The Youth Without Youth film has Fantasy, Drama, and Mystery genres.
Youth Without Youth Film was made by American Zoetrope, Bavaria Film, BIM Distribuzione, Pricel, and SRG Atelier at a cost of $5,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 made a revenue of $244,397. The spoken language used in the film is German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Sanskrit.
Professor of language and philosophy Dominic Matei is struck by lightning and ages backwards from 70 to 40 in a week, attracting the world and the Nazis. While on the run, the professor meets a young woman who has her own experience with a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research.

Youth Without Youth Movie Stars:
André Hennicke as Dr. Josef Rudolf, Matt Damon as Life Magazine Reporter (uncredited), Bruno Ganz as Professor Stanciulescu, Tim Roth as Dominic Matei, Alexandra Maria Lara as Veronica / Laura, Marcel Iureș as Professor Tucci, Anamaria Marinca as Hotel Receptionist, Dan Aştileanu as Professor, Adrian Pintea as Pandit, Florin Piersic Jr. as Dr. Gavrila, Roxana Guttman as Gertrude, Zoltan Butuc as Dr. Chirila, Andi Vasluianu as , Dorina Lazăr as Cook, Mihai Niculescu as Valan, Dragos Bucur as Bartender, Alexandra Pirici as Woman in Room 6, Mircea Albulescu as Davidoglu, Theodor Danetti as Dr. Neculache, Rodica Lazăr as Bank Teller, Cristian Balint as Grenzschutz, and Andrei Gheorghe as Taxi Driver.
Peoples involved in the making of the Youth Without Youth movie:
Walter Murch (Editor), Francis Ford Coppola (Director), Fred Roos (Executive Producer), Roman Coppola (Second Unit Director), Mircea Eliade (Novel), Anahid Nazarian (Executive Producer), Mihai Malaimare Jr. (Director of Photography), Osvaldo Golijov (Original Music Composer), Florin Kevorkian (Casting), Călin Papură (Production Design), Pete Horner (Sound Designer), Michal Křeček (Digital Compositor), Gloria Papura (Costume Design), and Michael Pärt (Music Editor).
What They Said About Youth Without Youth Movie:
Equal parts fascinating, entertaining, beautiful, inscrutable, contrived and tedious RELEASED IN 2007, "Youth Without Youth" was Francis Ford Coppola's return to filmmaking after a ten-year absence. The story revolves around a 70 year-old man (Tim Roth) in Romania at the outset of WWII who is struck by lightning and miraculously regains his youth, looking like a 40 year-old man. He acquires amazing powers as well, like psycho-kinesis and the ability to "read" a book by "scanning" it with his mind. The Nazi's catch wind of his amazing evolution and want to study him to contribute to the “master race” (or whatever). The second half of the film takes place after the war years when the man finds a woman who looks like a young version of his deceased love (Alexandra Maria Lara). Incredibly, she too is struck by lightning with differing results and it aids in his research on the origins of languages. The plot brings to mind two films from the mid-90s that also address people with fascinating powers: "Powder" and "Phenomenon." The latter was decent whereas the former shot for greatness and in some ways attained it. "Youth Without Youth" is completely different in tone, mostly due to the WWII time-frame, but also because it's less of a wannabe blockbuster and more artsy and nigh unfathomable. It has been said that "Youth Without Youth" was an intensely personal project for Coppola. The topic, based on the novel by Mircea Eliade, resonated with him and he was driven to convey it on film. You get the impression that Coppola had discovered the answer to the mysteries of life and wanted to share it with the world. Think about it: Coppola is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time and he had a full decade to conceive, prepare, make and release a film. He could've churned out blockbuster drivel like the "Transformers" movies (not that there's anything wrong with that, lol), but as a true artist he's beyond caring about creating popular popcorn fare and the "success" thereof. It brings to mind Willard's observations about Col. Kurtz (Brando) in Coppola's renowned "Apocalypse Now" (1979): "He could've gone for general, but he went for himself instead." Francis could've gone for mindless and lucrative entertainment, but he had something more important in mind. So "Youth Without Youth" is a work of art, and certainly interesting and entertaining in some ways, but it requires willingness and effort to handle the 124 minutes runtime. It is a dense film, loaded with depth; it may even hold the secrets to life itself! Beyond that, it features some beautiful cinematography, music and women. Speaking of the women, I found it curious that women are shown to be universally attracted to Dominic, the main character played by Roth. After all, Roth is short and hardly a George Clooney. But then I reflected on it and accepted it. Why? Because women have a sort of sixth sense, typically called "women's intuition,” where they see or sense things beyond the physical. In other words, Dominic had highly evolved and was, in essence, a superior human being. He may not have been an Adonis, but women instinctively picked up on his evolutionary superiority and drew to him like a magnet. Another plus are the locations, shot in Romania and Bulgaria with establishing shots of the Himalayas and India. Needless to say, this is a difficult film to rate. If you're in the mood for conventional cinematic entertainment "Youth Without Youth" won't fill the bill even though there are several entertaining elements (the aforementioned cinematography, music, women and locations); but if you're looking for cinematic art and weighty mind food it's an "A." As such, my balanced rating is... GRADE: B-
Here are some translations about the movie:
Младост без младост
Доминик Матеи - застаряващ професор по лингвистика, оцелява след преломно събитие, за да установи че младостта му по чудо се е върнала. Физическото подмладяване на Доминик е съчетано със силно развитие на интелекта. Това привлича вниманието на нацистките учени, които го принуждават да мине в изгнание. Докато бяга, той среща своята изгубена любов - Лаура, и работи над завършването на своето изследване за корените на човешкия език. Когато работата му заплашва съществуването на Лаура, Доминик е принуден да избира между делото на живота си и голямата си любов.
Language: Bulgarian
V době před druhou světovou válkou narazí plachý profesor lingvistiky Dominic (Tim Roth) na převratnou teorii a zázračně objeví tajemství života. Dominicovo fyzické uzdravení je spojeno i s rozvojem vysokého intelektu, v důsledku čehož začne přitahovat pozornost vědců. Okolnosti s tím spojené ho donutí dát se na útěk, během něhož se znovu setkává se svou bývalou láskou Laurou. Pracuje na dokončení svého výzkumu a Lauřin život začíná být ohrožen. Dominik je nucen volit mezi svou životní prací a velkou životní láskou.
Language: Czech
Jugend ohne Jugend
Nachdem der 70-jährige Dominic Matei, Professor der Sprachwissenschaften, vom Blitz getroffen wurde, werden mysteriöse Veränderungen an ihm festgestellt - äußerlich um 35 Jahre verjüngt, beginnt er nach und nach schier unglaubliche Fähigkeiten und Kräfte zu entwickeln. Plötzlich spricht er in alten Sprachen und kann Menschen durch seine Gedanken beeinflussen. Dies weckt das Interesse vieler Geheimdienste - und auch der Nazis. Er ist gezwungen zu fliehen, obwohl er eigentlich auf der Suche nach einer alten Liebe ist.
Language: German
Νεότητα Χωρίς Νιάτα
Μια ιστορία αγάπης τυλιγμένη σε ένα μυστήριο. Εκτυλίσσεται στην Ευρώπη πριν από το 2ο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, όπου ο καθηγητής γλωσσολογίας και φιλοσοφίας Ντόμινικ Ματέι χτυπιέται από κεραυνό και μέσα σε μια εβδομάδα γίνεται σωματικά από 70 χρονών, 40. Καθώς προσπαθεί να ξεφύγει από τους Ναζί που ενδιαφέρονται να τον μελετήσουν, συναντάει μια νεαρή γυναίκα που είχε παρόμοια εμπειρία με μια καταιγίδα. Ο Ντόμινικ, όχι μόνο την ερωτεύεται, αλλά βρίσκει πως οι νέες της ικανότητες είναι το κλειδί της έρευνάς του.
Language: Greek
El hombre sin edad
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), la vida de Dominic Matei (Tim Roth), un anciano profesor, sufre una extraña transformación: tras ser alcanzado por un rayo, no sólo sigue vivo, sino que rejuvenece. Este hecho despierta el interés de los nazis, que pretenden servirse de él para sus investigaciones y experimentos. Dominic se ve entonces obligado a huir y a adoptar una nueva identidad. Convertido en un fugitivo, vagará por diversos países y conocerá a Verónica (Alexandra Maria Lara), una mujer idéntica a Laura, el gran amor de su vida.
Language: Spanish
L'Homme sans âge
1938, en Roumanie. Dominic Matei, un vieux professeur de linguistique, est frappé par la foudre et rajeunit miraculeusement. Ses facultés mentales décuplées, il s'attelle enfin à l’œuvre de sa vie : une recherche sur les origines du langage. Mais son cas attire les espions de tout bord : nazis en quête d'expériences scientifiques, agents américains qui cherchent à recruter de nouveaux cerveaux. Dominic Matei n'a d'autre choix que de fuir, de pays en pays, d'identité en identité. Au cours de son périple, il va retrouver son amour de toujours, ou peut-être une femme qui lui ressemble étrangement... Elle pourrait être la clé même de ses recherches. À moins qu'il soit obligé de la perdre une seconde fois.
Language: French
נעורים ללא נעורים
סיפור אהבה אפוף מיסתורין. המתרחש באירופה טרם מלחמת העולם השניים, פרופסור ביישן משתנה עקב אירועים נוראים הגורמים לו לחקור את יסודות החיים.
Language: Hebrew
Csalóka ifjúság
Dominic idős professzor, aki egy villámcsapás következtében megfiatalodik. A villámcsapásnak más következménye is van, a férfi eltökélt szándékkal azt a küldetést találja magának, hogy megértse a nyelvek és a tudat eredetét. Emellett menekülnie is kell, mert csodálatos átalakulása felkelti a nácik érdeklődését is. (
Language: Hungarian
Un'altra giovinezza
Sopravvivere era impossibile. Guarire era impensabile. Le conseguenze furono inimmaginabili.
Romania: Dominic, anziano linguista rumeno all'epoca dell'invasione nazista, è ossessionato dallo studio del linguaggio e dal ricordo della sua amata Laura, morta di parto molto tempo prima. Una sera viene colpito da un fulmine e da quel momento la sua vita cambia completamente. Quando viene portato all'ospedale viene dato per spacciato, ma col passare dei giorni non solo non muore, ma comincia lentamente a ringiovanire di alcune decine di anni, acquistando misteriosi poteri paranormali. Perseguitato dai nazisti che hanno invaso il suo paese e che sono interessati alla sua guarigione miracolosa, Dominic viene dapprima aiutato dal medico che sta studiando il suo caso, poi inizia una lunga fuga in altri paesi europei, dove grazie ai nuovi poteri di cui dispone potrà approfondire notevolmente i suoi studi e scoprire fatti che nessun uomo conosce: viene tuttavia braccato e riconosciuto dai suoi nemici.
Language: Italian
Language: Japanese
ახალგაზრდობა ახალგაზრდობის გარეშე
Language: Georgian
영원한 젊음
"대부"의 코폴라 감독이 10년만에 내놓은 신작으로 루마니아의 종교학자 미르치아 엘리아데의 단편을 원작으로 한 미스터리 스릴러. 2차 세계대전 직전, 언어학 교수 도미니크는 자살을 결심한 날 벼락을 맞고 비밀스러운 회춘의 능력을 갖게 된다. 젊어진 도미니크는 우연히 옛 연인을 닮은 베로니카를 산에서 마주치고 둘의 시간의 속도는 뒤틀리기 시작한다. "저수지의개들"의 팀 로스가 주연을 맡았다. (제9회 전주국제영화제)
Language: Korean
In Boekarest, in de tijd voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog, wordt professor Dominic (Tim Roth) geraakt door een vreemde lichtflits tijdens een onweersbui. Hij raakt zwaar verbrand, maar zijn genezing gaat vlug. Het blijkt dat de flits hem heeft veranderd in een andere man, die veel jonger is. Hij moet vluchten en gaat een onzekere toekomst tegemoet.
Language: Dutch
Młodość stulatka
Bukareszt, 1938 rok. Nad miastem szaleje burza. W pewnego starszego człowieka uderza piorun. To profesor Dominik Matei. Udaje mu się przeżyć. Co więcej, mężczyzna odzyskuje młodość, a jego zdolności intelektualne osiągają poziom niedostępny dla przeciętnego człowieka. Jak to możliwe? Na to pytanie nauka nie zna odpowiedzi. Matei zaś pragnie tylko jednego – chce posiąść wiedzę absolutną. Osobą Profesora zaczynają się tymczasem interesować naziści. Widzą w nim obiekt przydatny w prowadzonych przez Trzecią Rzeszę eksperymentach medycznych.
Language: Polish
Uma Segunda Juventude
Uma história de amor envolta em um mistério. Situado na Segunda Guerra Mundial na Europa, um professor é transformado por um evento cataclísmico e explora os mistérios da vida.
Dez anos após o seu último filme, Francis Ford Coppola regressa à realização com "Uma Segunda Juventude". Aos 70 anos, o professor de linguística Dominic Matei (Tim Roth) sobrevive miraculosamente após ser atingido por um relâmpago. No hospital, enquanto recupera, os médicos assistem incrédulos ao rejuvenescimento físico do professor. Esse rejuvenescimento é acompanhado por um desenvolvimento intelectual inexplicável que chama a atenção de cientistas nazis, obrigando o professor a exilar-se. Em fuga, Dominic reencontra Laura - o amor da sua vida - e luta para terminar a sua tese sobre as origens da linguagem humana. Mas quando a sua pesquisa põe em perigo Laura, Dominic é forçado a fazer uma escolha entre o trabalho de uma vida e o seu grande amor.
Language: Portuguese
Tinerețe fără tinerețe
O poveste de dragoste învelită într-un mister. Amplasat în Europa înainte de cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, profesorul de limbă și filozofie Dominic Matei este lovit de fulgere și întinerește miraculos într-o săptămână, atrăgând lumea și naziștii. În timp ce fuge, profesorul întâlnește o tânără care are propria experiență cu o furtună cu fulgere. Nu numai că Dominic găsește din nou dragostea, dar noile ei abilități dețin cheia cercetării lui.
Language: Romanian
Молодость без молодости
Фильм рассказывает историю профессора лингвистики, который, не сумев завершить труд всей своей жизни, принимает решение о самоубийстве. Но в день, когда он планировал осуществить задуманное, в него попадает молния. Вопреки всему профессору удаётся не только сохранить жизнь, но и обрести утраченную молодость. Однако он вынужден изменить имя и бежать из страны, чтобы скрыться от преследований нацистов, желающих использовать произошедший с ним феномен для создания новой человеческой расы.
Language: Russian
Geç Gelen Gençlik
Dominic Matei, İkinci Dünya Savaşı"ndan hemen önceki o karanlık yıllarda akademik çalışmalarına devam eden 70 yaşında bir profesördür. Ancak savaşla beraber yaşanan felaket ortamı ve bir yıldırım onun da yaşamını değiştirecektir. Profesör fiziksel olarak gençlik yıllarına dönmüş , entellektüel zekası ve bilimsel çalışmaları ise Nazilerin bile dikkatini çekecek boyuta gelmiştir. Dil bilimi ve bilinç üzerine yaptığı çalışmalar sırasında hayatının aşkı Laura ile tekrar karşılaşır. Bir süre sonra Nazilerce izlendiğinin farkına varır ve kaçmaya başlar. Bu kovalamaca Romanya, İsviçre, Malta ve Hindistan boyunca devam edecektir. Profesör Matei ise geri gelen gençliğini, aşkı, araştırmaları ve bu kaçışlarla yeniden yaşayacaktır.
Language: Turkish
Молодість без молодості
Окутана таємницею історія кохання, що відбувається у Європі напередодні Другої світової війни. Професор лінгвістики та філософії Домінік Матей був уражений блискавкою та за тиждень молодшає від 70 до 40 років, чим приваблює світ та нацистів. Перебуваючи в бігах, професор зустрічає молоду жінку, яка має свій власний досвід через грозовий шторм. Домінік не тільки знов знайде кохання, але також її нові здібності стануть ключем до його досліджень.
Language: Ukrainian
本片改编自罗马尼亚神学家伊利亚德的同名小说。1938年,年逾七十的哲学教授多米尼克•马泰(蒂姆•罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)本打算自杀,却被闪电突然击中。严重烧伤的多米尼克得到了罗马尼亚医生斯坦库里斯库教授(布鲁诺•岗茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的救治,痊愈后,多米尼克竟发现自己返老还童,并分裂出另外人格。不仅如此,多米尼克还具有梦中学习、透视、意念移物等特异功能。为了躲避纳粹医生鲁道夫(安德烈•汉尼克André Hennicke 饰)的追踪,多米尼克化名辗转于瑞士、罗马尼亚、马耳他、印度等地,直到二战结束。六十年代,某次登山时多米尼克遇见一名叫做维拉尼卡的女子(亚历山德拉•玛利亚•拉拉 Alexandra Maria Lara 饰),与他年轻时的未婚妻劳拉一模一样。维拉尼卡及朋友山中遇险,被多米尼克救治后便拥有了梦中追溯语言起始的能力,却因此加速衰老。多米尼克一方面希望维拉尼卡助他完成语言及时间起源的著作,一方面又不愿看到爱人因此早夭,矛盾中痛苦不已…… 本片获独立精神奖最佳摄影提名。 ©豆瓣
Language: Mandarin
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