Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ruudi Film

This Ruudi movie has Fantasy, Comedy, and Family genres.

Ruudi Film was made by MRP Matila Röhr Productions, and Allfilm The film was successfully completed and released in 2006 The spoken language used in the film is Estonian.

A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.

Ruudi Movie Backdrop

Ruudi Movie Stars:

Taavi Eelmaa as Host of Beauty Contest, Juhan Ulfsak as Host of Beauty Contest, Katariina Unt as Karmen, Jan Uuspõld as Gynnar, Guido Kangur as Sass, Indrek Taalmaa as Father of Twins, Ülle Kaljuste as Liivi, Eve Kivi as Member of the Beauty Contest Jury, Aleksander Eelmaa as Jaak Lolle, Ines Aru as Forest Aino, Paul Oskar Soe as Ruudi, Juta Altmets as Vika, Tarvo Langeberg as Ints, Marvo Langeberg as Ants, Mairo Ainsar as Aleks, Aarne Mägi as Enn, Dan Põldroos as Leif, Janek Joost as Head Viking, Väino Puura as Singer, Lembit Sarapuu as Old Orm, Rein Pruul as Angry Driver, Kristel Leesmend as Nurse, Ain Hannus as Folk Musician, Helga Nurmekann as Folk Musician, Maie Saulep as Old Woman with Coat, Raine Tarima as Finn, Anna-Maria Toom as Beauty Contest Winner, Paul Vahelaan as Customer, and Jaan Ruus as Member of the Beauty Contest Jury.

Taavi Eelmaa Photo Juhan Ulfsak Photo Katariina Unt Photo Jan Uuspõld Photo Guido Kangur Photo Indrek Taalmaa Photo Ülle Kaljuste Photo Eve Kivi Photo Aleksander Eelmaa Photo Ines Aru Photo Aarne Mägi Photo Dan Põldroos Photo Janek Joost Photo Väino Puura Photo Rein Pruul Photo Kristel Leesmend Photo Jaan Ruus Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Ruudi film:

Anton Feist (Sound Designer), Moritz Denis (Music), Eike Hosenfeld (Music), Patrick Knippel (Co-Producer), Leander Carell (Co-Producer), Steffen Reuter (Co-Producer), Sulev Keedus (Still Photographer), Rein Kotov (Director of Photography), Ilkka Matila (Co-Producer), Katrin Laur (Director), Marc-Daniel Dichant (Co-Producer), Tanel Toom (First Assistant Director), Piret Tibbo-Hudgins (Producer), Margit Keerdo-Dawson (Second Assistant Director), Günther Röhn (Foley), Ants Martin Vahur (Steadicam Operator), Aarne Mägi (Writer), Kristel Leesmend (Casting), Martin Menzel (Editor), Toomas Hõrak (Production Design), Mare Raidma (Costume Design), Christian Riegel (Sound Designer), Andrus Prikk ("B" Camera Operator), Ivo Felt (Sound Director), Tiina Leesik (Makeup Artist), Taivo Tenso (Gaffer), Liina Prii (Chaperone), Enar Tarmo (Stunt Coordinator), Kairit Nieländer (Makeup Artist), Mare Bachman (Makeup Artist), Meelis Veeremets ("B" Camera Operator), Aare Toikka (Writer), Franka Vakkum (Property Master), Christin Lemmer (Music), Andres Mirme (Special Effects), Kalle Tikas (Special Effects), Ene Viksi (Makeup Artist), Ülo Põld (Special Effects), Liivar Kilter (Special Effects), and Vitali Kladiev (Second Assistant Camera).

Sulev Keedus Photo Rein Kotov Photo Ilkka Matila Photo Katrin Laur Photo Tanel Toom Photo Piret Tibbo-Hudgins Photo Margit Keerdo-Dawson Photo Ants Martin Vahur Photo Aarne Mägi Photo Kristel Leesmend Photo Toomas Hõrak Photo Mare Raidma Photo Ivo Felt Photo Taivo Tenso Photo Enar Tarmo Photo Meelis Veeremets Photo Franka Vakkum Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:


Šestiletý Ruudi, nadšený fanoušek Vikingů, žije se svou matkou v pobřežním rybářském městečku. Jednoho dne se blízko břehu objeví výletní loď, která je přesnou kopií starého vikingského člunu, ale na palubu smí děti pouze v doprovodu otců. Námořníci poradí chlapci, aby přišel příště, ale kde může člověk tak rychle sehnat otce? Rudi se inspiruje soutěžemi o královnu krásy a zorganizuje Velkou soutěž o otce, v níž jsou hlavními cenami samotný Ruudi, jeho matka a tajemný poklad Vikingů.

Language: Czech

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