The 劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Drama, Action, and Science Fiction genres.
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth Movie was made by Atlus, and Anime International Company The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.
In the spring, male student Makoto Yuki transfers to Gekkoukan High School. However, as he heads to his new dormitory, listening to the music on his headphones, he is stopped. More precisely, time has stopped, and the people who were around him turn into coffins. Makoto learns that this period of time hidden between the minute of midnight is called the Dark Hour, a time when monsters called Shadows appear. Suddenly made the leader of his fellow classmates Yukari and Junpei by his upperclassmen Mitsuru and Akihiko, Makoto must learn empathy, his connection to his comrades, and the meaning of death. With the power of his Evoker aimed at his head, Makoto fights against the Shadows threatening to attack his world from the mysterious tower of Tartarus.
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth Movie Stars:
Megumi Toyoguchi as Yukari Takeba (voice), Akira Ishida as Makoto Yuki / Pharos (voice), Kazuya Nakai as Shinjiro Aragaki (voice), Rie Tanaka as Mitsuru Kirijo (voice), Mamiko Noto as Fuuka Yamagishi (voice), Kohsuke Toriumi as Junpei Iori (voice), Hikaru Midorikawa as Akihiko Sanada (voice), Kenji Nojima as Kenji Tomochika (voice), Miyuki Sawashiro as Elizabeth (voice), Hideyuki Hori as Shuji Ikutsuki (voice), Yuka Komatsu as Isako Toriumi (voice), Isamu Tanonaka as Igor (voice), Hiroaki Miura as Hidetoshi Odagiri (voice), and Atsumi Tanezaki as Natsuki Moriyama (voice).
Professional involved in the making of this 劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth film:
Takahiro Toyomasu (Key Animation), Kana Ishida (Key Animation), Noriaki Akitaya (Director), Jun Kumagai (Screenplay), Takashi Sakurai (Editor), Kazunori Adachi (Producer), Shoji Meguro (Original Music Composer), Tomohisa Taguchi (Storyboard Artist), Mika Sawada (Key Animation), Yuuko Yoshida (Key Animation), Akiko Matsuo (Key Animation), Rie Omori (Key Animation), Takuya Tani (Key Animation), Nobuyoshi Souzaki (Key Animation), Tomoyuki Kitamura (Key Animation), Miyuki Honda (Key Animation), Hiroshi Kawashima (Key Animation), Tomomi Ishikawa (Animation Director), Hiroaki Ikeda (Key Animation), Masaaki Yamano (Key Animation), Shuji Takahara (Key Animation), Kyoko Kotani (Key Animation), Misao Abe (Key Animation), Tomoaki Kado (Animation Director), Riki Fukushima (Storyboard Artist), Koji Ito (Key Animation), Sorato Shimizu (Key Animation), Kengo Saito (Key Animation), Keita Hagio (Key Animation), Shuichi Seki (Key Animation), Kanako Maru (Key Animation), Shinichiro Minami (Key Animation), Hayato Hashiguchi (Key Animation), Satoshi Sakai (Key Animation), Kazuki Ito (Key Animation), Kanta Suzuki (Key Animation), Koichiro Ueda (Key Animation), Kazuya Miyoshi (Key Animation), Yuki Terano (Key Animation), Hiroki Ikeshita (Key Animation), Ryo Tanaka (Key Animation), Sayaka Koiso (Animation Director), Hatsue Koizumi (Key Animation), Michio Hasegawa (Key Animation), Natsuko Kondou (Key Animation), Hideoki Kusama (Key Animation), Yoshifumi Sasahara (Director), Tadashi Fukuda (Key Animation), Kiyoshi Komatsubara (Key Animation), Michinori Shiga (Animation Director), Yuta Kiso (Key Animation), Keiko Nagamine (Key Animation), Takenori Tsukuma (Key Animation), Miyu Kaneko (Key Animation), Seung-hyeon Hong (Key Animation), Naoko Yamamoto (Key Animation), Masaiku Tayori (Key Animation), Saori Sakiguchi (Key Animation), Ryota Niino (Key Animation), Katsuyuki Yamazaki (Key Animation), Shinobu Nishiyama (Key Animation), Rika Kato (Key Animation), Kumiko Kawashima (Key Animation), Tetsuya Watanabe (CGI Director), Rie Nakanishi (Key Animation), Mariko Yamamoto (Key Animation), Isamu Fukushima (Animation Director), Atsuko Takahashi (Key Animation), Noriko Onishi (Key Animation), Arihiro Goto (Key Animation), Sadatoshi Matsuzaka (Key Animation), Hidenobu Takahashi (Key Animation), Keisuke Watabe (Key Animation), Masaya Yasutome (Animation Director), Kei Ohashi (Key Animation), Masashi Sugita (Key Animation), Momoko Nagakawa (Key Animation), Keisuke Katayama (Key Animation), Takao Takegami (Key Animation), Kazuma Kaneko (Original Film Writer), Keiichi Ishida (Key Animation), Mika Tomiya (Key Animation), Kazuhiro Koyama (Key Animation), and Kouji Okada (Original Film Writer).
Here are some translations about the film:
Persona 3 the Movie 1 Spring of Birth
Entfessle dein anderes Ich!
In dieser Stadt stimmt etwas ganz und gar nicht! Jede Nacht verwandeln sich die Straßen in eine lebensfeindliche Gegend, in der gefährliche Kreaturen namens „Shadows“ lauern. Schulwechsler Yuuki Makoto dagegen, der mit einem verspäteten Zug in eben dieser Stadt um Mitternacht ankommt, nimmt das alles ganz gelassen. Erst als sein neues Wohnheim eines Nachts von einer Horde starker Shadows angegriffen wird, begreift er die Bedrohung. Doch dem Tod gegenüberstehend entfesselt Yuuki ungeahnte Kräfte und beschwört ein sogenanntes „Persona“, das es mit den angsteinflößenden Gegnern aufnehmen kann. Aber es bleiben tausend Fragen offen: Warum ist Yuuki in der Lage das Persona zu beschwören? Woher kommen die Shadows? Und wie kann man diesen nächtlichen Kreislauf endgültig durchbrechen?
Language: German
Persona 3 La Pelicula 1: Primavera de Nacimiento
Terribles criaturas acechan en la oscuridad, cazando a todos aquellos que vagan durante la hora que transcurre oculta entre un dia y el siguiente: la Hora Oscura. Un club escolar secreto conocido como SEES defiende la humanidad de horrores y desastres mientras resuelven el misterio de la Hora Oscura de una vez por todas.
Language: Spanish
Persona 3: The Movie #1 - Spring of Birth
Makoto Yuki est un jeune lycéen qui retourne vivre à Port Island, ville qu'il a quitté dix ans auparavant. Étant orphelin, il est transféré dans les dortoirs Iwatodai qui appartiennent au lycée Gekkoukan dans lequel il sera dorénavant étudiant. Le soir de son arrivée, il fait la rencontre d'un étrange garçon qui lui demande de signer un contrat. Tout se passe bien durant quelques temps jusqu'au jour où durant la nuit, son dortoir se fait attaquer par des monstres. C'est ainsi qu'il découvre que les seuls élèves du dortoir ont la possibilité d'invoquer leurs Persona, une entité représentant leur inconscient. Il apprendra alors plus tard que sa Persona lui permet de combattre ces monstres appelés « Shadow » qui n'apparaissent que durant la « Dark Hour ». Une heure située entre 00h00 et 01h00 dans laquelle seules des personnes avec le potentiel d'invoquer leurs Persona peuvent y être actifs, la plupart de la population se transforme alors en cercueil.
Language: French
Persona 3 The Movie #1: Spring of Birth
La fine di tutto inizia...
C'è un periodo di tempo nascosto tra un giorno e l'altro noto come Dark Hour. Durante questo periodo, il tempo stesso si ferma all'insaputa dell'umanità, i loro corpi vengono trasformati in bare mentre terrificanti mostri, noti come Shadow, girano liberamente. Solo chi ha risvegliato il potere dei Persona può resistere alla Dark Hour. Makoto Yūki è un adolescente orfano che si trasferisce alla Gekkoukan High School a Tatsumi Port Island ed è costretto ad imbattersi subito nella Dark Hour non appena arrivato. Quando la sua nuova residenza al dormitorio Minatodai viene attaccata da un gigante Shadow, Makoto risveglia inaspettatamente il potere del suo Persona e aiuta a respingerne la minaccia. Dopo aver scoperto che i suoi nuovi compagni di dormitorio posseggono anch'essi il potere di evocare i propri Persona, lo invitano ad unirsi ad un club della Gekkoukan chiamato SEES - Squadra Speciale Esecuzioni Extracurriculari, i cui membri hanno un obiettivo: liberare il mondo dagli Shadow.
Language: Italian
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth
Language: Japanese
페르소나3 더 무비 #1 스프링 오브 버스
모든 사람들은 하루는 24시간이라고 생각한다. 그러나 현실은 다르다. 세상에는 1일과 1일 사이에 숨겨진 시간 '쉐도 타임'이라는 것이 존재한다. 거리는 모든 움직임을 멈추고 거리의 사람들은 관으로 모습을 바꾼다. 그리고 그런 거리에는 알 수 없는 괴물 통칭 '쉐도우'라고 불리는 것들이 돌아다닌다. 이런 괴물에 대항 가능한 자는 오직 '페르소나'라는 특수한 힘을 가진 자들 뿐이다. 사립 월광관 학원에 전학온 유키 마코토는 자신의 페르소나를 각성하여 같은 페르소나 소유자들과 함께 특별과외활동부에 소속된다. 이들은 각자의 목적을 위해 쉐도 타임의 진상을 쫒고 있는데, 과연 이 곳에서 마코토가 만나게 되는 운명은.....
Language: Korean
Persona 3 the Movie: #1 Spring of Birth
O fim de tudo começa...
A história de Persona 3 realiza-se em uma cidade japonesa moderna, construída e financiada pela Kirijo Corporation. Devido aos acontecimentos ocorridos no passado, há uma "Dark Hour": um período de tempo que existe entre a meia-noite e o próximo dia que só poucas pessoas podem ver; aqueles que não estão conscientes se encontram congelados em caixões. A Dark Hour traz a curva da realidade; a Gekkoukan High School, onde a maioria dos personagens frequentam a escola durante o dia, à noite se torna um enorme torre com labirintos chamada "Tartarus", que possui bestas chamadas Shadows que estão à vagar e proteger certas áreas, às que se encontram fora do Tartarus, predam sobre as mentes das pessoas ainda consciente durante esse tempo, deixando as vítimas em estado quase catatônico fora da Dark Hour.
Language: Portuguese
Персона 3 фильм 1: Новое начало
Жуткие существа скрываются во тьме, охотясь на тех, кто блуждает в скрытый Тёмный час, который лежит между одним днём и следующим. Секретный школьный клуб, известный под названием "SEES", защищает человечество от ужасов и бедствий. Его основная цель - разгадать тайну Тёмного часа раз и навсегда.
Language: Russian
เพอร์โซน่า 3 เดอะมูฟวี่ 1 สปริง ออฟ เบิร์ด
กล่าวถึงตัวเอก ยูกิ มาโคโตะ นักเรียนหน้าใหม่ที่เพิ่งย้ายเข้ามาในโรงเรียนมัธยมปลายบนเกาะแห่งหนึ่งที่มีเรื่องเล่าของ Dark Hour ซึ่งเป็นช่วงเวลาพิเศษหลังเที่ยงคืนที่จะมีสิ่งลึกลับที่เรียกว่า Shadow ออกมาโจมตีมนุษย์ และมีเพียงเหล่าตัวเอกที่มีความสามารถพิเศษในการเรียกเพอร์โซนา (ร่างที่เกิดจากจิตใจ) เท่านั้นที่สามารถต่อกรกับพวกมันได้
Language: Thai
女神异闻录3 剧场版 第一章 春生
Language: Mandarin
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