Saturday, July 13, 2024

Despiser Film

Despiser Poster

This Despiser film has Fantasy, and Horror genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2003 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Having just been fired and dumped by his wife, life couldn't possibly be worse for independent artist Gordon Hauge (Mark Redfield)—until he wrecks his car and finds himself in purgatory, that is. Once there, he is attacked by fanatic Shadowmen and legions of Ragmen—souls being enslaved and bent to some dark purpose. Gordon is rescued by an eccentric band of freedom fighters, people from different times of history who lost their lives in noble sacrifice. They recruit the reluctant and befuddled Gordon and set off on a wild adventure through the surreal landscapes of purgatory to battle the Despiser—an evil being who now reigns in this seemingly God-abandoned halfway house north of hell and south of heaven.

Despiser Film Stars:

Mark Redfield as Gordon Hauge, Gage Sheridan as Maggie Hauge, Mike Diesel as Norman (as Mike Cuccherini), Mark Hyde as Last Shadowman / Jeff the Jumper, Doug Brown as Carl Nimbus, Frank Smith as Fumie Tomasawa, Michael Weitz as Jake Tulley, Tara Bilkins as Charlie Roadtrap, and Andrew Bartlett as Talking Ragman / Ragman.

Mark Redfield Photo

Those involved in the making of the Despiser film:

Mark Redfield (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Richard Dorton (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Philip J. Cook (Director), and Helen Cook (Costume Design).

Mark Redfield Photo Richard Dorton Photo Philip J. Cook Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

В капана на чистилището

Животът не би могъл да бъде по-жесток към Гордън. Той губи работата и къщата си, съпругата му го напуска... а после катастрофира с колата си и отива право в чистилището. Веднага след пристигането си, Гордън е нападнат от хората на сенките и техните легиони от измъчвани души. Спасява го банда борци за свобода - хора от различни епохи, обединени от благородната си саможертва. Гордън потегля на диво приключение из фантастичните пейзажи на чистилището, за да се пребори със злото същество, което управлява това забравено от Бога място, намиращо се някъде на север от Ада и на юг от Рая.

Language: Bulgarian

L'artiste Gordon Hauge vit un sale quart d'heure: quitté par sa femme, renvoyé, il finit par mourir dans un accident de voiture. Une fois parvenu au Purgatoire, il rencontre des âmes damnées avec qui il s'associe pour combattre le Despiser, une figure diabolique qui règne sur l'Enfer et le Paradis.

Language: French


《魔鬼至尊》讲述戈登本是一个普通的人,都没钱交房租被赶出来,他以外的遇到了幽灵人,没有被杀死,而且出了车祸不但没死,还回到了现实世界,引起了魔鬼 至尊的注意,发现戈登可以让魔鬼回到人间,于是,抓了他的太太做人质,逼戈登下地狱,一场你死我活的惊险鬼怪妖魔的斗争开始了……

Language: Mandarin

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