Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mujer conejo Movie

The Mujer conejo movie has Fantasy, Animation, and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

The complicated and bizarre story of Ana (Haien Qiu), a Chinese born in Argentina who is, unexpectedly, pursued by danger. She accidentally becomes involved in the affairs of the Chinese triads established in Argentina. To get rid of them she must flee to her hometown, but what is not known is that in the meadow, things have changed. The people have left and all she find are rabbits. But even the rabbits have changed; mutating into bloodthirsty carnivores.

Mujer conejo Movie Backdrop

Mujer conejo Film Stars:

Luciano Cáceres as , Gloria Carrá as , Haien Qiu as , and Wu-chao Ting as .

Luciano Cáceres Photo Gloria Carrá Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Mujer conejo film:

Rolo Pulpeiro (Director of Photography), Verónica Chen (Director), Delfina Castagnino (Editor), Andrés Pepe Estrada (Editor), Luis Ángel Ramírez (Executive Producer), Inés Bortagaray (Writer), Raúl Bravo (Executive Producer), and Gil Molina (Executive Producer).

Rolo Pulpeiro Photo Verónica Chen Photo Delfina Castagnino Photo Inés Bortagaray Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Mujer conejo

Aborda el drama de una joven argentina de ascendencia asiática que se siente como un pez fuera del agua y que se ve envuelta en un conflicto con la mafia china.

Language: Spanish

Histoire compliquée et bizarre d'Ana (Haien Qiu), une chinoise née en Argentine qui, de manière inattendue, est poursuivie par le danger. Par accident, elle s'implique dans une affaire des triades chinoises établies en Argentine, elles la confondent avec l'une des leurs. Pour s'en débarrasser, fuyez le pays, mais ce que l'on ne sait pas c'est que dans la prairie, les choses ont changé, c'est le désert. Tout ce qu'elle trouve, ce sont des lapins, pas n'importe qui, mais des mutants transformés en carnivores assoiffés de sang.

Language: French

A Infiltrada

Language: Portuguese

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