The The Tree of Life film has Fantasy, and Drama genres.
The Tree of Life Movie was made by River Road Entertainment at a cost of $32,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 made a revenue of $54,700,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.
The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father. Jack finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith.

The Tree of Life Film Stars:
Brad Pitt as Mr. O'Brien, Sean Penn as Jack, Fiona Shaw as Grandmother, Christopher Ryan as Prisoner, Wally Welch as Clergyman, Joanna Going as Jack's Wife, Jackson Hurst as Uncle Ray (uncredited), Erinn Allison as Mrs. Bates (uncredited), Irene Bedard as Messenger, Michael Dixon as Dusty Walsh, Jessica Chastain as Mrs. O'Brien, Michael Showers as Mr. Brown, Tamara Jolaine as Mrs. Stone, Savannah Welch as Mrs. Kimball, Will Wallace as Architect, Jodie Moore as Mr. Walsh (uncredited), Crystal Mantecon as Elisa (uncredited), Brayden Whisenhunt as Jo Bates, Kimberly Whalen as Mrs. Brown, Danielle Rene as Woman (uncredited), William Hardy as Jack's Work Colleague, Tye Sheridan as Steve, Hudson Lee Long as Mr. Bagley, Nicolas Gonda as Mr. Reynolds, Zach Irsik as Jack's Son (uncredited), Charlotte Biggs as 1950s' Woman (uncredited), Gregory Kelly as Prisoner (uncredited), Margaret Hoard as Jane, Kathryn Rawson as Capitol Secretary (uncredited), Debbi Tucker as Neighbor (uncredited), Mary Anzalone as School Teacher (uncredited), Hunter McCracken as Young Jack, Finnegan Williams as Jack @ 5, Michael Koeth as Jack @ 2, Laramie Eppler as R.L., Dustin Allen as George Walsh, John Howell as R. L. @ 2, Michael E. Harvey as Lame Man (uncredited), Benjamin Dane as Symphony Patron (uncredited), Scottie Jefferies as Businessman (uncredited), Carlotta Maggiorana as Ragazza-angelo (uncredited), Jessica Fuselier as Guide, Kelly Koonce as Father Haynes, Bryce Boudoin as Robert, Jimmy Donaldson as Jimmy, Kameron Vaughn as Cayler, Cole Cockburn as Harry Bates, Samantha Martinez as Samantha, Julia M. Smith as Beth, Anne Nabors as Rue, Tyler Thomas as Tyler Stone, Tommy Hollis as Tommy, Cooper Franklin Sutherland as Robert #2, John Cyrier as Bi-Plane Pilot, Erma Lee Alexander as Erma, Nicholas Yedinak as Nicholas Swimmer, and Matt Hislope as Clown (uncredited).
Those involved in the making of this The Tree of Life movie:
Brad Pitt (Producer), Jay Rabinowitz (Editor), Billy Weber (Editor), Zbigniew Preisner (Songs), Alexandre Desplat (Original Music Composer), Hank Corwin (Editor), Emmanuel Lubezki (Director of Photography), Jack Fisk (Production Design), Francine Maisler (Casting), Dick Bernstein (Music Editor), Grant Hill (Producer), Daniel Rezende (Editor), Craig Berkey (Sound Designer), Douglas Trumbull (Visual Effects), Sarah Green (Producer), Dede Gardner (Producer), Terrence Malick (Director), Jörg Widmer (Camera Operator), Bill Pohlad (Producer), Jeanette Scott (Set Decoration), Mark Yoshikawa (Editor), Susan Kirr (Line Producer), Paula Mae Schwartz (Co-Executive Producer), Steve Schwartz (Co-Executive Producer), Jacqueline West (Costume Design), David Crank (Art Direction), Donald Rosenfeld (Executive Producer), Nicolas Gonda (Co-Producer), Paul Atkins (Second Unit Director), Jean Ann Black (Makeup Artist), George Hull (Concept Artist), Hamilton Sterling (Foley Editor), Sandhya Shardanand (Associate Producer), Jeff Schwan (Stunt Coordinator), Merie Weismiller Wallace (Still Photographer), Erik Aadahl (Supervising Sound Editor), Will Files (Sound Designer), Justin Herman (Sound Engineer), Rebecca Fulton (Script Supervisor), Chris Scarabosio (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Michael Shand (Visual Effects), Bryan Hirota (Visual Effects), Joel Dougherty (Sound Editor), Darylin Nagy (Makeup Department Head), Trey Edward Shults (Intern), Kelly Nelson (Hair Department Head), Greg Eliason (Other), Kirk Francis (Sound Mixer), Vicky Boone (Casting), Roanna Gillespie (Music Supervisor), Mark Manthey (Gaffer), Suzy Freeman (Costume Supervisor), John Pritchett (Sound Mixer), Dan Glass (Visual Effects), Matthew Reale (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Paul Riddle (Visual Effects), Bradley Friedman (Visual Effects), Ivan Bess (Associate Producer), Nigel Ashcroft (Other), and Carlo Hintermann (Line Producer).
What Peoples Said About The Tree of Life Film:
A movie that wants to mean more than what is actually telling. Taking a lot of things borrowed from 2001, it doesn't even come close to have such a deep an interesting meaning.
Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life is an attempt to inject some cosmic wonder into the most mundane American story. In the 1950s, two parents bring up three boys in an American white middle-class, small-town existence. The mother (Jessica Chastain) radiates love and warmth, while the father (Brad Pitt) feels the obligation to be cold and distant in order to prepare his sons for the cruel world that awaits them. As we are informed at the beginning of the film, sometime during this mid-century upbringing, one of the boys would eventually die. We are also shown flashfowards to the present day, when the eldest son Jack, now a successful architect working in New York City, reflects on the death of his brother decades ago. There is very little conventional spoken dialogue in this family drama. The story is told through voiceovers on top of a rich series of images, these monologues representing the inner thoughts, doubts and fears of the characters. But Malick adds something on top of this, one of the most controversial turns in Hollywood filmmaking in recent years. Early on we are treated to a depiction of the creation of the universe and of life on Earth, from the initial clouds of gas right after the Big Bang to small nebulae, then big galaxies like our own Milky Way, the Earth as an inchoate ball of lava, life arising in tidepools, and then into the era of the dinosaurs. These special effects were created by Douglas Trumbull, best known for the cosmic visuals of 2001: A Space Odyssey. The titles of the film quote from the Book of Job: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth, when the morning stars sang together?" I get what Malick is trying to do here, that is, to show that the trials and tribulations of an individual human life are part of some vast unknown plan. Nonetheless, while I can understand this on an intellectual level, the film does not seem to reconcile the two layers into a single coherent plot. The film is indeed a visual feast on a first viewing (a high-definition release watched on a projector is nearly as stunning as 2001), but the The Tree of Life is much harder to sit through on a repeat viewing when one knows that it doesn't quite hang together. Furthermore, as thought-provoking as the story of the boys' 1950s upbringing is, the last part with its scenes of petty delinquency goes on forever and should have been cut. Finally, the ending which I won't spoil here is a total trope, not at all a fresh take on the meaning of life. At a time when Hollywood is widely regarded as stagnant, I can appreciate a director like Malick who seeks to do something unexpected, but I find The Tree of Life to be rather a noble failure.
**Visually grandiose and made with true technical and artistic mastery, it is a film with difficult and indigestible themes, which will scare the audience with its slowness and tiring atmosphere.** There are films that are made for some audiences and not for most people, the general public. This film is one of them: being what it is, it doesn't even try to capture our sympathy or attention. The film did very well on the festivals circuit and even won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, in addition to being acclaimed by critics and intellectuals. However, it was not understood by almost anyone but them, it seems extremely cryptic in its message and script, and it was not able to please the mass audience: the proof is in the fact that it received three Oscar nominations without, however, winning any, and not even have been considered by the Globes or BAFTA. The film revolves around a middle-class Texan family between the present and the 1950s, and focuses particularly on the figure of Jack, the couple's son. The film shows how he lives his childhood, the unequal relationship he has with his parents (a more tolerant and good mother, and a more authoritarian and disillusioned father) and the way both, each in their own way, they try to prepare and educate him. In between, we observe the way they react to the death of one of the youngest members of the family. The film seeks to relate all this to the search for a meaning for human life, showing us images of the planet's history, and others that refer us to various spiritual and metaphysical meanings. We even got access to the characters' prayers and thoughts. All of this is very beautiful and interesting, and I even liked the characters because they are believable, genuine, well-built, with a rich psychology and manage to capture the audience's sympathy. The problem is that this audience may not even be able to handle the first half hour of film! When cinema deals with philosophical and spiritual themes, it tends to make very meditative and slow films, which drag on and seem heavier than would be desirable. And this movie didn't even try to get away from that and make something minimally palatable. And as if that wasn't enough, director Terrence Malick decides to use a non-linear narrative that confuses us even more! Overall, the cast did a very good job, within what was asked of him: Brad Pitt is a strong actor, who draws fans to the cinema by himself. He seems quite mature and aged in some scenes, but I think the character demanded that from him, as if visually conveying how old and world-weary the character felt. Sean Penn is just as good at what he does, even if the actor doesn't seem aware of what he's actually doing! Young Hunter McCracken, at this point, managed to untangle himself just as well and with more of a sense of direction and focus. Jessica Chastain, for her part, is stunning, and the visual beauty and costumes were particularly sympathetic to her. On a technical level, the film really deserves to be named as one of the most significant of the year 2011, given its visual and aesthetic quality. The cinematography is some of the best and most beautifully executed I've seen in a long time, and that's all the more remarkable considering that director Malick tried to restrict the use of CGI and adopt other more conventional visuals to achieve the same results. We saw something similar in scenes from “The Fountain”, a film that came to my mind several times while watching this film, either because of the elaborate visuals or the spiritual and metaphysical theme. I also liked the sets, costumes and props, which were able to accurately recreate the atmosphere of the American middle class of the 1950s. The music and sound effects also do a very good job.
Here are some translations about the film:
لا شيء يقف ساكنا.
القصة الانطباعية لعائلة من تكساس في الخمسينيات. يتتبع الفيلم رحلة حياة الابن الأكبر ، جاك ، من خلال براءة الطفولة إلى سنوات بلوغه المحبطة وهو يحاول التوفيق بين علاقة معقدة مع والده. يجد جاك نفسه روحًا مفقودة في العالم الحديث ، ويسعى للحصول على إجابات لأصول الحياة ومعناها بينما يشكك في وجود الإيمان.
Language: Arabic
Дървото на живота
Филмът Дървото на живота проследява историята на семейство от Запада с трима синове. На фокус е животът на най-големия син Джак. Действието започва от най-ранното му детство и продължава до зрелите му години, а възмъжалият герой се определя като „една изгубена душа в един модерен свят”.
Language: Bulgarian
L'arbre de la vida
Res no s'atura.
Jack és un nen que viu amb els seus germans i els seus pares en la nord-americà dels anys cinquanta. Mentre que la seva mare encarna és un exemple d'amor tendresa, el seu pare representa la severitat, doncs es creu obligat a ensenyar-li a enfrontar-se a un món hostil. Així, aquest viatge que comença amb la pèrdua de la innocència arribarà fins als nostres dies, amb Jack ja adult recordant certs moments transcendents de la infància i la seva influència.
Language: Catalan
Strom života
Texas, 50. léta minulého století. Jack O’Brien si prošel dětstvím plným her a krásné nevinnosti. Dospívání mu však přináší rozčarování a vztah s jeho otcem, který by mu pomohl tímto nelehkým obdobím projít, je dosti komplikovaný. Jack je ztracenou duší v moderním světě, která si klade řadu otázek a snaží se v životě zorientovat. Kde je pravda? Co je věčnost? Jak vznikl život... Hvězdně obsazený snímek je poctou životu, přírodě a světu kolem nás, jenž se nám odhaluje jako symfonie. Postupně, obraz po obrazu nám přináší epický a dokonalý příběh, který je aktuální dnes stejně jako před více než půl stoletím.
Language: Czech
Oscar®-nominerede Brad Pitt og Oscar®-vinder Sean Penn spiller hovedrollerne i denne fantastisk originale triumf fra den visionære instruktør Terrence Malick. Den episke og samtidig intime historie følger Jack O’Brien (spillet som voksen af Sean Penn) gennem livet som den ældste søn i en splittet familie fra Texas. Pitt leverer en stærk præstation som den destruktive kraft i Jacks verden, nemlig hans komplekse og yderst autoritære far. Filmen, der er blevet hyldet som et visuelt enestående mesterværk af såvel anmeldere som publikum modtog ved dette års Cannes Filmfestival den eftertragtede Guldpalme og blev dermed en af årets mest omtalte film.
Language: Danish
Das weltumspannende, das die Welt zusammenhaltende Wesen vom Lebensbaum ist die Ausgangsidee von The Tree of Life, die hier auf eine scheinbar ganz normale Familie im mittleren Westen der USA in den 1960ern übertragen wird. Wir sehen die Welt durch die Augen des jungen Jack: neugierige, weltoffene, staunende Augen. Wie auch seine Mutter vermag er mit seiner Seele die Welt zu schauen. Sein Vater jedoch, ein Pragmatiker, trichtert dem Kind „die Realitäten“ der Welt ein, einer Welt, in der jeder sich selbst der Nächste ist. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen diesen verschiedenen Ansichten muss Jack im Zuge seiner Kindheit erfahren, dass das Leben auch düstere Seiten und viel Leid bereithält. Als Erwachsener ist ihm die Welt nur noch Rätsel und er eine darin verlorene Seele. Was ist der große Plan, was bedeutet The Tree of Life, und was ist Jacks Stellung im Universum? Das „Schicksal“ hält eine wundersame Antwort für ihn parat…
Language: German
Το Δέντρο της Ζωής
Τίποτα δεν μένει στάσιμο.
Το ταξίδι προς την ωριμότητα, κατά μεσίς της δεκαετίας των 1950. Ο Τζακ είναι 11 ετών, ο μικρότερος από τρία αδέλφια, και ζει σε κεντροδυτική πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ. Η αθώα του συνείδηση θα περιπλεχτεί από τα διδάγματα της καλοσυνάτης μητέρας του και τα ρεαλιστικά του πατέρα του. Η αθωότητα θα γίνει μακρινό όνειρο, αφού σύντομα ο Τζακ θα γίνει μάρτυρας αρρώστιας, πόνου και θανάτου. Ο κάποτε ευχάριστος κόσμος είναι πλέον ένας λαβύρινθος και η έξοδος απρόσιτη…
Language: Greek
El árbol de la vida
Nada se detiene.
Jack es un niño que vive con sus hermanos y sus padres en la Norteamérica de los años cincuenta. Mientras que su madre encarna el amor y la ternura en el seno familiar, su padre representa la severidad, pues se cree obligado a enseñarle a enfrentarse a un mundo hostil. Así, este viaje que comienza con la pérdida de la inocencia llegará hasta nuestros días, con Jack ya adulto recordando ciertos momentos trascendentes de su infancia, y la influencia de éstos en lo que él es ahora, y en lo que representa en su vida espiritual el recuerdo de su familia.
Language: Spanish
Elämän puu
The Tree of Life on ylistys elämälle. Se tutkii ihmiselämän piinaavimpia ja henkilökohtaisimpia kysymyksiä niin intiimin kuin kosmisenkin kaleidoskoopin läpi. Elokuvan impressionistinen tarina kertoo Yhdysvaltain Keskilännessä 1950-luvulla asuvasta perheestä. Tarinassa seurataan perheen vanhimman pojan elämänkaarta lapsuuden viattomuudesta aikuisuuden pettymyksiin hänen yrittäessään käsitellä monimutkaista suhdetta isäänsä (Brad Pitt). Jack (jota aikuisiällä esittää Sean Penn) tuntee olevansa modernissa maailmassa eksynyt sielu, joka etsii vastauksia kysymyksiin elämän alkuperästä ja tarkoituksesta. Malickille ominaisten kuvastojen kautta saamme nähdä, miten sekä luonto että henkisyys muovaavat paitsi yksilöiden ja perheiden elämää, myös kaikkea elämää.
Language: Finnish
Dans le Texas des années 50, Jack, âgé d'une dizaine d'années, grandit entre un père autoritaire et une mère aimante et généreuse, qui lui donne foi en la vie. La naissance de ses deux frères l'oblige bientôt à partager cet amour inconditionnel, puis à affronter l'individualisme forcené d'un père obsédé par la réussite de ses enfants. Jusqu'au jour où un tragique événement vient perturber cet équilibre fragile...
Language: French
עץ החיים
סרטו של טרנס מאליק. האבולוציה של ג'ק, נער בן 11 ממערב ארה"ב ושני אחיו הבכורים. בתחילה העולם נראה לו נפלא, אך החולי והמוות מכים במשפחתו. כמבוגר, ג'ק מתפקד כנפש מעונה בעולם קר ואכזר. רק בעזרת הבנת קסם הבריאה הוא מצליח לסלוח לאביו, להשאיר מאחוריו את העבר לחיות את חייו מתוך השלמה עם גורלו.
Language: Hebrew
Drvo života
Neobična drama o odrastanju i gubitku nevinosti
Film Drvo života je prije svega himna životu, koja otkriva odgovore na pitanja koja proganjaju čovjeka, kroz kaleidoskop intimnog i kozmičkog, od sirovih emocija teksaške obitelji do divljih i beskonačnih rubova prostora i vremena, od dječaka koji gubi nevinost do čovjeka koji spoznaje strahopoštovanje, čuđenje i transcendenciju.
Language: Croatian
Az élet fája
Öccsének korai halálának évfordulóján Jack O'Brien, a modern világ rohanásába belefásult építész visszagondol sorsfordító gyermekkorára, azokra a texasi kisvárosban töltött évekre, mikor elveszítette ártatlanságát, angyali édesanyjához és szigorú édesapjához fűződő kapcsolata pedig örökre megváltozott. Az emlékek felidézése közben talán nem csupán a saját, de az egész emberiség helyét is megtalálja az univerzumban.
Language: Hungarian
Jack cresce nell'America degli anni Cinquanta, con una madre affettuosa in grado di instillargli fiducia ed amore per il mondo ed un padre assente.
Language: Italian
Language: Japanese
სიცოცხლის ხე
Language: Georgian
트리 오브 라이프
사랑은 늘 그곳에 있었다
중년의 잘 나가는 건축가 잭. 그는 늘 같은 꿈을 꾸며 눈을 뜬다. 19살 때 죽은 어린 동생에 대한 기억. 오랜만에 아버지와 통화를 한 잭은 문득 어린 시절을 떠올린다. 미국 텍사스, 오브라이언과 아내는 세 아들과 함께 단란한 가정을 이룬다. 언제나 자애로운 사랑으로 아이들을 대하는 엄마와 달리 엄격하기만 한 아버지 오브라이언은 아이들에게 경외의 대상이자 두려움의 대상이다. 맏아들인 잭은 권위적인 아버지와 자꾸 부딪히게 되고 두 사람 사이엔 미움과 분노가 자리하게 되는데...
Language: Korean
De elfjarige Jack heeft twee broers en woont bij zijn ouders. Op jonge leeftijd lijkt alles hem toe te lachen. Zijn moeder is lieflijk en vergevingsgezind en zijn vader probeert hem klaar te stomen voor de harde wereld. Dat de wereld inderdaad geen prettige plaats is, leert Jack als hij in aanraking komt met ziekte, lijden en de dood. Als volwassen man wordt Jack een verdwaalde ziel in een moderne wereld die op bijzondere wijze zijn weg probeert te vinden.
Language: Dutch
Jack vokser opp som eldste sønn i en Texansk middelklassefamilie på 50-tallet. Hans liv skildres fra de uskyldige barneårene til søken etter forsoning med sin barske far og en kynisk verden. Som voksen prøver Jack å forstå hva som er meningen med livet og gjennom tilbakeblikk prøver han å finne svar på livets store spørsmål.
Language: Norwegian
Drzewo życia
Jaki jest sens życia? Duet najlepszych aktorów naszych czasów (Brad Pitt i Sean Penn) w filmie legendarnego twórcy kina – Terrence’a Malicka („Cienka czerwona linia”). Jack żyje wraz z dwójką braci oraz rodzicami w szczęśliwym domu. Rodzice otaczają go opieką i troską, a świat wydaje się być dla niego wspaniałym miejscem. Do tego z pozoru idealnego świata zaczynają jednak docierać mroczne aspekty życia takie jak choroba, cierpienie i śmierć. Chłopak zaczyna swoją drogę wiodącą ku dorosłości i przekonuje się, że w miejsce sielanki i beztroski przychodzi mu zmierzyć się z labiryntem dorosłego życia. Jack staje się zagubioną duszą w nowoczesnym świecie. Jedynym sposobem na wydostanie się z pułapki będzie znalezienie odpowiedzi na najbardziej fundamentalne pytania o sens wiary i powód naszej egzystencji. Będzie to wymagało podróży do najodleglejszych miejsc w czasie i przestrzeni – miejsc, w których nie był jeszcze nikt.
Language: Polish
A Árvore da Vida
Nada fica parado.
O filme "A árvore da vida", do diretor americano Terrence Malick, levou a Palma de Ouro, o principal prêmio de Festival de Cinema de Cannes A relação entre pai e filho numa família comum, inserida num contexto maior da história humana, desde o Big Bang até o fim dos tempos.
Language: Portuguese
Copacul vieții
Language: Romanian
Древо жизни
Our picture is a cosmic epic, a hymn to life
Мы наблюдаем за развитием 11-летнего Джека, одного из трех братьев. Поначалу ребенку все кажется чудесным. Глазами своей души он наблюдает за поступками мамы. Она представляет собой любовь и милосердие, в то время как отец пытается научить сына, что в реальном мире на первое место необходимо всегда ставить себя. Каждый родитель старается переманить Джека на свою сторону, и он должен примириться с их притязаниями. Действительность становится мрачнее, когда главному герою в первый раз приходится столкнуться с болью, страданиями и смертью. Некогда абсолютно ясный мир превращается в лабиринт.
Language: Russian
Strom života
Texas, 50. roky minulého storočia. Jack O'Brien si prešiel detstvom plným hier a krásnej nevinnosti. Dospievanie mu však prináša rozčarovanie a vzťah s jeho otcom, ktorý by mu pomohol týmto neľahkým obdobím prejsť, je dosť komplikovaný. Jack je stratenou dušou v modernom svete, ktorá si kladie množstvo otázok a snaží sa v živote zorientovať. Kde je pravda? Čo je večnosť? Ako vznikol život ... Hviezdne obsadená snímka je poctou životu, prírode a svetu okolo nás, ktorý sa nám odhaľuje ako symfónia. Postupne, obraz po obraze nám prináša epický a dokonalý príbeh, ktorý je aktuálny dnes rovnako ako pred viac ako pol storočím.
Language: Slovak
Vi följer den 11-årige Jack, som likt sin mor har en själ med stort överskott av ömhet och kärlek, medan hans far försöker lära honom livets mer hårda sida. Jack försöker balansera mellan de två föräldrarnas syn på livet. Han mister dock balansen när han för första gången i sitt liv möter sjukdom och död. Hans tidigare så sorglösa värld är nu en stor labyrint och det fortsätter långt upp i åren. Som vuxen är han en förtappad själ som försöker hitta fotfäste i livet men som hela tiden ändrar sig. Lugnt och försiktigt finner dock Jack fast mark under fötterna och förmår försonas med sin far och inte minst ta sina första försiktiga steg ut i världen fyllda med hopp och lycka...
Language: Swedish
Language: Thai
Hayat Ağacı
1950’li yıllarda, Orta Batılı bir aileyi merkezine alan film ailenin en büyük oğlu Jack’in, çocukluk masumiyetinin kaybolmasından başlayarak buruk bir yetişkinlik evresine geçişini konu alıyor. Tam bu geçiş sürecinde de babası (Brad Pitt) ile yaşadığı çalkantılı baba-oğul ilişkisi, öykünün merkezine oturuyor. Jack’in olgunluk hali (Sean Penn) artık modern çağda yolunu yitirmiş bir bireydir. Kaderin varlığını ve çıkmazlarını sorgularken, diğer yandan yaşamın anlamını bulmaya çalışır...
Language: Turkish
Древо життя
Ми спостерігаємо за розвитком 11-річного Джека, одного з трьох братів. Спочатку дитині все здається дивним. Очима своєї душі він спостерігає за вчинками мами. Вона являє собою любов і милосердя в той час як батько намагається навчити сина, що в реальному світі на перше місце необхідно завжди ставити себе. Кожен з батьків намагається переманити Джека на свій бік, і він повинен примиритися з їх домаганнями. Дійсність хмурнішає, коли головному герою вперше доводиться зіткнутися з болем, стражданнями і смертю. Колись абсолютно ясний світ перетворюється на лабіринт.
Language: Ukrainian
Cây Đời
Cây Đời kể về cuộc sống của một gia đình ở Midwestern vào những năm 1950. Bộ phim xoay quanh hành trình cuộc đời của người con cả trong gia đình, Jack,qua những năm tháng ngây thơ của tuổi nhỏ cho đến những năm trưởng thành đau khổ và vỡ mộng khi phải cố gắng hoà thuận với người cha kỹ tính và trầm cảm (Brad Pitt). Jack lớn lên trong sự giằng xé giữa hai tính cách trái lập, một bên là người cha đại diện cho những tình cảm ức chế của con người; bên kia là người mẹ dịu dàng, mềm mỏng đầy tình thương. Điều làm thay đổi cuộc sống của anh chính là cái chết của người em ở tuổi 19, anh luôn lạc lõng giữa thế giới, luôn tìm kiếm nguồn cội thực sự của sự sống nhưng có lẽ sự tự nhiên đã từng có sẽ không thể trở về.
Language: Vietnamese
故事开始于一个1950年代,生活在美国中西部的家庭,电影跟随着大儿子杰克的生命展开,穿过其无辜天真的童年到幻灭的成人时代,他力图与他的父亲(布拉德·皮特 饰)达成和解。杰克(成年时代由西恩·潘扮演)发现他在现代社会失去了灵魂,他寻觅生命的原初以及意义的答案,拷问信仰的存在。
Language: Mandarin
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