The Song of the Sea movie has Fantasy, Animation, and Family genres.
Song of the Sea Movie was made by Cartoon Saloon, Magellan Films, WestEnd Films, Melusine Productions, StudioCanal, MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Studio 352, Haut et Court, OCS, Eurimages, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, CNC, Digital Graphics, Big Farm, Super Productions, and Noerlum Studios The film was successfully completed and released in 2014 made a revenue of $857,522. The spoken language used in the film is English, Irish, Galician.
The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return to their home by the sea, their journey becomes a race against time as they are drawn into a world Ben knows only from his mother’s folktales. But this is no bedtime story; these fairy folk have been in our world far too long. It soon becomes clear to Ben that Saoirse is the key to their survival.

Song of the Sea Movie Stars:
Brendan Gleeson as Conor / Mac Lir (voice), Jon Kenny as Ferry Dan / The Great Seanachaí (voice), Fionnula Flanagan as Granny / Macha (voice), Pat Shortt as Lug (voice), Liam Hourican as Spud / Bus Driver (voice), Will Collins as Additional Voices (voice), David Rawle as Ben (voice), Lisa Hannigan as Bronach (voice), Lucy O'Connell as Saoirse (voice), Colm Ó'Snodaigh as Mossy (voice), Kevin Swierszcz as Young Ben (voice), and Paul Young as Additional Voices.
Peoples involved in the making of the Song of the Sea film:
Darren T. Holmes (Editorial Coordinator), Bruno Coulais (Original Music Composer), Tomm Moore (Director), Nora Twomey (Other), Kila (Additional Music), Darragh Byrne (Editor), Serge Umé (Co-Producer), Maya Merigeau (Production Design), Will Collins (Writer), Frederik Villumsen (Animation Director), Stéphan Roelants (Co-Producer), Eric Dupont (Visual Effects Supervisor), Garret Farrell (Recording Supervision), Tod Polson (Thanks), Isabelle Truc (Co-Producer), Claus Toksvig Kjaer (Production Manager), Katja Schumann (Production Manager), Clément Calvet (Co-Producer), Jérémie Fajner (Co-Producer), Pascal Nowak (Color Designer), Slaven Reese (Animation), Samuel Feller (Associate Producer), Marc Umé (Software Engineer), Joshua Jason (Publicist), Ole Christian Løken (Animation), Stuart Shankly (First Assistant Director), Sandra Norup Andersen (Character Designer), Fabian Erlinghäuser (First Assistant Director), Geoff King (Animation), Ross Stewart (Art Department Coordinator), Paul Young (Producer), Patrice Renson (Conductor), Tomislav Findrik (Animation), Ross Murray (Producer), Santiago López Jover (Animation), Mathilde Vachet (Animation), Thibaut Ruby (Line Producer), Michel Hick (Software Engineer), Virgile Bage (Animation), Sidonie Vidal (Background Designer), Alessandra Sorrentino (Animation), Susana Grilo (Production Intern), Atshong Chen (Production Accountant), Nostradine Benguezzou (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Marie Doyeux (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Félix Davin (Sound Designer), Alexandre Jaclain (Sound Designer), Danas Berznitsky (Animation), Svend Andreas Rothmann Bonde (Animation), Alfredo Cassano (Animation), Giovanna Ferrari (Animation), Denis Figueiredo (Animation), Walter Giampaglia (Animation), Marion Roussel (Animation), Stine Sæthre (Animation), Louise Bergholt Sørensen (Animation), Rosa Ballester Cabo (Character Designer), Marie Thorhauge (Character Designer), François Crèvecoeur (VFX Artist), and Jeremy Purcell (Visual Effects Supervisor).
What They Said About Song of the Sea Movie:
This is a gorgeously told tale from Celtic mythology that follows the adventures of the young "Ben" and his sister "Saoirse". Their mother died whilst giving birth to the girl - who is unable to speak - and they lived in an isolated lighthouse (I'd love that!) with their widowed dad "Conor" until being sent to live in the big city with the grandmother. The colourful narrative now follows the pair as they determine to get back home to their dad. Along the way, we discover that "Saoirse" is no ordinary girl, and that her powers, thanks to "Ben" and his fairytales, might enable both of them to engage in a challenge to free some magical creatures trapped in the realm of the humans. The animation is charming, the characterisations likewise - they are well developed and retain their innocence and childishness throughout. The soundtrack is also a thing to enjoy - a typically Gaelic affair with haunting melodies and jaunty themes that all add richness to this simple but intriguing story. This is a fascinating vein of legend that is really underdeveloped by cinema internationally. Here we have a delightful introduction to those stories and this really is well worth and hour and half of anyone's time.
Great watch, would watch again, and do recommend. The animation in this beautiful, and some of it reminds me (vaguely) of "Spirited Away", but makes more sense. I'm sure the relation is the sense that "Spirited Away" is Miyazaki's display of the Japanese fey, though it is apparently in several other movies (e.g. "My Neighbor Totoro", "Ponyo"). This is a movie of great tragedy and powerful feelings, but ultimately is about appreciating your family and people while they are there. There is charm and uplifting feelings to the entire situation: you're not just going to be depressed or moved. As the introduction of the fey start, it is very unclear what is real and what is magic, or if the magic is real. That surreal attitude to this child's adventure seemed to add to the charm of dealing with the situation. The only problem I have with the movie is this ambiguity, there are so many parallels (that often occur in fey stories) to reality that you can't tell if this is a story of how a boy imagined an adventure, or if it's a fey story full of hidden magic. The details they go into are amazing if you look. Even the tears shared between fey and human are different. The details go on, and while I'm not sure if the quality is better, worse, or just different to a Miyazaki film, I feel it was made with the same consideration for how the audience is supposed to feel as they watch in the same way he created.
If you ever watched 'The Secret of Kells', you will never think of skipping it. Though, people watch it in the interest of the Oscar connection. From all the nominees it is the clear winner according to me, even far better than the real winner 'Big Hero 6'. The American Academy Awards had failed to recognise the true ingenuity. That does not stop win the heart the of millions of children around the world. As for the adults, it makes you feel young again for a while. Lots of humour in it with faint emotions at the end along the kids favoured flavour throughout. Far East and far West film industries ruling the animation production, but Tomm Moore from Ireland is trying to open the new gate from the European division. Not many people are aware of him, one more movie and its success may lead to the greater heights for sure. This animation technics are very unique, but not the first time in the use. The character illustrations were cuter to enchant the young kids. Watching the movie is like reading a children's storybook with the large pictures everywhere and a couple of lines of words in the corner of the page. Like the anime in Japan and 3D animation in Hollywood, this would mark the Euro on the map. There are many animations are made and still making in Europe, but this one is the new perspective of hope to reach all the major and remote places of the Earth. Wish it moves in the right direction. If you had known how all the fairy tales work, you would feel you can predict this story because, you know defeating evil, breaking curses, the happy endings are the usual part. So what matters is the storytelling, how well the stories are presented on the screen. This film excels in that point, and the music is the another highlight of the movie. Whoever the music director/composer I must praise him. Almost a year ago I saw the trailer for the first time and I felt like I already loved the movie, mainly because of the music. ''Hold this shell to your ear and listen carefully. You will hear the song of the sea.'' In his earlier movie the director told a simple and short story extraordinarily, and still I hum that beautiful 'Aisling song' sometime. This movie had a wonderful adventure story of a boy called Ben and his little sister Saoirse. In the journey of running away from an owl witch, the magical creatures and an ancient seashell guide them a path. On the right time the title song makes the way to delight next 10 minutes of the crucial segment in the narration. I love the original version, in Irish even though I don't understand. It was good and catchy, even for the grown ups as well. Feels like, want to visit those places from the movie, but sadly our only option is Disneyland, huh. Disney and Studio Ghibli are the king and queen of fairy tale movies. No one would, but if you are mildly fed up of those, here the new dimensional fresh tales from the Ireland's folklore. Though, it sets in the modern world, but does not abandon to bring the key factors. Like the ancient meet the modern world with the same intensity. Kind of new to hear the words like Selkie, Macha etc., but, brand new for the people who live thousands of kilometers away in the different continents. Animation movie fanatics would love it, but if there are any children like niece and nephew in your home or visits you, watch it with them on that occasion and you would feel differently. 9/10
Here are some translations about the movie:
Песента на морето
В анимацията "Песента на морето" главни герои са митични същества от шотландския и ирландски фолклор. Малката Сърша е последната "силки", дете-тюлен, което може да живее в океана, но излезе ли на брега, съблича кожата си и се превръща в любимата сестричка на малкия Бен. И мъже, и жени "силки" са се влюбвали в човеци, но морето неизбежно ги притегля обратно към себе си. В тази история, разказана със завладяваща рисувана визия от Том Мур, Бен и сестра му трябва да потеглят на фантастично пътешествие през света, от който изчезват древните легенди и магията, за да успеят да се върнат обратно в дома си край морето. Сърша копнее да освободи всички митични създания, уловени в капана на модерния свят.
Language: Bulgarian
La cançó del mar
Aquesta història, basada en l’antic mite celta del selkie, parla de dos nens, Ben i Saoirse, que viuen en un far a la vora del mar amb el seu pare, Conor, encara consternat per la pèrdua de la seva dona uns anys abans.
Language: Catalan
Píseň moře
V bájné krajině starých Keltů žije na osamělém majáku otec s dcerou a synem. Život celé rodiny se obrátí vzhůru nohama ve chvíli, kdy se ukáže, že malá dcerka je poslední z tuleních víl. Jedině ona totiž může písní moře zachránit všechny pohádkové bytosti, které proměnila v kámen čarodějnice Macha. Po vysoce ceněné animované pohádce Brendan a tajemství Kellsu (nominace na Oscara) přichází irský režisér Tomm Moore s dalším kouzelným příběhem v celovečerním filmu. Nádherně animovaný svět keltských mýtů a nadějeplné vyprávění o síle rodičovské a sourozenecké lásky vynesly mladému režisérovi nejen srovnání s největšími mistry animovaného filmu, ale také už druhou nominaci na Oscara. Aerofilms
Language: Czech
Sangen fra havet
Da 8-årige Ben og hans 4-årige søster Saoirses mor forsvinder, bliver de to børn sendt til byen for at bo hos deres bedstemor. De beslutter dog hurtigt at vende tilbage til deres hjem ved havet, men rejsen bliver et kapløb mod tiden, og på vejen bliver de to søskende trukket ind i en verden, som Ben ellers kun kendte fra de folkeeventyr, hans mor plejede at fortælle. Men dette er langt fra en godnathistorie, og det står hurtigt klart for Ben, at deres overlevelse afhænger af Saoirse.
Language: Danish
Die Melodie des Meeres
Lass die Melodie des Meeres dein Herz wiegen …
„Die Melodie des Meeres“ erzählt die Geschichte des zehnjährigen irischen Jungen Ben, der herausfindet, dass seine stumme Schwester Saoirse, die er für den vermeintlichen Tod seiner Mutter verantwortlich macht, eine Selkie ist, die Feenwesen von der keltischen Göttin Macha befreien muss.
Language: German
Όταν η μικρή Saoirse, που παρά τα 6 της χρόνια ακόμα δεν έχει πει ούτε μία λέξη, ανακαλύψει ένα κοχύλι που ανήκε στη μητέρα τους, θα συνειδητοποιήσει πως η μαγευτική μουσική που δημιουργεί, αποτελεί τόσο ένα μέσο επικοινωνίας όσο και το κλειδί για ένα μαγικό μυστικό, κλειδωμένο βαθιά στο παρελθόν τους. Αφού ο Ben και η Saoirse πάνε να ζήσουν με τη γιαγιά τους στην πόλη, θα ξεκινήσουν ένα φανταστικό ταξίδι στον κόσμο του αρχαίου μύθου και της μαγείας σε μια προσπάθεια να επιστρέψουν στο σπίτι τους, τη θάλασσα...
Language: Greek
La canción del mar
La historia del viaje a casa del último Niño Foca. Después de la desaparición de su madre, Ben y Saoirse son enviados a vivir con su abuela a la ciudad. Cuando deciden volver a su casa junto al mar, su viaje se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo a medida que se internan en un mundo que Ben sólo conoce a través de las leyendas que le narraba su madre. Pero éste no es un cuento para dormir; estas criaturas llevan en nuestro mundo demasiado tiempo. Ben pronto se da cuenta de que Saoirse será la clave para su supervivencia.
Language: Spanish
آواز دریا
سائوریس از خانه مادربزرگش فرار میکند تا به دریا سفر کند و پریانی را که در دام دنیای مدرن گرفتار شدهاند، رها سازد…
Language: Persian
Meren laulu
Ben ja hänen pikkusiskonsa Saoirse aloittavat valloittavan matkan läpi muinaisen legendan hahmottaman maan tarkoituksenaan palata takaisin mereen. Elokuva perustuu myyttiseen irlantilaiseen kansantaruun, jossa ihmiset elävät maalla ihmisinä, mutta muuttuvat hylkeiksi meressä.
Language: Finnish
Le Chant de la mer
Ben et Maïna vivent avec leur père tout en haut d'un phare sur une petite île. Pour les protéger des dangers de la mer, leur grand-mère les emmène vivre à la ville. Ben découvre alors que sa petite soeur est une selkie, une fée de la mer dont le chant peut délivrer les êtres magiques du sort que leur a jeté la Sorcière aux hiboux. Au cours d'un fantastique voyage, Ben et Maïna vont devoir affronter peurs et dangers, et combattre la sorcière pour aider les êtres magiques à retrouver leur pouvoir.
Language: French
A canción do mar
Ben e Saoirse son dous nenos que viven co pai, Conor, nun faro da costa. Conor, tras quedar viúvo e para que os nenos estean mellor coidados, decide levalos a vivir coa avoa. Ben non está contento e decide escapar, pero entón descobre que a irmá del é unha selkie, unha fada do mar.
Language: Galician
שיר הים
מאז שנולדה סירשה היא לא אמרה ולו מילה אחת. ביום הולדתה השישי מגיעה סבתה לאי בו היא גרה עם אחיה הגדול ועם אביה ומחליטה לקחת את הילדים לגור איתה בעיר, שם כבר תעניק להם את החינוך הראוי להם, כדבריה. איש אינו יודע כי סרשה הינה נצר ליצורים מופלאים, היכולים להפוך לכלבי ים ולהם כוחות קסומים. זמן קצר לאחר שהם מגיעים לעיר, בורחים סירשה ואחיה מביתה של סבתא ויוצאים למסע הארוך בחזרה לבית, כאשר בדרך עליהם להתמודד עם כוחות אפלים, לשחרר את הפיות ולהציל את היצורים המיתולוגים הכלואים.
Language: Hebrew
Pjesma mora
Čuvar svjetionika Conor živi na otoku sa suprugom Bronagh i sinom Benom. Nakon što Bronagh rodi kćer Saoirse, nestane bez traga. Godinama poslije, nesretna obitelj je i dalje bez majke. Conor je slomljena duha, Ben krivi sestru za nestanak majke, a Saoirse je nijema. Uskoro saznajemo da je Saoirse jedna od preostalih Selkieja, žena koje se prema legendi pretvaraju iz tuljana u ljude. Pred njom je pak velika zadaća da oslobodi mitska bića zarobljena u modernom svijetu.
Language: Croatian
A tenger dala
A tenger dala csodálatos mese Benről és kishúgáról, Saoirse-ről, aki az utolsó fókatündér. A két testvér kalandos útra indul egy ősi, varázslatos legenda nyomában, hogy hazatérhessenek tengerparti otthonukba. A film az ír folklórból merített inspirációt: a mitológiai selkiek a tengerben fókaként élnek, de a szárazföldön emberré válnak.
Language: Hungarian
La canzone del mare
Saoirse è una bambina particolare, a 6 anni ancora non riesce a parlare e prova una strana e fortissima attrazione per il mare. Vive nella casa sul faro con il papà e il fratello maggiore Ben, spesso imbronciato e antipatico con la sorellina che ritiene responsabile della scomparsa dell'amata madre. La casa sul faro nasconde tanti segreti e oggetti magici, e quando Saoirse scopre due di questi, una conchiglia regalata dalla mamma a Ben per sentire il suono del mare e un vecchio mantello della madre, innesca un magnifico viaggio negli abissi marini tra foche e personaggi fantastici. Scopriamo così che Saoirse è una delle "selkies", creature magiche che vivono a metà tra terra e mare e che con il proprio canto possono risvegliare le vittime della strega Macha, private di emozioni e trasformate in pietra. Saoirse è la prescelta e con questo suo compito inizia un immaginifico cammino in cui Ben metterà in gioco la propria vita per salvare quella della sorellina.
Language: Italian
ソング・オブ・ザ・シー 海のうた
忘れないで 母さんは あなたのことが大好き ずっと
静かな海辺にある孤島の灯台で、お父さんのコナー、お母さんのブロナー、愛犬のクーと幸せに暮らしていた男の子のベン。彼らは、新しい家族を迎えようとしていた。大好きなお母さんから、「あなたは世界で一番のお兄ちゃんになるのよ」と言われ、ベンも赤ちゃんが生まれてくる日を楽しみにしていた。 優しくて物知りなお母さんは、ベンにたくさんのお話や歌を教えてくれた。巨人のマクリルと愛犬の物語や、アザラシの妖精セルキーが歌うと妖精が家に戻れる不思議な伝説、古い言葉で綴られる美しい歌など……。 ある晩、ベンはお母さんに海の歌が聞こえる貝の笛をもらう。うれしくて、笛を大事に抱いて眠りについたのだが、目を覚ますとお母さんの姿が見当たらない。 お母さんは赤ちゃんを残して、海へ消えてしまったのだ。
Language: Japanese
바다의 노래: 벤과 셀키 요정의 비밀
마법에 걸린 여동생을 구하라! 오빠와 강아지 쿠의 좌충우돌 어드벤쳐
전설 속 요정들과 함께 부르는 신비로운 노래! 마법에 걸린 동생을 구하는 오빠 벤과 강아지 쿠의 가슴 두근거리는 모험이 시작된다! 등대 앞 바다에서 살고 있는 소년 벤에게 아름다운 자장가를 불러주던 엄마가 여동생 시얼샤를 낳은 후 갑자기 사라진다. 몇 년이 지나도 말을 하지 못하는 시얼샤는 엄마가 남긴 나팔고둥을 우연히 불게 되고, 어딘가에 홀린 듯 바다로가 바다표범과 신비로운 모험을 하게 된다. 딸까지 잃고 싶지 않은 아빠는 남매를 도시의 할머니에게 보내지만, 벤과 시얼샤는 다시 고향 집으로 가기 위해 길을 나선다. 그러던 중 벤과 시얼샤, 강아지 쿠는 부엉이 마녀 마카의 함정에 빠지게 되고 위험에 처하는데... 과연 벤은 마법에 걸린 동생을 구하고 아빠 품으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
Language: Korean
Het Lied van de Zee
Ben en Saoirse zijn de laatste kinderen van de 'Selkies': vrouwen - bekend van Ierse en Schotse legendes - die kunnen transformeren van zeehonden in mensen. Nadat hun moeder verdwenen is worden Ben en Saoirse naar hun oma in de stad gestuurd.
Language: Dutch
Sekrety morza
Dziewczynka o imieniu Sirsza obchodzi swoje 6 urodziny. Nic nie wygląda tak, jakby chciała. Starszy brat jej dokucza, tata jest zatopiony w myślach, a mamy nie ma z nimi od dawna. Na domiar złego przyjeżdża zrzędząca babcia, która zamierza zabrać rodzeństwo do dużego miasta, które uważa za bardziej odpowiednie miejsce dla nich do życia. Po nieudanym przyjęciu Sirsza podkrada bratu muszlę, którą dostał kiedyś od mamy, i zaczyna na niej grać. Muzyka prowadzi ją do skrzyni, w której znajduje niezwykły płaszcz. Sirsza rozpocznie podróż, dzięki której zrozumie, kim jest i co stało się z ich mamą. W wędrówce pomaga jej starszy brat, tajemnicze świetliki oraz pół ludzie, pół foki. Wspólna podróż pomoże odkryć rodzeństwu łączącą ich więź i siłę, która tkwi w rodzinie.
Language: Polish
A Canção do Mar
Saoirse é uma criança que é a última das Selkies, mulheres que, de acordo com lendas irlandesas e escocesas, podem se transformar de focas para humanas. Ela escapa da casa de sua avó para viajar pelo mar e libertar criaturas mágicas que estão prisioneiras do mundo moderno.
Language: Portuguese
Cântecul mării
Language: Romanian
Песнь моря
Невероятная история Бена и его сестрёнки Сирши. Вместе они пускаются в фантастическое путешествие сквозь исчезающий мир древних легенд и магии.
Language: Russian
Pieseň mora
V bájnej krajine starých Keltov žije na osamelom majáku otec s dcérou a synom. Život celej rodiny sa obráti hore nohami vo chvíli, keď sa ukáže, že malá dcérka Saoirse je poslednou z tuleních víl. Jedine ona totiž môže piesňou zachrániť všetky rozprávkové bytosti, ktoré premenila na kameň čarodejnica Macha.
Language: Slovak
Песма мора
Филм говори о Бену и његовој млађој сестри Сирши - последњем детету фоки - који ће се упустити у фантастично путовање до куће преко мора, кроз заборављени свет ирских легенди и магије, света коме је потребно да Сирша пронађе свој глас и отпева „Песму мора“ како би спасила вилински свет од заборава.
Language: Serbian
Havets sång
Här är berättelsen om Ben och hans lillasyster Saoirse och deras fantastiska resa fylld av myter och magi för att hitta tillbaka till sitt hem i havet. Saoirse är en selkie, en varelse som både är säl och människa. Hon har tappat sin röst och som den sista levande av sin art måste hon sjunga havets sång för att rädda sitt folk från att gå under för alltid.
Language: Swedish
เบน ต้องจำใจดูแลเซียร์ช่า น้องสาวคนใหม่ หลังจากแม่ของเขาจากไป วันหนึ่งเซียร์ช่าค้นพบเปลือกหอยที่แม่ของเธอทิ้งไว้ ซึ่งแฝงปริศนาบางอย่างเกี่ยวกับแม่ของเธอ และเสื้อโค้ทที่ใส่แล้วสามารถแปลงกายเป็นเซลกี้ สัตว์ในตำนานพื้นบ้านที่มีลักษณะครึ่งคนครึ่งแมวน้ำ จนกระทั่งสองพี่น้องต้องไปอยู่กับคุณย่าในเมือง การผจญภัยของสองพี่น้องเพื่อหาทางกลับถิ่นฐานและค้นหาอัตลักษณ์เกี่ยวกับตำนานเซลกี้จึงเริ่มต้นขึ้น
Language: Thai
Denizin Şarkısı
Ben and Saoirse ufak bir adanın tepesinde babalarıyla beraber yaşayan iki kardeştir, fakat bir süre sonra babaanneleri ile beraber daha güvenli bir yere taşınırlar. Ben bir gün kız kardeşinin, bir şarkısıyla tüm büyülü varlıkları serbest bırakabilecek bir deniz perisi olduğunu keşfeder. Ben ve Saoirse şimdi en büyük korkularıyla yüzleşip tüm sihirli varlıklar güçlerini tekrar kazanabilsin diye kötü cadıya karşı savaşmak için yola çıkmak zorundadırlar. Tomm Moore'un yönetmenliğini yaptığı filmin senaryosu Will Collins'e ait.
Language: Turkish
Пісня моря
Маленька дівчинка на ім’я Сірша, яка вміє перетворюватися на тюленя, вирушає у подорож разом із братом, аби врятувати світ духів та інших чарівних істот, як і вона.
Language: Ukrainian
Bài Ca Của Biển Cả
Hãy để bài ca của biển cả làm rung động trái tim của bạn.
Selkie là một sinh vật thần thoại vừa giống hồ ly tinh, vừa giống truyền thuyết về các nàng tiên nữ hạ trần của Á Đông. Một người phàm có thể phải lòng một selkie, tìm cách giấu đi bộ lông của nàng và lấy nàng làm vợ. Nhưng mối duyên này thường chóng tàn vì một khi selkie tìm thấy bộ lông của mình, họ sẽ quay trở về biển cả và mãi mãi không trở lại. Mang đậm dấu ấn văn hóa Celtic, Song of the Sea là câu chuyện về hai anh em Ben và Saoirse, sống ở một ngọn hải đăng bên bờ biển. Nhiều năm trước, người mẹ hạ sinh Saoirse rồi biến mất trong lớp sóng bạc. Cậu anh Ben từ đó luôn trách móc, bắt nạt em vì cho rằng cô bé chính là nguyên nhân gây ra cái chết của mẹ. Người cha thì chìm vào nỗi đau buồn đến mức lơ là, bỏ bê hai đứa trẻ. Bà nội của hai em liền đón Ben và Saoirse về thành phố để tiện chăm sóc. Tuy nhiên, hai đứa trẻ tìm cách bỏ trốn về ngọn hải đăng và cùng nhau bước vào một cuộc phiêu lưu lớn...
Language: Vietnamese
故事背景设置在了现代社会,是有关于一个塞尔奇小精灵的民间传说,她是最后一个拥有着海豹外貌却能化为人形的生物,尝试着想要重新回到大海里——那是一个童话世界即将终结的时间点,所有只存在于民间传说中的生物全部在现代社会的影响下,愈加地堕落、腐败,他们根本就不想回去,可小精灵的歌声却是让他们回归的惟一办法…… 一个有点悲伤的故事,却以一种非常美好的方式呈现出来。
Language: Mandarin
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