Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Better the Devil You Know Film

Better the Devil You Know Poster

The Better the Devil You Know film has Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, and Science Fiction genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2009

When Tom Anderson is visited by a deceased high school friend in a dream, she gives him only one warning. She tells him that the Four Horsemen (characters from his latest novel) are coming for him and his friends at noon. But once his friends get trapped in town with him, the battle for their future is about to begin. What they think is a dream is about to become a reality...and they are about to find out...the battle they must face has been inside of them all along. The first dream was a warning. Now, they have no choice but to face Tom's dream along with him...and survive.

Better the Devil You Know Film Stars:

Don Beringer as Sam's Father (voice), Ryan Berard as Gerald Raymond / Death, Tim Beringer as Tom Anderson, and Mary E. Borchardt as Trisha Goldwyn.

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