This 2016: Obama's America movie has Fantasy, and Documentary genres.
at a cost of $2,500,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 made a revenue of $33,400,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.
The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to Americas ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.

2016: Obama's America Film Stars:
Barack Obama as Self (archive footage), Dinesh D'Souza as Self, Joe Biden as Self (archive footage), Cait Brasel as Young Democrate, Zackary Steven Graham as Dartmouth College Student, Gene Burris Jr. as Stanford University College Student, Lisa Fox as Professor / Administrator, and Shelby Steele as Self.
Peoples involved in the making of the 2016: Obama's America film:
Gerald R. Molen (Producer), John Sullivan (Director), and Dinesh D'Souza (Director).
What They Said About 2016: Obama's America Film:
Wow, a LOT of negative reviews here are attacking D'Souza because of his race and some are doing it while suggesting that they are against racism... which is it? Anyways, the majority of the 1 stars are from people that CLEARLY didn't watch the film. So I am giving it 10 to counter balance the BS. It doesn't deserve 1 star, partially because D'Souza made a lot of predictions, especially with the military and killings that came true. But there were others as well, so a part of him had Obama pegged enough to, well, to deserve more than 1 star. However, D'Souza is a propagandist and this has a clear bias that goes well beyond just being conservative, so he doesn't deserve the 10 stars I gave him either. There are parts of this that are incorrect and parts that have gone far too far. HOWEVER, he gets 10 stars anyway, mainly because a LOT of the 1 star reviews here are attacking D'Souza because he's an Indian and, honestly, I don't like racists. And those are pretty racist reviews. So I'm counter balancing it.
Here are some translations about the movie:
2016-та година: Америка на Обама
Филмът отвежда публиката на едно увлекателно пътуване, което се опитва да отговори на въпроса "Ако Барак Обама спечели срещу Мит Ромни, то какво ще бъде състоянието на Съединените щати през 2016-та година?"
Language: Bulgarian
Basado en el libro "The Roots of Obama’s Rage" ("Los orígenes de la rabia de Obama") escrito por el conservador Dinesh D’Souza, quien también codirige la producción. La teoría del libro y el documental ahonda en el pasado del actual presidente y cómo las ideas "anticolonialistas" de su padre han influido en la personalidad y administración del mandatario. La premisa del documental es: “Si Obama sale elegido para un segundo período, ¿dónde estará Estados Unidos de América en el año 2016?”
Language: Spanish
De grote vraag in deze documentaire is: "Als Obama een tweede termijn wint, waar zal Amerika dan zijn in 2016?" Over de de hele wereld en in Amerika hunkerden de mensen in 2008 naar een leider die zich zou verenigen en uit het economische dal en de oorlog zou halen.
Language: Dutch
2016: Os Estados Unidos do Obama.
Language: Portuguese
Language: Mandarin
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