Thursday, May 23, 2024

Christmas Lodge Film

This Christmas Lodge movie has Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Family, and TV Movie genres.

Christmas Lodge Film was made by NGN Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Mary Tobin has wonderful memories of family gatherings at the Christmas Lodge. When she arrives for a weekend vacation, she quickly realizes that the lodge that she loves has fallen into serious disrepair. With a lack of funds and a looming deadline, she not only restores the Christmas lodge's charm but finds love along the way.

Christmas Lodge Movie Backdrop

Christmas Lodge Movie Stars:

Michael Shanks as Jack, Erin Karpluk as Mary, Rukiya Bernard as Yolanda, John Innes as Grampa, Michael Kopsa as Mike, Rebecca Toolan as Betty, and Victoria Banks as Kathy.

Michael Shanks Photo Erin Karpluk Photo Rukiya Bernard Photo John Innes Photo Michael Kopsa Photo Rebecca Toolan Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Christmas Lodge movie:

Terry Ingram (Director), Lawrence S. Richardson Jr (Writer), Renee de Roche (Writer), and Brett Chan (Stunt Coordinator).

Terry Ingram Photo Brett Chan Photo

What Peoples Said About Christmas Lodge Movie:

_**Families unite at a special rundown lodge in the Oregon wilderness**_ A woman working for a historical preservation firm in Seattle (Erin Karpluk) stumbles upon a lodge in the Oregon wilderness that was special to her & her family when she was a little girl. She seeks to get it fixed up before Christmas with the blessing of the proprietor and his daughter (Michael Shanks and Michelle Creber). “Christmas Lodge” (2011) is a family drama that premiered on TV. While it’s obviously a Christmas movie, the bulk of the runtime involves the handful of months leading up to the Holidays and so it can be appreciated in any season. It’s just the ending that takes place during Christmas. Despite being a TV production with the limitations thereof, this flick is a breath of fresh air and was just want I needed – something warm, hopeful and encouraging. Not only do you get the beauty of the Great Northwest wilderness and the lodge, you also get Erin Karpluk and a refreshing air of goodwill and love amidst the inevitable challenges of life. I’ve only seen Erin in one other movie, the well done “Wyvern” (2009), and her winsome spirit and all-around loveliness are perfect for this type of picture. You don’t have to be concerned about the script absurdly checking ‘progressive’ (degenerate) boxes like in “Holiday in Handcuffs,” which was eye-rolling. This is a true Christmas movie without being preachy or sectarian. Secular critics naturally complain about the scenes involving saying grace, the Bible and words about God but the two families are clearly believers and this is how Christians are in everyday life. They’re not perfect, of course, but love & peace are their general standard of conduct and the Creator is dear to them. Besides, like I said, none of this is overdone. How any of this could be construed as “inappropriate” or “offensive” is perplexing. The film runs 1 hour, 26 minutes, and was shot in Langley, British Columbia, which is about 15 miles southeast of Vancouver. There are some establishing shots of Vancouver (or maybe Seattle), as well as at least one street shot of Manhattan. GRADE: B


Here are some translations about the film:

Коледна хижа

Мери е млада жена, успяла в областа на строителството. С приятеля си Кент, отиват за уикенд в планината, от който всички очакват Мери да се върне с годежен пръстен. Катерейки планинските пътеки, те попадат на малката Шарлийн, която е сама в планината с изкълчен крак. Помагайки й да стигне до дома си, Мери и приятелят й откриват, че малката Шарлийн живее в хижа, в която Мери е прекарвала Коледите със семейството си като малка.

Language: Bulgarian

Die Weihnachtshütte

Die smarte Mary (Erin Karpluk) ist Denkmalschützerin von Beruf und dies auch aus Leidenschaft. An einem bezaubernden Winterwochenende fährt sie in die Berge und findet dort ein in die Jahre gekommenes Haus vor, in welchem sie früher oft gemeinsam mit ihren Eltern die Ferien verbrachte. Sie verbindet so viele schöne Erinnerungen mit dem Gebäude, dass sie es sich zur Aufgabe macht, das Haus wieder so schön herzurichten, wie sie es noch in Erinnerung hat. So macht sie sich gleich an die Arbeit und trifft dabei den attraktiven Jack (Michael Shanks), der dieses Haus ebenso sehr verehrt wie Mary. Diese merkt sofort, wie zwischen den beiden die Funken nur so fliegen, aber sie hält sich zurück. Zu oft wurde sie in Liebesangelegenheiten enttäuscht, weswegen sie sich nicht sicher ist, ob sie sich auf Jack einlassen kann und will. Nun muss sie sich entscheiden: Soll sie auf ihren Verstand oder auf ihr Herz hören?

Language: German

Mary Tobin tiene maravillosos recuerdos de reuniones familiares en el Lodge de Navidad. Cuando llega para unas vacaciones de fin de semana, rápidamente se da cuenta de que el lodge que le encanta ha caído en serio desuso. Con una falta de fondos y un plazo inminente, no sólo restaura el encanto de la casa de campo de Navidad también encuentra amor a lo largo del camino.

Language: Spanish

Mary Tobin (Erin Karpluk) heeft prachtige herinneringen aan familie bijeenkomsten in de 'Kerstmis Lodge' van in haar jeugd. Als ze er aankomt voor een weekend vakantie, beseft zij snel dat het huisje waarvan ze hield in verval is. Met een gebrek aan middelen en een dreigende deadline, probeert ze de het huisje te herstellen. Ondertussen lijkt ze ook liefde te vinden.

Language: Dutch

Zimowy domek

Mary Tobin, podobnie jak jej rodzina, pracuje w branży budowlanej. Kobieta martwi się o dziadka, który niedawno przeszedł trudną operację na otwartym sercu. Pewnego dnia Mary i jej chłopak wybierają się na wycieczkę w góry. Przypadkiem trafiają do gospody, w której niegdyś rodzina Tobinów spędzała każde święta. Choć budynek znajduje się w złym stanie, Mary wierzy, że jest w stanie pomóc właścicielom zajazdu i przywrócić go do stanu z czasów jego świetności.

Language: Polish

Božična koča

Language: Slovenian

Noel Köşkü

Language: Turkish

Різдвяний будиночок

Language: Ukrainian



Language: Mandarin

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