорой и Глендой, которые сомневаются в том, тот ли это великий волшебник, появления которого ждали легковерные жители страны Оз. Волей-неволей, пришелец оказывается втянутым в противостояние эпического масштаба, и ему приходится использовать весь свой "магический" арсенал, с добавлением толики настоящего волшебства. В ситуации выбора между Добром и Злом, Оскару Диггсу предстоит не только стать Великим и Ужасным Волшебником из Страны Оз, но и немного измениться к лучшему.
Language: Russian
Cesta do krajiny Oz
Nápaditý príbeh so scenárom Mitchella Kapnera a Davida Lindsay-Abaira privádza na scénu Oscara Diggsa (James Franco), druhoradého cirkusového mága s pochybnou morálkou, ktorý sa dostáva z prašného Kansasu do živelnej krajiny Oz. Oscar si myslí, že tam vyhral jackpot – sláva a peniaze sa tu dajú získať veľmi ľahko – ale len do doby, než stretne tri čarodejnice, Theodoru (Mila Kunis), Evanoru (Rachel Weisz) a Glindu (Michelle Williams), ktoré nie sú tak celkom presvedčené o tom, že je veľký čarodejník, na ktorého všetci čakali. Nedobrovoľne vtiahnutý do problémov, ktorým čelí krajina Oz a jej obyvatelia, musí Oscar prísť na to, kto je dobrý a kto zlý. Najlepšie ešte predtým než bude neskoro. S využitím magických umení, ilúzií a vynaliezavosti – a so štipkou čarodejníctva – sa Oscar nezmení len na veľkého a silného mága, ale aj na lepšieho človeka.
Language: Slovak
Mogočni Oz
Language: Slovenian
Оз, велики и моћни
Кад ситни мађионичар Оскар Дигс превише пута изведе исту превару, завршава у живописној земљи Оз, где некако мора да се претвори у великог и моћног чаробњака, а можда и у мало бољег човека.
Language: Serbian
När Oscar Diggs, en obetydlig cirkustrollkarl med tveksam moral kastas ut från Kansans till Oz fantastiska värld tror han att hans lycka är gjord. Här väntar berömmelse och rikedom och det är bara för honom att ta för sig, tills han möter de tre häxorna Theodora, Evanora och Glinda vilka inte är övertygade om att han är den stora trollkarl som alla väntat på.
Language: Swedish
ออซ มหัศจรรย์พ่อมดผู้ยิ่งใหญ่
."ปฐมบท" การผจญภัยของนักมายากล หนุ่มในดินแดนมหัศจรรย์ "ก่อน" ที่เขาจะกลายเป็น "พ่อมดแห่งออซ" ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่...ออสการ์ ดิกส์ (เจมส์ ฟรังโก้) นักมายากลหนุ่มประจำคณะละครสัตว์ที่ไม่ค่อยมีชื่อเสียง ถูกพัดพาจากแคนซัส ไปสู่ดินแดนมหัศจรรย์แห่งออซ ที่ที่ทำให้เขามีพร้อมทั้งชื่อเสียง และความมั่งคั่ง จนกระทั่งเขาได้พบกับ แม่มดทั้งสาม ธีโอดอร่า (มิล่า คูนิส), อีวานอร่า (ราเชล ไวซ์), และ กลินด้า (มิเชลล์ วิลเลี่ยมส์) ที่ไม่เชื่อว่าเขาคือพ่อมดผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ที่ใคร ๆ รอคอยอยู่...ความวุ่นวายครั้งยิ่งใหญ่จำเกิดขึ้นในดินแดนแห่งออซ เขาต้องหาให้ได้ว่าใครดี ใครร้าย ก่อนที่จะสายเกินไป โดยใช้ศาสตร์แห่งมายากล, ภาพลวงตา, และสิ่งประดิษฐ์สุดบรรเจิดของเขา รวมถึงเวทมนตร์ เล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ
Language: Thai
Muhteşem ve Kudretli Oz
Yönetmenliğini Sam Raimi'nin yaptığı, Disney'in fantastik macera filmi "Oz The Great and Powerful" L. Frank Baum'un sevilen karakteri Oz Büyücüsü'nün kökenini yeniden resmediyor... Güvenilmez bir ahlak anlayışı olan küçük sirk sihirbazı Oscar Diggs (James Franco) tozlu Kansas'tan ışıltılı Oz Diyarı'na gidince, kendisini çok şanslı hisseder çünkü ün ve şöhret kendisini beklemektedir. Ancak bir sure sonra üç cadıyla karşılaşır; Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) ve Glinda (Michelle Williams). Cadılar Oscar'ın herkesin beklediği o büyük büyücü olduğuna ikna olmamışlardır. Oz Diyarı'nın ve sakinlerinin karşı karşıya olduğu problemlerin içine istemeden de olsa çekilen Oscar çok geç olmadan kim iyi kim kötü bulmak zorundadır. Oscar illüzyon ve maharetle sihir yeteneklerini kullanarak sadece Oz büyücüsü olmakla kalmaz aynı zamanda daha iyi bir adama da dönüşür...
Language: Turkish
Оз: Великий та Могутній
Знайди себе в країні Оз.
Молодий ілюзіоніст Оскар Діггс давно мріяв про світову славу, але до пори змушений задовольнятися мінливої славою зірки в бродячому цирку та технічним звабленням найбільш гарненьких глядачок та колег. І ось одного разу Оскару береться допомогти сама природа. Рятуючись від ображеного циркового силача, Діггс стрибає в припарковану поблизу повітряну кулю і, завдяки потужному буревію, приземляється в чарівній країні, назва якої звучить точно так же, як і його власний сценічний псевдонім - Оз...
Language: Ukrainian
Lạc Vào Xứ Oz Vĩ Đại và Quyền Năng
Ở xứ Oz, không có gì là rõ ràng.
Bộ phim được dựa trên bộ tiểu thuyết Oz của nhà văn L. Frank Baum, và cũng để tưởng nhớ tới bộ phim Phù thủy xứ Oz sản xuất năm 1939 bởi hãng MGM. Lấy bối cảnh từ 20 năm trước so với các sự kiện xảy ra trong bộ sách, Lạc vào xứ Oz vĩ đại và quyền năng tập trung vào nhân vật "phù thủy xứ Oz" Oscar Diggs, người đã lạc vào xứ Oz diệu kỳ và gặp gỡ ba phù thủy: "phù thủy độc ác của miền Tây" Theodora, "phù thủy độc ác của miền Đông" Evanora và Glinda "phù thủy tốt bụng". Oscar sau đó gia nhập vào công cuộc tìm lại trật tự và hòa bình ở xứ Oz, cùng lúc đó anh cũng chiến đấu để hòa giải những bất đồng với những phù thủy kia và với cả chính bản thân mình.
Language: Vietnamese
Language: Mandarin
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