Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Snow Queen Film

This Snow Queen film has Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Family, and TV Movie genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2002 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Since a bitter winter storm stole the life of Gerda's mother, she and her father have sadly continued to run the remote hotel they call home. Lonely and isolated, Gerda's only joy is Kai, the handsome bellboy. A mysterious guest with an icy stare arrives at the hotel one night, wrapped in fur and diamonds. By daybreak, the "Snow Queen" has vanished with Kai! Gerda embarks on a journey of morphing seasons, fantastical creatures, and long-frozen mysteries in a desperate quest to find her stolen love.

Snow Queen Film Backdrop

Snow Queen Movie Stars:

Bridget Fonda as Snow Queen, Duncan Fraser as Mayor, Daniel Gillies as Delfont Chalfont, Mark Acheson as Autumn Henchman, Adrian Holmes as Charles D'Amour, Robert Wisden as Wolfgang, John DeSantis as Satan, Jim Byrnes as Polar Bear (voice), Meghan Black as Robber Girl, Jeremy Guilbaut as Kai, Sage Brocklebank as Handsome Helmut, Jennifer Clement as Spring Witch, Rachel Hayward as Amy, Kris Pope as Reginald Priceless, Suzy Joachim as Autumn Robber, Kira Clavell as Summer Princess, Dan Payne as Polar Bear Prince / Polar Bear Puppeteer, Wanda Cannon as Minna, Bart Anderson as Man at bridge #1, Chelsea Hobbs as Gerda, Long John Baldry as Rutger the Reindeer (voice), Helena Yea as Dressmaker, Richard Coombs as Polar Bear Puppeteer, Rhys Lloyd as Man at bridge #2, Alexander Hoy as Chen, Jessie Borgstrom as 8-Year Old Gerda, Ninon Parent as Female Shadow Dancer, Trever Havixbeck as Sergeant at Arms, Robert D. Jones as Priest, Peter Boulanger as Male Shadow Dancer, and Markus Welby as Count Rothstein.

Bridget Fonda Photo Duncan Fraser Photo Daniel Gillies Photo Mark Acheson Photo Adrian Holmes Photo Robert Wisden Photo John DeSantis Photo Jim Byrnes Photo Meghan Black Photo Jeremy Guilbaut Photo Sage Brocklebank Photo Rachel Hayward Photo Kris Pope Photo Suzy Joachim Photo Kira Clavell Photo Dan Payne Photo Wanda Cannon Photo Bart Anderson Photo Chelsea Hobbs Photo Long John Baldry Photo Helena Yea Photo Richard Coombs Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Snow Queen film:

Simon Moore (Writer), Ross Dempster (Art Direction), Lynn Kressel (Casting), Lawrence Shragge (Original Music Composer), David Wu (Director), Hans Christian Andersen (Original Story), Matthew O'Connor (Producer), Michael O'Connor (Producer), Robert Halmi Sr. (Executive Producer), Robert Halmi Jr. (Executive Producer), John Wardlow (Stunts), Yelena Lanskaya (Editor), Peter Stratford (Assistant Art Director), Dan Shea (Stunt Coordinator), Gregory Middleton (Director of Photography), Nancy J. Lilley (Stunts), Pascal Verschooris (Co-Producer), Mark Noda (Boom Operator), Shannon Grover (Art Direction), Sam Higgins (Set Decoration), Steven McMichael (Stunts), Jim Van Dijk (Camera Operator), Richard Trus (Visual Effects), Christine Lalande (Script Supervisor), Clyde Klotz (Production Design), Tracey Renyard (Location Manager), Glen A. Dickson ("B" Camera Operator), Tara Arnett (Art Department Coordinator), Michael Pohorly (Third Assistant Director), Bill Skinner (Sound Mixer), Ian P. OBriain (Assistant Set Decoration), Patrice Leung (First Assistant Director), Leslie McMichael (Stunts), Kathy Hubble (Stunts), Kasia Dzieciolowska (Set Buyer), Larry Portmann (First Assistant Camera), Leann Harvey (Assistant Director Trainee), Tracey Poirier (Second Assistant Director), Chris Andreas (On Set Dresser), Caroline Field (Stunts), John Scott (Stunts), Alette Falle (Stunts), Jason Cecchini (Stunts), Bobbi June Radford (Stunts), Caragh Hodge (Second Assistant Camera), and Karen Lister (Lead Set Dresser).

Simon Moore Photo David Wu Photo Hans Christian Andersen Photo John Wardlow Photo Dan Shea Photo Steven McMichael Photo Leslie McMichael Photo

What They Said About Snow Queen Movie:

***Uneven Hallmark fantasy notable as Bridget Fonda’s last film*** In the late 1800s the daughter (Chelsea Hobbs) of a hotel owner in a town in the Great Northwest becomes enamored with the bellboy, Kai (Jeremy Guilbaut). When an icy-but-beautiful woman known as the Snow Queen (Bridget Fonda) whisks him away, Gerda (Hobbs) seeks to find him & free him after she amazingly enters the parallel realm of the Snow Queen. But, first, she has to struggle through Spring, Summer and Autumn and the challenges thereof. "Snow Queen" (2002) is a Hallmark production that runs 12 minutes shy of 3 hours and was based on the original fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, which was first published in two parts in 1844-1845. Elements from another folktale about the four seasons were mixed into the brew. This is an Americanized version of the fairy tale with the events taking place somewhere out West in the USA or Canada, both of which are (North) America. The film was shot in British Columbia and takes place there or anywhere in the Great Northwest in the late 1800s (or early 1900s). It definitely doesn’t take place in Denmark since (1) there are snowcapped mountains in the background and (2) everyone speaks English. I suppose someone could argue that it takes place in either Norway or Sweden, but that doesn't resolve the English-speaking issue (unless you simply imagine the characters speaking a Scandinavian language). The long movie’s worth catching just to see Bridget in her last role before marrying notable composer Danny Elfman and starting a family. Hobbs doesn’t personally trip my trigger, but she’s a’right. Guilbaut is bland, but serviceable. The movie comes alive whenever Fonda is present. Most of the first half is rooted in reality and is quite good for a TV production, but the mid-section focuses on Gerda’s misadventures journeying through Spring, Summer and Autumn while Kai is captive in the Snow Queen’s stronghold on top of a mountain guarded by a talking polar bear. The entire middle of the picture cuts back-and-forth between these two stories with a few sequences in reality thrown in for good measure, the latter involving the father at the hotel (Robert Wisden) and his cook, Minna (Wanda Cannon). In Gerda’s quest the characters come-and-go like a rollercoaster ride. It’s reminiscent of the Neverland sequences in “Hook” (1991). If you like fairy tales like “Snow White and the Huntsman” (2012) or episodic fantasies like “The Odyssey” (1997), “Ulysses” (1954) and “The Lords of the Rings” trilogy (2001-2003) give this a look; just remember it was made on a TV budget and there’s not a lot of swashbuckling, as with those other productions. The film runs 2 hour, 48 minutes and was shot entirely in British Columbia (Cranbrook, Fort Steele & Vancouver). GRADE: C+/B-


Here are some translations about the film:

Sněhová královna

Každý rok se ujme vlády nad tímto světem. Její polibky jsou ale příliš ledové a zmrazí každou vášeň. Na tomto světě ale stále panuje více lásky než nenávisti. Káj se ocitne v zajetí ledu a Gerda se ho vydá hledat. Láska v jejím srdci by dokázala rozehřát každého. Neví, co je strach, protože v jejím srdci hoří plamen odhodlání. A na tento plamen Ledová královna hned tak nezapomene. Dvoudílná minisérie je moderní adaptací klasické pohádky Hanse Christiana Andersena.

Language: Czech

Die Schneekönigin

Ein Zweiteiler:Gerda und ihr Vater Wolfgang leben zurückgezogen in einem kleinen verschneiten Dorf, wo sie das heruntergekommene Hotel 'White Bear' betreiben. Einst war das 'White Bear' ein glanzvolles Haus. Doch seit vor neun Jahren Gerdas Mutter in einem Schneesturm umgekommen ist, verwahrlost das Hotel. Erst als Portier Kai auftaucht, ändert sich das Leben für die einsame Gerda. Sie verliebt sich in Kai. Und beide scheinen wie füreinander geschaffen. Bis eines Nachts eine seltsame schöne Frau .....Sie muss die vier Jahreszeiten durchreisen, erlebt Abenteuerliches und Erschreckendes. Doch die Liebe zu Kai ist so stark, dass selbst die gleißenden Nordlichter am Ende der Welt Gerda nicht abhalten können. Als sie vor dem Schloss der Schneekönigin steht, beginnt der wahre Kampf...

Language: German

Η Βασίλισσα του Χιονιού

Η νεαρή Γκέρντα είναι η πλούσια κόρη του αφεντικού και ο Κάι το παιδί για όλες τις δουλειές. Η μοίρα της Γκέρντα φαίνεται δεμένη με τις θύελλες: μια άγρια καταιγίδα σκότωσε τη μητέρα της και σε μια άλλη θύελλα μια μυστηριώδης γυναίκα έκλεψε τον αγαπημένο της Κάι. Πρόκειται για την Βασίλισσα του Χιονιού! Τυλιγμένη σε λευκές γούνες και στολισμένη με εκατοντάδες διαμάντια, μέσα σ’ ένα σύννεφο από απαλές νιφάδες χιονιού και συνοδευόμενη από ολόλευκους κύκνους, η φαντασμαγορική θεά, θα πάρει μαζί της το νεαρό και η Γκέρντα θα αποφασίσει να βρει το παλάτι της και να αναμετρηθεί μαζί της...

Language: Greek

La reina de las nieves

Un Film de David Wu

Gerda vive con su huraño padre Wolfgang en un solitario hotel del norte. Años atrás, su madre murió durante una terrible tormenta de nieve. Desde entonces el único consuelo para Gerda ha sido su creciente amor por Kai, el botones del hotel. Una noche una misteriosa mujer reserva habitación en el hotel. Vestida con pieles blancas y diamantes, acompañada de lobos y con una mirada glacial, la extraña dama se da cuenta del amor entre los jóvenes. En medio de la noche la mujer desaparece tan misteriosamente como llegó y el único rastro que Gerda encuentra de Kai es una inquietante nota: ¡Ayúdame!.

Language: Spanish

La reine des neiges

Depuis que sa mère a été retrouvée morte dans la neige alors qu'elle n'avait que 8 ans, Gerda déteste l'hiver et reste inconsolable, tout comme son père Wolfgang. Celui-ci, qui tient un hôtel, engage le jeune Kai comme groom. Bientôt, Gerda et Kai tombent amoureux, et la jeune fille se sent revivre. Mais un soir, Kai reçoit un éclat de glace dans l'œil. Il devient alors distant et méprisant. Une femme mystérieuse arrive à l'hôtel et enlève Kai, qui n'oppose guère de résistance. Gerda part à sa recherche...

Language: French

מלכת השלג

גרדה מאוהבת בקאי העובד במלון של אביה. לילה סוער אחד מגיעה אישה מסתוריתבפרווה לבנה ויהלומים וזאבים כשומרים, ולמחרת קאי נעלם. גרדה יוצאת בעקבות אהובה.

Language: Hebrew

A Hókirálynő

A híres Andersen-meséből készült kétrészes film hősnője, Gerda megkeseredett apjával él az általuk vezetett északi szállodában, melyet már régóta elkerülnek a vendégek. Az elszigetelt világban élő Gerdának csak Kaihoz, a szálloda jóképű új alkalmazottjához fűződő szerelme jelent megnyugvást. A szálloda felett viharfelhők gyülekeznek, amikor egy titokzatos vendég bejelentkezik egyetlen éjszakára. A rejtélyes nő hófehér bundát visel gyémántokkal, nyomában farkasok érkeznek és egy újabb hóvihar.

Language: Hungarian

La regina delle nevi

Language: Italian

Снежная королева

После трагической смерти матери Герта и ее отец продолжают содержать небольшую гостиницу, которую они называют домом. Для одинокой Герты единственной радостью является дружба с прекрасным юношей — Каем. И вот однажды ночью в гостиницу приезжает вся в мехах и бриллиантах неизвестная гостья. На следующий день она исчезает вместе с Каем. И тогда Герта отправляется на поиски любимого юноши. Полная неожиданностей, страшных опасностей и невероятных приключений дорога, наконец, приводит Герту во дворец Снежной Королевы. Но чтобы растопить ледяное сердце Кая надо победить самую жестокую и коварную из всех женщин. И только хрупкой, нежной и преданной Герте оказывается под силу спасти Кая.

Language: Russian

Snehová kráľovná

Každý rok ovládne tento svet. Ale jej bozky sú príliš ľadové a zmrazujú každú vášeň. Na tomto svete je však stále viac lásky ako nenávisti. Kai sa ocitne uväznený v ľade a Gerda sa ho vydá hľadať. Láska v jej srdci by dokázala roztopiť kohokoľvek. Nevie, čo je to strach, pretože v jej srdci horí plameň odhodlania. A je to plameň, na ktorý Ľadová kráľovná tak skoro nezabudne. Dvojdielna miniséria je modernou adaptáciou klasickej rozprávky Hansa Christiana Andersena.

Language: Slovak

Снігова королева

Після трагічної смерті матері, Герта і її батько продовжують утримувати невеликий готель, який вони називають домом. Для самотньої Герти єдиною радістю є дружба із прекрасним юнаком — Каєм. І ось одного разу вночі в готель приїжджає вся в хутрі і діамантах невідома гостя. На наступний день вона зникає разом з Каєм. І тоді Герта відправляється на пошуки коханого юнака. Повна несподіванок, страшних небезпек і неймовірних пригод дорога, нарешті, приводить Герту в палац Снігової Королеви. Але щоб розтопити крижане серце Кая треба перемогти найжорстокішу і найпідступнішу із всіх жінок. І тільки тендітній, ніжній і відданій Герті під силу врятувати Кая.

Language: Ukrainian



  一场意外让恶魔之镜碎裂散落人间,其中的一小片不幸落入了小男孩凯(Jeremy Guilbaut 饰)的眼中,因为碎片的魔力,凯的个性开始变得古怪起来,世间的一切在他眼中都丑陋无比,他也因此远离了朋友和家人,封闭起了自己的内心。   某日,冰雪王后(布里吉特·芳达 Bridget Fonda 饰)出现了,她将离群索居的凯带回了自己的国度。格尔达(切尔西·汉德勒 Chelsea Hobbs 饰)是凯的青梅竹马,两人从小玩到大,彼此之间感情十分要好。对于凯的下落不明,格尔达感到十分焦急。当得知凯来身处冰雪王后的宫殿之时,格尔达毅然决然地踏上了充满危险的旅程。最终,她能否顺利抵达目的地,救回被冰雪王后迷惑了心智的凯呢?

Language: Mandarin

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