The Pastorela movie has Fantasy, Comedy, and Romance genres.
Pastorela Film was made by Labo, Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, Fondo de Inversión y Estímulos al Cine (FIDECINE), Equipment & Film Design, and Las producciones del patron The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 made a revenue of $714,300. The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.
Agent Jesus Juarez (aka Chucho) has always played the Devil in his town's Nativity Play. This Christmas, when the new pastor of the church recasts the role, the two men engage in a battle between good and evil.

Pastorela Film Stars:
José Sefami as Tuerto, Carlos Cobos as Padre Edmundo Posadas, Héctor Jiménez as Muchacho Poseido, Joaquín Cosío as Agente Jesús "Chucho" Juárez, Ana Serradilla as Monjita, Silverio Palacios as Dr. Godinez, Dagoberto Gama as Comandante, María Aura as Reportera, Eduardo España as Compadre Vulmaro Villafuerte, Omar Ayala as Agente 1, Ernesto Yáñez as Dios "El Monaguillo", Eduardo Manzano as Cardenal, Rubén Cristiany as Arzobispo, Melissa Bahnsen as Magdalena Juárez, Bruno Coronel as Diablo adolescente, and Juan Carlos Bustamante as Asistente Tuerto 1.
Peoples involved in the making of this Pastorela movie:
and Emilio Portes (Director).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Desde que tiene uso de razón, el agente Jesús Juárez o Chucho, como todos lo conocen en su barrio, ha representado al mismísimo Diablo en la tradicional pastorela de San Juan de Nenepilco. Sin embargo, esta Navidad las cosas están por cambiar cuando Chucho no llega a la repartición de papeles organizada por el nuevo párroco de la iglesia: el exorcista Edmundo Posadas, con quien Chucho tendrá que entablar una feroz lucha, entre el bien y el mal, para recuperar lo que por tradición es suyo.
Language: Spanish
Language: Mandarin
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