Friday, July 12, 2024

The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead Film

This The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead movie has Fantasy, and Horror genres.

The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead Film was made by Safehouse Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A dark figure appears in the night, bringing with him a virus that turns people into monsters. Hoping to gather stories to take back with him to the other side, he meets his opposite, a light figure prepared to do battle with the dark man in order to save the human race...

The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead Movie Backdrop

The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead Film Stars:

Stuart Wolfenden as The Leader, Val Monk as Zombie / Wife, Damian Morter as Cal, Sarah Jane Honeywell as Beth, Josh O'Connor as Zombie, Nick Jackson as Zombie, Sam Cullingworth as Big S, Flynn Allen as George, Andrew Wakefield as Zombie, and John Mercer as Zombie.

Josh O'Connor Photo Sam Cullingworth Photo Flynn Allen Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead film:

and Damian Morter (Writer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

북 오브 더 데드 : 사자의 서

이야기는 결코 끝나지 않는다… 세상은 좀비 바이러스로 번지게 되고, 살아 남은 인간들은 생존을 위해 몸부림 치며, 좀비들을 피해 은신하며 살아가게 된다. 세상에 저주가 깃든 것일까? 인류의 구원을 위해 반드시 좀비를 처단하고, 생존하기 위해 목숨을 걸고, 도망을 가기 시작하는데…

Language: Korean

Podczas gdy tajemniczy wirus zamienia ludzi w potwory, młody mężczyzna podejmuje walkę z nieznanym wrogiem, by ocalić ludzkość.

Language: Polish

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