The Battlefield Earth film has Adventure, Action, and Science Fiction genres.
Battlefield Earth Film was made by Warner Bros. Pictures, Franchise Pictures, Morgan Creek Entertainment, Don Carmody Productions, JTP Films, and Jonathan D. Krane Productions at a cost of $44,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 made a revenue of $29,725,663. The spoken language used in the film is English, French.
In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race of aliens on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth clean of its natural resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has descended into a near primitive state. After being captured, it is up to Tyler to save mankind.

Battlefield Earth Film Stars:
Michael Byrne as Parson Staffer, Forest Whitaker as Ker, Tim Post as Assistant Planetship / Psychlo Guard, Michel Perron as Rock, Kim Coates as Carlo, Marie-Josée Croze as Mara, John Travolta as Terl, Kelly Preston as Chirk, Barry Pepper as Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, Richard Tyson as Robert the Fox, Earl Pastko as Bartender, Sabine Karsenti as Chrissy, Christian Tessier as Mickey, Sylvain Landry as Sammy, Tait Ruppert as Rodman, Shaun Austin-Olsen as Planetship, Andy Bradshaw as Mason, Christopher Freeman as Processing Clerk, and Andrew Campbell as Leering Grin Bandit.
Professional involved in the making of this Battlefield Earth film:
Lynn Stalmaster (Casting), Giles Nuttgens (Director of Photography), Patrick Tatopoulos (Production Design), Roger Christian (Director), Don Carmody (Executive Producer), Steve Lucescu (Stunt Coordinator), John Travolta (Producer), Michele Laliberte (Assistant Art Director), Jonathan D. Krane (Producer), Oana Bogdan Miller (Art Direction), Claude Paré (Supervising Art Director), Elie Samaha (Producer), Ashok Amritraj (Executive Producer), Andrew Stevens (Executive Producer), Gilles Fortier (Best Boy Electrician), Tracee Stanley (Co-Producer), James A. Holt (Co-Producer), L. Ron Hubbard (Novel), Corey Mandell (Screenplay), J.D. Shapiro (Screenplay), Elia Cmiral (Original Music Composer), Robin Russell (Editor), Erik Henry (Visual Effects Supervisor), Anson Downes (Associate Producer), Linda Favila (Associate Producer), Adrien Morot (Special Effects Key Makeup Artist), Gloria D'Alessandro (Dialogue Editor), Michelle Bühler (Makeup Artist), Mark Riccardi (Stunt Double), Robert Racki (Stunts), Walter Gasparovic (First Assistant Director), Randi Wells (Extras Casting), Mike Smithson (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Martin Gendron (Assistant Art Director), Louis Dandonneau (Set Dresser), David E. Campbell (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Gregg Rudloff (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), John T. Reitz (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Christian P. Minkler (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Patrick J. Foley (Dialogue Editor), Christopher S. Aud (Supervising Sound Editor), Nicole Lapierre (Makeup Artist), Robert Stecko (Camera Operator), Jessica Gallavan (ADR Editor), Ken S. Polk (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), John Gaskin (Production Accountant), Susan V. Kalinowski (Hairstylist), Brad Hruboska (Steadicam Operator), Teri E. Dorman (Dialogue Editor), Jocelyne Bellemare (Key Makeup Artist), Brett Paton (Animation), Joanne T. Harwood (Script Supervisor), Bob Pritchett (Key Hair Stylist), Michael Tinger (Post Production Supervisor), André Duval (Hairstylist), Dennis McNeill (Color Timer), Dan Hiland (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Pierre Vinet (Still Photographer), Pamela Godfrey (Unit Publicist), Andy Kopetzky (Foley Editor), Penny Charter (Second Assistant Director), Jean Courteau (Chief Lighting Technician), Denis Dupont (Boom Operator), Patrick Lima (Dolly Grip), David Horton Jr. (Foley Editor), Bertrand Dupuis (Best Boy Grip), John Walsh (Stunts), Jacky Lavoie (Unit Production Manager), Marci Graber (Post Production Accountant), Robert Auclair (Key Grip), and Simon La Haye (Set Dresser).
What They Said About Battlefield Earth Movie:
**_The worst sci-fi flick ever made?_** A thousand years in the future, Earth has been taken over by a towering alien race called Psychlos, who have enslaved humanity with the intent of stripping the land of all resources. Other humans hide in the wilderness, living a primitive life. However, one “man-animal” (Barry Pepper) spurs a movement to free the planet. John Travolta and Forest Whitaker play chief-security Psychlos. Based on L. Ron Hubbard’s book from 1982, “Battlefield Earth” (2000) is post-apocalyptic sci-fi that mixes “Planet of the Apes” and “Logan’s Run” with a little “Terminator” and some “Star Wars” dogfighting in the last act. It is notorious as one of the worst movies ever made, at least those with a healthy budget. The nitpicking has been so out of hand that Roger Ebert even criticized the font chosen for the opening titles (rolling my eyes). The truth is, it’s not close to being that bad. Unlike the similar “The Lost Future” (a low-budget flick from 2010), the pace is a little too frenzied, no doubt because the script tried to cram the first half of a 1000-page novel into a 2-hour film. Despite this, it’s not like the story’s unintelligible, although it needed to flesh-out the heroes further in order to make it more compelling. Some complain about the use of Dutch angles, but this is barely perceptible and, besides, they give the movie a unique vibe. Then there’s the cavil about the constant double wipes to change scenes. Seriously? Who cares? No one complains about the wipes in “Star Wars.” Sure, Travolta takes a hammy approach to his Psychlo character, as do other Psychlo cast-members, but that’s part of the fun. You’re supposed to roll with it. There’s a glaring wink of amusement to the proceedings. So anyone who says the movie’s “unintentionally” funny is clueless. One of the biggest real problems is the absent of any significant female characters. There’s Sabine Karsenti as Chrissy, but her role isn’t that big and she’s underused. Meanwhile Kelly Preston has a long-tongued cameo as Psychlo Chirk, but that’s it (not counting peripherals). The remake of “Planet of the Apes” came out the next year and had enough sense to include Estella Warren in a fairly prominent role; the same thing with “The Lost Future” with Annabelle Wallis, not to mention Hannah Tointon and Eleanor Tomlinson. To the film’s credit, a certain scene in the last act prefigures a (more) memorable scene in Abrams’ “Star Trek” nine years later. I’m not saying this is a great movie, it has its issues, but the over-criticism is unjustified and reminiscent of the ridiculous response to the well-done “Heaven’s Gate.” Perhaps due to the links to Sciencefictionology, the knives hit the sharpening stones well before it was ever released and once the buzz got out that it was a bad film a feeding frenzy ensued. The movie runs 1 hour, 58 minutes, and was shot in Montreal, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and several other Quebec locations. Additional stuff was filmed California. GRADE: B-/C+
Here are some translations about the film:
Бойно поле Земя
Изключително зрелищен фантастичен филм. Джон Траволта е неузнаваем в превъплъщението си като демоничен тиранин. През 3000 г. Земята е във владение на псиклосите. Коварна извънземна раса, водена от зловещия Терл, псиклосите са избили почти цялото човешко население на планетата, а природните й ресурси са на път да се изчерпят. Но сред оцелелите някои все пак дръзват да се опълчат. Повежда ги смелчагата Джони Тайлър, който се крие из планините на щата Колорадо...
Language: Bulgarian
Camp de batalla: la Terra
A l'any 3000 la humanitat és esclava d'una raça extraterrestre. Davant el seu extermini proper, uns pocs es rebel·len contra l'opressor.
Language: Catalan
Bojiště Země
Je rok 3000 a Zemi ovládly mimozemské bytosti...
Píše se rok 3000 a lidé již nejsou pány planety Země. Před léty si Zemi podro-bili gigantičtí Psychloni, kteří chtějí ze Země vydolovat nerostné bohatství. Lid-stvo je rozděleno do dvou skupin těch, kteří jsou nevolníky Psychlonů, a těch, kteří žijí v primitivních kmenech. Všechny vzpomínky na invazi byly vymazány z vědomí těch, co přežili. Mytologie plná pověr a strachu z neviditelných cizinců bohů se vyvíjela a předávala z generace na generaci. Jonnie se skrývá a pře-žívá s dalšími lidmi, kteří dosud nebyli chyceni či zabiti. Je polapen a uvězněn v kleci a má být používán jako laboratorní otrok. Na rozdíl od ostatních lidských otroků se se svým osudem nehodlá smířit.
Language: Czech
I år 3000 er der ingen lande, ingen byer…Jorden ligger øde hen og mennesket er en truet race. År 3000. Jorden er blevet invaderet. Byer ligger i ruiner og mennesket er blevet reduceret til trælle. En skræmmende og magtfuld race kaldet psychloerne, ledet af den onde Terl har overtaget Jorden og plyndrer den systematisk for ressourcer. Jordens eneste håb er hulemanden Jonnie Goodboy Taylor.
Language: Danish
Battlefield Earth - Kampf um die Erde
Im Jahr 3000 wird die Welt von übermächtigen, brutalen Außerirdischen, den Psychlos beherrscht. Unter der Führung des mächtigen Terl benutzen die grausamen Aliens die natürlichen Resourcen des Planeten aus, während die letzten Menschen in abgelegenen Siedlungen ein hoffnungsloses Dasein fristen - rechtlos, verfolgt und vom Aussterben bedroht. Schon seit Generationen glaubt kein Mensch mehr an die Befreiung - bis sich in einem versteckten Bergdorf ein unerschrockener junger Kämpfer gegen die Unterdrücker erhebt und damit einen dramatischen Kampf um die Zukunft der Erde entfesselt.
Language: German
Πεδίο Μάχης: Γη
Πάρτε πίσω τον πλανήτη.
Το έτος 3000 μ.Χ. κι ενώ η Γη έχει κατακτηθεί από τους εξωγήινους Σάικλος, ένας νεαρός που συνειδητοποιεί σταδιακά τα ιδανικά της ελευθερίας, ηγείται της εξέγερσης ενάντια στους κατακτητές και το σαδιστή αρχηγό ασφαλείας Τερλ.
Language: Greek
Campo de batalla: La Tierra
Recuperar el planeta.
En el año 3000 ya no existen ciudades ni naciones, la Tierra es un yermo desolado y la raza humana está a punto de extinguirse. Desde hace mil años, una malvada raza de alienígenas, los Psychlo, aniquilaron las defensas terrestres y esclavizaron a los hombres. El joven Jonni Goodboy Tyler parece ser la única esperanza de la humanidad.
Language: Spanish
Taistelukenttä Maa
Vuosi 3000. Psyklot, ahne ja ihmisille fyysisesti ylivertainen muukalaisrotu, hallitsevat Maata. Johtajansa Terlin ohjaamana Psyklot riistävät maapallon luonnonvaroja käyttäen ihmisiä orjinaan. Jäljelle jääneet ja orjuudelta välttyneet ihmiset ovat vajonneet lähes alkukantaiselle tasolle. Tylerin jäätyä vangiksi, hänen vastuulleen jää ihmiskunnan pelastaminen.
Language: Finnish
Terre, champ de bataille
L'avenir de l'humanité est en jeu
En l'an 3000, la Terre n'est plus qu'un desert, et l'homme une espece en voie de disparition. Mille ans auparavant, les feroces Psychlos ont envahi notre planete, aneanti ses defenses, rase ses villes et aboli ses institutions. Le chef de la securite des Psychlos, Terl, est un des personnages les plus redoutes de cette Terre barbare. Au milieu des Rocheuses, vit un jeune et heroique chasseur, Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, decide a redonner espoir et dignite aux siens. Capture, il rejoint la cohorte des esclaves de Terl.
Language: French
הקרב על כדור הארץ
השנה היא 3000. לפני שנים נכבש כדור הארץ בידי הסייקלוס, זן של חייזרים חסרי רחמים, השולטים בו עתה. בני האדם נחלקים לשני קבוצות של שורדים, אלה שנשבו בידי האדונים החדשים ואלה שחיים בשבטים פרימיטיביים. ג'וני היה עד כה אדם חופשי שנלכד עתה בידי השליטים כדי לשמש כעבד. בניגוד לשאר העבדים, הוא אינו מוכן לקבל עליו את הדין ומשתוקק לחזור לבני שבטו, ובמיוחד לכריסי, נערתו. ניסיונותיו של ג'וני לברוח, כמו גם האינטליגנציה הטבעית שלו, מסיבים אליו את תשומת לבו של טרל, קצין הבטחון הראשי האכזר, המתכוון לשלוח את ג'וני לשדוד עבורו מכרה זהב. ג'וני עתיד להשתמש בהזדמנות זאת כדי לנסות להחזיר את השליטה על כדור הארץ לבעליו הטבעיים - בני האדם.
Language: Hebrew
Háború a Földön
3000-ben járunk, amikor a Földön már nincsenek sem országok, sem városok. A bolygó merő pusztaság, az emberiség veszélyeztetett fajnak számít. Persze, nem a körülmények miatt, hanem azért, mert ezer évvel ezelőtt egy pszikló nevű faj támadta meg az emberiséget, és alig kilenc perc alatt felmorzsolta az ellenállást. A túlélőket rabszolgasorba taszítják, s bányákban dolgoztatják, mivel az idegeneknek szükségük van a földi ásványkincsekre, főleg az uránra. Sokan elmenekülnek a földönkívüliek elől, távoli hegyi falvakban rejtőznek, primitív életformába süllyednek, mivel el vannak vágva a megmaradt emberektől.
Language: Hungarian
Battaglia per la Terra
Riconquistiamo il pianeta
Come nelle più terribili delle predizioni, la Terra, e l'Uomo che vi abita, si presenta, in questo film, desolata e vicina alla sua completa distruzione. Invasa da una popolazione aliena, gli Psychlos, la potente civiltà Umana è stata battuta e ridotta in schiavitù. Solo pochi uomini sono riusciti a sfuggire al massacro e si sono rifugiati in villaggi di montagna regredendo, per l'isolamento, a esseri primitivi.
Language: Italian
Language: Japanese
AD 3000년. 외계인 종족 '아시클로'의 침략으로 지구는 식민지로 전락한 상태다. 사이클로의 지배하에 인류는 두 부류(사이클로의 노예인 인간과, 사이클로의 지배를 피해, 불안에 떨며 원시부족을 이루며 사는 인간)으로 나뉘어 근근히 생존해가고 있을 뿐이다. '사이클로'는 면도날처럼 날카로운 발톱과 사악한 심성을 지닌, 평균신장 3미터의 거대한 외계인이다. 식민지 착취에 열을 올린 사이클로는 인간을 가두고 지구의 자원을 갈취하는 중노동에 이용한다. 일찍이 사이클로의 감시망을 벗어난 원시부족의 일원인 청년 조니(배리 페퍼 분) 역시 사이클로의 추적망에 걸려 노예 신세가 된다. 사랑하는 연인 '크리시'를 애타게 그리며 하루 빨리 탈출하고자 기회를 엿보는 조니. 그러나 탈출은 실패하고, 조니는 사이클로 사령관 '테를'(존 트라볼타 분)에게 끌려간다. 마침 채석장의 금을 몰래 빼돌리려는 계획을 세우고 있던 테를은 잡혀온 조니를 눈여겨 본다. 금을 얻기 위해서는 사이클로에게 치명적인 성분이 들어 있는 우라늄 덩어리에 접근을 해야 하기 때문에, 테롤은 '적절한 인간동물'인 조니를 이용해 그 일을 실행시켜려는 계획을 세운다. 테를은 조니에게 사이클로의 언어. 생활풍습 등을 가르치기 시작한다. 채석장의 기계를 작동시키기 위해서는 불가피한 요건이기 때문. 기민한 조니는 테를의 기대 이상으로 빨리 사이클로의 문화를 익혀 나간다. 그러나, 테를의 의도와 달리, 조니는 주변의 동료들과 결합해 사이클롤를 몰아낼 모종의 계획을 세우기 시작한다. 사이클로의 지구 사령부가 있는 덴버는 거대한 돔에 둘러 싸여 지구의 공기로부터 사이클로들을 보호해 주고 있어다. 조니의 목표는 이 돔을 파괴시키는 것이다. 그리고, 사이클로 행성과 지구의 연결 통로인 '순간이동 플랫폼'을 이용해 사이클로의 행성으로 핵무기를 옮겨놓는 것. 반란에 대처하기 위해 테를은 대규모 사이클로 군대를 조직해 이들을 공격하는데.
Language: Korean
Kovos laukas: Žemė
Karingų ateivių Saiklosų rasei Žemė šiandien tėra naudingų išteklių telkinys. Žmonės – padarai, kurie galėtų padėti tuos išteklius susirinkti. Saiklosai nekantrauja, kada tai įvyks – tuomet bus galima dingti iš visų užmiršto Visatos kampelio ir sunaikinti kadaise Žydrąja vadintą planetą. Tačiau Žemėje atsiranda herojus, kuris primins paskutiniams žemiečiams jų šlovingą praeitį...
Language: Lithuanian
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000
In het jaar 3000 wordt de mensheid onderdrukt door de Psychlos, een ras van gewelddadige aliens die uit zijn op de macht over de wereld. Nadat iedereen het al heeft opgegeven, is er nog één iemand die probeert de buitenaardse wezens te bevechten: de jonge Tyler.
Language: Dutch
Bitwa o Ziemię
Odzyskać planetę
Jest rok 3000, Ziemia została podbita przez Psyklopów. Johnie (Barry Pepper) ukrywa się w górach wraz z garstką innych ludzi, którzy cudem uniknęli niewoli lub śmierci z rąk najeźdźców. Pewnego dnia wpada w ręce kosmitów i zostaje zmuszony do niewolniczej pracy. Skazaniec zwraca na siebie uwagę szefa służby bezpieczeństwa, Terla (John Travolta), który chce go wykorzystać do własnych celów.
Language: Polish
A Reconquista
Mil anos no futuro, quando uma raça alienígena, os Psyclos, conquistam o planeta Terra e o transformam numa colônia, um herói rebelde, Johnny Goodboy (Barry Pepper), irá liderar uma revolta para livrar o planeta dos alienígenas gigantes.
Language: Portuguese
Câmpul de luptă Pământ
Language: Romanian
Поле битвы: Земля
Верните планету себе.
3000 год. Уже десять веков Землей правит жестокая раса пришельцев. Поработив людей, гиганты Сайклосы превратили завоеванную планету в источник сырья для своего далекого мира. Избежавшие смерти и рабства земляне первобытными племенами рассеялись по горам и лесам. Но однажды, получив доступ к оружию и технологиям пришельцев, они поднимают восстание. Начинается новая звездная война, в которой одна из цивилизаций обречена на уничтожение…
Language: Russian
Året är 3000. Människan är inte längre planeten jordens härskare. Utomjordingar har erövrat jorden och människan får finna sig i att arbeta som slavar. Bara Jonnie Goodboy vågar utmana de nya härskarna. Battlefield Earth är baserad på en roman av L. Ron Hubbard (grundare av Scientologi-kyrkan).
Language: Swedish
Language: Thai
Поле битви — Земля
Людство на межі повного зникнення, і деякі, що лишилися живими ховаються у печерах, думаючи, що на Землю спустилися Демони. Сподіваються вони тільки на богів, які повинні спуститися з Небес та врятувати їх. Демони — це злі і дуже погані представники вищої інопланетної цивілізації Сайкло, які називають людей "звіролюдьми", яких вони використовують у якості рабів для добування необхідних корисних копалин.
Language: Ukrainian
Chiến Trường Trái Đất
Vào năm 3000, tộc người ngoài hành tinh Psychlos tàn phá Trái Đất và biến những người sống sót thành nô lệ.
Language: Vietnamese
Language: Mandarin
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