Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking Film

Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking Backdrop

The Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking movie has Fantasy, Animation, and Family genres.

Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking Movie was made by Ellipsanime Productions, Home Made Movies, and Image Film The film was successfully completed and released in 2001 The spoken language used in the film is French.

Known and loved by generations of children, Pinchon's classic Bécassine is now a feature-length movie. A cross between Mary Poppins and Mr Bean, Bécassine is the nanny every child dreams of having ! Her mismatched green dress, white apron and red-and-white striped socks might look a little strange, but the gawky Bécassine is a truly lovable character. Her adventures begin when Bécassine arrives in Paris to take care of Charlotte, the daughter of one of her former charges. Bécassine and Charlotte get caught up in a fanatic and comical adventure filled with song and dance. They race from Paris to Marseilles to Ibiza and Lapland trying to unravel the mystery of what happened to Charlotte's father, Edmond. What is he running from ? What secret is he trying to protect ? Will Charlotte's family escape the evil clutches of Gaspard, a so-called family friend ?

Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking Film Backdrop

Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking Film Stars:

Muriel Robin as Bécassine (voice), Zabou Breitman as Loulotte (voice), Frédéric Mitterrand as Le présentateur, Hervé Caradec as , Philippe Gildas as Le Parisien, Gilbert Levy as Gari (voice), Eric Missoffe as , Michel Tugot-Doris as , Pierre Tessier as Edmond (voice), Kelly Marot as Charlotte (voice), Laetitia Lefebvre as , Véronique soufflet as Marie (voice), Laurence Dourlens as , Guillaume Orsat as Gaspard (voice), Jean-Jacques Nervest as Baldi (voice), and Deborah L. Sherman as Bécassine (voice).

Muriel Robin Photo Zabou Breitman Photo Frédéric Mitterrand Photo Hervé Caradec Photo Philippe Gildas Photo Gilbert Levy Photo Eric Missoffe Photo Michel Tugot-Doris Photo Pierre Tessier Photo Kelly Marot Photo Guillaume Orsat Photo Jean-Jacques Nervest Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Bécassine - Le Trésor Viking film:

Philippe Vidal (Director), Béatrice Marthouret (Scenario Writer), Yves Coulon (Scenario Writer), J.P. Pinchon (Characters), and Arnaud-Loris Baudry (Background Designer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Bécassine und die Jagd nach dem Wikingerschatz

Als ihre Eltern verreisen kümmert sich das chaotische Kindermädchen Bécassine um die kleine Charlotte. Dann wird jedoch deren Vater von finsteren Gestalten entführt, die hinter sein wohl gehütetes Geheimnis um einen Wikingerschatz kommen wollen – doch die Gauner haben die Rechnung ohne Bécassine und Charlotte gemacht, die sich unerschrocken auf die Suche nach dem Vater und eine Odyssee bis zum Nordpol begeben.

Language: German

Becassine: The Wackiest Nanny Ever

Η νταντά Μπεκασίν επιστρέφει και μας παρασύρει σε μια τρελή περιπέτεια, καθώς εκείνη και η μικρή Σαρλότ διασχίζουν την Ευρώπη προσπαθώντας να ανακαλύψουν ποιο μυστικό κρύβεται πίσω από την εξαφάνιση του πατέρα της πιτσιρίκας.

Language: Greek

La petite Loulotte a bien grandi. Elle vit désormais à Paris avec son mari Edmond, qui est photographe, et leur fille Charlotte. Edmond étant en plein reportage au pôle Nord et devant elle-même partir à Venise pour participer au concours des «sculpteurs de demain», elle demande à son ancienne nourrice, Bécassine, de venir s'occuper de Charlotte. Après une traversée mouvementée du métro parisien et une succession de quiproquos, Bécassine et Charlotte sont embarquées dans une aventure cocasse, périlleuse et extraordinaire qui les conduira à Marseille, puis à Ibiza et jusqu'en Laponie...

Language: French

Becassine - Il tesoro vichingo

Edmond, padre della piccola Charlotte, è in esplorazione al Polo Nord per immortalare con la sua macchina fotografica le migliori espressioni degli orsi che popolano quelle zone. Mentre fugge dall’aggressione di uno di loro, Edmond si ritrova in una caverna dove scopre un magnifico tesoro. Stilata una mappa del luogo, l’uomo torna a Parigi, e lì racconta tutto ad un sedicente amico, Gaspard. Intanto Loulotte, moglie di Edmond, ha accolto in casa la sua vecchia tata, la travolgente Bécassine, che dovrà occuparsi di Charlotte durante la loro assenza. Mentre i genitori sono via, Gaspard e i suoi loschi compari, Gari e Baldi, tentano in tutti i modi di impossessarsi della mappa del tesoro che casualmente si trova nelle mani inconsapevoli di Bécassine. Comincia così un viaggio avventuroso e pieno di sorprese che porta la nostra eroina e la piccola Charlotte da Marsiglia fino alla lontana Lapponia, alla ricerca del tesoro vichingo…

Language: Italian

Becassine: A Babá dos Sonhos

A babá Becassine e a menina Charlotte se envolvem numa aventura cômica e fantástica, cheia de música e dança. Elas percorrem o mundo tentando desvendar o mistério sobre o que aconteceu ao pai de Charlotte.

Language: Portuguese


Мультипликационный фильм "Бекассин" о хорошей и заботливой няне. Родители Шарлотты должны уехат из города, поэтому занялись поиском няни для своей любимой дочери. Они очень обрадовались, узнав, что в Париж прибыла хорошо известная няня Бекассин. Родители нанимают Бекассин для своей дочери, и на этом спокойная жизнь Шарлотты заканчивается. Шарлотту и ее няню Бекассин ждут забавные приключения. Они пытаются разведать много загадок и тайн, обхитрить двух обманщиков Гари и Бальди, которые постоянно преследуют их по пятам...

Language: Russian



Language: Mandarin

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